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1、ZTE-Ethiopia Representative Staff Guide Book中兴通讯埃塞俄比亚代表处员工手册Welcome to EthiopiaContents目录I. Guidance of Travel to Ethiopia出差埃塞俄比亚人员须知.3-5II. Structure of ZTE Ethiopia Representative Office组织构架.6III. Function of Department科室职能与接口人.7IV. General Regulation of ZTE Ethiopia Representative埃塞办事处日常管理制度. 8-1

2、81Working Time工作时间2Working Attendance考勤管理3Communication Fee通讯费管理4Dressing着装管理5Vehicle Management 车辆管理6House Management宿舍管理7Exploit income and economize expenses guideline办事处争收节支措施8Office work criterion 办公室文明规范9. Stationary and gift management 办公用品、礼品管理制度10. Guard management 门卫管理制度11. Going out 外出管理1

3、2. Weekly Meeting 会议13. Training 培训V. Working out assessment regulation 业绩考核制度19VI. Financial Regulation财务制度.20-21VII. Information Security信息安全.22VIII. Useful phone number 常用电话号码23IX. Emergency system 紧急应急措施.24X. Life guidance埃塞生活指南.24 Part I.Guidance of Travel to Ethiopia出差埃塞俄比亚人员须知Welcome to ZTE E

4、thiopia!您们好!欢迎来到埃塞俄比亚代表处支持工作!Caution: 注意事项:1、 Because undeveloped Financial System, usually, Credit Card is not accepted for withdraw and consumption except to by fly ticket. For temporary supporting people please prepare some cash.埃塞俄比亚金融业落后治安良好,信用卡除了买飞机票外基本不能取现及消费,请各位支持人员注意准备适当美金.当地货币是埃币(目前的市场汇兑比率

5、:100美元=890Birr)。公司汇率:100美元=877Birr埃塞是多民族国家,民族众多。当地语言是:阿玛哈里克语,官方语言是英语,绝大多数人可以用英语交流。2、 Addis Ababa is capital of Ethiopia; there is nice environment, especially the temperature always around 15-25 degree, suitable for dress business suit and T-shirt. rainy season: March and April, June to September. 首

6、都亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Ababa), 自然环境良好,气温常年在15-25摄氏度左右,3-4月为小雨季,6-9月为大雨季,雨季每天下午都下雨,气温适合穿衬衣或西装,夜晚有稍有点凉,穿西装夹克就可以了,请注意携带适量物品。3、 Address of ZTE Ethiopia Representative Office埃塞俄比亚代表处地址:6/F, Sevita Building, Bole Road, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia行政经理:王江峰联系电话 :00251-911-5762964、 Connection: 埃塞俄比亚代表处通讯方式: Tel: +251-11-618

7、7227, Fax: +251-11-6638509According to ZTE regulation, ZTE Ethiopia Office will arrange accommodation for each oversea supporting staff. When you arrive Ethiopia please register at Administration Department(Mr. Wang Jiangfeng) and Financial Department(Mr. Tian Guixiang),before you leave Ethiopia ple

8、ase clear your loan and take the certification. If you arrange your accommodation by yourself, your may involve in claim problems because financial department can not provide certification. 根据公司的政策,埃塞俄比亚代表处将统筹为大家安排海外支持期间的住宿。抵埃塞俄比亚代表处后,请亲身向财务经理田贵祥和行政经理王江峰报到;工作完成后,离开埃塞俄比亚代表处前需凭塞代表处办公室开具的证明向财务田贵祥处结清账务并

9、领取报销证明及住宿证明。如出差人员來埃塞俄比亚代表处自行安排住宿,财务无法给予提供住宿证明,请大家注意。The procedure as following: 具体流程如下:1、 Please inform Mr Wang Jiangfeng before 15 days to get the invitation letter for transact the VISA ,and also need to inform to Ethiopian Office colleagues (the inviter) about your information before 2 or 3 days

10、by E-mail, the information should include “travel application form of south africa”, arrive date and time,flight No and expected stay period. 來埃塞俄比亚代表处出差人员请提前15天邮件(邮件中请注明中英文姓名和护照号码)通知埃办王江峰发邀请函后办好签证,提前2-3天发邮件通知邀您前来的部门负责人,并提供“南非片区出差审批单”及抵达埃塞俄比亚代表处日期、预计离埃塞俄比亚代表处日期。如果办理埃塞商务签证(VB),需要准备如下材料:1.填写签证申请表1张,照片

11、1张贴在签证表左上角。 在表下方签名横线上用中文签名。2.邀请函,另邀请函必须传真至使馆(010-65325591),使馆没收到不能办理。(埃塞办事处在收到你的邮件后会及时把邀请函发送到埃塞驻北京大使馆)3.英文担保函(北办的签证专员张莹可以帮忙办理)4.护照原件及复印件目前埃塞驻中国大使馆一般只办理3个月的商务签证。如果时间紧急,在埃塞可以办理落地签证(VT)。在埃塞可以办理落地签证(是旅游签证),最好告诉签证官办理三个月的VT,否则在办理落地签证的时候会给你一个月的签证,请大家务必注意。落地签证费用是US$20。如果在埃塞你的签证到期,需要自行前往移民局办理签证续签,一般只续签一个月。一个

12、月后必须离境,不能续签。(办理续签时,因公签证和因私签证所需材料稍有区别,请直接咨询行政科签证专员)。如果你使用商务签证入境,那么你可以在埃塞办理工作签,具体请咨询签证科签证专员。 2、 The inviter should forward such information to Administration Department and send the confirmed information to Mr. Tian Guixiang、Mr. Wang Jiangfeng。并请埃塞办的邀请人把确认邀请支持人员的信息转发给王江峰,并把“南非片区出差审批单”发给以下两人:田贵祥、王江峰。3、

13、 ZTE Ethiopia Office Administration Department will arrange your accommodation and inform you about the accommodation place and airport receives. According to ZTE regulation the supporting member should accept arrangement. 然后由埃塞代表处行政办公室统一安排入住当地宿舍或酒店,会发邮件告知支持人员住宿地点及接机安排;根据公司政策安排,需住宿人员请勿提出任何住宿更改需求,代表处

14、原则上不接纳任何住宿更改需求;4、 After arrive, please register at administration department and take a office “address and communication list” and “Guidance of stay in Ethiopia”. You can take a mobile SIM card and conversion plugs by pay 50US$ deposit each. 请支持人员到达办事处后,找行政办公室办理登记手续并复印护照及签证作记录。王江峰将会提供相关的办事处通讯录及埃塞俄比

15、亚代表处工作生活指南,并可以领取一个当地的手机号码(需要押金50美元),然后需要自行购买冲值卡充值后方可使用。5、 ZTE Ethiopia financial provide exchange services for supporting member. You can exchange US$ to Local Currency, and you also can exchange local currency to US$ if you still have remaining local currency when you leave.埃塞财务为支持员工提供美元与当地币兑换业务。没有

16、使用完的本地币,凭原来换汇时财务出具手续,可以换成美元。财务室:田贵祥,电话:00251-911-682202。6、 Please go to administration department to take transportation expenses certification and register your departure date and time before you leave, accommodation certification can be take from financial department.支持人员离开办事处时,请务必到行政办公室备案离开的时间及填写

17、住宿证明,交通证明两张报销单据,并请办事处总代签字,以作报销的凭证。如有酒店费用产生,须出示发票核对记录,为财务结算提供依据。7、 Please return representative assets and take back deposit.归还以上提到的埃塞办的资产,并收回押金。8、 Please provide the authorized hotel invoices to financial department when you need accommodation certification.开具住宿证明单前,请向财务出示核对完的发票(由财务经理田贵祥签字);如果有必要,还将

18、进行财务结算。9、 Network setting 网络设置local area network setting局域网设置: IP : automatic 自动获取 DNS : Sever 服务器地址(shared printer公用打印机): 办事处提供无线上网,如网线不够请向办事处心思安全主管汪晓宇申请无线上网,网络密匙请咨询汪晓宇。Part IIStructure of ZTE Ethiopia Representative Office19Part IIIIntroduction of Department and Contact Per

19、son 部门及接口人1、 Marketing Department 市场科杨刚 mobile:00251-911-403995宣书正 mobile:00251-912-034868曾异峰mobile: 00251-911-402031侯东军 mobile: 00251-911-4036162、 Commercial and Technique Department 商务技术科Contact person Mr. Wang Yi联系人: 王怡 mobile:00251-911-5760063、 Administration and HR Department 行政科与人事科Contact per

20、son行政联系人 Mr.Wang Jiangfeng 王江峰 Mobile: 00251-911-576296人事联系人 Mr.Zhang Wenbo 张文波 Mobile: 00251-911-7996804、 Logistic Department 物流科负责埃塞代表处物流与总部接口、协助ETC清关、准备资料、提供海关信息、各代表处的投标提供最准确的物流参考。5、 After Sales 售后服务科Contact person联系人:Wang Xiaoyu 汪晓宇 mobile:00251-911-4035196、 Accounting and Finance 财务与融资Contact p

21、erson 联系人:Mr. Tian Guixiang 田贵祥 mobile:00251-911-682202Part IVGeneral Regulation of ZTE Ethiopia Representative埃塞办事处日常管理制度Working Time工作时间:Ethiopia Office 埃塞办:Monday to Friday 周一至周五,Morning 上午:8:30-12:00 Afternoon 下午:2:00-17:30Working attendance考勤制度:1. Anyone is not allowed to be later or absent fro

22、m work with any reason.任何人不得以任何理由迟到、旷工。2. All staff must sign in when on duty. If can not go to work on time because take holiday or business reason, please apply leave from the department manager before one day, also should inform the related managers and person who in charge of check on work atten

23、dance. Otherwise this will be deduct temporal score 5; if somebody comes late 3 times, he/she will be calculated absent of work for one time; and he/she will be fired when somebody absent of work for three times. 所有员工上班需值班保安处签到,如需休假或因工作关系导致未能按时上班,当事人必须提前一天向所在部门负责人请假,需要提前告知代表处相关领导并通知考勤人员记录,事后请假按迟到扣除当

24、月考核分5分,累计三次迟到算旷工,旷工三次做辞退处理。3. Employees card must be adorned on working time, later to work because not take Employees card will record as later or absent.埃塞办事处规定上班期间必须佩戴工牌,因未带工牌导致不能按时上班记迟到或矿工。如果不带工牌,被保安人员抓住一次罚款50Birr,请相关支持人员和办事处人员注意。4. Within the duration of working, if anyone or a team needs to le

25、ave office, must record the information in the team leaders notebook; and team leader must record the information on the whiteboard which put on the HR office when the team leader needs to leave office.上班期间,个人离开办公室需在team leader or section leader那里登记备案;team leader or section leader 离开办公室需在HR办公室的白板上记录

26、去向及原因。5. ZTE Ethiopia HR department should responsible for working attendance checking. They should submit last month attendance result on every 1st day of each month. Chinese staffs attendance should like following form and attached with visa information.埃塞办人事部门负责埃塞的考勤工作,每月第一天,分别上报中方员工上月考勤护照出入境信息和本

27、地员工上月考勤结果给埃塞办人事和财务。中方员工考勤作为补贴计算的依据请严格按照下表报送。 Communication fee通讯费:1. All ZTE staffs mobile must stand by 24 hours per day, if be fund twice switched off when connect to a staff, will be punished by deduct the communication fee standard of that month. 埃塞办事处任何员工手机必须24小时开机,如发现中方员工两次未开机,扣除当月通讯额度。所有支持及常驻

28、人员,可以到行政办公室领用SIM卡一张,押金50美元,离开办事处前退还SIM卡,并退还押金。2. Since Feb, 2006, financial department reject any communication fee claimed by personal. All Chinese staff should go to administration department to pick up communication fee recharge card according to their personal communication fee standard. The com

29、munication fee should be claimed at financial department by administration department by submit invoices and withdraw signature forms.从06年2月份起,所有中方员工,凡使用预付费卡的,必须按照个人通讯费报销标准到行政办公室购买预付费充值卡。Dressing 着装:ZTE Marketing department staff must ware formal dress. For male must dress Business suit and suit for

30、 female. 埃塞办事处市场员工上班期间必须着正装,男士(市场人员)必须着西装,领带;女士着套装。Vehicle management 车辆管理:1. All vehicles must be drive by professional drivers; anyone can not drive company car ,except somebody with the driving license and get the approval by general manager.上班期间所有车辆必须由专职司机驾驶;正常情况下办事处所有中方员工不得驾驶办事处车辆(有当地驾照的中方员工经国代

31、许可的情况除外).2. Fourth level managers are not allowed to drive vehicle. 管理干部(四层)不得驾驶车辆,请专职司机和其他持有合法有效驾驶证件的同事驾驶.Driving without driving license or drunk driving is strictly prohibited. Please abide local traffic law. Long-distance travel the car must by drive by professional drivers. Otherwise result in

32、accident will be punished and should afford the damage compensate by themselves. 严禁无证驾驶、酒后驾车,严格遵守当地的交通法规。长途外出必须专业司机驾驶。若因私自驾驶办事处车辆导致事故,所有费用个人负责。当月工资视情况严重情况予以处罚。3. There is a team leader for all drivers, responsible for arrange car for office use. The vehicle team leader arrange the car according to t

33、he requirement of each section, the user must sign the driver work out record after the task. Urgent demands please apply and approved by direct manager. Go to airport pick somebody who will travel to Ethiopia, the vehicle arrangement must by Ad. Dept, nobody can arrange the car by himself.办事处设有车队队长

34、(本地员工)1名,具体负责所有司机日常工作的安排。上班期间车队队长根据各科室需要分配使用车辆,使用人必须在使用车辆后在出车单上签字。 特殊有工作需要安排加班车辆的,需向主管领导申请,车队队长负责安排;机场接送客人用车由行政科统一安排。4. All drivers must dress up tidily, and waiting at drivers office at work time. The driver team leader should arrange the cars for satisfy the demands of Chinese staff go to/leave of

35、fice and overtime work on holiday. 司机要着装整齐,随时等候在出口处,不得发生让客户和公司领导等待和找车的现象。任何人不得私自安排车辆;车队负责各宿舍员工上下班接送。节假日期间,保证加班员工的接送。5. Vehicle repair & maintenance should fill “Vehicle repair & maintenance application form ” and approved by manager. 办事处车辆维修及定期保养,需要事前填办事处车辆维修及定期保养登记表,审批并申报预算。6. All car rent should a

36、pproved by manager and HQ ,according to ZTE regulation. Administration department responsible for manage all cars. Car rent should be claimed by administration department at financial department. 办事处车辆租赁需要按照公司租赁管理办法,提前审批,所有车辆由代表处行政科统一租赁管理,不得私自租用车辆,租金由行政科负责统一到财务报销支付。7. All ZTE cars should refuel by f

37、uel coupon. Every cars managers can take fuel coupon at administration department by record the reading of milometer. The fuel coupon should purchase by logistic department depends on request of administration department, personal purchase is not allowed, otherwise can not reimbursed. For special ca

38、se should purchase fuel should record at financial and administration department, and the expenses should claimed by administration department. 办事处车辆加油,需要到行政科签字领取油票,在首都工作期间的车辆加油,行政科负责领取和分发油票,登记里程表公里数。油票由物流统一采购,禁止私自加油,否则财务不予报销。特殊情况需要向行政科和财务备案,有行政科登记统一报销。8. Administration Department responsible for ma

39、ke monthly fuel expenses budget, in order satisfy the demand of ZTE car. The fuel coupon manager will be punished if drivers can not get fuel coupon and influence office business. Administration Department should make car usage report every month, include fuel expenses and mileage for each car, also

40、 next month budget.行政科负责每月的计划申报,保证在首都用车的油票供应。 如果发生在工作期间由于无法及时领到油票而影响工作的,对相关责任人人给出处罚。行政科需每月给出用车情况报告,包括油票使用、车辆里程登记和下月预算。9. ZTE drivers has the first responsibility for the car maintenance and usage.办事处司机负责各自所驾驶车辆的使用,保养,为第一责任人。10. Car rent must be approved by representative general manager and financia

41、l department. All cars must have insurance, legal license and certification. Without insurance the car is not allowed to rent. 租用车辆必须事前向办事处总代请示批准,并得财务批准方可租用;所租车辆必须各种证件齐全,有保险;严禁租用没有保险的车辆。11. All car rent must have formal contact and use ZTE Car rent contact model, approved by general manager and fina

42、ncial department, otherwise the contract is invalid.租用车辆必须签署办事处统一的租车合同,合同需经办事处经理或副经理审批、财务经理签字确认,否则视为无效合同。12. Long-distance driving out or over one day application, must approved by department manager and general manager first, and then apply at administration department, otherwise will be reject.用车时

43、间超过一天或者长途出车,必须取得直属部门领导和总代审批同意后,报到行政科申请。由行政科根据需要安排车辆,否则不予受理。埃塞办事处2006-3-7Important vehicle management Regulation 重要车辆管理制度:Car rent Contract 租车合同 Vehicle Utilization Form车辆使用表 Vehicle repair &maintenance application form 车辆维修保养审批及登记表 fuel coupon record 油票登记表,加班申请表 overtime application ZTE oversea vehi

44、cle security management basic requirement 关于海外机动车辆安全管理工作基本要求 附How to use safety belt 如何正确使用安全带 the danger of over speed 违章超速的危害 House management宿舍管理:1、 All house rent should approved by manager and HQ,according to ZTE Rental Management Regulation. Administration department responsible for manage all

45、 House. House rent should be claimed by administration department at financial department. Administration department responsible for the arrangement of all Chinese staff and supporting members accommodation, and make report of house usage. Long term vacancy and lack of house should be avoided. 办事处房屋

46、租赁需要按照公司租赁管理办法,提前审批,所有房屋由代表处行政科统一租赁管理,不得私自租用房屋,租金由行政科负责统一到财务报销支付。行政科负责保证办事处员工和临时支持人员的住宿和饮食安排,每月给出宿舍使用情况报告,严禁发生房屋长期空闲和长期短缺的现象。2、 All house owner should buy insurance for the house, this should be include in house rent contract. Administration department responsible for make contract with house owner,

47、 and the house rent contract should use formal ZTE house rent contract model. The furniture list must be attached with contract when landlord provides furniture, all ZTE staff have the obligation to reasonable use the furniture and maintain the house and the garden in good conditions. Administration

48、 department is responsible for the furniture, house management and maintains. 所有租赁房屋房东需要为房子购买保险,房屋保险在合同中体现出来,行政科负责统一签订租房合同, 租赁合同必须采用公司正式租赁合同模板。对同时提供家具的住房,必须附上家具清单,各宿舍居住员工有责任合理使用家具并使房屋家具完好,行政科负责监督。行政科负责宿舍管理与维修。3、 Administration department responsible for payment of water and electricity charge, telep

49、hone charge for each house be paid in time. Every house should have a house manager. The manager should be permanent ZTE Ethiopia office staff and the tour of duty is two month. He/she will service for this house such as collect expenses, make waste book etc., and also take responsibility for house

50、and car usage and security management. House manager also is responsible for the management and wage payment of cooker, guarder and cleaner. 行政科有一个专职本地员工负责每个宿舍的水电费和固定电话费用的按时支付。每一个宿舍均指定楼长,。楼长由办事处常驻员工或长期支持人员轮流担任,为期二个月,为大家的日常生活服务,如收集每月的生活费用,并记录流水帐,月底公开账目,日常的支出由楼长指定的其他人员负责购买。楼长和行政科House管理员同时为该HOUSE和车辆安全

51、的第一责任人。House管理员负责本宿舍的厨师、门卫和清洁工的工资的按时发放和管理。4、 Strangers are not allowed to enter ZTE House, especial the servants are not allowed take stranger to ZTE house. All servants must health, and guaranteed by thirty parties, also their ID and information should be copied. Administration department is respon

52、sible for arrange health checking if the house servants are hired by ZTE. 严禁带外人进入,特别是佣人带外人进入,雇佣人员必须体检合格,有人担保,留身份资料档案。行政科负责对各住房的临时雇佣人员提供定期的体检和办理相关的手续(如果是公司雇佣)。5、 For safety reason, anyone had better dont take stranger to house. Please be gentle when you meet friend at house, and dont influence others

53、. If somebodys life be influenced by such reason we have mentioned above, can complain to Administration department. If somebody be complained because he always takes strangers to house and influence others life, will be punished. 为安全考虑,宿舍常驻人员尽量不要带公司以外人员到宿舍,在会客期间要注意文明和注意安全,不要发生影响其他同住人员的行为。如有类似的情况发生,

54、可投诉到行政科处理,限期解决,如情节严重可报办事处领导处理。如因HOUSE居住人员经常带陌生人回家影响室友的休息或生活而接到投诉,办事处将严肃处理。 Exploit income and economize expenses guideline 办事处争收节支措施Office work criterion 办公室文明规范1. No smoking at Office area.在办公室不得抽烟。2. All staff should tidily dressing at working time. 上班期间请着装整齐。3Dont make a racket and dispute at off

55、ice. 不得大声喧哗争吵。4. Please respect each other. 同事之间请相互尊重。5. Please keep your office and desk clean and tidy. 保持办公室和桌面整洁有序。6Please check the office,lock the window and door,switch off the light when you are the last one leave office. 最后一个离开办公室请检查办公室并关窗、关门、关灯Stationary and gift management办公用品、礼品管理制度Anybo

56、dy can not purchase stationary and gift by himself otherwise the expenses cannot be claimed. Stationary purchase must be approved before purchase, after purchase should be recorded when in stock, and withdraw should be record when out stock. All stationary should be purchased by Logistic department

57、and distributed by administration department. Administration department responsible for each month expenses report and next month budget. 任何人不得私自采购。办公用品、礼品采购前需审批;采购回来以后需入库;个人申请领用时必须要有出库记录。办公用品、礼品由物流部门统一采购,物流科、行政科统一领取和分发。行政科负责统计上月的使用情况和下月的采购预算,及时报物流采购,保证及时供应,杜绝浪费。( purchase application form, in stock

58、 form, out stock form 附采购申请表、入库单、出库单) Guard management 门卫管理制度1. The guard is not allowed to leave his place with any reason on working time. Stranger should be refused to enter. Client should be validated by ZTE staff before enter. All visitor must be accompanied by ZTE staff, otherwise will be reje

59、cted. 上班时间不得有任何理由离开岗位。需加强安全防范意识,如有陌生人进入公司楼层,拒绝其进入;来人拜访必须有公司的人员陪同,否则谢绝进入。2. ZTE staff should be refused to enter if they are not take employee card.若公司员工没戴工卡上班,拒绝进入。3. Sign in should be refused if over the sign in time.关于考勤执行。严格遵照办事处的考勤制度,过了签到时间,不再允许当次的补签;如有急事外出或见客户,必须事先请假报告,迟到一次扣除当天补助。Visa and Fax M

60、anagement签证及传真管理制度1. Due to convenient for work , all the Ethiopian Chinese staff must transact Ethiopian work permit and temporary resident ID ,Ad. Dept. office VISA Officer Miss Zewdinesh Gizachew responsible this job. Mobile NO. 0911-623967.为了方便大家工作,要求所有中方员工办理埃塞俄比亚工作许可和临时居民ID,办公室外籍Miss Zewdinesh

61、Gizachew负责办理此项工作,联系电话:00251-11-6187227。2. Because each embassy have different rules for transact the entry VISA , so ,I cant give the whole rules in one sentence ,pls consult the VISA officer Miss Zewdinesh Gizachew. 3. 各国签证办理所需资料差别较大,请向签证专员Miss Zewdinesh Gizachew咨询。Going out 外出管理Any staff must appr

62、oved by manager before going out office or departure from capital. Otherwise will be record as absent or give some punishment.办事处任何个人或科室出游离开首都必须事前向办事处经理汇报,征得同意,否则视情节严重情况予以惩罚。Weekly Meeting 会议:There is meeting on everyday afternoon 6:00PM, all Chinese staff and department manager must attend. Leave request usually is not allowed without special reason, the last week of every month is whole staffs meeting, all staff must attend.埃塞办事处每天下午6点固定为办事处项目例会时间,无特殊原因不得请假,必须参加;每个月的最后一周周五下午4-5点为办事处全体员工例会时间。Training 培训:1. There are training managers r

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