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1、目录1. 工艺鉴定要求 41.1. 总则 41.2. 设计要求 41.3. 工艺鉴定程序 41.4. 工艺鉴定试验及试样要求 41.4.1.试样要求 41.4.2.试验项目及试样数量 41.5. 试验方法及质量指标 51.5.1. 外观 51.5.2.镀层厚度 51.5.3.结合强度 51.5.4.耐蚀性 51.6. 鉴定状态的保持 52. 批生产检验要求 52.1. 镀前表面质量要求 52.2. 镀层外观 52.3. 镀层厚度 62.4. 结合强度 6耐蚀性 6密级:秘密错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源范围:本规范规定了华为技术有限公司产品的钢、铜、锌合金等金属基体零件上镀装饰铬的工艺

2、要求及其质量要求。 本规范适用于装饰镀铬的工艺鉴定和批生产质量检验。简介:本规范分两部分,第一部分 工艺鉴定要求”规定了加工商必须保证的技术管理、工艺设施及产品质量水平要求, 用作对供应商进行技术资格认证和首样质量鉴定,是华为对装饰镀铬零件进行质量鉴定的依据;第二部分规定了正 常批生产条件下产品质量要求,是生产方控制批生产镀层质量的标准依据,也是产品验收的质量依据。本文所规定的电镀镍层,与以下标准中的镀层相当:标准号标准名等效的镀层类别ASTM B 456Stan dard Specificatio n for Electrodeposited Coati ngs of Copper Plus

3、 Nickel Plus Chromium and Nickel Plus Chromium铜+镍+铬及镍+铬的电解沉积镀层标准规范Service con diti on nu mber SC 2 ( Moderate Service )ISO 1456Metallic coati ngs Electrodeposited coat ings of ni ckel plus chromium and of copper plus ni ckel plus chromiumService con diti on nu mber 2 ( Moderate )GB/T 9797金属覆盖层 镍+铬和铜

4、+镍+铬电镀层服役条件号2 (中度)HB 5033镀层和化学覆盖层的选择原则与厚度系列使用条件II (一般)SJ 42金属镀层和化学处理层的分类、特性、应用范围和 标记使用条件一般DL2Cu20/Ni10/Cr0.3关键词:镀铬,镀层,耐蚀性引用文件:下列文件中的条款通过本规范的引用而成为本规范的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不 包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本规范,然而,鼓励根据本规范达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的 最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本规范。序号文件编号文件名称等效标准1.IEC60950-22In formati on tech

5、 no logy equipme nt- Safety- Equipme nt to be in stalled outdoorsUL60950-22EN60950-222.ISO 1463金属和氧化物覆盖层 覆盖层厚度的测定显微法GB/T 64623.ISO 2177金属覆盖层覆盖层厚度的测量阳极溶解库仑法GB/T 49554.ISO 2819金属基体上金属覆盖层(电沉积层和化学沉积层)附着 强度试验方法GB/T 52705.ISO 4042紧固件电镀层GB/T 5267.16.ISO 9227人工气候腐蚀试验盐雾试验GB/T 101257DKBA0.400.0021产品表面外观缺陷的限定标

6、准术语和定义:术语定义术语定义局部厚度在规定区域内进行规定次数厚度测量的算术平均值主视表面零件在装配成完整产品后处于正常视觉范围内的可见表 面生产批指冋一天在相冋条件下处理的、材料和形状相似的零件 的总和2013-04-17第 2 页,共 13 页 Page 4 , Total13密级:秘密错误!未找到引用源。1. 工艺鉴定要求1.1 .总则在对供应商进行工艺技术资格认证时、或者供应商有新产品首次生产时必须按本节要求进行工艺质量鉴定。原 则上,已经鉴定过的材料、工艺只需要提供相关报告。生产者的工艺质量必须满足第1节的要求。生产者的工艺设备、工艺流程、质量保证措施应在其主要的工艺文件中加以说明。

7、12设计要求按本规范要求进行的装饰镀铬工艺,对钢铁基体必须是电镀铜-镍-铬的工艺。生产者应保持并遵守经华为技 术有限公司(以下简称 华为”正式批准的工艺和检验文件。1.3. 工艺鉴定程序被鉴定的工厂必须完成以下全部试验工作,这些试验必须在零件批生产所用的条件下完成:试样加工(注1)表面处理(注2)试样检查及测试提供试验报告(注3)及试片给华为技术有限公司以便复验。注:1、鉴定用试样也可由华为技术有限公司完成并提供给被鉴定工厂。2、所有试样必须同时进行处理。3、试验报告的发岀者必须是华为技术有限公司质量鉴定部门认可的试验室或单位。1.4. 工艺鉴定试验及试样要求1.4.1 .试样要求材料:冷轧钢

8、尺寸:80X125X1 4 (mm)或 10 20 X125(mm)表面粗糙度:Ra 0.8 gm表面处理:镀铜+镍+铬1.4.2 .试验项目及试样数量下表给岀了工艺鉴定所需的试验项目和试样数量要求:试验项目试样数量(件)外观所有试样镀层厚度结合强度3耐蚀性铜加速乙酸盐雾试验3+3(仅对室内应用的零件)二氧化硫盐雾试验3+3(仅对室外外壳上的零件)注:其中三件为提供华为技术有限公司进行复验用1.5. 试验方法及质量指标1.5.1. 夕卜观1)所有试样均应按下列方法进行外观检查。在自然光或光照度在 300-600LX的近似自然光下(如40W日光灯、距离500mm处),相距为200mm350mm的

9、 距离下进行正常检验,也可以使用放大镜进行参考检验。为了防止试件反射,影响正常视线,允许用半透明白光纸, 隔开光源进行检验。2)镀层应是光亮、稍带有浅蓝色的亮白色,且结晶均匀、细致。3)允许在非工作面有夹具印。4 )主视表面不允许有起泡、麻点、粗糙、脱落、分层、斑点、黑点、裂纹、针孔、起皮、发雾、局部无镀层、 污迹或变色等缺陷。1.5.2. 镀层厚度1 )按ISO 2177在三个试样上进行厚度检测,分别测量铜、镍及铬层厚度。(有争议时,用库仑法测量铬层厚 度,按ISO 1463用显微镜法测量镍和铜层厚度。)2)每一试样的镀层总厚度应为30 40 gm,其中铜镀层为 20 25 gm镍镀层为10

10、 15 gm铬镀层不低于0.3 gm1.5.3. 结合强度1)在三件试样上进行镀层的结合强度试验。2) 按ISO 2819的挫刀试验”方法进行检测,每一试样上镀层与基体、镀层与镀层之间应结合良好,没有任何 分离现象。1.5.4. 耐蚀性1)在试样上进行试验。2) 对产品内部应用的零件生产:按ISO 9227方法进行8小时的CASS试验(铜加速乙酸盐雾试验);试验后, 在试样边缘以外的表面不能岀现基体腐蚀现象。3) 对户外产品外表面应用的零件生产:按IEC60950-22第8.3节的规定进行24天二氧化硫盐雾试验,试验后, 在试样表面不允许岀现黑点、绿点、或白色物质等基材腐蚀现象。1.6. 鉴定

11、状态的保持经过华为公司鉴定的工艺,在未得到华为的同意之前,不能改变任何可影响性能质量的工艺参数,否则将重新 进行鉴定.。2. 批生产检验要求2.1. 镀前表面质量要求1)应无严重油污、金属屑、锈蚀和氧化皮等;2) 零件表面应无毛刺、裂纹、压坑等因操作不良而导致的人为损伤;表面划伤不能超出DKBA0.400.0021 要 求;3) 装饰表面必须经过机械抛光(或其它等效的方法)处理,其表面粗糙度应为Raw 0.8。2.2. 镀层外观1)所有试样均应按下列方法进行外观检查。在自然光或光照度在 300-600LX的近似自然光下(如40W日光灯、距离500mm处),相距为200mm350mm的 距离下进

12、行正常检验,也可以使用放大镜进行参考检验。为了防止试件反射,影响正常视线,允许用半透明白光纸, 隔开光源进行检验。2)镀层应是光亮、稍带有浅蓝色的亮白色,且结晶均匀、细致、光滑、连续。3)允许在非工作面有夹具印。4 )主视表面不允许有起泡、麻点、粗糙、脱落、分层、斑点、黑点、裂纹、针孔、起皮、发雾、局部无镀层(盲 孔内、以及深度大于直径的孔内部分除外)、污迹或变色等缺陷。2.3. 镀层厚度1 )按ISO 2177进行厚度检测、也可利用 X射线镀层分析仪进行测试。厚度检查在零件上进行;每批零件都需 检测。分别测量铜、镍及铬层厚度。2) 对钢铁、铝或锌合金零件表面:凡能被直径为20 mm 的球接触

13、到的区域,其局部总厚度必须达到30 gm以上,其中铜镀层为 20 -25 gm、镍镀层为10- 15 gm、铬镀层不低于 0.3 gm;盲孔内、以及深度大于直径或开 口宽度的部分不规定厚度。3) 对铜合金零件表面:凡能被直径为 20 mm的球接触到的区域,镍镀层为15 - 20 gm、铬镀层不低于0.3 gm 盲孔内、以及深度大于直径或开口宽度的部分不规定厚度。4 )凡直径为20 mm的球不能接触到的区域,其厚度不作要求。5 )对螺纹紧固件:其镀层厚度必须符合图纸或GB/T 5267.1中的要求,大致如下表所示;其厚度检测方法按ISO 4042的相关内容进行。螺纹公称直径(mm)2.53810

14、 1214 22镀层厚度(g m)358102.4. 结合强度1 )每批至少检查一件试样(试样要求见1.4.1节)或样件。2)按ISO 2819的锉刀试验”方法进行检测,镀层与基体、镀层与镀层之间应结合良好,没有任何分离现象。3)对螺纹紧固件不要求此项内容。2.5. 耐蚀性1)每批至少检查一件零件。2 )按ISO 9227方法进行8H的CASS试验(铜加速乙酸盐雾试验);试验后,在零件表面不能出现基体腐 蚀迹象(白色、红色、绿色或黑色),但以下情况除外:a、允许在螺纹部位岀现有基材的腐蚀现象。b、 在深凹结构(深度大于开口宽度)底部,允许出现有不多于3个的腐蚀点,每个腐蚀点的直径规定为:钣金

15、或型材零件不大于 0.5mm,铸件不大于1.0mm。c、 在零件其它的结构棱边、角上,铸件零件允许出现不多于3个的腐蚀点,每个腐蚀点的直径不大于1.0mm ;钢、铜零件不允许出现腐蚀。)满足耐蚀性要求的零件,在镀层厚度方面可以不强制要求符合2.3节。2013-04-17第 2 页,共 13 页 Page 7 , Total13TABLE OF CONTENTS1 REQUIREMENTS FOR PROCESS AUTHENTICATION 101.1G ENERAL PRINCIPLES 101.2D ESIGN R EQUIREMENT 101.3 Q UALIFICA TION P RO

16、CEDURE 101.4 D EFINITION OF T ESTS ANDTEST S PECIMENS 101.4.1 Test specimens 101.4.2 Test Items and Sample Quantity 101.5 TEST METHODS A ND Q UALITY R EQUIREMENT 111.5.1Appearance 111.5.2 Coat Thickness 111.5.3 Bonding Strength 111.5.4 Corrosion Resistance 111.6 MAINTENA NCE OF Q UALIFICA TION STATE

17、 122 REQUIREMENTS FOR BATCH PRODUCTION 122.1P RE-E LECTRO PLATINGSURFA CE Q UALITY R EQUIREMENTS 122.2A PPEA RA NCE 122.3COAT THICKNESS 122.4BONDING S TRENGTH 132.5C ORROSION R ESISTA NCE 13confidentiality level: confidential错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源ScopeThis document defines Huawei sprocess requirements

18、and quality requirements for electroplating decorative chrome on such metallic matrixes as steel 、 copper and zinc alloy.The technical specifications are applicable to chromeplating process appraisal and quality inspection for batch production.Brief in troduct ionThis specification includes two part

19、s. Part 1 is Requirements for Process Authentication, which defines that the producer must assure the quality of technical management , equipment and product. We authenticate the technical qualification and the quality of the first specimen using the specification, which is the authentication eviden

20、ce of nickel-plating part of HUAWEI. The part 2 defines the quality requirement of the product in common series production, which is the evidence for the quality control of series production, also, is the quality evidence of product admittance.Key wordsChrome Plating , coat, corrosion resistanceRefe

21、re need Docume ntsThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this specification. For dated references, subsequent amendments, excluding corrections, to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties

22、 to agreements based on this specification are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents. For undated references, thelatest edition of the normative document referred toapplies.NoDoc No.Doc TitleEquivale nt1.IEC60950-22Information techn

23、ology equipmentSafety Equipment to be installed outdoorsUL60950-22EN60950-222.ISO 1463Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical methodGB/T 64623.ISO 2177Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness -Coulometric method by anodic dissolutionGB/T 49554.ISO 2

24、819Metallic coatings on metallic substrates -Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings -Review of methods available for testing adhesionGB/T 52705.ISO 4042Fasteners-Electroplated coatingsGB/T 5267.16.ISO 9227Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray testsGB/T 101257DKBA0.400.0021

25、Cosmetic Standard for Product SurfacesTer m&Defi niti onTermDefin iti onLocal thick nessThe arithmetic mean value of the thickness measured in specified numberTermDefin iti onof times and specified area.mai n-view surfaceThe visible surface with in the no rmal visual field whe n the parts have bee n

26、 assembled into in tegral products.BatchThe totaling of parts with similar material and shape treated in the same day un der the same con diti on.2013-04-17i Confidential第 10 页,共 13 页 Page 10 , Total13confidentiality level: confidential错误!未找到引用源。1 Requireme nts for Process Authe nticati on1.1 Genera

27、l Prin ciplesThe process authentication must be carried out for supplier according to requirements described in this chapter when competence of the supplier is being authenticated or the new products are being manufactured. equipment and quality meet the requirements in section 1.Producer shall expl

28、ain the equipment used, the process flow and the quality control measures in the main process documents. Producer shall ensure that their processes.1.2 Desig n Requireme ntAs stipulated by the technical specifications herein, the steel & iron ma trix must undergo the following process: electroplate

29、copper, nickel, and chrome. The producer should abide by the process documents and inspection documents approved by Huawei officially.1.3 Qualificati on ProcedureThe factory to be appraised should complete all the following tests upon condition that the parts are produced in batches.Sample processin

30、g (Note 1)Surface treatment (Note 2)Sample inspection and testThe test report (for details, see Note 3) and test pieces should be provided to Huawei for the purpose of reinspection.Note 1: The test pieces can be arranged and provided by Huawei for the factory.Note 2: All samples must be processed at

31、 a time.Note 3: The test report must be released by a laboratory or institution recognized by Huawei s quality appraisal department.1.4 Defin iti on of Tests and Test Specime ns1.4.1 Test specime nsMaterial: 20 Cold rolled steelSize: 80 x 125 x 1 to 4 (mm) or 10 to 20 x 125 (mm)Surface roughness: Ra

32、 0;8nSurface Treatment: Electroplate copper, nickel, and chrome.1.4.2 Test Items and Sample Qua ntityFollowing table shows requirements for test items and sample quantity in process qualification.Test ItemsSample Qua ntityAppearanceAll samplesThickness of coating3Binding strength3Corrosi on resista

33、neecopper accelerated acetic acid salt spray test3+3 (only for the part indoor using )SO2 salt spray test3+3 (only for the part outdoor using )notes :Three samples are provided to Huawei for the purpose of reinspection.1.5 Test Methods and Quality Requireme nt1.5.1 Appeara neea) All the test specime

34、ns must go through visual examination as follow:The test specimens must be checked up in natural beam or similar beam with luminosity between 300600LX, such as the 40W fluorescent lamp with distance 500mm. The visual distance is between 200350mm. Also you can use the magnifier for reference. In case

35、 of specimens reflection for our judgement, the semi- transparent white-light paper can be used to space out the disturbance of lamp-house.2) The coating should be lustrous with a little light blue, and the crystallization should be even and tiny.3) Clamp marks are allowed in a non-working surface.4

36、) The following flaws are not allowed in the primary vision surface: bubble, pocking mark, roughness,fall-off, delamination, spot, macula, crackle, pinhole, peeling, mould, no coating locally, stain, and discoloration.1.5.2 Coat Thick ness1) Measure the thickness of three samples in accordance with

37、ISO 2177, and measure the thickness of the copper coating, nickel coating, and chrome coating respectively. (in case of controversy, measure the thickness of the chrome coating through the coulometry, and measure the thickness of the nickel coating and copper coating respectively through a microscop

38、e in accordance with ISO 1463)-m. Specifically speaking, the Jm in thickness, and the chrome2) For each sample, the total thickness of the coatings should be 30 to 40 copper coating is 20 to 25 h in thickness, the nickel coating is 10 to 15 coating is at least 0.3 in thickness.1.5.3 Bon di ng Stre n

39、gth1) Test the bonding strength of the coatings for the three samples.2) Use the file test methodology as described in ISO 2819. In each sample, the coatings should be bound to the matrix well and the coatings should also be bound to each other.1.5.4 Corrosi on Resista nee1) Three samples undergo th

40、e corrosion-resistance test.2) For the production inside using, Conduct an eight-hour copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray testing (CASS test) in accordance with ISO 9227. After the test is complete, no matrix should be corroded in the surface beyond the edge of the sample.3 ) For the outdoor p

41、roduction outside using, Conduct an 24-days SO2 salt spray testing in accordance with IEC60950-22 issue 8.3. After the test is complete, no matrix should be corroded with black、green orwhite spots in the surface .1.6 Mai ntenance of Qualificati on StateWithout prior consent of Huawei s process depar

42、tment or quality inspection department, do not modify theprocess parameters of any process appraised by Huawei, which may affect its performance quality. Otherwise, the process has to be appraised again.2 Requirements for Batch Production2.1 Pre-Electroplat ing Surface Quality Requireme nts1) No ser

43、ious oil stain, metal particles, rust, or oxide skin is allowed.2) Various misoperations-caused damages (burr, crackle, or indentation) are not allowed in the surface of every part. The superficial scratch should not exceed the range allowed by DKBA0.400.0021.3) The decorative surface should undergo

44、 the mechanical polishing treatment (or equivalent), and the surface roughness Ra should be not higher than Appeara nee1) All the test specimens must go through visual examination as follow:The test specimens must be checked up in natural beam or similar beam with luminosity between 300600LX

45、, such as the 40W fluorescent lamp with distance 500mm. The visual distance is between 200350mm. Also you can use the magnifier for reference. In case of specimens reflection for our judgement, the semi- transparent white-light paper can be used to space out the disturbance of lamp-house.2) The coat

46、ing should be lustrous with a little light blue, and the crystallization should be even, tiny, sleek, and continuous.3) Clamp marks are allowed in a non-working surface.4) The following flaws are not allowed in the primary vision surface: bubble, pocking mark, roughness, fall-off, delamination, spot

47、, macula, crackle, pinhole, peeling, mould, no coating locally (except in a blind hole or in a hole with its depth greater than its diameter), stain, and discoloration.2.3 Coat Thick ness1) Measure the thickness of the samples respectively in accordance with ISO 2177 or by using an X-ray coating ana

48、lyzer. Thickness measurement is made in the parts. Every batch of parts should be measured. The thickness of the copper coating, nickel coating, and chrome coating should be measured respectively.2) For the surface of the parts made of steel & iron or zinc alloy, the total local thickness should be

49、at least30 卩 m in any area accessible to a ball with a diamete r of 20 mm (specifically speaking, the copper coating is 20 to 25-m in thickness, the nickel coating is 10 to 15卩 m in thickness, and the chrome coating is atleast 0.3 卩 min thickness). No specific thickness is required in a blind hole o

50、r in a hole with its depth greater than its diameter or opening width.3 ) For the surface of the parts made of copper alloy: For the area accessible to the ball with a diameter of20mm, the nickel coating should be 15 to 20卩 m in thickness, and the chrome coating should beat least0.3 卩 m in thickness

51、. No specific thickness is required in a blind hole or in a hole with its depth greater than its diameter or opening width.4 ) No specific thickness is required in an area that is not accessible to a ball with a diameter of 20 mm.5 ) For a threaded fastener, the thickness of coatings must come up to

52、 the requirements stipulated in the design drawing or ISO 4042, as described in the following table. The thickness can be measured by using a method stipulated in ISO 4042.Nominal diameter of one thread (mm) 2.53810 1214 22Thickness of coating (卩m)358102.4 Bon di ng Stre ngth1) Among every batch of

53、parts, at least one sample or test piece (for details on its requirements, refer to Section 错误!未找到引用源。)should be tested.2) Use the file test methodology as described in ISO 2819. In each sample, the coatings should be bound to the matrix well and the coatings should also be bound to each other.3) No

54、 such requirements are placed upon the threaded fasteners.2.5 Corrosi on Resista nee1) At least one test specimen should be checked each batch.2) Following a CASS test of 8 hours(copper accelerated acetic acid salt spray test as per ISO 9227), no base corrosion phenomenon with white 、red、green or bl

55、ack spots must be detected. The following defects are allowed:a、base corrosion phenomenon on screw thread;b、less than 3 spots corrosion are allowed in the bottom of concave machinery, and the specific diameter of the spots is less than 0.5mm for sheet and profile parts and less than 1.0mm for castin

56、g parts.c、On the edges and corners, the corrosion is allowed less than 3 spots for the casting parts with the diameter less than 1.0mm, but any corrosion is not allowed for steel and copper parts.3) The requirement of coat thickness is not specified according to section 2.3 when the part meets the Corrosion Resistance specification.2013-04-17i Confidential第 10 页,共 13 页 Page 14 , Total13

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