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1、善英教育JinGYinGJIROYU中小学个性化辅导英语学教案 8B Unit2 Travelling (2)Reading I【教学目标】1 .了解Kitty的香港之行。2 .扩展词汇谈论旅行中的见闻和活动。【教学重点难点】1 .扩展词汇谈论旅行中的见闻和活动。【课前准备】Taskl:在课文P22-23中划出以下新词汇:miss想念,思念:fantastic极好的,美妙的;indoor (在) 室内的;roller coaster (游乐场的)过山车,环滑车;speed速度;ride乘坐(游乐设旅);cartoon归通片, 动画片;character人物;such这样的(人或物);such

2、as例如;parade (庆祝)游行;magic魔法;pie派. 馅饼;feel感觉到,意识到;couple两人,两件事物,儿个人,儿件事物;a couple of 一对,几个,几件;at the end. of在末尾;castle城堡:根据音标读一读,背一背,把仍然不会读的生词写下来_Task2:充分预习,完成以下练习:1) I(想念)my parents very much while I was studying in Nanjing.2) He could(骑)a horse when he was only a child.3) Most children like (卡通)char

3、acters.4) Take the teachers advice, youll(感觉)better soon.5) My friend Sally is (这样的)a kind girl.Task3:在P22-25中划出以下短语句子(1-34),读一读,背一背。试试看,你一定行!I .香港之行 a trip to Hong Kong2 .我们自从上周以来就没见过面。We havent seen each other, since last week.3 .如此想你 miss you so much4 .我和我的父母已经在香港两天了 My parents and I have been in

4、 Hong Kong for two days.5 .玩得开心 have a fantastic/ good / wonderful time = have fun = enjoy oneself6 .整天在迪斯尼 spend the whole day at Disney7 .乘地铁到公园 get to the park by underground8 .黑暗中的室内过山车 an indoor roller coaster in the dark9 .高速运行 move at high speed10 .确实让人兴奋 be really exciting11 .整个旅程中我们尖叫着,大笑着。

5、Wc were screaming and laughing through the ride。12 .匆匆忙忙到某地 hurry to. sp =go to sp. in a hurry13 .很快吃饭 have a quick meal14 .在路上 on the way1 5.一些迪斯尼卡通人物 some Disney cartoon characters16 .例如 such as17 .变得激动 get excited18 .迪斯尼卡通人物巡游 a parade of Disney characters19 .卜午晚些时候 later in the afternoon20 .这是,天

6、中最好的局部。It was the best part of the day.21 .跟着某人跑runaflersb22 .忍不住拍照 cairt stop taking photos (情不自禁做某事 cant stop doing sth.)善英教育JinGYinGJIROYU中小学个性化辅导23 .看一步4D 电影 watch a 4-D film24 .象魔术 be like magic25 .我们甚至能闻到道苹果派和感觉到风.We could even smell (he apple pie and feel the wind.26 .为同学买几个钥匙扣 buy a couple o

7、f key rings for classmates27 .我确信你会喜欢它们的。I,m sure yoirll love them.28 .在一天的末尾 at (he end of the day29 .在睡美人城堡前观看烟花 watch the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle.30 .在焰火中看起来明亮而美丽 look bright and beautiful under the fireworks31 .我知道你已经去 了海南。I know youve gone to Hainan.32 .希望你在那里玩得开心! Hope you

8、ve enjoyed yourself there!33 .你和谁一起去 了 香港? Who did you go to Hang Kong with?34 .你在公园里待 了 多久? How long did you stay in the park?Task4:独立完成课谍练课时2,如果不会做好记号。Task5:利用身边的磁带,听一听课文内容,完成书P24 Part B2“Task6:朗读课文多遍,分别完成P2425PartBl、B3。Task7:通读课文并合作完成P25 Part B4。在预习过程.中,你遇到了哪些问题?如果有问题,请在序号前做好记号。【课堂活动】讨论并依次完成“课前准备

9、”局部。【随堂巩固】检测一下,看看你掌握了多少知识。A: l.My classmate and I (took/ spent/ cost/ had) the whole day in the zoo.2.Disneyland in the USA is so (interesting/ interested) that no one feels (boring/ bored)3.1 (have come/ have been) here for three y ears.4 .Dad bought many stationary for my cousin, (such as/ for exa

10、mple) pens, pencils and rulers.5 .My uncle has taught in (his school (since/ after/ for/ until) he was twenty years old.%完成优学有道。【课后反思】向想本课所学内容,你学到了哪些?你还有什么疑问?善英教育jinsvinojiROYU中小学个性化辅导英语学教案 8B Unit2 Travelling (3)Reading II执笔:周姣萍 八年级英语备课组课型:新授课时:1【教学目标】I.扩展词汇.谈论旅行中的见闻和活动。2. 了解掌握本课的知识重点。【教学重点难点】了解掌握本

11、课的知识重点。【课前准备】Taskl:交流检测单词的掌握。Task2:读一读,背一背以下短语句子。试试看,你一定行!1 .我和我的父母已经在香港两天了 My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for two days.2 .黑暗中的室内过山车 an indoor roller coaster in (he dark3 .整个旅程中我们尖叫着,大笑着。We were screaming and laughing through the ride。4 .匆匆忙忙到某地hurry to sp5 .很快吃饭 have a quick meal6 .迪斯尼卡通人物

12、巡游 a parade of Disney characters7 .下午晚些时候later in the afternoon8 .这是天中最好的局部。It was the best part of the day.9 .忍不住拍照cant stop taking photos10 .象魔术be like magic11 .我们甚至能闻到道苹果派和感觉到风.We could even smell (he appl e pie and feel the wind.12 .为同学买几个钥匙扣 buy a couple of key rings for classmates13 .在焰火中看起来明亮

13、而美丽look bright and beautiful under the fireworks14 .我知道你已经 i 了海南。I know youve gone to Hainan.15 .你和谁一起去 了 香港?Who did you go to Hang Kong with?16 .从我家到学校大概20分钟的车程.Its about 20 minutes bus ride from my home to school.17 .请给我儿分钟。Please give me a couple of minutes.18 .没有足够的睡眠在青少年中已是最大问题。.Not having enou

14、gh sleep has become the biggest problem among the teenagers.19 .看,过山车正以多高的速度行驶啊!Look, how high speed the roller coaster is moving at !20 .我们急忙赶到饭店,匆忙吃了 一顿饭。Wc hurried to the restaurant to have a quick meal.21 .这是我曾看过的最好的电影。This is the most fantastic film I have ever seen.22 .警观察到几个小偷跑出大楼,立刻追赶。When t

15、he police saw a couple of thieves run out of the building, they ran after them at once.Task3:朗读并争取背诵书本P22-23课文。Task4:重点难点解析: miss 走!念,思念eg: When I am abroad, I miss my parents. miss 错过,没赶上eg: Hurry up, or you may miss the train. fantastic极好的,美好的 have a fantastic/ wonderful/ good/ great time善英教育jinsv

16、inojiROYU中小学个性化辅导eg: I have a fantastic social life . 我的社交生活 K富多彩。speed (n)速度speed up加速at high/ low/ full speed以高7低/全速at a speed of +具体数字 kilometer(s)/ mile(s) + an hour/ a minute以每小时/分钟多少千米/英里的速度eg: In the past 20 years, China has developed at high speed.在过去20年中,中国,一直在高速开展。eg: We were travelling at

17、 a speed of 30 miles an hour.我们以每小时 30 英里的速度前进。through 穿过,通过;自始至终,从头到尾eg: After the storm the sun broke through the clouds.风暴过后太阳冲破了云层。eg: The river runs through our village.这条河流过我们的村子。ride (rode, ridden) 乘坐(游乐设施),(乘车或汽车的)短途旅程eg: All my family enjoyed (he car ride, eg: He ga ve me a ride lo the mark

18、et.can,t stop doing sth 忍不住做某事我们全家都享受汽车旅程。他让我搭车去市场。can,t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事eg: Jenny is so outgoing that she cant stop talking. Jenny 如此外向,以至于忍不住讲话。 eg: When we saw the beautiful view, we couldnt help taking photos.magic 魔术 magical魔法的,有魔力的,迷人的(adj)你喜欢刘谦的魔术吗?eg: Do you like Liu Qians magic?The wo

19、rld if full of magical things.这个世界充满神奇的事物。couple两个,两件事物;.几个人,几件事物a couple of = a pair of 1双, 一对, 几个eg: The couple arrived at the party very early.这对夫妻很早到 了聚会。eg: Wc met in Moscow a couple of weeks ago.儿周前我们在莫斯科见了 面。Task5:独立完成课课练课时3。在预习过程中,你遇到了哪些问题?如果有问题,请在序号前.做好记号。【课堂活动】依次讨论解决“课前准备”各项任务。【随堂巩固】完成优美有道【课后反思】回想本课所学内容,你学到了哪些?你还有什么疑问?.

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