高中英语 Module 3 第1课时 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary课件 外研版选修8

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 选修选修8Foreign FoodModule 31.1.1集合的概念第一课时第一课时Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1)1.1.1集合的概念Module 3课内合作探究课内合作探究 2巩巩 固固 提提 升升 3课后强化作业课后强化作业 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1课前自主预习课前自主预习 .重点单词 1应给予(v.)_ 2毒药(n.)_ 有毒的(adj.)_ 3味道(n.)_ 4使着迷(v.)_ 着迷;困扰(n.)_ 5宴会(n.)_ 6一道菜(n.)

2、_ owepoison poisonous taste obsess obsessionbanquet dish 7贪婪地(adv.)_贪婪的;渴望的(adj.) _ 贪婪,贪欲(n.)_ 8甜食(n.)_ 9舌头(n.)_ 10咀嚼(v.)_ 11佳肴,珍馐(n.)_美味的(adj.)_ 12臭名昭著的,声名狼籍的(adj.)_著名的(adj.)_ 13开胃的,增进食欲的(adj.)_食欲,胃口(n.)_greedily greedygreeddessert tongue chew delicacy deliciousinfamous famousappetising appetite 14

3、方式;方法(n.)_ 15要求(n.)_要求,需要(v.)_ 16固定的(adj.)_将固定,安装(v.) _ 17蘑菇(n.)_ 18捣烂,捣成泥状(v.)_ 19馅(n.)_ 20无法辨认的(adj.)_ 可辨认的(adj.)_ 认出,承认(v.)_manner requirement require fixed fix mushroom mash filling unrecognisable recognisable recognise .重点短语 1be obsessed_对着迷 2_wonder难怪 3end_结束 4make_看出;理解 5go_违背;违反 6have._commo

4、n与有共同点 withno up outagainst in .语篇感知 Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks. Chinese people think a lot about food.I think that they are sometimes 1._with it.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I could not have imagined how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be.The first six or seven di

5、shes seemed to fill the table,with plates dangerously 2._one on top of another.To my surprise,more dishes arrived. There was enough to 3._a whole army.Another aspect of“food culture”is that the Chinese seem to eat almost every part of every animalmuch to the 4._of many westerners. However,there are

6、other kinds of foods that have taken longer for me to accept.The 5._choudoufu is an example. The first time I ate British food I was in the canteen of a London publisher.I was 6._at their easy and 7._ manner. At the counter there were colourful mixtures in eight or nine big boxes.Later,I found out t

7、hat British people like 8._ food.But in China,cold food means 9._you dont give it to a guest.I also learned that the English like to 10._ food before serving it at the table. The food here goes against the Chinese sense of beauty and style at the dinner table.Chinese dishes can be photographed and h

8、ave a nice appearance. 答案:1.obsessed2.balanced3.feed4.horror5.infamous6.amazed7.graceful8.cold9.poverty10.mix课内合作探究课内合作探究 1owe vt. (1)欠(债);欠(账) owe sb.sth.owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物 I still owe you some money. 我还欠你钱。 We owe our parents a lot. 我们欠父母的甚多。 She still owes ¥3 000 to her father. 她还欠她父亲3 000元。 (2)

9、归因于;归功于 owe sth.to sb.owe sb.sth.将某事归功于/归因于某人 We owe a lot to our parents. 我们感激父母。 She owes her success to good luck. 她认为自己的成功全凭运气好。 知识拓展 (1)owe一般不用于进行时态,也不用于被动语态。 (2)owing adj. 拖欠的;未付的;未偿还的 own vt. 拥有;adj. 自己的 owing to prep. 因为;由于 辨析 owing to,because of,due to owing to作状语,偶作表语。 because of作状语。 due t

10、o作状语、表语和后置定语,一般不用于句首。 Owing to the rain the match was cancelled. 由于下雨,比赛取消了。 Because of the storm he didnt go there. 因为暴风雨他没有去那儿。 Her absence was due to the storm. 由于暴风雨她没来。 即学即用 完成句子 (1)我在那里时,欠李先生100元。 I_Mr.Li when I was there. (2)幸亏你帮助,我才及时完成了工作。 I_I finished my work in time. (3)由于糟糕的天气,足球比赛被取消了。

11、_the bad weather,the football match was called off. 答案:(1)owed 100 yuan to(2)owed it to you that(3)Owing to 2taste 1)vi.& vt. (1)尝;品尝 Now people have enough money to taste a rich variety of foods. 现在人们有足够的钱品尝各种丰富的食品。 Can I taste your drink? 我可以尝一尝你的饮料吗? (2)尝出(味道);辨出的味道 This tea tastes sweet. 这茶的味道很香

12、。 (3)吃;喝 He hasnt tasted food for three days. 他已三天不曾吃东西了。 (4)(常与of连用)有的味道 This soup tastes of chicken. 这汤有鸡的味道。 (5)体验;领略;经历 to taste the joys of freedom 领略自由的欢乐 注意: taste可作系动词,意为“尝起来”;无被动语态,也不用进行式。如:The apple tastes good.这苹果味道不错。此句中的good不可改为well。 2)n. (1)味道;味觉 My sense of taste isnt very good;I have

13、 a cold. 我的味觉不是很好,我感冒了。 Chocolate has a sweet taste. 巧克力有甜味。 (2)欣赏力;鉴赏力;体验;经历 I liked to watch her and admired her taste. 我喜欢看她的一举一动并称赞她的审美观。 a taste of success 体验到成功的喜悦 知识拓展 a taste for sth.喜好/爱好 to ones taste 合某人口味 be in bad/poor taste (言谈举止)失当;粗俗 即学即用 完成句子 他的音乐鉴赏力很高。 He shows_music. 答案:good taste

14、 in 3chew v咀嚼 My broken chin made it impossible for me to chew. 我受伤的下巴使我无法咀嚼。 You should chew your food slowly. 你应该细嚼慢咽。 知识拓展 chew over仔细思考 Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested. (书籍好比食品)有些书浅尝辄止,有些书可以囫囵吞枣,少数则须咀嚼消化。(培根) 辨析 图解助记 chew,swallow,digest 即

15、学即用 完成句子 这块肉太硬,我几乎咬不动。 This meat is so tough that I can_. 答案:hardly chew it 4infamous adj.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的 That infamous criminal was finally sentenced to death. 那个臭名昭著的罪犯最终被判处死刑。 知识拓展 表示否定意义的前缀可用于形容词和名词之前,分别意为not(不)和lack of(无)。in受词干首字母的同化有il,im,ir三种异体。il出现在l之前,ir出现在r之前,im出现在b,p,m之前。如: illegalillegal不合法的

16、 impossibleimpossible不可能的 independenceindependence独立 即学即用 完成句子 她因既不诚实又懒惰而臭名昭著。 She_her dishonesty and Laziness. 答案:is infamous for 5manner n方法,方式;举止;(pl.)礼貌 You should not talk in such a strange manner. 你不应该用如此奇怪的方式谈话。 Her manner was polite but cool. 她举止彬彬有礼而又冷漠。 No one likes a person with bad manne

17、rs. 谁也不喜欢没有礼貌的人。 知识拓展 good manners有礼貌 bad manners没有礼貌 all manner of各种各样的 in a manner of speaking可以说 in manner of以方式 辨析 means,way,method,manner 这些词都有“方法,方式”的意思,但用法有区别。 (1)means指为达到某种目的而采取的“手段,方法”,常与介词by搭配。 Thoughts can also be expressed by means of music. 思想也可以借音乐来表达。 (2)way为普通用语,可以代替method,means或man

18、ner,但way更富有表达力,常与介词in搭配。如: Animals communicate in various ways. 动物用各种各样的方法进行交流。 (3)method指合理的或系统的“方法”,包括抽象的概念或具体的步骤,如为完成教学、调查、医疗等各项工作而采取的一系列步骤或方法,常和介词with搭配。 I think we should try again using a different method. 我认为我们应该用不同的方法再试一次。 (4)manner指个人的、独特的“方式”,manner常与介词in连用。 She answered in a businesslike

19、manner. 她回答时显出一副公事公办的样子。 即学即用 完成句子 你能告诉我们一些西方国家的餐桌礼仪吗? Could you please tell us some_ western countries? 答案:table manners in 6requirement n要求 We will adjust its height to satisfy your requirements. 我们会调整它的高度来满足你们的要求。 One of the requirements for a fire is that the material (should) be heated to its b

20、urning temperature. 燃烧的条件之一是燃料要加热到其燃点温度。 注意:requirement的同位语从句和表语从句中的谓语动词用“(should)do”虚拟语气形式。 We all accepted his requirement that he(should)go there by himself. 我们都接受了他要自己去那儿的要求。 知识拓展 require vt.要求,需要 require sth.of sb.要求某人 require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事 require doing/to be done需要 require(that).(shoul

21、d)do.要求 The machine does not work well.It requires repairing/to be repaired. 这台机器不好用,需要修理。 The teacher required that all work(should)be finished before school was over. 老师要求所有工作在放学前完成。 即学即用 完成句子 他拒绝了给我们增加人手的要求。 He refused my requirement that we_more hands. 答案:be given 1be obsessed with/by 迷住;为所困扰 To

22、m was obsessed with a girl he had just met. 汤姆被一个他刚刚遇见的女孩迷住了。 He is obsessed by computers. 他迷上了电脑。 He has become obsessed with another mans car. 他迷恋上了别人的汽车。 知识拓展 obsess v使着迷(obsess 常用于被动语态,构成短语be obsessed with/by.“着迷于”) She is obsessed by the thought of another war. 她为另一场战争的想法所困扰。 即学即用 完成句子 他从前是个很安静

23、的小孩子,他现在似乎迷上了运动。 He used to be a very quiet little kid but now he seems _sports. 答案:to be obsessed with 2no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 No wonder youre tired;youve been walking for hours. 难怪你累了,你一直走了好几个时。 No wonder they are so familiar with each other;you know,they are old friends. 怪不得他们互相那么熟;你知道,他们是老朋友。 知识拓展 It

24、s no wonder(that)难怪 wonder at/about(doing)sth.对某事感到惊讶 Its a wonder that.令人惊奇的是 in wonder惊讶地 Its no wonder (that)hell sign the contract tomorrow. 难怪他明天签约。 I wondered at her rudeness. 我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。 It is a wonder that he didnt pass the exam. 令人惊奇的是,他这次考试没及格。 She looked at the diamond in wonder. 她惊讶地看着那颗

25、钻石。 即学即用 语法填空 They are good friends._is no wonder that they begin to talk the moment they meet each other. 答案:It 3end up结束,告终;结果为 How does the story end up? 这故事是如何结尾的? You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like this. 你要是老这样花钱,总有一天有负债。 He ran a 1,500metre race and ended up with first

26、prize. 他参加了1 500米赛跑,得了第一名。 He began his life as a poor man and ended up as a millionaire. 他出身贫寒,最终成了百万富翁。 After years of effort,Chen Ruolin ended up winning the grand slam title of 10m right platform. 经过多年的努力,陈若琳终于取得了10米台的大满贯。 即学即用 介词填空 He ended up _ the head of the company. 答案:as 4make out (1)理解;勉强

27、认出 Can you make out what shes trying to say? 你能弄明白她想说些什么吗? I could just make out a figure in the darkness. 我隐约看见黑暗中有个人影。 The dim outline of a house could be made out. 一所房子的模糊轮廓依稀可辨。 (2)开出,写(支票、账目等) He immediately sat down and made out a check. 他立刻坐下来开了一张支票。 知识拓展 即学即用 完成句子 (1)海上的空气改善了他的健康状况。 The sea

28、air has_his health. (2)瑞士人充分利用他们国家的贫瘠的自然资源。 The Swiss have_their countrys poor natural resources. (3)通常证明书是用中文和英文开具的。 As a rule,our certificate is_in Chinese and English. 答案:(1)made a difference to(2)made good use of(3)made out 5go against违背,相反;对不利 The judges words went against him. 法官的言辞对他不利。 Luck

29、has gone against him. 他不走运。 He would not go against his parents wishes. 他不会违背父母的意愿。 即学即用 介词填空 Those who go_the rules of history will be punished by history. 答案:against 6have.in common与有共同点 The two cultures have a lot in common. 这两种文化具有许多相同之处。 They have many interests in common. 他们有许多共同的兴趣。 John and

30、I have nothing in common. 约翰与我没有共同之处。 知识拓展 in common共同,共有 in common with.与相同 We are in common in many places. 我们有很多相似之处。 In common with other students,Max is often late for school. 和其他学生一样,麦克斯也经常迟到。 即学即用 翻译句子 这对双胞胎有许多共同之处。 _ 答案:The twins have a lot in common. 1What is food to one man may be poison t

31、o another. 各有所爱。 what is food to one man为主语从句。由what引导的从句表示“所的(东西、人、地方等)”,为名词性从句,实际上等于一个先行词加上一个定语从句。what相当于all that/the thing(s)that/the person(s)that/the place(s)that。也可以由ever等代词引导。 What(The thing that)they are talking about is nothing valuable. 他们所谈论的没什么价值。 即学即用 语法填空 With the nuclear crisis worseni

32、ng in Iran,the worlds attention was fixed again on_was called the Middle East. 答案:what 2The first time I saw a threeyearold kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head I had bad dreams for weeks. 当我第一次看到一个三岁的孩子高兴地啃着一个鸡头的时候,我一连几周都在做噩梦。 The first time I saw a threeyearold kid cheerfully chewing a chickens

33、head是时间状语从句,The first time是引导词,意为“第一次的时候”。有一些表示时间的名词短语也可用来引导时间状语从句:the minute,the moment,the instant,every time,the last time。 The first time I got to the island,I was amazed by its beauty. 我第一次到这座岛屿的时候,我就对它的美丽感到惊异。 The moment I entered the room,I smelled something unusual. 我一走进房间里,就觉得不对头。 Every tim

34、e I visit him,he is always reading. 每次当我拜访他的时候,他总是在读书。 知识拓展 directly和immediately也可作为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”,相当于the moment/the instant和as soon as。 I knew something was wrong directly I arrived. 我一到就知道出事了。 The boys did all sorts of mischief immediately my back was turned. 我一转身男孩子们就捣乱。 即学即用 完成句子 每次回到家乡,他总是去

35、拜访他童年时代的玩伴。 _he returns to his hometown,he always visits his playmates in his childhood. 答案:Every time 3But one thing I do admire is the polite manner in which British people eat,even if it is just a potato. 但是让我非常佩服的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文。 本句中I do admire是定语从句,修饰one thing,其中谓语动词admire前加了do表示

36、强调。一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中,可用do,does或did置于谓语动词前强调谓语动词,此时谓语动词用原形。 It is reported that he did announce to retire on July 20. 据报道他确实在7月20日宣布退役了。 Do sit down,please.请务必坐下。 She does like to eat noodles. 她真的爱吃面条。 Do take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 以防下雨,务必随身带把雨伞。 注意:在英语句子中若强调其他成分则可用强调句型,即:It is/was强调部分

37、that(who)非强调部分 It is not until 11:00 pm that he went to bed last night. 昨天晚上直到11点他才睡觉。 即学即用 完成句子 他工作的确努力,及时完成了工作。 He_hard and finish the work in time. 答案:does work巩巩 固固 提提 升升 .用所给词的适当形式填空 1_(owe)to the bad weather, we couldnt go to travel. 2Looking up,I saw his eyes_(fix)on me in curiosity. 3The doc

38、tor advised me to eat more apples,saying that they are_(appetite) 4Some people are trying to accumulate wealth_ (greedy) 5He was rushed to hospital after eating some_ (poison) mushrooms. 6He tasted the apple and found it_(taste) 7Candidates who fail to meet these_(require)will not be admitted to the

39、 university. 8I hadnt been to the city for 20 years and it was almost _ (recognise) 答案:1.Owing2.fixed3.appetising4.greedily5.poisonous6.tasty7.requirements8.unrecognisable .选词填空 to ones surprise,end up,make out,be obsessed with,to ones taste,in common,go against,no wonder 1He always tells lies._they

40、 dont believe him. 2David_a girl he has just met. 3It_my principle.I dont want to do it. 4The dish isnt_. 5Tom,I think,has much_with Jack. 6If Tom goes on driving like that,hell_dead. 7_,he met an old friend he hadnt seen for several years. 8In the darkness I couldnt_who it was. 答案:1.No wonder2.is o

41、bsessed with3.goes against4.to her taste5.in common6.end up7.To his surprise8make out .单项填空 1_this cake and tell me whether you like it. ATastingBTo taste CTo have tasted DTaste 答案:D句意为:尝尝这块蛋糕,然后告诉我你是否喜欢。祈使句and简单句,为固定表达方式。 2_in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of yo

42、ur email account. AWhat is required BWhat requires CIt is required DIt requires 答案:C句意为:规定中要求你不应该告诉他人你的电子邮件账户密码。分析句子结构可知:that引导的从句作主语,it作形式主语,同时that从句与require之间为被动关系,换句话说that从句是require的宾语从句,故选C,若选A项时that前应加is。 3You will_in debt if you keep on spending money like that. Aresult from Bfinish Cend up Dl

43、ead to 答案:C句意为:如果你继续这样消费时,你最终会负债累累的。result from由产生;finish完成;end up结局,最终;lead to导致。 4He swallows his words so much that I can never_ what he is saying. Amake out Bcatch up Cdeal with Dlisten to 答案:A考查动词短语辨析。句意为:他说话吞音太多以至于我从没听懂他在说什么。make out理解,弄懂,符合句意。catch up跟上,赶上;deal with处理; listen to听。 5Though tol

44、d to pay attention to his behaviour,he performed bad_at the party. Amanner Bway Cpoliteness Dmanners 答案:D句意为:尽管告知他注意自己的行为,但在晚会上他表现得很不好。若选A、B项时在题中bad前加“in a”,politeness“礼貌”,褒义词不能用贬义词bad修饰。manners“举止”,符合语境。 6I thought her nice and honest_I met her. Afirst time Bfor the first time Cthe first time Dby t

45、he first time 答案:C考查名词短语用作连词。the first time用作连词,引导时间状语从句。 7_his being late again,he lost his job and had to stay at home. AOwing to BAs result of CIn case of DBecause 答案:Aowing to“因为;由于”;to为介词,后跟名词/代词/动名词作宾语。 8But if you go_nature and do things at the wrong time of year,you will have to do more work and the results will not be good. Aagainst Bon Cup Ddown 答案:A句意:如果你违背大自然,且在不当时间做事情,你就会事倍功半。go against“违背;违反”。

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