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1、The most beautiful is nowhere but zhuang lang最美不过是庄浪Zhuang lang and its surrounding tourist attractions profile 庄浪及其周边地区旅游景点简介Month is home 月是故乡明YunYa temple(云崖寺)ZiJing mountain(紫荆山)ChenJia cave ( 陈家洞)ChaNa lake(关山天池潮那湫) Landscape cleverYunYa temple山水灵动云崖寺 Blue waves碧波 autumnal scenery秋景 front 前门 Wa

2、ves ripple波光粼粼 Magnificent gate雄伟的门 2022-4-8江离22Basic introduction (基本简介) Humanistic landscape mainly includes ZhuLin temple、Da temple、Xi temple QiaoYang temple、JinWa temple、FoGou temple、SanQing cave、LuoHan cave 、DianWan.(人文景观主要包括:朱林寺、大寺、西寺、乔阳寺、金瓦寺、佛沟寺、三清洞、罗汉洞、殿湾 ) And its scenic, the air is fresh.(

3、景色宜人,空气清新) 2022-4-8江离23A mysterious quiet place (云深不知处) The YunYa temple has grotto art and natural beauty ,is the most suitable tourism place .(云崖寺是石窟艺术与自然美景的完美结合,是一个适宜旅游的好地方。) Full mountain is the tree ,and trees can be seen in water.(满山绿树,绿水衬树,水借树绿,树增水色。)2022-4-8江离24Beautiful legend(美丽传说) Like mo

4、st places, it also has its own myths and legends . Reflects peoples yearning for a better life , Full of kindness and simplicity .(就像大多数的地方一样,云崖寺也有着自己的神话和传说。它们都反映了人民对美好生活的向往,充满了善良与朴实。) Many people believe that two lake is out of tone that rested of Nvwa .(不少人相信那两个湖是女娲补天的时候砸出来的。)2022-4-8江离25Buddhist

5、holy land (佛教圣地) In ancient times in here is very flourishing Buddhism , With a lot of devout buddhists to worship here . For more than one thousand years, the buddhist art never die. Until now here is an important place for buddhist rally . People from all directions here to worship offering, hope

6、to get good luck .(古代的时候这里的佛教很是兴盛,有很多虔诚的教徒都来这里朝拜。一千多年来,这里的佛教文化始终未曾消逝。知道今天这里仍然是一个重要的佛教集会场所,人们从四面八方赶来,希望自己获得好运。) 2022-4-8江离26ZiJing mountain is wrapped in mist is very beautiful (烟笼紫荆) Here is the original Buddhism, Taoism, Confucian activity places . In recent years the government investment a lot of

7、 manpower and material resources will become the construction level park tourist attractions .(这里在古代是释、道、儒三家的活动场所。在近几年政府投资了大量的人力物力将其建设成为公园级的旅游景点。)Major landscape(主要景点) Jade Void palace(玉虚宫) ShiWang palace(十王殿) WenChang palace(文昌楼) Quan Cong Temple(关帝庙) YaoWang cave(药王洞)2022-4-8江离28Name origin (名称由来)

8、 Just as its name implies , this mountain is full of redbud . When the mountain of the opening of the bauhinia , its very sweet very beautiful. All kinds of redbud, there are red and white and others. Vegetation coverage here is very high, the environment is very good.(顾名思义,满山的紫荆花就是其最好的解释。当漫山遍野开满紫荆花

9、的时候,花香四溢,美艳异常。植被茂盛,环境清幽。) 2022-4-8江离29stories (故事与传说) Sika deer blood become redbud (梅花鹿滴血成紫荆) LiuHu and his army stationed in here (刘沪屯军紫荆山) Hu yaobang Shared here for inscription (胡耀邦题词紫荆山)2022-4-8江离30ChenJia cave brief introduction (简要介绍) The CheJia cave is located in Zhuanglang County ,about 30k

10、m from County.(陈家洞坐落在庄浪,距离县城大约30公里。) Created in the northern wei dynasty years (始建于北魏年间) There are a large number of figure of Buddha (存留着大量的佛像)2022-4-8江离31Generations of development (历代发展)1.Created in the northern wei dynasty years(始建于北魏)2.constantly repair Before the qing dynasty (清代之前不断的完善)3.Be d

11、estroyed in the qing dynasty (清代被坏)4.Modern started to rebuild (近代又重新修葺)The tower of tang dynasty (唐代残塔)The tower seven layers , tower is a stream before the pebbles . Tower is surround by trees, have a good environment .(这座七层的玲珑宝塔前有一条小溪。周围被树木所环绕,幽静美丽。)2022-4-8江离33Chen tuan LaoZu Someone think Chen

12、tuan LaoZu once lived in here (相传陈家洞是当年陈抟老祖修行的地方。)GuanShan(关山)The mountain is not just a mountain (关山不只是一座山)water (山水情)The water of the Guanshan in the different seasons are all different appearance .(关山的水在四季各有特色。)Spring ,snow becomes water ,the water is white and cold.(春天,冰雪融化显得白潾潾。)summer , water

13、is rippling and become green and warmth.(夏天,绿水变得温暖。)Autumn, leaves full of water drift, it is very beautiful .(秋天,水中飘满落叶,这是另一番景象。)Winter, into ice water, white and transparent .(冬天,结冰的水雪白剔透。)treesThe mountain forest coverage rate is 36.56% ,main species including birch 、poplars 、lime tree .(关山的森林覆盖率达到了36.56%以上,主要树种包括:桦树、白杨树、椴树。)2022-4-8江离39animals (动物) Leopard(金钱豹)golden eagle(金雕) otter (水獭)golden pheasant(锦鸡)Sika deer(梅花鹿)

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