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1、美国商务礼仪英文【篇一:商务礼仪美语business etiquette】lesson 001 - introduction on etiquette礼节美语 001 讲ann. 陈豪刚从大学毕业就在北京的一家美国公司找到了一份工作。今天他收到一张通知,可是里面有一个词他不懂,他只知道让他去参加一个什么训练班。所以他就去请教公司里的美籍华人mary。(office ambience)c :excuse me, mary,请问通知上这个词是什么意思呀?e-t-i-q-u-e-t-t-e 。 m : oh, etiquette,原来是法文,意思是礼节。c:噢,原来是要我去参加礼节训练班。mary

2、,这词是怎么发音的?m :e-ti-ket 。q-u 是发 k 的音,而不是发q 的音, e-ti-ket 。c :我们来公司工作,又不是来社交,为什么要讲礼节呀?m :etiquette is very important to business。一个公司的雇员对客户是不是很客气,有礼貌,这对经营有很大关系。c :具体地说,这儿说的etiquette指些什么呢?m :etiquette is a set of rules that allow us to interact withothers in a civilized manner。c :以文明的方式对待别人的一些原则。m :具体地说就

3、是 treating other people with courtesy and respect and making them feel comfortable with you.c :嗯, (若有所思地 ) 对人要有礼貌,要尊敬别人,还要让人觉得和你在一起很自如。这没问题, im always polite and courteous to othersm :但是,训练班讲的是西方礼节- western etiquette。,和中国的礼节还不完全一样,因为两国有文化差异。c :这礼节还有文化差异?我得去训练班听听再说。*c :嗨, mary ,我的训练班结束了,你那天说的文化差异一点也没

4、错。 m :听起来训练班好像让你开窍啦?是啊。我那天跟会计室的那金发女郎聊天,聊得很愉快。结果我问她多大年纪了,她一下子就变得很不高兴,支支吾吾没有回答就走了。m :asking someones age is offensive to an american.work for othersc :参加了训练班才知道不能问美国人年龄的。m :你办公室里的小王今天早上突然问年薪有多少。美国人认为打听这种私人的事是不礼貌的。我想对有些中国人来说也是不礼貌的。 c :没错。m :既然你训练班已经结束,我来考考你: tell me what isetiquette?c :我来试试。etiquette i

5、s a set of rules that allow us tointeract with others in a civilized manner。m :and treating other people with courtesy and respect and making them feel comfortable with you.c: mary ,以后我有问题还会来请教你哟!m :no problem。lesson 002 - first impression礼节美语 002 讲陈豪在北京的一家美国公司工作了一个月。今天下午他有机会见到公司总裁。第一次见面怎么才能给美国老板留下一

6、个好印象呢?他决定去和 mary 谈谈。 (office ambience)陈: mary ,我下午会见到总裁,这是第一次见面,你说我要注意些什么事呀?m : 第一次的印象, first impression,是很重要。美国人说, you never get a second chance to make a firstimpression。 最初的印象只有一次,决没有第二次机会。陈:第一次印象的重要性我知道,问题是怎么才能给人留下好印象。m :根据一项研究,人们在初次见面时对一个人的评价有55%是根据他所看到的。陈:这不是只看表面嘛?打扮漂亮就行了吗?m :不是打扮漂亮,而是打扮得体。你今天

7、不是会见到总裁吗?我们就来看看你有什么地方需要改进的吧*m : 首先, hair should be well maintained。嗯,你的头发梳得很整齐美观。有的人既不洗头,也不梳头,那是非常不礼貌的。陈:对了,我注意到我们办公室里的美国男同事好像天天剃胡子。我不是天天剃胡子的。我年纪轻,没多少胡子,人家看不出来。 m :我就看出来你今天没有剃胡子。 unshaved look does not。对了,我早上看你带着领带,怎么没有啦?你要去见总裁,领带一定要带。陈:噢,我到了办公室,我把它取下来了。m :在办公室里放松一会儿是可以的,但是要去见某人或出去办事,ties should be

8、correctly tied。你一会儿千万别忘了把领带带上。陈:行,行,我一会儿剃一下胡子,带上领带就齐了。m :等等,一般人还会看你的腿和鞋子。哎,你的裤子太长,裤腿都拖在地上了。 pants should not drag on the floor。陈:啊呀,我知道,可我妈没时间给我改短嘛。m :你这双鞋是新的吧,很干净,擦得很亮。shoes should bepolished and in good condition。陈:哟,那我裤子太长,怎么办哪?m :别着急,你不是下午才见总裁吗?赶快回家去换条裤子。还有,千万把白袜子给换了。never wear white sox。陈:啊呀,还不

9、让穿白袜子,规矩还真多。你看,我一紧张把你刚才说的都忘了。快,再说一遍。m :hair should be well maintained; face well shaved; ties properly tied ; pants should not drag the floor; shoes should be polished. and no white sox, please.lesson 003 - punctuality礼节美语 003 讲ann: 陈豪在美国公司已经工作了一段时间。今天老板要找他谈话。老板找谈话会有什么事呢? 陈豪心里有点不安,所以急着去请教美籍华人 mary 。

10、 (office ambience)陈: (很着急地 )hey, mary ,快,我有事问你。m :whats the matter?陈: 老板的秘书通知我老板过一会要找我谈话,可说的话我没听懂,说是为了什么 punc.punc. 那个词我不知道 .m: punctual?陈:对,有点像,不过那个词最后的音好像是什么ty 来了。m :punctuality?陈: yes, yes. punctuality. punctuality是什么意思呀?哟,不好了,时间到了,我得去了。(sound of knocking on the door; opening the door)mr. jones:

11、mr. chen, it has been brought to my attention that you arefrequently late for meetings. i want you to know that punctuality is important in american business and in our company too.c: sorry, mr. jones, i am not sure i understand. what exactly do you mean by punc. punctuality?mr. jones: punctuality s

12、imply means being on time. if a meeting is scheduled for one oclock, everyone is expected to be in the meeting room and ready to start.【篇二:美国的商务礼仪】美国商务礼仪及习俗社交礼仪美国人与客人见面时,一般都以握手为礼。他们习惯手要握得紧,眼要正视对方,微弓身。认为这样才算是礼貌的举止。一般同女人握手美国人都喜欢斯文。美国人在社交场合与客人握手时,还有这样一些习惯和规矩:如果两人是异性,要待女性先伸出手后,男性再伸手相握;如果是同性,通常应年长人先伸手给年轻


14、离,一般以50 公分左右间距为好。他们行动喜欢自由自在,不受约束。惯于晚睡晚起,有拖拖拉拉的习惯。请美国人用餐,他们一般是不提前到达的,而是准时或迟到5至15分钟。西装在西方是极庄重的服饰,适用于官方性拜会、谈判、参观、典礼及婚葬礼,穿着时请配以深色领带、皮鞋。切勿穿着背心、短裤、拖鞋出入公共场所;衣着须整洁,切勿身带异味,会引起别人反感。? ? 讲究礼节,无论任何时候接受他人为您服务时都需要说声谢谢(thank you ),否则会被视为无礼。? ? 任何时候,都要礼让妇女、儿童,如帮他们开门、让他们先行等。任何情况下, 都不要询问对方的年龄(尤其是女士)、收入及婚姻状况。 一定不要随地吐痰、

15、随处 吸烟。要吸烟时请注意是否有禁烟标志,并请询问周围的人(特别是女士)是否介意您 吸烟。 在升降梯上应把左侧让给有急事的人。 不要在马路、走廊上数人并排行走。? ? 美国人的姓名排列是名在前,姓在后。姓一般只有一个,名可以有一个,两个。妇女婚后随夫姓。口头称呼一般称姓。美国人见面时常直呼对方名字,即便是初次相识。他们的平等观念强,尊重妇女,尊重个人,父母到孩子的房间去也必须先敲门。在美国准时是很重要的,特别是在一些大城市。举止看上去很随意,但大部分谈判中做出的决定却很严格。避免谈论种族、宗教、性别、年龄和身体特征。对安全问题非常重视,期望对所有接触的人都保持礼节,包括机场保安和空服人员。美国

16、人还十分讲究 “个人空间 ”。和美国人谈话时,不可站得太近,一般保持在 50 公分以外为宜。平时无论到饭馆还是图书馆也要尽量同他人保持一定距离。不得已与别人同坐一桌或紧挨着别人坐时,最好打个招呼,问一声“我可以坐在这里吗?”得到允许后再坐下。公私单位访问前,必须先订约会,最好在即将抵达时,先通个电话告知。美国人热情好客,那怕仅仅相识一分钟,你就有可能被邀请去看戏、吃饭或出外旅游。但一星期之后,这位朋友很可能把你忘得一干二净。到美国人家去登门拜访,冒然登门是失礼的,必须事先做好约定就是给亲朋好友送礼,如果他们事先不知道的话,也不要直接敲门,最好把礼物放在他家门口,然后再通知他自己去取。? ? 应

17、邀去美国人家中作客或参加宴会,最好给主人带上一些小礼品,如化妆品、儿童玩具、本国特产或烟酒之类。对家中的摆设 ,主人喜欢听赞赏的语言 ,而不愿听到询问价格的话。准时守信 ,相当重要。美国商人喜欢表现自己的 “不正式 ”、“随和 ”、与“幽默感 ”。能在经常说几句笑话的人 ,往往易为对方接受。美国商界流行早餐与午餐约会谈判。当你答应参加对方举办的宴会时,一定要准时赴宴,如果因特殊情况不能准时赴约,一定要打电话通知主人,并说明理由,或者告诉主人什么时间可以去。谈判习惯美国商人喜欢边吃边谈,一般洽谈活动从吃早点开始,晚上一般不谈生意或作重大决定。同美国人做生意,最重要的原则之一就是:是和不是必须表述

18、清楚,不能模棱两可。美国的商业习惯是每一种产品都要投保,非常重视专利与商标,美国工会影响力很大,对美贸易应找与工会有一定联系的代理商,这样推销工作有可能做得更好。美国的商业活动节奏很快 (特别是在纽约 ),决策也很迅速。中层主管通常有相当的决定权,可以决定一些中型规模的交易。美国人是个人主义的,他们往往单枪匹马地行动,不愿意总是请示上司。除非有限制,他们能自由地拿主意。 美国人通常只会说英语,很快就对对方表示信任,这让人认为他们有些幼稚。只要有可能,美国人就开玩笑,不管对方是否明白,也不管是否合乎场合。会谈一开始,他们就会将自己的条件、要求等和盘托出,然后再与对方讨价还价地进行谈判。一旦对方不

19、和他们开诚布公地交谈,他们便显得无所适从。美国人敢与承担风险,但会制定一个必须坚持的明确的 (资金 )计划。美国人习惯于先谈妥大的原则,具体操作细节留待以后。但他们在细节上会很认真,或者说很计较,会不顾表面上的相互信任而核对、检查所有的细节问题。觉得美国是最好的,但成功的谈判必须了解和进入对方的文化世界。很多美国人将美国视为经济最发达、最民主的国家,因而理所当然地认为只有美国的规矩是对的。商务会餐餐饮礼仪: 1.不允许进餐时发出声响。 2. 不允许替他人取菜。 3.不允许吸烟。4. 不允许向别人劝酒。 5.不允许当众脱衣解带。 6.不允许议论令人作呕之事。方便又有营养的三明治成为讲究效率的美国

20、人的主食。菜肴的品种数不胜数,最有名的有啤酒焖牛肉。早餐一般吃牛肉,午餐较随便,常吃三明治等。美国人在招待客人时,大多用焙牛肉、焙鸡肉,因为这些菜式受一般美国人欢迎,既方便又实惠。只要另配上一二种蔬菜、芋类及谷类,如果准备点饭后甜点,就算是大餐了。汉堡包是美国人日常食用的食品,按规定,汉堡包牛肉末脂肪含量不得超过30。礼品赠送税务法规定赠送礼物的价值高于 25 美元就要交税,因此在美国送礼文化并不发达。苏格兰威士忌、高档英国茶叶和传统的英国食物如脆饼等,都比较受欢迎。如果你拜访的是一个长期在国外工作的人,别忘了带上凯德伯雷巧克力。对于美国人而言,适合赠送礼品的场合非常多:情人节、母亲节、感恩节

21、、圣诞节、新年等各种节庆日自然是送礼高峰期,而在平时,亲朋好友和同事的婚丧嫁娶、生日或纪念日、毕业升学、小孩出生、提拔升职等都是赠送礼品的理由。送东西要送单数,且讲究包装。他们认为蜗牛和马蹄铁是吉祥物。习俗喜禁美国人昵爱白色,认为白色是纯洁的象征;偏爱黄色,认为是和谐的象征;喜欢蓝色和红色,认为是吉祥如意的象征。他们喜欢白猫,认为白猫可以给人带来运气。美国人欣赏白头鹰。认为它威武强悍,人们把它敬为国鸟,并以它作为国徽的图案。其解释为:顶冠象征美国是一个主权国家;分握橄榄枝与箭的两爪象征和平与武力;嘴叨黄带,上书 “合众为一 ”表示美利坚合众国由多州组成。他们比较怕热,夏天乐于在空调的房间内就餐

22、。喜欢简明而又富有生机的图案,如:梅、兰、牡丹等。在美国,人们崇拜英雄和伟人,但同时也崇拜自己,追求个人价值,敢于冒险和迎接挑战。在这里,询问任何成年人的年龄婚姻等情况都是失礼的。值得一提的是,美国人对年龄的看法同我们大不相同。在我国,老年人受到尊敬,而在美国却是 “人老珠黄不值钱 ”。因此在美国,老年人绝不喜欢别人恭维他们的年龄。大多数人忌讳 13 和星期五。信仰禁忌美国新教,浸礼会的教徒众多,他们的新生儿或新入教的人都要到教堂接受由牧师主持的洗礼仪式。节假日 :美国由于犹太人甚多。注意当地的犹太人节日。圣诞节与复活节前后两周不宜往访。除 6-8 月多去度假外,其余时间宜往访。1月 1 日

23、新年 new years day假日1月 21日 马丁。路得金日 martin luther king, jr.s birthday假日2月 12日 林肯日 lincoins brithday2月 14日 情人节 valentines day2月 18日 总统日 presidents day2月 22日 华盛顿日 washingtons birthday3月最后一个星期五 good friday3月最后一个星期天 easter sunday 复活节4月 13 日 thomas jefersons birthday4月 24日 秘书节 secretarys day5月第二个星期日 母亲节 mot

24、hers day5月 27 日 阵亡战士纪念日(每州不同) memorial day假日6月第三个星期日 父亲节 fathers day7月 4日 独立日 independence day假日9月 2日 劳动节 labor day 假日10月 14日 哥伦布日 columbus day10月 31日 万圣节 halloween11月 11日 退伍军人节 veterans day假日11月 28日 感恩节 thanksgiving day假日12月 25日 圣诞节 chrismas day 假日【篇三:商务礼仪英文】business negotiations etiquetteabstractb

25、usiness etiquette is a manifestation of mutual respect of conduct in business activities. core business etiquette is an act of criteria, used to constrain all aspects of our daily business activities. the central role of business etiquette is to reflect the mutual respect between people. as business

26、 leaders identity negotiators, in business negotiations should follow the etiquette of negotiations three elements that focus on instrumentation demeanor, attention to language arts, to comply with etiquette disciplines. in the event a successful business negotiation, negotiation etiquette is not ne

27、cessarily comply with the success of the negotiations decision criteria. if you violate negotiations etiquette, but it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, even be a threat to reach an agreement key words:business etiquette business negotiationsbusiness negotiation, which means refers to negotia

28、te in social life, the parties to meet their needs and safeguard their own interests, the two sides properly carried out to solve a problem. business negotiations, is the negotiation of a transaction for the realization of active buyers and sellers of goods or services on a variety of trading condit

29、ions the role of business etiquette in business negotiations1.regulate behavior in business dealings, people interaction, interaction, mutual cooperation. if you do not follow certain norms, the two sides on the basis of lack of collaboration. among the many commercial specifications. etiquette can

30、make people understand what should be proud of what not todo, what to do and what not to do, and help determine the self-image, respect for others, to win the friendship.3. promote feelings in business activities, along with in-depth exchanges. thetwo sides will probably have some emotional experien

31、ce. it is expressed as the emotional state of two kinds: one empathy, another emotional rejection. etiquette is easy to make mutual attraction, promote feelings, leading to the establishment and development of good relationships. conversely, if not speak etiquette, vulgar, then it is easy to generat

32、e feelings of exclusion, resulting in interpersonal tensions. to each other creating a bad impression.4. establish the image of a man etiquette, it will establish a good personal image in front of everyone; members of an organization etiquette, it will establish a good image for your organization, w

33、on the publics admiration. in addition to a modern market competition beyond competitive products. even more apparent in the image of the competition. one has a good reputation and image of the company or business, it is easy to gain the trust and support of all sectors of society, can be in an invi

34、ncible position in the fierce competition. so, business people always pay attention to etiquette, both good qualities embodied individuals and organizations, but also the need to establish and consolidate a good image.business negotiations etiquette(1)business etiquette before preparing negotiations

35、1. pay attention to the choice of the negotiations. the two sides agreed to negotiate the time to go through the party alone can not decide, otherwise it is rude. to select the most favorable time for ones own negotiations. avoid mind at a low ebb when, after continuous hard work, the market is not

36、conducive to their next negotiations.2. pay attention to the choice of the place of negotiations. negotiating the best place to fight in their own familiar environment. if we failed to do, or at least should be selected in the two sides are not familiar with neutral venues. to carry out several roun

37、ds of negotiations, venue should turn swaps, to ensure fairness.3. preparation of negotiators. first, negotiators choice. select negotiators to meet in the business etiquette of the principle ofreciprocity, that is, ones own negotiators to negotiate with each other to represent the identity and posi

38、tion of a peer; secondly,apparel choice negotiators. mens best to wear a suit or tunic, skirt or suit ladies should wear formal clothing, etc., to each other in order to mature, full of sincerity impression.4. negotiations reception preparations. negotiators from the shuttle, to place and time to ne

39、gotiate arrangements, hotel reservations, dining and entertainment, the entire process must be carefully prepared, deliberately, always reflect the negotiation opponents respect and courtesy, to show a good image of the company, lay the foundation for the success of the negotiations.5.ready to negot

40、iate data. first, before the negotiations on the subject of negotiations, content, agenda fully prepared to draw up plans, objectives and the subject of negotiations. secondly, a detailed collection and negotiations related materials, such as party strength, political and legal system and market the

41、mes, etc. also, negotiators gather basic information, such as work experience, hobbies, social customs and other aspects of content.(2)etiquette in business negotiation1.negotiations seating etiquette. business negotiations by the number of groups involved in the negotiations can be divided into bil

42、ateral negotiations and multilateral negotiations. bilateral negotiations on multi-use rectangular table, usually host and guests sit opposite, each side. negotiating table generally transverse to the door, guests sit door, back door and sit hosts. sitting among the parties responsible person, in ac

43、cordance with his position followed by the remaining staff sit around, based on respect for the principle of the right; multilateral sentenced to use more short rostrum, referring to the negotiations to set up a room facing the main entrance of the podium, then all other parties back to the main ent

44、rance, facing the podium were seated. representatives of the parties came to speak in turn. in addition, subject to seating arrangements, the best place to seat and seat licensing arrangements hostesses be guided seats to avoid sitting in the wrong position.2. negotiations meet etiquette. first of a

45、ll, pay attention to the beginning of the meeting etiquette. more formal negotiations occasions, etiquette rules introduced is first introduced high status. after the introduction of low status, in principle, if the equal status, long after the first childs compliance. was introduced to smile to ind

46、icate what should stand up and use some polite language, such as nice to meet you, heard a lot category. if equipped with business cards can be handed a timely manner. in addition, the attitude etiquette should also pay attention when they meet. such as watching each other, eyes should stay in each

47、others eyes to the forehead of the triangle area, make each other feel concerned about your attitude earnest and sincere. gestures should be natural, especially not cross his arms over his chest, so there is a sense of frivolous arrogance.3. negotiations language etiquette. first, articulate. when n

48、egotiators to negotiate tight around the target, used some of the euphemistic language, encountered difficulties in the negotiations, requiring the flexibility to take appropriate emergency means out of the woods, as the other side asked to make a difficult question to answer immediately, you can lo

49、ok under the table, and then said: im sorry, please wait accordance with the agreement, the need at this time to return a phone call to a friend. so you will be able to multi-fight to one - consider the time clock; followed. clever use of the silent language. with a smile and a nod, showing not unde

50、rstand when people confused agree unclear when such expressions such as: finally, talk less and listen more. by listening, we can get a lot of valuable information to each other, understand each other intentions, find a solution to the problem.4. negotiations under field etiquette. business negotiat

51、ions not only confined to the conference table, the more difficult negotiations, the more the need to focus on private exchanges, which can not only compensate for the lack of a table, or even have an impact on the success of the negotiations. for example, when the negotiations very difficult times,

52、 in accordance with the appropriate etiquette, arrange some recreational activities, such as receptions, balls and call, and these contacts is what you ample opportunity to showcase thecompanys image. if we can win the goodwill of the other party, contribute to the success of the negotiations.(3)bus

53、iness etiquette final stage of negotiations1. signing ceremony. from the liturgy is concerned, when signing ceremony . must be solemnly , seriously . one of the most notable was undoubtedly hold theseating arrangement problem signing ceremony. one parallel is the most common time of the signing cere

54、mony of bilateral form . its basic approach is: signing table at the indoor side of the door horizontally . the ceremony was attended by all personnel of both side by side after the signing table, the two sides signed center staff sat side door , passenger side right hand side , the main party left.

55、 second, the relative type, with parallel rows of seats signing ceremony is basically the same . the main difference between the two, but the relative style row seat to attend the signing ceremony of bilateral suite seats moved across the signatory . third, the president of style, mainly applicable

56、to multilateral signing ceremony. their operating characteristics are: signature tables still in the room horizontally , i still need to sign in the face of the main entrance of the table , but have just one , and not fixed its seat occupant . when the ceremony , people of all parties , including th

57、e undersigned included, all should be back to the main entrance , facing seats on the signature um . when signed , the parties signatory to the order prescribed should turn took seats at the table to sign the signature , then that should be returned to the original place table.2. gifts etiquette. af

58、ter negotiations negotiators gifts. in addition to the desire to be friendly and deepen the friendship, the more important is the success of the cooperation congratulations. but the gift can not be rushed. in general, you want to determine the value of a gift or as a guest under the circumstances of

59、 each gift. should pay attention to the actual meaning and emotional value of the gift, not worth. also, pay special attention to each others customs, does not violate each others religious beliefs. in addition, european and american people give each other gifts of time, both sides must face himself

60、 open gift wrap, and expressed appreciation and sincere.in short. with the development of society. business etiquette has become a modern social and economic interaction is required. for business negotiation and other business associations have an important role, has become our traditional cultural inheritance and development of etiquette in business dealings. famous etiquette expert professor jin zhengkun said: courtesy is respect for others, respect for the instrument in the form of the foot. to better into the modern business dealings, we

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