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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式五指教学教 师彭宜干单 位和平县公白中学课题名称Unit2 Topic 2 All these problems are very serious. Section A学情分析本单元针对九年级上学期学生,学生已有一定英语基础,对于一般过去时的结构和基本用法在八年级已有比较深刻的理解。还未接触现在完成时的用法。班级整体水平分析:学生整体学习习惯不太好,书写普遍不够端正,整体的英语水平参差不齐。对于基础知识,同学们普遍掌握的不够扎实,对关于发表自己的意见与感觉的能力就更差了。有一部分学生学习不够积极不够主动。在这个班里学困生较多,他们的基础

2、特别差,有许多最基础的知识和方法及能力都没有,基本的阅读能力也不会,基本的分析能力也欠缺。学习习惯也不好,上课听讲不专心,作业质量不高,老师有时候催促也不写。在老师和同学的帮助下,虽然有些进步,但是学习仍然缺乏自学性,作业态度欠端正,作业马虎。然而使我感到欣慰的是还有20多个同学基础较扎实,积极主动参与到学习中去,成绩还不错。教学目标1. Learn a new word and some phrases:as a result, behavior, in the beginning, day by day, die out2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)

3、As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem. (2)Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals.3. Learn the indefinite pronoun and adverb:(1) None of us likes pollution. (2) Dont spit anywhere in public. (3) Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees. 4.

4、 Learn the importance of protecting the environment教学过程Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)复习污染的类型及其危害,教师创设一个空气污染的情境,引入本课话题。1. (教师收集一些有关污染的图片,让学生说出它们分别属于哪种污染,有何危害并提出解决建议。)T:What kind of pollution is it?Ss:It is noise pollution.T:What harm can it cause?S1:It can disturb others and make people feel uncomforta

5、ble and unpleasant.S2:It does great harm to peoples hearing. It can even make people sick or deaf.T:Good. How should we solve this problem?S3:Dont always listen to loud pop music.S4:Dont make a loud noice in public.(其它污染用同样的方法复习。学生可以在教师帮助下回答。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)展示1a的图片,导入新课,呈现本课生词和词组

6、。讲解不定代词和不定副词的用法。教育学生必须保护环境。(教师创设一个空气污染的情境,引入本课话题。例如:教师一边拍身上的灰尘,一边咳嗽着走进教室,然后描述。)T:It is too dirty and there is too much heavy smoke outside. I cant stand it.1. (教师展示1a的图片,导入新课。)T:Do you like the environment here?Ss:No, we dont.T:Why?Ss:Because there is too much smoke. Its a serious air pollution.T:Ve

7、ry good. We should stop burning coal. It is said that China has become the worlds largest producer and user of coal. As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.(板书并要求学生掌握。) as a resultT: Now our government has realized the importance of protecting the environment.(板书并要求学生理解。) importance

8、T: We should do something useful to protect the environment, too.(板书并解释something是不定代词,其修饰语要放在它后面。);something usefulT: Can you tell me what we should do?S1:We shouldnt leave rubbish here and there.S2:Dont spit anywhere in public.S3:Dont walk on grass.S4:(教师引导学生回答。)T: Well done. We should do everythin

9、g we can to protect the environment.2. (播放1a录音,让学生带着问题去听。)T: Listen to the tape, and answer the questions on the small blackboard.(出示小黑板。)(1)Whats the article about?(2)What should we do and not do to protect the environment?(核对答案。)3. (男女生分角色朗读。)T: Lets read 1a together. BoysKangkang and girlsMichael

10、.4. (让学生再读1a,试着找出1a中的不定代词或不定副词,以及一些疑难点。)T: Read 1a again, and try to find the indefinite pronouns or adverbs.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)阅读1a,完成1b,开展分组活动加深对文章的理解,增强学生的环保意识。1. (让学生齐读对话,巩固1a并完成1b。)T: Now, lets read this dialog together again, and then try to answer the questions in 1b as quickl

11、y as you can. (核对答案。)2. (要求学生利用小黑板上的关键词复述1a。)T: Retell 1a with the key words. Two minutes for preparation.a.the largest producer and userb.a serious problemc.do something usefuld.leave rubbish/spit anywhere/walk on grass/pick flowers/care for/plant more treese.do everything(抽查几名同学,检测复述情况。教师作点评。)Step

12、 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)教师利用图片作引导,呈现部分生词和词组。让学生独立完成2,然后听录音,完成3。并通过练习,分析不定代词和不定副词在句中的作用,总结它们的用法。1. (教师展示多幅有关学生不文明现象的图片。)T:Environment is very important to us. How about the environment of Kangkangs school? Lets look at the pictures. T:(指着第一幅图中的男生。) Is he polite or impolite?Ss:Impolite.T:Yes. He is

13、 rude.(板书并要求学生理解。) rude2. (让学生观察图片,然后分组讨论图中人物的行为是否正确。)T:Are their behaviors good or bad?(板书并要求学生掌握。) behaviorSs:Bad.T:Good. What should we do then?Ss:We should make rules to change the situation. Perhaps its hard for us to follow the rules in the beginning. But you will get used to them later on and

14、 our school will become better and better day by day.T:I agree with you.(板书并要求学生掌握。) in the beginning, day by dayT: Discuss in groups of four, then give a report.(小组选代表汇报。)3. (教师让学生用不定代词或不定副词完成这封信,完成2。)T: Here is a letter from Kangkang. Is the environment of his school good or bad? What did he say i

15、n the letter? Please read 2. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks. (教师与学生核对答案。让学生认真地读这封信,分析不定代词和不定副词在句中的作用。引导学生总结出不定代词/副词的用法。)4. (教师用图片作引导,让学生对新的语法进行训练,达到学以致用的目的。)(展示一系列有标语的图片。)T:We know we should protect the environment. What should we do? Please use the indefinite pronouns or adverbs in y

16、our sentences. (教师可做适当的引导。)S1: None of us should step on the grass.S2: Dont throw rubbish everywhere.S3: Nobody should pick the flowers.S4: Dont spit anywhere.S5: Everyone should care for animals. T: Excellent. We should do everything we can to protect the environment.5. (听录音,完成3。)T:In the past, peo

17、ple killed animals for their meat and skins. Now some kinds of animals are becoming fewer and fewer. And some animals are in danger of dying out completely.(板书并要求学生掌握。)die outT: Listen to the tape and finish 3.(教师与学生核对答案,然后解释语言点。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)让学生调查周围的人,有哪些行为对保护环境是不利的,应如何解决,写一份调查报

18、告。然后讨论作为一名中学生应该和不应该做什么,以此制定一份班级或学校规则来增强学生的环保意识。1. T: Make a survey.(让学生调查周围的人,有哪些不良的行为,应如何解决。)Bad behaviorSolution2. Homework:Make some class rules or school rules about protecting environment.板书设计:All these problems are very serious. Section Aas a resultBut the government is doing something useful

19、to protect the environment.something usefulNone of us likes pollution.in the beginningDont spit anywhere in public.day by dayEveryone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.die outWe should do everything we can to protect the environment.自我评价一、精心备课在上课之前,我细致地分析学生,充分地把握教材,精心地设计教学进程,恰当地选择教学方

20、法,准确地拟定教学目标并对学生多种可能的反映做出预期。实践经验告诉我们,课前准备越充分,教师在课堂上就越能游刃有余,得心应手,否则很容易出现问题甚至出现僵局。二、让教学设计在课堂上落实到位教学设计是对教学过程以及教学中可能出现的问题和解决方法的一种事先预设,因此我组长评议或同行评议: 1、激发学生学习积极性,关注到不同学习基础的学生,做到全员参与。2组织和调控好课堂学习秩序,学生的注意力集中,做到全程参与。3、探究学习、自主学习不流于形式,处理好合作学习与独立思考的关系,做到有效参与。4、讲授条理清楚,重视培养学生的优秀的思维品质和良好的心理素质。 评议一单位:公白中学英语科组 姓名:罗纯斌 日期:2013.9.12

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