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7、保我县有工程进入相关规划。二是加强同省建立厅及相关部门的联络及时掌握信息,反应情况。三是认真做工程的编撰和工程资料的准备工作,确保随要随给。In the party to carry out thought people honest and pragmatic as the main content of the partyapos;s mass line of educational practice, the partyapos;s eighteen to make a major deployment.The Central mittee issued .6 month on the

8、18th, the Central mittee held the partyapos;s mass line of educational practice working conference on, _i general secretary at the meeting made an important speech, rade rade attended the meeting and on how to carry out the mass line is good education practice of the arrangement of deployment of 6 A

9、pril 22 to 25, Central Political Bureau held special meeting, control implement the central The eight prescribed ideological reality and the actual work, to carry out criticism and self-criticism, further study on strengthening and improving the style construction of specific measures, for the whole

10、 party to carry out educational practice made an e_le.Group Party attaches great importance to educational practice, respectively on June 23, July 3, held special meeting, the documents of the Central mittee General Secretary _i and a series of important speech to convey the spirit of learning, stud

11、y and formulate the Corporation of party work plan for the mass line of educational practice and on the activities of the arrangements for the deployment of.Now, I talk about the four aspects of the problem.A full understanding of the significance of the partyapos;s mass line of educational practice

12、 The mass line is the lifeline and the basic line of work of the party.To carry out the partyapos;s mass line of educational practice is party in the new situation must insist on the party manage the party, strictly is great and decision-making, conform to the e_pectations of the masses, to strength

13、en the learning type, service and innovation of Mar_ist ruling partyapos;s construction of a major deployment, is the important measure to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Education practice activities, to keep the partyapos;s advanced nature and purity, consolidatin

14、g the partyapos;s ruling foundation and ruling position, to effectively change the style of work, to further promote the spirit of “Three Gorges”, the strategic goal of building a world-class clean energy group, has significant and the profound Significance.First, to carry out the partyapos;s mass l

15、ine of educational practice, is implementing the spirit of the partyapos;s eighteen and realize the dream of China, is the inevitable requirement of the Three Gorges dream.Party 18 put forward the struggle goal of “two hundred years”, namely in the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese muni

16、st Party in China to pleted a prehensive well-off society, in New China was founded 100 years built a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country.Party after eighteen, General Secretary _i proposed the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nat

17、ion.The Chinese dream is the dream nation, peopleapos;s dream and dream of every Chinese enterprise.The full realization of the goals of the Twelfth Five Year Plan , in 2022 to basically pleted a world-class clean energy group is in the hearts of the Three Gorges new “Three Gorges dream”, is an inte

18、gral part of the Chinese dream.To realize the partyapos;s eighteen identified goals and realize the Chinese dream, dream of the Three Gorges, we must develop in close contact with the masses of the fine style of work, bearing in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and resolutely o

19、ppose formalism, bureaucracy, and hedonism and e_travagant wind; must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, all from a practical point of view, follow the rules of market economy and the development of enterprises, promote enterprise of scientific development; must fully mobilize the

20、enthusiasm of all the cadres and workers, initiative, creativity, Boost Qi God, twisted into a vigor, unite as one to tackle tough, in order to realize the dream of China, the Three Gorges dream and struggle.The second, to carry out the partyapos;s mass line of educational practice, is to strengthen

21、 the state-owned enterprise party construction, keep the partyapos;s advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partyapos;s ruling foundation and ruling status of inevitable requirement.The partyapos;s advanced nature and the partyapos;s ruling status is not a once and for all, immutable.Past adv

22、anced does not equal the present advanced, now advanced is not equal to advanced forever.In the past have not equal to now have, now have is not equal to always have.Keep the partyapos;s advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partyapos;s ruling foundation and ruling position, is the partyapos

23、;s Facing the construction of the fundamental problem and the subject of the times.Central enterprises is pleted a prehensive well-off society in an important force, is an important pillar of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an important basis for the munist Party of China.To carry out the

24、 partyapos;s mass line of educational practice, is to further strengthen and improve the partyapos;s leadership, play the e_emplary vanguard role of Party members, the people honest and pragmatic value pursuit deeply rooted in the thoughts and actions of all Party members, and keep the partyapos;s a

25、dvanced nature and purity.It is to hold to a party to want to manage the party, strictly, so as to promote the ideological and working style construction of the party building in all respects, Party of the body and the party ranks of self purification, self end At the beginning of the good, self inn

26、ovation, self - improvement; is to further development of Zhuang country economy and enhance control of state-owned enterprises, influence and vitality to further consolidate the partyapos;s ruling foundation, to consolidate the partyapos;s ruling status.Third, to carry out the partyapos;s mass line

27、 of educational practice, is vigorously carry forward the spirit of “Three Gorges”, “four winds” in the control group of scientific development outstanding issues to solve the inevitable requirement.The central government decided to the mass line of educational practice is mainly focus on style buil

28、ding, efforts to solve formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and e_travagant wind “four winds”.In the process of long-term construction of the Three Gorges project, the pany Always maintain a hard work, truth-seeking and pragmatic, scientific and democratic, solidarity and cooperation of the fine style

29、 of work, unity and lead all the Three Gorges builders tenacious struggle, the successful pletion of the Three Gorges project construction tasks, to the party and the people on the a qualified answer.Second, conscientiously implement the central spirit, solidly carry out the partyapos;s mass line of

30、 educational practice central the education practice of guiding ideology, objectives, tasks, basic principles, methods, steps made specific provisions, Party accordingly formulated the , selected documents the learning materials, learning _i Jinping and other leading rades of the Central mittee on s

31、trengthening the construction of style of a series of important e_position, learning the glorious history of the CPC and the fine tradition of ideological reality, the transformation of the subjective world, building prison ideological line of defense.E_plicitly requested by the party, the party mem

32、bers and cadres to participate in learning when Room shall be not less than 30 hours, on business to timely make up a missed lesson, deputy division level and above cadres to writing reading e_perience.In the learning stage of education, party to schedule three discussion focused on learning.Is arou

33、nd the stick to the mass line of the party, masses viewpoint, how close party group do group carry out study and discussion topics; the second is based on anti-corruption and maintain cadres honest invite e_perts to give lectures, to further enhance the ability to resist corruption and cadres; three

34、 is to implement the provisions of the central eight carry out inspections, to change the style, ning_injuli, for the construction of a world-class clean energy group provide strong guarantee as the theme to carry out special topic for discussion.55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

35、55555555 刚刚,_汇报了一季度经济运行情况;其它30多个市直单位、9个县市区印发了书面材料,大家对形势的分析p 都比拟理性、客观,对做好下阶段的工作信心较足、措施详细;几位市领导结合分管工作,谈了很好的意见;等会,易书记还将作重要讲话,大家务必认真领会精神,实在抓好落实。下面,我讲两个方面的意见。一、分析p 一季度的经济形势,我们既要看到差距,更要坚决信心,理性对待新常态下的新变化今年以来,面对持续加大的经济下行压力,全市上下认真贯彻落实中、省、市各项决策部署,坚持稳中求进总基调,积极应对、主动作为,获得了较好成效。一季度,全市地区消费总值增长8.6%;固定资产投资增长25.2%;规模













48、。以罗霄山片区县为重点,继续施行精准扶贫,进一步加大精准扶贫、驻村帮扶、金融扶贫试点工作力度,积极创新扶贫机制,实在加快脱贫致富奔小康步伐。通过民生大提质,不断增加城乡居民收入,为扩大消费需求奠定根底。扎实开展平安消费“十大战役”攻坚活动,确保平安消费形势持续稳定好转。把良好的生态环境作为重大民惹事业,更加重视生态建立和环境保护,扎实推进省政府湘江流域保护和治理“一号重点工程”。扎实做好防汛抗旱准备工作,对各类水利设施、尾砂库、地质灾害易发点组织开展平安隐患排查和整改,确保平安度汛。同志们, 实现“双过半”目的的时间非常紧迫、任务非常艰巨。大家一定要对照目的找差距,以“抓落实”为工作导向,精准施策、精准发力,努力实现“双过半”,为圆满实现全年目的奠定根底。第 20 页 共 20 页

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