英译汉教程第一章练习答案 连淑能.docx

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《英译汉教程第一章练习答案 连淑能.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英译汉教程第一章练习答案 连淑能.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Examples & Improve or correct the following translations:(1) Poor translation due to inaccurate comprehension:1) This will go a long way towards overcoming the difficulties.这对克服困难有很大的帮助。2) Go it while you are young.趁还年轻就放手去做吧。3 ) I could do with more leisure time.我需要更多的空闲时间。4) This failure was the m

2、aking of him.这次失败造就了他。5) I wish peace could be saved at the eleventh hour.我希望在最后时刻nJ以嬴得和平。6) . She knew a thing or two about it.她对此事有些了解。7) She is too ready to speak.她很乐意发言。8) News came through on the wireless of a rich oil field district.通过无线电传来了某一藏汕丰富地区的消息。9) News came through on the wireless of a

3、 rich oil field district.根据当时的形势他深信将会有一场漫长而艰苦的战争。10) What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China and the Third World countries?对民族解放运动和中国同第三世界国家关系的看法是什么呢?(2) Poor translation due to inappropriate representation:1) This is a 100-hour reliable engine.这

4、台发动机可以连续运转100个小时,非常可靠。2) The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.牛津英语词典是有关英语单词一切问题的最高权威。3) He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.他爱好学习,r解知识,并授之于人。4) Linda is a good singer and a good dancer, a great actress and a great joker.琳达不仅是一位优秀的歌唱家和舞蹈家,而且是一位天资卓越的演员和了不起的幽默大

5、师。5) Somehow our path took us towards the park.不知不觉我们走到了公园。6) Hows the world treating you?你运气怎样?你过的怎样?7) The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginnings of the New Redology represented by scholars such as Hu Shi and Yu Ping-bai.1919年的“五四”运动见证了像胡适、俞平伯这样的学者所代表的“新红学的开始。8) The little chaps good natur

6、ed honest face won his way for him. (Vanity Fair)这小伙子忠厚老实的K相为他赢得了出路。9) Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the town.热心的群众成群地涌到镇上,场面异常热闹。10) The colorful surroundings of the restored town inspired the photographers in the team as they lined up the ping

7、-pong players in front of the cameras to shouted encouragements of ,Xiao! Xiao! (Smile,smile.)这座复兴城镇的五彩缤纷的环境激发随队的摄影记者们在当乒乓球选手们列队在照相机前的时候高 声鼓励他们要笑! ”笑!Examples & Translate the following paying attention to the culture-related knowledge involved.Examples & Translate the following paying attention to t

8、he culture-related knowledge involved.1) John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰为人可靠,他既忠实又正直。2) Didnt she swear shed never again believe anything in trousers?她不是曾经发誓她再也不相信男人了吗?3) As the wisest of the Commissioners himself remarked, some part of what they were shown in Ceylon sma

9、cked a little bit of Potemkin.就像那位最明智的委员所评论的,他们在锡兰所展示的某些部分有点Potemkin(造作)的味道。4) The Japanese imperialists tried to make hell while the sun shines.日本帝国主义企图在光天化日之下制造人间地狱。5) Not without reason Mr. Dulles was called a bull in the Indo-China shop.把杜勒斯称作冒失鬼是有道理的。6) The government of Gabon considers this qu

10、estion of admission of the Peoples republic ofChina to the United Nations as of the utmost importance, calling for specific action under Article 18 of theU.N. Charter.加蓬政府认为关于允许中国加入联合国的问题是至关重要的,需要严格遵守联合国宪章第18条的详 细步骤。7) His writings are devoured by Arabs from the castles of Morocco to the oil derricks of the Persian Gulf, by diplomats from Foggy Bottom to Peking.从摩洛哥城堡到波斯湾石油井架的阿拉伯人以及从美国到中国的外交家们都津津有味地拜读他的著作。8) He was the acting president of the organization of African Unity.他是非洲统一组织的代理秘书长。

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