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1、初 中 英 语 语 法 知 识 汇 编主谓一致性原则主谓一致性原则:是指在使用助动词be、have、do以及一般现在时态的谓语动词应同主语在人称和单复数上保持一致。考点要求:主谓一致性原则主要从三个方面进行考虑:一、形式一致性原则 - 要求找准主语(不要认为紧靠动词的词语就是主语;也不要认为主语肯定在动词前;同时需要考虑用作主语的名词是否可数,是单数还是复数)。初中英语中,对形式一致性原则的考察主要包括以下几个方面:1、基本要求:考虑主谓一致时,应着重考虑主语是否是第三人称单数(动词用-s形式)。当人称代词第三人称单数(he、she、it)和表示单数的指示代词(this、that)用作主语,以

2、及主语名词为不可数名词或单数可数名词时,助动词或谓语动词用-s形式。 e.gHe is a doctor. She is a teacher.This is a book. That is a pen.It takes about an hour to get there by bus.The boy has been in the League for two years.There is some water in the glass.注意:单复数同形的可数名词以及不可数形式同复数同形的名词用作主语时,需根据其限定词的不同以及句子的意义,判定其是否为单数可数名词或为不可数名词,来确定动词是

3、否用-s形式(people和police常用作复数)。 e.gThe police are looking for the lost boy everywhere.(police用作主语时,如其前限定词没有说明“一”时,看为复数)There are several sheep on the hill.(several之后应带复数可数名词)This sheep belongs to Jims brother.(指示代词this和that后应带单数可数名词)There are some fish in the river. Lets go fishing this afternoon.(根据riv

4、er中的fish以及后一句中的go fishing,可得知此处的fish为可数名词,再根据some后的可数名词应为复数,得出此处的fish为复数可数名词)The fish smells very delicious. Would you like some?(根据delicious只同食品有关,得出此处的fish不是“鱼”,而是“鱼肉”,为不可数名词)2、倒装句主谓一致的判定:所谓倒装就是把动词放在主语之前。要考虑倒装句的主谓一致性原则,首先应知道句子是否是倒装句,如句子为倒装句,动词形式应同它后面的主语在人称和单复数上保持一致(注:倒装句式的动词形式不考虑就近原则)。e.gHere come

5、s the famous person.On the table are a book and a pen.倒装句式主要有两种形式:一种为部分倒装(只将助动词放在主语前,谓语动词仍然放在主语后,无助动词时,在主语前加do的适当形式),一种为完全倒装(整个谓语动词都放在主语前)。e.gOn the chair is sitting a little girl.(完全倒装句式)Only then did I know that he was a Chinese.(部分倒装句式)初中英语中常见的倒装句式主要有以下几种情况:1)疑问句式e.gAre you going to the movie ton

6、ight?How long is Mr. Smith staying in Beijing?2)here句式(here之后直接带上动词的句式)e.gHere comes the bus.Here is a letter for you.Here are a book and a pen for you.(注意不考虑就近原则)3)表地点的介词短语后(介词短语后紧跟动词)e.gAcross from the park is a small house with a beautiful garden.In the room are a teacher and some students.(注意不考虑

7、就近原则)4)so、neither、nor之后(说明某人或某事同刚才提到的情况相同)e.gI like playing basketball. And so do I.Lucy isnt going to do it. And neither am I.5)直接引语后e.g“Where are you going?” asks Mr. Black.3、并列主语的主谓一致性原则:并列主语是指两个或两个以上的主语共一个谓语,此时的主谓一致性判定,应遵循以下原则:1)并列主语用and连接时,应看为复数。 e.gHe and I are going to visit the Summer Palace

8、 tomorrow.The man and his dog are going across the busy street.2)并列主语分别受限定词every或each限制时,应看为单数。 e.gEvery boy and every girl in our class isnt allowed to wear jeans at school.Each door and each window in the teaching building is clean now.3)用作主语的两个名词表示同一个人或物时(两个名词前只有一个限定词时),看为单数。(注意:如名词分别带有限定词时,不表示同一

9、人或物) e.gOur headteacher and math teacher is talking with Jims parents.(用作主语的两个名词headteacher和teacher前只有一个限定词our,表示同一人)Our headteacher and our math teacher are talking with Jims parents.(用作主语的两个名词headteacher和teacher前分别有限定词our,不表示同一人)4)用or连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词形式应同靠近它的主语在人称和单复数上保持一致。 e.gYou or he has to go to

10、the market to buy some fruit.4、复合不定代词和非谓语动词用作主语时的主谓一致性原则:复合不定代词和非谓语动词用作主语时,看为单数。 e.gNobody is going with you. You have to go alone.Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.注意:如两个非谓语动词用作并列主语,用and连接时,看为复数。 e.gDoing more exercise and eating more vegetable are good for your health.5、不定代词用作主语时的主谓一致性原则:不定代

11、词用作主语时,应考虑其说明单数还是复数,以便确定谓语动词是否应使用第三人称单数形式(-s形式)。1)both和all用用作主语时,看作复数(all代换不可数名词时,看为单数)。 e.gBoth of them are able to work out the math problem.All of the students are going camping next Saturday.All of the water in that lake has been polluted.either、each、neither单独用用作主语时,看作单数 e.gThere are two apples

12、on the table. But neither is for you.either、each、neither、none同of一起构成词组用作主语时,如of后带人称代词,一般将其看为单数,如of后带复数名词,既可看为单数,也可看作复数(初中英语中常看作单数)。 e.gNone of us is going to the movie this evening.Either of them is going with you.Neither of the students is/are right.6、主语名词受表量限定词组限制时的主谓一致性原则:主语名词受表量限定词组限制时,谓语动词应随表量限

13、定词组中的表量名词的单复数形式,确定动词形式。 e.gThis pair of glasses doesnt fit you.Here are two cups of tea. One is for you, the other is for me.7、主语同谓语动词间有表伴随等关系的介词词组时,主谓一致的判定:主语后带有用with、as well as、but、like、except、besides、together with、including、rather than等词语构成的短语说明伴随等关系时,其后动词形式的判定不要受短语中的名词影响,而应同其前的主语保持人称和单复数的一致。e.gT

14、he boy with his parents is going to Australia for vacation.John like the other students wants to be a basketball player.All the students except Tom have passed the final examination.8、主语带有同位语时,主谓一致的判定: 主语带有同位语时,动词形式应随主语判定,而不要受同位语的影响。 e.gWe each have a dictionary. But mine is better than Lindas.Lucy

15、and Lily each have two apples after breakfast every morning.9、用-s结尾的名词用作主语时,主谓一致的判定:初中英语中用-s结尾的名词主要为学科名称、国家名称和服装系列的名词,以及表示总以成双成对方式出现的物体名词,其中表示学科名称和国家名称的词为单数,其余的为复数。 e.gPhysics was hard for me last term.The United States was founded in 1776.My trousers are worn out.His glasses are broken. He wants to

16、 buy a new pair.10、the number of和a number of带名词位于动词前用作主语时,主谓一致的判定:the number of带名词所构成的短语作句子主语时,动词形式应同主语名词number保持一致,使用单数形式(-s形式),而不能根据of后的名词形式判定动词形式,因为of带名词为介词短语作number的后置定语;a number of带名词所构成的短语作句子主语时,动词形式应根据of后的名词形式判定,a number of是限定词组(= many),其后的名词为句子主语。 e.gThe number of the students in our school

17、is about seven hundred.A number of students in our school are going hiking tomorrow.注意:a number of的number前如加上large的最高级,对number进行修饰时,不定冠词应变为定冠词,动词形式仍然根据of后的名词判定(the number of的number前不用修饰词)。 e.gThe largest number of students in our class are interested in math.二、意义一致性原则 - 要求考虑主语的内在意义(此时不能根据主语自身的形式考虑动词

18、形式,而应考虑句子结构和意义上的关联,用作主语的单数名词有可能体现复数,复数名词也可能表示单数)。初中英语中,对意义一致性原则的考察主要包括以下几个方面:1、表示不定数量的不定代词代换名词用作主语时的主谓一致性原则:表示不定数量的不定代词代换名词用作主语时,其谓语动词形式需同其所代换的名词在单复数上保持一致。 e.gHe got many presents on his birthday. Some are toys. Some is food.She bought some food for supper. Some is bread. Some are hamburgers.2、名词所有格

19、和名词性物主代词用作主语时的主谓一致性原则:所有格用作句子主语时,动词应根据所有格所代换的名词形式来确定自身的形式。 e.gThis isnt my pen. Mine is my pencil case.The shoes arent mine. Mine are under the bed.Your jeans are out of style. But Lindas are in style.3、引导定语从句的关系代词作从句主语时的主谓一致性原则:关系代词作定语从句主语时,从句的动词形式随先行词的单复数判定。 e.gThe books that are very interesting

20、will be sold out soon.Have you seen the film that is about the Second World War?Do you know the boys who are swimming in the river?4、表示时间、距离、金钱和度量衡等“总量”关系的复数名词用作主语时的主谓一致性原则:表示“总量”关系的复数名词短语用作主语时,应将整个短语看为一个整体,看作单数,动词形式不要受短语中的复数名词的影响,使用单数形式(-s形式)。 e.g100 miles is quite a long way.How time flies. Three

21、years is really a short time.5、单数形式的集体名词用作主语时的主谓一致性原则:集体名词的单数形式在用作主语时,应考虑其说明的是整个集合体(单数),还是强调集合体中的个体(复数),从而判定谓语动词的正确形式。如强调集合体中的个体(谓语动词常为说明动作的词语),虽然集体名词使用了单数形式,仍应将其看作复数,谓语动词不能使用-s形式。e.gOur class is on the second floor in the teaching building.(“我们班在教学楼的二楼”,在此class说明的是整个集合体,为单数。)Our class are going hik

22、ing next week.(“我们班下周要去远足”,此时的class强调集合体中的个体,为复数。因为class作为一个集合体(班)时,不可能发出go hiking的动作,只有组成class这个集合体的学生(集合体中的个体)才可能发出go hiking的动作。6、“定冠词 + 形容词”用作主语时的主谓一致性原则:“the + adj.”(一类人)和“the + 姓的s形式”(某家人)用作主语时,应看为复数。 e.gThe young in that factory are going to plant trees on the hill tomorrow.The Browns are comi

23、ng to see us this afternoon.三、就近原则 - 动词同靠近它的主语在人称和单复数上保持一致。初中英语中的就近原则主要体现在两个方面:1、there be句型中主谓一致的判定:there be句式中动词be的形式应根据靠近它的主语名词判定。2、neither nor 等连词词组连接主语时,主谓一致的判定:并列主语使用连词词组neither nor (既不也不)、either or (或者或者)、not only but also (不但而且)、not but (不是而是)连接时,动词形式应同靠近它的主语在人称和单复数上保持一致(就近原则)。e.gNot only Jim

24、 but also John is good at math.Neither you nor I am going to Nancys party.Either you or he has to do the work this afternoon.Not Jim but the other boys are going to watch the football match tomorrow.Exercise 1( )1. I as well as you _ a football fan in the past. A. am B. are C. was D. were( )2. Nobod

25、y but some students _ there at that time. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )3. Our headmaster and math teacher _ a good friend of ours. A. is B. are C. were D. are going to be( )4. Physics _ difficult for me to learn. A. is B. are C. were D. have been( )5. Two hundred miles _ quite a long way. A. is B.

26、are C. were D. are going to be ( )6. Between the two hills _ a small river. A. is B. are C. lie D. have( )7. In that factory the number of the workers _ over 5000. A. is B. are C. were D. have( )8. In that factory a number of workers _ from Sichuan. A. is B. are C. comes D. is coming( )9. The police

27、 _ looking for the lost boy this time yesterday. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )10. Neither I nor he _ going to watch the movie with you. A. am B. is C. are D. will( )11. Nobody _ where the story took place. A. know B. knows C. say D. want to know( )12. There _ some money and some books in the bag. A

28、. is B. are C. has D. have( )13. He got many birthday presents. Some _ food, some _ books. A. was; was B. were; were C. was; were D. were; was( )14. The young in this group _ able to help the old climb up the mountain. A. is B. are C. was D. can be( )15. Playing football every day _ good for your he

29、alth. A. is B. are C. will D. can( )16. The place is not interesting at all. _ of us wants to go there. A. Few B. Little C. Neither D. Every( )17. Every teacher and every student in our school _ very hard. A. works B. work C. are working D. is work( )18. My son and my daughter each _ two cakes. A. h

30、as B. have C. is D. are( )19. _ of his parents wants him to be an actor. A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All( )20. This pair of shoes _ fit me. Please show me another pair. A. dont B. doesnt C. arent D. isntExercises 2( )1. “ What _ your mother look like?” “ She has long hair.” A. does B. do C. did D.

31、 is( )2. There _ some old people taking a walk in the park. A. is B. are C. have D. has( )3. How time flies! Three years _ really a short time. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )4. Everyone except Bill and Jim _ there when the meeting began. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )5. There are 120 teachers in our

32、 school. And one third of them _ men teachers. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )6. Tom as well as his classmates _ football every Saturday afternoon. A. play B. plays C. have played D. are playing( )7. There is _ on the desk. A. some apples B. many paper C. a pen and some paper D. some papers( )8. _ of

33、 the student in our school _ over two thousand.A. The number; is B. The number; are C. A number; is D. A number; are( )9. There _ some sheep eating grass on the hill. A. have B. has C. is D. are( )10. Do you know _ the population of Sichuan _? A. how much; is B. what; is C. how much; are D. what; ar

34、e( )11. The women with two children _ waiting for the bus that is to come. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )12. Not only the students but also the teacher _ going to the new movie. A. is B. are C. were D. will( )13. This pair of trousers _ fit me well, so I dont want to take _. A. doesnt; them B. dont;

35、 them C. doesnt; it D. dont; it( )14. His family _ football fans. They all like watching football match. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )15. One of my best friends _ to go to England for vacation. A. want B. wants C. have D. will( )16. I bought some books that _ written by Lu Xun.( )17. You or I _ goi

36、ng to the market to buy some food for dinner. A. is B. am C. are D. were( )18. Those cant be Jims trousers. Look! His _ on his desk. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )19. The price of the apples _ high. I dont want to buy any. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )20. She bought something on her way home. Some _ oranges, some _ sugar. A. was; was B. were; were C. was; were D. were; was

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