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1、UNIT 1I.How did Baker use to feel about English courses?He used to be utterly bored by English courses.2 .When did he begin to think it possible for him to become a writer?When he was in the third year in high school.3 .What did Baker hear about Mr. Fleagle? What was his own impression of his new En

2、glish teacher?He heard that Mr. Fleagle was dull, formal, rigid, and hopelessly out of date, and unable to inspire. He thought he was excessively prime and proper.4 .Why did he put off the writing assignment till the last minute?Because he expected the topics would be dull.5 .Why was the topic that

3、held his attention?The Art of Eating Spaghetti.6 .Why did he want to write about that topic? Because this topic brought back vivid memories of a night in Belleville when he and his family members learned how to eat spaghetti.7 .What did he think Mr. Fleagle would do if he were to if he were to write

4、 the essay the way he wanted? Why?He thought he would violate all the rules of formal composition he d learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade.8 .What was Baker prepared for when he found all the papers were given back but his?He was preparing himself for a command to

5、 report to Mr. Fleagle immediately after school for discipline.9 .What was Mr. Fleagle s announcement? He announced that he wanted to read an essay to the class.10 .Whose essay was Mr. Fleagle reading to the class? How did the class respond?Mr. Fleagle was reading Mr. Baker s essay to the class. The

6、 class listened attentively, and then the entire class was laughing with open- hearted enjoyment.11 .Why did Baker feel so delighted?Because both Mr. Fleagle and his classmates appreciated his essay very much.12 .What did Mr. Fleagle mean by saying“ it s of the very essence of the essay ” ? Probably

7、 he meant that the way Baker s essay was composed was exactly the way essays should be written or that the essence of a good essay is that it can move readers.UNIT 21 .What was the cab driver doing when the author wanted to take the taxi?He was reading a letter.2 .Did the cab driver have a cold?No.3

8、 .Whom did the driver talk about with the author?The driver talked about his friend with the author.4 .How long had the driver and Ed been friends? They had been friends since childhood.5 .What did the driver and Ed use to do when they were kids?They attended the same primary and high school, and al

9、ways went to school together.6 .How often did they see each other over the past 25 or 30 years? Why?They hadn t seen each other more than once or twice a year because the driver moved away from the old neighborhood.7 . What had happened to old Ed by the time the story took place?Old Ed was dead.8 .W

10、hy did the driver repeat that he should have kept in touch?Because he was very regretful.9 .What did the author mean by saying the first sentence in the letter reminded him of himself?He thought he himself also neglected keeping up correspondence with his friends.10 .Why did the driver say he began

11、the letter with “Old Friend ” ?Because they had been good friends over the years. They were old now, and there weren t many people at their age still alive.11 .How did the driver feel about Old Ed s friendship with him?The driver felt that their friendship over the years had been very important to h

12、im, more important than he could say because he was not good at expressing his feelings.12 .What did the author decide to do when he arrived at the hotel? Why?He decided to write a letter at once hedidn t want to make the s ame mistake as the driver did.UNIT 3I.What is the attitude of some people to

13、wards the changes brought about by science and technology?They d like to stop such changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age.2 .What was life like before science and technology began to change our way of life? Life was nasty, brutish, and short.3 .What would happen if all gover

14、nment money for research were cut off?The force of competition would still bring about advances in technology.4 .Is it possible to prevent science and technology from further development? Why or why not?It s impossible to prevent science and technology from further development. Because the force of

15、competition will bring about technological advances, and one cannot stop inquiring minds from thinking about basic science.5 .What does the author think we should do about science and technology?We should try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right direction.6 .Why is it necessary for

16、the public to have a basic understanding of science?The public having a basic understanding of science can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts.7 .How does the public feel about science?It is in two minds about science. It has come to expect the steady increase in the s

17、tandard of living that new developments in science and technology have brought to continue, but it also distrusts science because it doesn t understand it.8 .What does the author think of equations as a way of expressing scientific ideas?They are a brief and accurate way of describing mathematical i

18、deas, but they frighten most people.9 .How is science taught in schools?It is often presented in a dry and uninteresting manner.10 .What limited role can books and magazines play in popularizing scientific ideas?They can help put across new development, but even the most successful popular book is r

19、ead only by a small proportion of the population.11 .What is the responsibility of TV science programme producers?To educate the public, not just entertain it.12 .What does the author think of the futureof human civilization?It will not destroy itself.UNIT 41 .Where did Tony come from?From a rocky f

20、arm in Italy.2 .How did Mr. Crawford get to know Tony?Tony came to his driveway to offer to mow his lawn.3 .Why did Mr. Crawford feel unhappy after he talked with Tony?The Depression Days were difficult, but he felt bad turning away a person who had come to him for help.4 .What happened over the nex

21、t few days?Mr. Crawford was busy at the factory, and Tony went on working in his garden.5 .How did Tony get6 his job at the factory?He asked Mr. Crawford for it.6 . How did Tony become a skilled worker later?And how did Mr. and Mrs. Crawford feel about it?He was a good worker, and then took a pay cu

22、t to become an apprentice. Finally he learned a trade. Mr. And Mrs. Crawford thought it to be a satisfactory ending.7 .Why did Tony come to see Mr. Crawford again a year or two later? Was Mr. Crawford of help this time? How?Tony wanted to buy a house. Mr. Crawford helped him get a bank loan.8 .How d

23、id Tony feel about selling his house? Why did he feel that way?He felt happy, because he earned $8,000 and bought a farm.9 .Did Tony do a good job of running his farm? Give examples.Yes. He sponsored his childhood friend to move to America. The latter thought he was a millionaire.10 .What was Tony s

24、 lifelong dream?Owning a farm.11 .How did he make his dream come true?By such values and principles as vision, determination, self-control, optimism, selfrespect and integrity.12 .Why did Mr. Crawford compare Tony with the greatest American industrialists?Because they reached success by the same rou

25、te and by the same values and principles.UNIT 5I.When did Phil die? Why does the author repeat the time of his death?Phil died at 3 A.M one Sunday morning. The repetition of the precise time of his death、I , 、I ,helps set the sardonic ( 讥讽的)tone of the essay.2 . What did the obituary say about Phil

26、s death? What did Phil s friends and acquaintances think was the real cause of his death?It said Phil died of a coronary thrombosis.They thought he had worked himself to death.3 .How full was Phil s working schedule? Did all the other employees put in as much time and work as he did?He worked six da

27、ys a week, five of them until eight or nine at night. No, they didn t.4 .How come Phil became overweight?He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk, and it is implied he took no exercise other than a monthly golf game (and even that was just as an opportunity to do business).5 .What did he wear

28、to the office on Saturdays? Why?He wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend.6 .What position did Phil hold in the company? How did the people working for him feel about him?He was one of six vice-presidents. They liked him most of the time.7 .What did Helen me

29、an by “Missing him all these years ” ?She meant that she had been missing her husband long before he died because he spent little time at home.8 .Why were the neighbors embarrassed when Phil s eldest son asked them what his father was like?Because they knew little about his father.9 .Did his daughte

30、r feel close to him? How do you know?No. whenever she was alone with her father, they had nothing to say to each other.10 .What is the significance of Phil s youngest son s statement, “My father and I only board here ? What does it convey about Phil s relationship with his family?The statement is in

31、tended to show forcefully how Phil concentrated far too much on his business to the neglect of his family life and his duty to his wife and children.11 .What did the company president say about Phil at the funeral? What did he do as soon as Phil s funeral was over?He said at the funeral that Phil ha

32、d meantmuch to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace. He began to make inquires about Phil s replacement as soon as his funeral was over.12 .What impact does the final paragraph have? How does this reinforce the author s point? By telling us what the company president said at

33、the funeral and what he did soon after the funeral the author lays bare the great absurdity ( 荒谬)of contemporary American corporate life: the pursuit of business success is valued well above anything else, even human lives.UNIT 61. What was John Blanchard doing at Grand Central Station?He was waitin

34、g for Miss Maynell.2. How had Blanchard and Miss Maynell come to know each other?Blanchard happened to see the notes penciled in the margin of the book he borrowed from a Florida library. He was so attracted by them that he tried hard to locate her address and finally succeeded in corresponding with

35、 her.3. What had kept Blanchard from meeting her? His service in the army in World War II had kept him from meeting her.4. How long had they written to each other previous to their first meeting?Twelve months.5. Why did Miss Maynell refuse to send Blanchard a photograph?She thought that if he really

36、 loved her, what she looked like wouldn t matter.6. How would Blanchard recognize Miss Maynell at their first meeting?She would recognize her by the red rose she d be wearing on her lapel.7. Why did Blanchard follow the girl without first trying to see if she was wearing a rose?He was attracted by h

37、er beauty.8. What did “Miss Mayness” look like? How did Blanchard feel toward his“valentine ”“Miss Maynell ” was a middle-aged lady, plain-looking and heavy. Blanchard was in a dilemma, greeted with mixed feelings: to go onto love her or to run after the pretty young woman.9. Why didn t Blanchard tu

38、rn away from“MissMaynell ” ?Because he thought he must keep his word, that is, never betray her in terms of love or friendship.10. What had Blanchard planned to do when he first met Miss Maynell?He had planned to take her to dinner.11. How come the middle-aged woman was wearing the rose?The real Miss Maynell begged her to wear the rose on her coat to test Blanchard.12. What did Miss Maynell want to find out through the test?She wanted to find out through the test whether he really loved her regardless of her appearance.

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