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1、选修7 Unit1 课时作业(三十一)Living well好好生活.单项填空1The disability makes everyday life difficult and_society should treat_disabled with dignity and respect.Athe;theB/;theCa;aDthe;/2Look!Here comes the bus and I have to go now.Thank you for coming to see me off.Goodbye,and_! Acongratulations Bcheer upCall the be

2、st Dgo ahead3She got so angry that she ran after them.She was soon_,but she continued to run.Aout of sight Bout of breathCin sight Din breath4What he said about my grades_me.Im really angry with him.Adisturbed Binterrupted Cannoyed Dencouraged5(2009年北京海淀区模拟)The new policy will_the elders a lot that

3、people over 65 can take buses free of charge.Adiscount Bsupport Capprove Dbenefit6Im taking a driving license test next month._.AAll the time BAll the best CAll the way DAll the same7When they moved to Canada,the children_the change very well.Aadapted to Badopted to Cused to Dattempted to8Email,as w

4、ell as telephones,_an important part in daily communication.Ais playing Bhave played Care playing Dplay9I went along thinking of nothing_,only looking at things around me.Ain particular Bin harmony Cin doubt Din brief10_,I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on worki

5、ng hard;youll succeed_.”AAt a time;in time BAt a time;on timeCAt one time;in time DAt one time;on time11You will have an idea of what a hard life the working people_at that time after you read the book.Aenjoyed Bshared Cmanaged Dlived12Wouldnt you feel rather_if you rushed to the airport to meet you

6、r friends only to find that they had already been picked up by other people?Asatisfied Bhappy Cannoyed Dbored13We must make sure that public facilities in the newlybuilt buildings,like the restroom and the lift,are_to disabled visitors.Aimpressive Bindependent Cremarkable Daccessible14Well have a sp

7、orts meet for the next three days._,we wont have lessons for three days.AIn other words BOn the other handCFor one thing DAs a matter of fact15So many model League Members_the lead,we had no_winning victories one after another.Ataking;trouble Btake;difficultyCtook;troubles Dtaking;difficult.完形填空A lo

8、ving person lives in a loving world.A hostile (敌意的) person lives in a hostile world.Everyone you meet is your mirror.Mirrors have a very particular_1_.They reflect the image in front of them.Just as a_2_mirror works as the vehicle to reflection,_3_do all of the people in our lives.When we see someth

9、ing beautiful such as a flower garden,that garden_4_a reflection.When we love someone,its a(n)_5_of loving ourselves.We have often heard things like “I love how I am when Im with that person”That simply_6_into “Im able to love me when I love that other person”_7_,when we meet someone new,we feel as

10、though we “click”Sometimes its as if weve_8_each other for a long time.That feeling can come from_9_similarities.Just as the “mirror” or other people can be a positive reflection,it is more likely that well_10_it when it has a negative connotation (内涵)_11_,its easy to remember the times when we have

11、 met someone were not particularly_12_about.We may have some criticism (批评) in our mind about the_13_.This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend_14_time.Oftentimes,when we_15_qualities in other people,ironically (讽刺地),its usually the mirror thats_16_to us.At

12、times we meet someone_17_and feel distant,disconnected,or disgusted._18_we dont want to believe it,and its not easy or_19_to look further,it can be a great learning lesson to_20_what part of the person is being reflected in you.Its simply just another way to create more selfawareness.1.A.target Bsty

13、leCfunction Dcolor2A.medical BphysicalCchemical Dmental3A.so BthenCnor Dneither4A.focuses on Bapplies toCworks with Dserves as5A.reward BevaluationCreflection Dexample6A.grows BtranslatesCenters Dfalls7A.Obviously BStrangelyCFortunately DFrequently8A.known BsupportedCobserved Drecognized9A.creating

14、BlackingCsharing Dcomparing10.A.ignore BkeepCtake Dnotice11A.In brief BIn additionCFor example DAs usual12A.crazy BanxiousCupset Dconcerned13A.time BmirrorCgarden Dperson14A.less Bamazing Cmore Dvaluable15A.appreciate BdislikeCdescribe Ddiscover16A.shouting Bshining Cspeaking Dpointing17A.new Bnervo

15、usCfamiliar Dfriendly18A.If BAlthough CSince DOnce19A.terrible BnobleCreliable Ddesirable20A.figure out Btake out Cput out Dgive out.阅读理解China Daily Oct.11,2008The Ministry of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of the young,as part of efforts to mark World Ment

16、al Health Day which fell on Friday.More than 15 percent of Chinese youths have been found with mental problems,and about 30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression,the Shanghaibased Wenhui Daily reported.The World Health Organization estimates that before 2020,the rate of childre

17、n with mental problems will increase to 50 percent,and mental problems will become a major factor behind deaths and illness in the young worldwide.Deng Xiaohong,the spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau,said rapid social changes are one of the reasons behind the rising number of young

18、sters with psychological problems.If these mental diseases are not addressed on time,occurrence of crimes,drugtaking and other dangerous behavior are expected to rise.Experts said mental diseases could be caused by many factors,such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well,unstable em

19、otions and pressures from an overload of studies.A number of experts have also said the onechild policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the young.Children are said to be too “spoiled” and “selfish” in a onechild family.Its reported that schools in many cities are rolling out measu

20、res to help students maintain their mental wellbeing.Yin Jingmiao,a teacher of the Beijing No.105 Middle School,told China Daily that the school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.“Students can be arranged to have 40minute counseling sessions,” Yin said.The s

21、chool also gives lectures on mental health to senior grade students before they take the national college entrance exams to help ease any anxiety arising from the tests.1Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AEfforts to Mark World Mental Health DayBSeriousness of YoungstersMen

22、tal Health ProblemsCHow to Maintain Mental WellbeingDPublic Awareness on YoungstersMental Diseases Expected2The writer intends to tell us in the second paragraph that_.Amental health problems of the young are becoming a popular problemBonly young people are suffering from mental health problemsCment

23、al problems will become as serious as deaths and illnessDthe rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent3Which could be the consequence if the problem is left untreated?AInability to handle interpersonal relations.BUnstable emotions.CDrugtaking and other dangerous behavior.DRap

24、id social changes.短文填词Last week,we talked about different kinds of short stories.Many of you said you liked the_(美国的) 1._writer Earnest Hemingway,who is w_known 2._for short stories.I hope you all f_my advice 3._and finished reading his story.Were going to study it together in todays lesson.Now sinc

25、e you_4._supposed to have read this story,lets have some_(讨论)Please look at the three5._ q_on the blackboard.First,when and where 6._does the story_place?Second,what kind 7._of the person does he show_(自己) to be?8._Third,what is the writers main purpose of_(写) the story?Id like you to work9._pairs a

26、nd present your answers in ten 10._.单项填空1B考查冠词。society社会,不可数名词,表泛指,其前不用冠词;the disabled为theadj.结构,指一类人,这里特指“残疾人”。2C考查交际用语。all the best一切顺利,万事如意。3B考查短语辨析。out of breath上气不接下气。句意为:她怒不可遏,于是就去追赶他们。她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍然继续追赶。4C考查动词辨析。annoy使不悦;惹恼。disturb打扰;interrupt打断;encourage鼓励。5D考查动词辨析。语境为:新政策规定65岁以上的老人乘公交车免费,这使老

27、人们受益。动词benefit使受益,对有用,合乎语境。6B考查交际用语。句意为:下月我要参加驾照考试。(祝你)一切顺利。all the best表示“(祝你)一切顺利”,符合语境要求。7A句意为:当他们搬家到加拿大时,孩子们对环境适应很快。adapt to表示“适应”符合句意要求。8A本题考查主谓一致。as well as telephones为插入语,主语为单数名词email,所以谓语时态用单数第三人称形式。9A句意为“我行走时没有想什么特别的,只是环顾周围事物”。in particular特别;in harmony和睦,和谐;in doubt怀疑;in brief简而言之。10C本题是考查

28、at a time与at one time,in time与on time的用法及区别。at one time相当于once;in time有两重含义,表“迟早”时,相当于sooner or later。11D句意为:看完这本书你就会知道那时的劳动人民过着多么艰苦的生活。live/lead a.life过着的生活。12C句意为:当你匆忙赶到机场去接朋友时,结果却发现朋友已被他人接走了,你能不感到懊恼(annoyed)吗?13Daccessible可接近的;可进入的;可使用的,常用于短语be accessible to sb.。impressive给人深刻印象的;independent独立自主的

29、,不受约束的;remarkable非凡的,显著的。14A考查短语辨析。in other words换句话说。on the other hand另一方面;for one thing首先;as a matter of fact事实上。15A考查独立主格结构和have no trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.。句意为:有那么多的先进团员带头,我们毫不费力地取得了一次又一次的胜利。members与take是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以要用动词ing形式;trouble和difficulty在此作不可数名词。.完形填空【语篇解读】充满爱意的人生活在充满爱意的世界里,充满敌意的

30、人则生活在充满敌意的世界里。你所遇到的每一个人都是你的镜子。1C根据下一句可知,本句是说镜子具有独特的功能或作用,因此选择function (功能)。2B就像人们可以从有形的镜子中看到自己,生活中的所有人也同样可以反映自己。physical有形的。3A本句是把我们生活中的人比作镜子,因为前面的句子是肯定形式,因此选择so,表示“某人或某物也”。4D我们所看到的漂亮的花园也是一面镜子。serve as充当,符合题意。5C我们爱别人就是爱我们自己的反映。6B从句意可知,本句是对前面句子的解释,因此用translate。7D经常地,我们遇见一个陌生人,感觉仿佛是一见如故。选择Frequently与下

31、一句中的Sometimes呼应。8A有时感觉好像我们已经相识甚久。9C这种熟悉感可能来自彼此身上的共同点。share有同样的感情(或想法,经历等),符合语意。10D就像“镜子”或他人能映射出我们积极的一面一样,我们更有可能注意到映射出自己消极方面的“镜子”。notice符合语意。11C作者是用具体的事例来说明本段的中心,因此选择C。12A我们很容易就能记住我们碰到自己不太喜欢的人的时刻。be not crazy about.不喜欢。13D我们可能在心里对那个人有些反感。the person指上文提到的那个我们不喜欢的人。14A当我们认识自己不喜欢与之相处的人时,这种情况就更为明显。想与他们相处

32、更短的时间,即不喜欢与他们相处,因此less符合题意。15B本文从两个方面阐述镜子的作用,第三段是积极的反映,第四、五段是消极的反映,因此选择dislike。16C我们不喜欢别人身上的品性,这也是“镜子”的作用。speak to sb.对某人诉说,符合语意。17A根据下文的“feel distant,disconnected,or.”可知这里是指我们遇到陌生人,因此选择new。遇到友好的人不会有距离感,因此D项不符合语意。18B尽管我们不想去相信,不容易也不想去深究,但是弄清楚这个人的哪些特质在自己身上有所体现是非常重要的一课。因此选择Although,引导让步状语从句。19D根据前面的not

33、 easy可知深究这个问题是不容易的或者有时也不愿去深究,因此选择desirable更为贴切。20A弄清楚这个人的哪些特质在自己身上有所体现是非常重要的一课,因此选择figure out“弄清”。 .阅读理解【语篇解读】心理健康越来越受到人们的关注。随着社会的发展以及诸多因素的影响,青少年的心理健康问题日益涌现,越来越严重。如何处理这一问题,让青少年健康成长呢?1D主旨大意题。本文指出了青少年心理健康问题的严重性及部分原因,而且还以北京105中学为例,谈了他们的应对措施,旨在引起人们对青少年心理健康问题的关注,所以答案为D。第一段作为主旨段,也有信息支持。2A推理判断题。文章第二段列举了一些数

34、字,通过这些数字可以看出,在不久的将来,青少年的心理健康问题将会越来越普遍。所以答案为A。B选项文章第二段中没有信息支持,C选项叙述错误,D选项只是第二段给出的一个信息,并非作者的意图。3C细节理解题。依据文章第三段中的“If these mental diseases are not addressed on time,occurrence of crimes,drugtaking and other dangerous behavior are expected to rise.”可以得出答案为C。A、B、D项均是导致心理健康问题出现的原因。.短文填词1American2.well3.fo

35、llowed4.are5discussion6.questions7.take8.himself9writing10.in选修7 Unit2 课时作业(三十二)Robots机器人.单项填空1For teenagers,there are always too many rules that are expected_.Ato obey Bto be obeyedCobeying Dobeyed2No child under 12 is allowed to go to the lake alone;any walk close to the lake_by a parent.Amust be

36、accompanied Bmust accompanyCcan be accompanied Dshould accompany3The film star has asked_but the journalists just keep following him wherever he goes.Ato leave alone Bleft aloneCto be left alone Dbeing left alone4What did he say in_of his stupid behaviour?He admitted that he had made a serious mista

37、ke.Aexplanation Bfavour Cfear Dsupport5The novel written by the author_ well,but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he _in the literary world.Asells;was to play Bselling;was playingCsold;had played Dsell;is playing6The result of the football match was 2 to 2,_the satisfaction

38、 of both teams.Awith Bfor Cat Dto7The Parkers bought a new house but_will need a lot of work before they can move in.Athey BitCone Dwhich8We did everything we could_ him to stay,but he insisted on leaving.Atry to persuade Bto try to persuadeCtry persuading Dto be persuaded9John was_to learn the news

39、 that he was rejected by the committee.Alet down Bput downCnoted down Dtaken down10Lorry,how do you think an Englishwoman will feel if you ask how old she is?Well.She may probably feel_.Aabsurd BembarrassedCsatisfied Dawful11The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds_by heavy rain.Aa

40、ppeared BhappenedCaccompanied Dmixed12Its a lovely day,isnt it?Yes.I love_when the weather is like this.Why dont we sit outside and have our lunch?Athis BthatCit Done13Busy as they are,parents should_at least two hours every week to spend with their children.Aset out Bset awayCset aside Dset off14Th

41、e teacher allowed us 5 minutes to_the text through to get a general idea of the whole passage.Adiscuss BadaptCpile Dscan15Do you know when Britain_war on Germany during the Second World War?In 1993,I suppose.Aannounced BdeclaredCfought Dattended.阅读理解(2009年合肥三模)Its true that teens dont get enough sle

42、ep,but changing the school starting time would have a chaotic_effect and throw everyone off balance.Scientists have shown that teens are more active later at night than children and adults,so most teens are probably staying up later for whatever reasons.“The researchers measured the presence of the

43、sleeppromoting hormone (荷尔蒙) in teenagers saliva (唾液) at different time of the day.They learned that the hormone levels rise later at night than they do in children and adultsand remain at a higher level later in the morning.Measuring the hormone in the saliva is a good way to show that most teens h

44、ave sleep problems,but changing school schedules isnt the best way to fix this.Most people arguing against changing school schedules would say that it would only cause teens to stay up and wake up later,thus leaving them with the same problem.The biggest problem schools would come across from changi

45、ng their schedules would be the after school and job conflicts students and teachers would meet.“Teachers reported that students were more alert,and research showed that afterschool sports and jobs would suffer.Students in that area might have been able to deal with less time for jobs and sports som

46、ehow,but some of them have practice and earlier plans that would become conflicted if this change were to occur.Most students rarely have time to play a sport and do homework before 9 or 10 oclock.Opening schools later may have worked for some areas,but the reality is often very different.1The meani

47、ng of the underlined word “chaotic”in the 1st paragraph is close to_.Apositive BapparentCnegative Dambiguous2Most teens have sleep problems because_.Athey are more active than children and adultsBschool work takes up most of their timeCtheir hormone levels are higher later at nightDthey probably lik

48、e staying up for no reason3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThere are many conflicts between students and teachers.BSome of the teachers have practice and earlier plans.CMost students are able to do sport and homework before 900.DWays to solve students sleep problem vary from

49、 area to area.4The passage mainly develops by_.Agiving reasons Bshowing examplesCcomparing facts Doffering solutions(2010年上海春招)All over the world,children in hospital are being treated with a new kind of medicine:Laughter.Lucy is 23 and works for Theodora Childrens Trust.She is one of many clown (小丑

50、) doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children.“Im a Theodora clown doctor.I call myself Dr Looloo.I spend two days a week in childrens hospitals,making funny faces,telling jokes,and doing magic tricks.As I walk into the wards I blow bubbles,shake hands with the kids,and make up nonsense

51、songs for those children well enough to sing.I take special balloons to make balloon animals and tell funny stories about them.Im naturally a very cheerful person.Ive always been a clown.In fact my fathers a clown and I started working with him when I was eight years old.I knew it was just the job f

52、or me and I became a clown doctor because I think its a great way to cheer up sick,frightened children in hospital.Being a clown in hospital is very tiring both physically and emotionally.We have to learn not to show our feelings,otherwise wed be useless.Clown doctors are sensitive but this is not a

53、 side most people see.To the children were happy all the time.Im still learning to allow myself to feel sad occasionally.There working with a very sick little girl from Bosnia who speaks no English,so our only common language is laughter.At weekends I participate in events to raise money for Theodor

54、a Childrens Trust.Its a charity,so we are paid with the money people give.Being a clown doctor makes the worries of everyday life seem small.All in all I feel honoured to do this job.”5Lucy works as a clown doctor because_.Aher father is a clownBshe has been a clown since she was eightClaughter is a

55、 great help to sick childrenDworking in hospital brings her extra money6What do clown doctors usually do in hospital?ATeach kids how to speak English.BCheer kids up with funny stories.CJoin in activities to raise money.DDevelop kids sense of humour.7Lucy thinks that being a clown doctor is_.Aan hono

56、urable and meaningful practiceBan interesting job to make a livingCa good way of getting rid of her worriesDan experience of great fun.短文填词I live in Seattle,a place famous for its wet weather.I cantimagine_(生活) any where else than the 1._Pacific Northwest.The sun s_so rarely that 2._my friends forge

57、t where they put_3._sunglasses.My friends will say they like how rain keeps the city green,m_the air clean.4._My real reason for enjoying the rain is that I can spend the afternoon_(生) a fire,making tea 5._and reading books.Maybe Ill invite a few friends over to w_an old movie or6._cards.Another rea

58、son in rains favor is 7._that my body doesnt give me away when_8._is cold outside.My comfortable sweaters and warm slippers protect me,making me_(希望) 9._for another wet,cold afternoon.When the rain r_,I will smile even more heartily.10._.单项填空1B考查非谓语动词。to be obeyed是不定式的被动式作主语补足语。句意为:对于十几岁的青少年来说,总有太多的规则需要他们去遵守。2A考查情态动词的被动语态。根据前一分句中No.is allowed.可知要用must (必须),带有强制意味。句意为:十二岁以下的儿童必须在家长的陪同下方可靠近湖边。3C考查非谓语动词。to be left alone是不定式的被动式作宾语。leave.alone让独自呆着。句意为:那位影星要求别人不要打扰他,但记者还是他走到哪儿就跟到哪儿。4A考查名词辨析。in explanation of对作出解释。5A考查时态和be t

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