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1、新人教版高中英语必修第一册同步学案Unit3Sportsandfitness课时3(无答案)Unit 3 Sports and fitness U3P3 学习目标 1.To master the usage of such important words and e_pressions as master,honour,determination,fall apart,injure,lose heart,stand still,strength,fail,give up etc;learn to e_press yourself by using them.2.To learn the met

2、hod of constructing knowledge trees through self-study and cooperative e_ploration.3.To enjoy the fun of e_pressing yourself using English and participate in class with passion.课堂探究 1.【教材原句】They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good e_les for others. 他们必须是所在运动项目上的大师,并且是他

3、人学习的楷模。【句型】who 引导,指代,在从句中作。 【词块】set good e_les for【单词】master n.高手;主人vt.精通;掌握 观察思考 Oliver is abused by his new master.奥利弗受到新主人的虐待。I got a masters degree in 2022.我于2022年获得硕士学位。It is not easy to master a foreign language.掌握一门外语不容易。归纳总结 master作“主人;高手”讲时,是可数名词。获得硕士学位get a masters degree,master要用所有格形式。即学活

4、用 翻译句子 (1)我的奶奶是剪纸能手。(2)你想精通一门外语,应该经常练习和使用它。2.【教材原句】As a player,Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. 作为一名运动员,郎平为她的祖国赢得了诸多荣耀。【词块】as a player 作为一名运动员 bring.to.为带来 【单词】honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸 观察思考 The athletes peted for the honour of their countries.运动员为自己国家的荣誉而比赛。We had a great party in honour

5、of the great scientist.我们举办了一个盛大的晚会来表示对这位伟大科学家的敬意。I feel greatly honoured to give you a speech.能给大家做演讲,我感到非常荣幸。归纳总结 (1)feel honoured to do sth. (2)in honour of即学活用 (1)The foundation is holding a dinnerhonour of something or other. (2)I feel greatly(honour) to bee your friend. 3.【教材原句】When the Chines

6、e team was preparing for the 20_ World Cup,her determination was tested.当中国队备战20_年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。【句型】主句为:her determination was tested。When引导. 【词块】prepare for【单词】determination n.决心 观察思考 Tom determines to devote more time to learning English.汤姆决定花更多的时间学习英语。They have determined on/upon leaving for Wuha

7、n tomorrow.他们决定明天去武汉。If we have courage and determination,we will finally get the sunshine we want.只要有勇气和决心,我们终将会得到我们想要的阳光。She gave me a determined look,which said she wouldnt change her mind.她给了我一个坚定的眼神,表明她是不会改变主意的。归纳总结 (1)determine on/upon/(doing) sth. (2)determine to do sth. (3)determined adj. 即学

8、活用 (1)I have determinedworking as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation. (2)The(determine) look on his face showed that he had enough confidence. 4.【教材原句】The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. 由郎平一手打造的团队处于崩溃的边缘。【句型】that 引导,修饰先行词,在从句中作。 【词块】fall apart观察思考 He is so heav

9、y that the old chair is falling apart.他太重了,这把旧椅子要散架了。His dream fell apart because he was just a daydreamer and never worked hard.他的梦想破灭了,因为他只是个幻想家,从不实干。拓展延伸 (1)fall ill生病 (2)fall fast asleep很快熟睡 (3)fall behind落后 (4)fall in love with爱上 即学活用 翻译句子 (1)地震中很多楼房倒塌了。(2)成功的第一要素就是热爱你的事业。5.【教材原句】One of the bes

10、t players had been injured,and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. 最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题离队。【词块】because of【单词】injure vt.使受伤;损害 观察思考 He injured his arm in the accident.他在事故中伤了胳膊。If I hadnt worn a seat belt,I would have been injured.如果我没有系安全带,我就会受伤了。Fortunately,the injured were

11、immediately sent to hospital.幸运的是,伤员很快被送往医院。归纳总结 injure sb.使某人受伤 the injured伤员 拓展延伸 injury n.伤害 即学活用 (1)An ambulance rushed the(injure) to the hospital. (2)Dogs owners should be responsible if their pets do an(injure) to other people. 6.【教材原句】Losing two important players was a big challenge,but Lang

12、 Ping did not lose heart. 损失两大主力队员,是个巨大的挑战,但郎平没有失去信心。【词块】lose heart观察思考 Faced with difficulty,he never loses heart.面对困难,他从不气馁。At the first sight of the smart phone,he lost his heart to it.一看到那款智能手机,他就喜欢上了。归纳总结 (1)lose heart(2)lose ones heart to拓展延伸 (1)put ones heart into sth.一心扑在上 (2)learn sth.by he

13、art记牢 (3)break ones heart使某人伤心 即学活用 (1)As an old saying goes,“Nothing is too hard if you(一心扑在上面).” (2)He didnt keep his promise to marry her,which(令她伤心). 7.【教材原句】When Michael Jordans feet left the ground,time seemed to stand still. 当迈克尔乔丹双脚离地的那一瞬间,时间似乎凝固了。【句型】when 引导。 【词块】stand still 静止;凝固 观察思考 The

14、house stood empty for a long time.那所房子空了好长一段时间。He sat silent,looking angry.他坐在那里一言不发,看上去生气了。He lay awake,thinking about what to do the ne_t day.他躺在那里睡不着,想着第二天该做什么。归纳总结 stand,sit,lie,go,run,rise可作系动词,后加形容词,描述主语的状态。即学活用 翻译句子 (1)太阳升起红艳艳。(2)河流开始干涸。8.【教材原句】Jordans skills were impressive,but the mental st

15、rength that he showed made him unique. 乔丹的球技令人赞叹,然而他所展示的精神力量使他成为独一无二的球星。【句型】that 引导,修饰先行词,在从句中作。 【词块】mental strength 精神力量 【单词】strength n.力量;体力 观察思考 The strength of the diet in this restaurant was that it provided enough energy-giving food.这个餐馆的饮食的优势在于它提供含有足够能量的食物。Sleep helps us strengthen new memori

16、es.睡眠能够帮助我们增强新的记忆力。I cant walk any further.My strength has run out.我一步也走不动了。我没力气了。Youd better consider your strengths and weaknesses before choosing a major.在选择专业之前,你最好考虑自己的长处和短处。归纳总结 (1)strengths and weaknesses(2)The strength of.is that.(3)strengthen vt.拓展延伸 build up ones strength即学活用 翻译句子 (1)练太极不仅

17、能增强体质,还能培养一个人的性格。(2)每个人都有自己的强项和弱项。9.【教材原句】Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures. 乔丹说他的成功秘诀在于吸取失败的教训。【句型】that 引导,作says的。 【词块】the secret to ones success 某人成功的秘诀 learn from从中学习 【单词】failure n.失败;失败的人 观察思考 He failed to pass the maths test.他数学考试不及格。He is failing in his h

18、ealth.他的身体日渐衰弱。Words failed me when I wanted to e_press my thanks to him.我无法用语言来表达对他的谢意。归纳总结 (1)fail to do sth. (2)fail sb. 即学活用 翻译句子 (1)她没能信守诺言。(2)他的视力衰退得很快。10.【教材原句】Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up. 赛场上的失利教会他要更加努力地训练和决不放弃。【词块】lose gamesgive up观察思考 I know smoking is bad

19、for health,but I simply cant give it up.我知道吸烟有害健康,但是我就是不能戒掉。The rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell,so youd better throw them away.腐烂的香蕉发出难闻的气味,你最好扔掉它们。Never give in to difficulty.永远不要向困难屈服。Dont give the secret away to others.不要把这个秘密泄露给别人。归纳总结 (1)give in屈服 (2)give away泄露;捐赠 (3)give off发出(气味)

20、即学活用 (1)He gavemuch money to the flood-hit areas. (2)Never givehope.Sunshine always e_ists. 巩固提升 .单句语法填空 1.I feel(honour) to have been mentioned in his speech. 2.It wasgreat honour to be invited here today. 3.It was his courage and(determine) that made him face the challenge bravely. 4.If you dont e

21、 to class regularly,you will fallin your studies. 5.Some fallunder pressure,while others do well despite the pressure. .单词拼写 1.I feel it a great(荣幸) to host the party. 2.We should learn from(失败) and never give up. 3.His father got(受伤) in a car accident. 4.He lifted the stone with all his(力气). .根据所给汉

22、语提示完成下列句子 1.She is intelligent and studies hard,(为我们树立了好的榜样). 2.We should overe our fear(受了重伤)when he was cycling along the valley. 4.In spite of all the difficulties,they never(失去信心). 核心素养专练 挑战一牛刀小试 .选短语填空 set an e_le,give up,lose heart,fall apart,because of,secret to 1.In face of difficulty,he did

23、 notand managed to get over it. 2.The sports meeting has been put offthe terrible weather. 3.To tell the truth,there is nosuccess but hard work. 4.Once you get into the habit of taking drugs,you will find it hard to. .翻译句子 1.能和你共进晚餐非常荣幸。2.你应该清楚自己的优势和劣势。3.失败乃成功之母。挑战二微写作 请发散你的思维,用master,honour,determi

24、nation,fall apart,injure,lose heart,stand still,strength,fail,give up中的至少五个词创作一个小语篇。参考答案课堂探究 1.【句型】定语从句;athletes;主语 【词块】为树立好的榜样 即学活用 (1)My grandma is a master in cutting papers.(2)If you want to master a foreign language,you should often practise and use it.2.归纳总结 (1)(做某事)感到荣幸(2)向某人表示敬意 即学活用 (1)in(2

25、)honoured 3.【句型】时间状语从句 【词块】为做准备 归纳总结 (1)决定做某事(2)决定做某事(3)坚决的;有决心的 即学活用 (1)on/upon(2)determined 4.【句型】定语从句;The team;宾语 【词块】破裂;破碎;散开 即学活用 (1)Many buildings fell apart in the earthquake.(2)To succeed,the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.5.【词块】因为 即学活用 (1)injured(2)injury 6.【词块】丧失信心;泄气 归纳总

26、结 (1)泄气 (2)爱上,喜欢上 即学活用 (1)put your heart into it (2)broke her heart 7.【句型】时间状语从句 即学活用 (1)The sun rises red.(2)The rivers began to run dry.8.【句型】定语从句;the mental strength;宾语 归纳总结 (1)长处和短处 (2)的优点是 (3)加强;增强 拓展延伸 强身健体 即学活用 (1)Not only can practicing Tai Chi build up ones strength,but also develop ones ch

27、aracter.(2)Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses.9.【句型】宾语从句;宾语 归纳总结 (1)没能做某事(2)让某人失望 即学活用 (1)She failed to keep her word.(2)His eyesight was failing rapidly.10.【词块】输掉比赛;放弃 即学活用 (1)away(2)up 巩固提升 .1.honoured2.a3.determination4.behind 5.apart .1.honour2.failure3.injured4.strength .1.setting us a g

28、ood e_le/setting a good e_le for us 2.with courage and determination 3.was badly injured 4.lose heart 核心素养专练 挑战一牛刀小试 .1.lose heart2.because of3.secret to4.give up .1.Its my great honour to have dinner with you.2.You should know your strengths and weaknesses.3.Failure is the mother of success.挑战二微写作 The answer may vary. 第 15 页 共 15 页

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