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1、七下第七单元教学设计Step1 Warming up (3)1. Greetings. 2. Game. Guess the names of the cities by showing the pictures on the screen, meanwhile, present Beijing ,Shanghai ,Moscow, Toronto and Boston. 【 设计说明:通过优美的城市图片,吸引学生的注意力,形成宽松愉快的学习氛围,训练学生的记忆力和想象力,而莫斯科、波斯顿多伦多等城市的优美图片不但可以激起学生的好奇心还可以埋下伏笔,为下一环节的导入做好充分的准备.】Step2

2、 Presentation (8)1. Show some pictures on the screen and present new words: rain, raining, snowing, cloudy, sunny and windy.2. Then present a conversation:“How is the weather? Its sunny.” Go on with other kinds of weather: rainy, cloudy, windy, snowing.【 设计说明:通过课件把各种天气现象展示出来,然后帮助学生在不同语境下使用新的句式来交流,这样

3、可以帮助学生直观地学习新单词和句式,加深学生的印象,降低了学生的正确使用新句式交流的难度.】Step 3 Practice (5)Practice “How is the weather? Its sunny/cloudy/rainy.”Show a complete conversation on the screen when the students read for the first time. Then get rid of the key words when they read it for the second time. Finally, the students can

4、make the conversation by only using the pictures.【 设计说明:控制性练习:通过重复模仿自由交流这样由易到难对话练习设计,既练习了学生的口语也巩固他们所学生词和句式.】Step 4 Game (3)Play a game. Get the students to give rapid answers according to the sounds or the pictures that are given by the courseware. 【 设计说明:通过游戏方式来检测他们对新知识的掌握,既锻炼了学生对天气状况的观察能力,也巩固了新词汇】

5、Step 5 Listen and read (8)1. Point out the numbered list of description words. Say each one and ask Ss to repeat the words again. Then ask Ss to match each word with one of cities in the picture. Check the answers.2. Play the tape and get Ss to write the city names in the boxes. Check the answers. L

6、ook at the 5 pictures in 1a. Encourage Ss to use the description words to describe the weather: Beijingsunny Shanghaicloudy Bostonwindy Moscowsnowing Torontoraining3. Use the five pictures to practice with the structures: Hows the weather? Its sunny/cloudy/rainy.Note: Talking about the weather is qu

7、ite common in western countries as a daily greeting.【 设计说明:通过听力练习,既让学生了解了不同城市的天气状况,练习了目标语言,也了解谈论天气是西方国家最常见的交际话题】Step 6 Competition(4)Divide the whole class into four groups. Get the students to look at the screen, try to guess how the weather is by seeing the clues(showing the kite, the umbrella, th

8、e sports shoes and so on). See who can get more answers.【 设计说明:通过比赛活动,既锻炼了学生的反应能力,巩固了所学知识,也让学生了解了生活中处处有学问,通过人们的着装及物品来判断天气状况】Step 7 Weather report (7) 1. Show some weather signs to the students. 2. Play a piece of Weather Forecast of CCTV to the students to create a real situation. 3. Show a weather

9、map of China to the students.4. They may begin with asking the weather in each city, then make up a report about it. 5. Discuss and elect the best reporter.【 设计说明:通过模拟真实语境,让学生在亲身实践中灵活运用所学知识.】Step 8 Brain storm (2) Show students some natural phenomena to guess how the weather is. For instance, the fi

10、shes swim out of the water and a swallow flies low in the sky.【 设计说明:通过自然界中的一些自然现象,让学生学会推断天气状况并用所学知识来描述.】Step9 Sing a song.(2) Use the flash to teach Ss to sing the weather song. How is the weather? Its a sunny day. How is the weather? Its a cloudy day. How is the weather? Its raining. How is the we

11、ather? Its snowing【 设计说明:通过学唱符合学生年龄特点的轻快活泼的歌曲,加深学生对所学目标知识的进一步深化.】Step 10 Exercise (3)Fill in the blanks. 1. How is the w_ in Beijing? Its rainy.2. Is it s_ in Hong Kong? Yes, it is.3. Do you like c_ days? Yes, I do.4. It isnt s_. Its w_.【 设计说明:通过写作练习,让学生巩固所学知识.】Homework Search information about the weather tomorrow on TV, in newspapers or on the Internet.Write a report about the weather in five big cities(Beijing, Shanghai).【 设计说明:通过动手查资料,巩固所学知识,并能了解到不同地方的天气的不同.】

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