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1、 “ 三段十句” 书面表达黄金模板 英语写作的常规模式为“三段十句法”,即总体分三段,全文共十句话左右,这样既有层次又不显累赘。此外,不同的主题和体裁使用不同的词汇,但针对一定体裁,如议论文,说明文,通知等,都有通用的词汇和句型,所以只要把写作模板和三段十句牢记在心,自如运用,所到之处就会战无不胜,攻无不克。望大家好生揣摩,实习之。 备考战略一:四步成文,优化设计第一步“审题,弄清题意,确定文章框架,如写作格式,时态。第二步:列出要点,包括开头结尾,人物,时间地点。重要细节,所要发挥之处等第三步:正式开始写作,整理思路,串联成篇。在这一过程中,要优化句式,即用不同的句型,避免单一重复; 用高级

2、词汇替代一般词汇; 多多使用过渡词,从而优化语言,行文连贯精彩。第四歩:检查全文,主要检查语法以及词汇的错误。 备考战略二:谋篇布局,驾驭结构从历年高考页题来看,高考写作主要有五类作文(包括议论文,应用文,记叙文,说明文和描写文)和四大题型(包括文字提纲或命题,图表式命题。图画式命题和开放式命题),本文就主要模式提供一个或几个黄金模板供大家学习和使用。 议论文首 段:23句,依据提示确立主题句,阐明观点或 看法第二段:6-8句,使用连接词分层次说明理由,阐述论据第三段:23句归纳总结 模板一 。 不同观点列举型议论文 要求列出不同的观点及各自的理由,并适当表明个人看法。通常用一般现在时。【常用

3、句型】1. 开头句(1) There is a widespread concern over the issue that。(2) Recently a problem has been brought into focus.2. 过渡句(1) Opinions vary from individual to individual (2) Different people have different points of view.(3) There are different opinions among people as to(4) The reasons are as follows

4、.(5) First (ly),.,Second (ly),. Finally/lastly Last but not least,.(6) On the one hand , But on the other hand,.(7) In the first place, in the second place,in the third place,(8) What is more / Besides / In addition3. 总结句(1) From my point of view / In my view / As far as I am concerned, I prefer(2)

5、In a (one) word / In short / In brief / To conclude/To sum up【黄金模板】写作模板 Whether to Hold the Spring Festival Gala Evening(1) Recently a problem whether it is necessary to hold the Spring Festival Gala Evening has been brought into focus.(2)But opinions concerning this hot topic vary from person to pe

6、rson.(3)A majority of people believe that it should continue.(4)first of all, that is because family members get reunited to watch it and strengthen the love among them.(5)Whats more, it is a tradition party where we can see kinds of Chinese tradition culture.(6)But on the other hand, other people h

7、old the opposite opinion that it should be dropped.(7)In the first place, it lacks creativity and people are tired of it.(8)And in the second place, more and more commercial programs have taken the place of high quality ones, which has made people lose interest.(9)As far as I am concerned, I finally

8、 support the view that the Spring Festival Gala Evening will continue.(10)Its not only because it is a tradition, but also because it is acceptable as long as reformed and recreated. 段落框架Para1亮出话题 第一句:点题;第二句:过渡引出论点 Para2 阐述双方观点及论据第三句:引出一方论点;第四句:论据一;第五句:论据二;第六句:另一方观点;第七句:论据一;第八句:论据二Para3总结个人观点第九句:个人观

9、点;第十句:原因及总结模块二 。利弊型的议论文 要求学生列举出话题的利弊方面、必要细节及总结或个人看法。通常用一般现在时。 【常用句型】1.开头句(1)Generally, it is believed that (2)Its becoming more and more common that 2.过渡句(1) Just as every coin has two sides,have/has both advantages and disadvantages(2) Everything has two sides andis not an exception. It has both ad

10、vantages and disadvantages.(3) There are some positive aspects as follows/3.总结句(1) From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that(2) In summary, it is wiser(以上句型可以与前文提到的借鉴使用)【黄金模板】写作模板: The InternetA Double edged Sword Nowdays there is a widespread concern over the Intern

11、et. Just as every coin has two sides, the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. first of all, the Internet provides us with kinds of information about life, studies, current affairs and so on. And secondly

12、, we can send messages and make phone calls, communicating with friends and family online wherever they are. But on the other hand, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, the bad information on the harmful websites does great harm to children. And in addition, some students waste too much tim

13、e playing computer games, which has a bad effect on their studies. To conclude, we should try to bring the advantages of the Internet into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum by avoiding being addicted to it . In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the modern intent

14、ion.段落框架:Para.1 亮出话题第一句:点题; 第二句:过渡引出论点Para.2 优缺点及其细节描述第三句:引出论点; 第四句:优点一; 第五句:优点二;第六句:过渡到缺点; 第七句:缺点一; 第八句:缺点二Para.3 总结个人观点第九句:个人观点;第十句:总结 模块三 。 解决方法型议论文 要求考生列举解决问题的多种途径。在提出问题时,根据具体情况用一般现在时或一般过去时; 提出解决方案时,通常用一般现在时。 【常用句型】 1开头句 Recently, we have to face the problem that (63) There is no doubt that a gr

15、owing number of people have paid much attention to Today, , which has brought a lot of harm to our daily life. 2. 过渡句 As a result/ Therefore, we must take timely action to cope with the situation. As for the problem, we must take effective measures. 3. 总结句 (1)As far as I am concerned, I think it rea

16、sonable to (2) In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of (3) Only in this way can we(以上句型可以与前文提到的借鉴使用)【黄金模板】写作模板: How to Reduce waste on Campus (1) Recently, we have to face the problem that waste is becoming more and more serious on campus. (2) It brings great harm t

17、o us and society. (3) First, we have already wasted a lot of precious resources such as water and electricity. (4) Second, our waste puts a burden on the environment and society. (5) To cope with the situation, we must take timely action. (6) For one thing, we should turn off the light when we leave

18、 dorms or classrooms. (7) For another thing, we should not spend too much money on unnecessary things. (8) Finally, we should stop wasting water when we clean faces, bathe or wash clothes. (9) Personally, I believe that it is important to use different solutions according to different situations. (1

19、0) Consequently, Im confident that a brighter future is awaiting us.段落框架:Para.1 问题现状第一句:提出问题; 第二句:过渡句引出危害;第三句:危害一; 第四句:危害二Para.2 怎样解决第五句:过渡句; 第六句:方法一; 第七句:方法二;第八句:方法三Para.3 个人建议及总结第九句:个人建议; 第十句:总结 说明文 行文要按照一定的时间、空间、逻辑等顺序。文章开头首段用两三句话,根据提示描述现状;中间段落用五至七句分析说明;末尾段通过两三句话对此现象进行认识、评价或建议。 模板四 。 现象说明文 【常用句型】

20、1.开头句; Recently there is a growing tendency forto do 2.过渡句 (1) Different factors account for To begin with, In addition, Finally, (2) There are various factors that contribute to the phenomenon. 3.总结句 (1) As far as I am concerned, its necessary that we realized that (2) If we can not take useful mea

21、sures, some undesirable results may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is【黄金模板】写作模板: It is Hard to Find a Job (1) Recently, looking for a job is increasingly difficult for graduates. (2) What amazes us most is that many young people would rather stay at home, and dont try to get out of the

22、situation. (3) There are many reasons explaining the phenomenon. (4) To begin with , the reason is that graduates cant find the suitable jobs they are trained for at university. (5) Whats more, students dont have real job skills but book knowledge. (6)Thirdly, some students just expect to find a rew

23、arding job. (7) As a result, many graduates find it hard to get a job. (8) Considering these,I think college graduates are valuable resources in our country but should take a right attitude towards job-hunting. (9) For one thing, they can take part-time jobs at university to get experience and for a

24、nother, they can begin with a job and wait for a good chance. (10) In conclusion, making good preparations beforehand is really important.段落框架:Para.1 提出主要现象第一句:提出问题; 第二句:表述现象; 第三句:过渡到分析Para.2 分析原因第四句:原因一; 第五句:原因二: 第六句:原因三; 第七句:再次总结现象Para.3 个人看法及建议第八句:个人观点; 第九句:个人建议; 第十句: 总结 模块五 。 事故说明文要求学生描述一起事故或灾难发

25、生的时间、地点、人员伤亡、经济损失等,分析事故发生的原因或灾难形成的原因,最后总结并提出适当建议。(描述事故时通常用一般过去时) 【常用句型】1 开头句(1) A terrible broke out in yesterday evening.(2) A major earthquake measuring 8.0 Richter Scale attacked Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province at 14:28:04 on 12 May 2008.2 过度句(1) What is the cause of.?It probably results from

26、(2) I think three factors attributed to this tragedy. The first factor is.; The second is; The last factor is3 总结句(1) In my opinion, can be avoided. The solution is.(2) If we, I believe one day we can get rid of【黄金摸板】写作模块(1)At a quarter past five on the afternoon of March 20 th, On Beijing Road, a c

27、ar accident happened.(2)It caused three deaths and four people got injured.(3)What are the causes of car accidents? (4) Many car accidents are brought about by drivers who get sleepy or drunk when they are driving.(5) Others are due to heavy traffic, especially in some big cities. (6) Besides, there

28、 are quite a few people who contribute the problem to the poor management of traffic control. (7)Anyway, car accidents have become a serious social problem and we must take measures to decrease them. (8) In my opinion, in order to prevent car accidents, the first thing we have to do is obey traffic

29、rules and make strict laws to punish those who break rules.( 9) Second, the government should improve public transportation and provide more transportation ways for people to choose. (10) Only in this way can car accidents be avoided successful.段落框架Para1 描述事故或灾难 第一句:描述事故(时间地点人物) 第二句:造成的损失Para 2分析原因

30、第三句:过渡到分析 第四句到第六句:原因一到原因三 第七句:再次总结事故Para3强调避免灾难的建议 第八句:个人观点及措施一 第九句:措施二 第十句:总结描写文模块六 .描写文 要求按照一定的空间、时间、逻辑顺序描述事故或人的概况特征或用途,中间段描述事物的具体特,结尾段阐述个人观点和态度。描述事物通常用一般现在时;人物描述中时态根据具体情况而定,较灵活。 【常用句型】(1)is something that (2) .is located/situated in (3) In front of stands/lies【黄金模块】写作模块(以物为例) Qianmen Street (1)Qi

31、anmen Street, which is a famous street, has a history of over 600 years. (2) It plays an important role in the Chinese culture. (3) Here is more further information about it. (4) Qianmen Street is located in the center of Beijing. (5) Therefore, there are more than 300 shops along the 800-meter stre

32、et. (6)Because of the convenient location, you can take Bus No.17,69,or 19 and meanwhile and Subway Line 2 also has a stop there. (7)What is more, Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, where trolley car can take you not only to the shops but also to the theatres and teahouses. (8) Personally, it is

33、 clear that Qianmen Street is a good choice for travelling.( 9)It will surely have you experience a truly way of life. 10)Im sure you will like it. 段落框架Para.1 介绍概况和重要性: 第一句:说明是什么 第二句:其重要性 第三句:过度到下文 Para.2 具体特征: 第四句:特征一 第五句: 特征二 第六句: 特征三 第七句:特征四或总结 Para.3 个人观点和总结 第八句:个人观点 第九句:依据 第十句:总结 记叙文模板七 。记叙文 要求

34、按时间顺序交代清楚五个 “W”(when,where, who, what, why)和一个 “H”(how). 首段介绍时间、地点、任务和事件;中间段描述发生过程;结尾段描写结果及个人观点。 通常用一般过去时,但尾句个人观点应用一般现在时。【常用句型】 1. 开头句:(1)-is memorable because-had a meaningful experience on that day. (2)It was a relaxing Sunday. 2. 过渡句(1)First of all, -Next,-Then,-Finally,-(2) Tired as we were, we

35、still felt quite happy. 3.总结句(1)Ive learned from the experience that-(2) This is really an unforgettable experience, one I will cherish forever. 【黄金模板】写作模板 (以物为例) An Unforgettable Interview(1)Last summer vacation is really unforgettable because I experienced my first interview on order to get a part

36、-time job. (2)I have learned much from the experience.(3)It was a relaxing Sunday. (4) Early in the morning, I got everything ready for a part-time job interview. (5)Then, I got there on time and found many interviewees waiting in the hall. (6) Some were walking back and forth, while others were tal

37、king with each other. (7) I was trying to predict the interviews questions when someone called my name and it was my turn to get in.(8) Although I still had some fears, I encouraged myself to walk into the office with confidence and a smile. (9)Finally, I passed the interview smoothly and got the fi

38、rst job in my life. (10) This is really an unforgettable experience, one I will cherish forever. 段落框架:Para.1 简介事件 第一句:是什么(时间、地点、人物) 第二句:对自己的影响 Para.2 过程 第三句:过程细节一; 第四句:细节二 第五句:细节三 第六句:细节四 第七句:细节五 第八句:过度并总结Para.3 结果和个人观点 第九句:结果 第十句:个人观点总结 应用文作为高考常考的体裁,七内容多种多样,但与生活贴近,易于表达。主要包括书信、演讲稿、通知等模板八 。书信类书信类作文往往

39、会与议论文、说明文相结合,只是文体格式略有差别而已,所以写作时可以参照议论和说明文的模板。通常为第一人称。【常用句型】1开头句(1)I am writing to ask / apologize- (2) I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information concerning- (3) I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for - (4) I am glad to receive

40、your letter for -2. 结尾句 (1)Your timely attention to this letter would be highly appreciated. (2 ) (I would be) looking forward to your answer. (hearing from you) 【黄金模板】写作模板Dear Peter,I am so glad to receive your letter asking for advice how to learn Chinese well. Now , I am gladly writing to tell yo

41、u some advice. I would be grateful if you would benefit from it. Firstly , it is important to take a Chinese course, which will enable you to learn from teachers and practice with your fellow students. Secondly, it helps to watch TV and read books, newspaper and magazines in Chinese whenever possibl

42、e. Thirdly, listening to Chinese songs will be a good idea, which will make you remember Chinese words more easily. As a matter of fact, making more Chinese friends will be of great benefit to you and let you know more about the Chinese culture. Frankly speaking, I hold the belief that practice make

43、s perfect. Therefore, I expect that you will write to me in Chinese next time. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes! Yours,LiHua段落框架:Para 1 介绍自己及写信缘由第一句: 问候 第二句:写信事由 第三句 :过度至下文Para 2 事由的具体内容第四句建议货批评内容一; 第五句: 内容二 第六句: 内容三 第七句: 内容四Para 3个人观点和礼貌结束语第八句:个人看法 第九句: 自己的期望或要求 第十句: 礼貌结束信件 模板九 。 演讲

44、稿演讲稿是指人们在一些特殊场合发表的讲话,是近几年来高考常考的应用文,通常用一般现在时。【常用句型】1 开头句(1)Ladies and gentlemen /Boys and girl / Everyone.(2)It is nice to speak about.(3)It is my greatest honour to stand here and give my speech.(4)The topic of my speech is .(5)We feel greatly honoured to see.2 结尾句(1)Thanks for your listening to my

45、speech.(2)Lets give our best regards and respects to.(3)I would appreciate it.【黄金模板】写作模板Good morning, everyone! Its my greatest honour to stand here and give my speech. Now, I want to talk about how to be a good listener.So that is what we can do to establish a bridge for the communication between p

46、eople.To begin with, parents should listen more to their children, and they will understand each other better and narrow the generation gap. Next, teachers should listen to more to their students and they can meet each others needs and enjoy a good relationship. Then ,students should listen to their

47、 classmate, thus they will help and learn from each other. As a matter of fact, there is no doubt we can build a harmonious society by being a good listener.Frankly speaking, if you wear a smile when listening, I hold the belief that the speaker has been ready to listen to you. Lets be a good listen

48、er! Thank you for your listening to my speech.段落框架Paragraph 1 点明发言主旨第一句: 开场 第二句:原因或倡议 第三句:过渡至下文Paragraph 2 表明事由第四句:内容一;第五句: 内容二 第六句:内容三;第七句:结果Paragraph 3 个人观点和礼貌结束语第八句:个人看法;第九句:自己的期望或要求 第十句:礼貌结束信件模板十。 通知书面通知讲究格式,语言简练,用词贴切。必须写清楚时间,地点个活动。 通常用一般现在时。【常用句型】(1)Whoever is interested can contact.(2)Looking

49、forward to your participation.(3)There is sure to be a lot of fun. Everyone is welcome.【黄金模板】写作模板NoticeOur school will organize a volunteer activity during the coming summer holiday. This activity aims to give a chance to show and prove the students ability. Its planned to begin on July 12 and end o

50、n July 19. Students who are going to take part will go to the rural areas to give poor children lessons and some books they can read. The main task is to teach them how to use computer and help them learn English.Anyone who has good English and computer knowledge is welcome. If you are interested ,

51、please contact Li Shuang at 18909581212 or E-mail to volunteer for further information. It is really a good opportunity to experience social life.Looking forward to your participation.段落框架Paragraph 1 交代清楚活动第一句:活动单位,内容,地点 第二句:活动目的; 第三句:活动时间第四句:具体内容; 第五句:主要任务Paragraph 2 参加条件和联系方式第六句:参加条件 第七句: 联系方式第八句:

52、好处Paragraph 3 结尾第九句:呼吁参加图表图画类作文图表作文以说明文和议论文为主。要求考生从一个表格或者图片出发,按要求写作,常用一般现在时,特定时间用一边过去时。【常用句型】1. 开头句(1) As we can see form the picture/chart,(As can be seen from the picture/chart,)(2) According to the figure /number /statistics /percentage in the chart /bar /line /graph, it can be seen that Obviousl

53、y,but why?2. 过渡句(1) It is most likely that the drawer of the picture intends not only to tell us the phenomenon / fact, but also to set us thinking more about it(2) There are many reasons for Firstly,Secondly,Last but not least,3. 总结句(1) To solve the problem mentioned above, I suggest that(2) So it

54、is high time that we took measures/steps action to put an end to the phenomenon.【黄金模板】写作模板 As we can see from the chart, Chinese senior middle school graduates have different opinions on how to choose their courses and universities.The first thing we notice is that 45% students believe main consider

55、ation should be given to the needs of the society. They argue that not everyone can find the job they like best. Besides, the chart also tell us that about 35% of the students will make a choice based on their own interest. This is because interest is the mother of success .In addition, about 20%fin

56、d it difficult to make a choice. They would rather depend on their parents or teachers to make a decision. Judging from the figures, we can draw the conclusion that interest and social need mainly affect students choices. As far as I am concerned, we should put our heart into our studies no matter we choose. It is high time that we prepared ourselves to contribute to society.段落框架:Para.1 说明图表(图画)第一句:揭发问题Para.2 说明变化及原因第二句:细节一; 第三句:原因; 第四句:细节二;第五句:原因; 第六句:细节三; 第七句:原因Para.3 提出解决办法第八句:总结;第九句:建议一;第十句:建议二6

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