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1、选修6 Unit 5重点短语 1. comparewith把和相比compared with/ to与相比(作状语)beyond comparison无与伦比2. a live TV broadcast电视实况转播 a live performance现场表演3. complete a questionnaire填好问卷 fill in a questionnaire 填写调查表4.Alongside with.与.一起;除.之外5.have /bear/ keep sth in ones mind 记住某事 change ones mind改变主意 make up ones mind下定决心

2、 on ones mind有心事,担心 never mind不要紧 come to ones mind浮现在某人的脑海6. be wildly excited欣喜若狂 to ones excitement令人兴奋的 in excitement因为激动 an exciting story一个激动人心的故事7. warn sb of sth警告某人某事 warn sb to do sth警告某人做某事 warn sb not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事 warn sb that提醒某人8. appoint sb to do.委派某人做. appoint sb to sp. .委派某人

3、去某地 appoint sb as.任命某人为9. be unfortunate to do sth很不幸地做某事 be unfortunate in .在方面很不幸 have good/ bad fortune 运气好/不好 make a fortune发财 try ones fortune碰运气 be fortunate to do sth幸运地做某事 be fortunate in 在方面很幸运10.burn to the ground 全部烧毁 burn .to death烧死 burn down 逐步烧完, 烧光 burn out烧光 burn up烧旺;烧起来 burn away逐

4、渐烧完,烧光11.wave at / to.向某人挥手wave sth aside 不理会 in waves 一阵一阵;一批一批12.match 指形状,性质,色调等搭配Suit 多指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件,场合 Fit 多指大小,形状合适,引申“吻合;协调” Be suitable for 适合于13.make ones way前往by the way顺便说on the way路上;途中in the way 妨碍;挡道in a way 在某种水准上 in no way 绝不;一点也不.lose ones way迷途14.be unconscious of sb/sth 未觉察.;未意识到

5、.15. shoot at 向射击shoot out 抛出,射出,抽出shoot up 急伸,猛涨Eg: This film was shot in California.这部影片是在加利福尼亚拍摄Tom shot a goal汤母进了一个球16.be anxious about sth担心某事be anxious for sb 为人担忧be anxious to do渴望去做.be anxious for sth渴望某物be anxious for sb to do 渴望某人做.be anxious that渴望.17.be in a panic处于恐慌之中 get into a panic

6、 陷入恐慌 panic sb into doing 使某人(因恐慌)仓促做18. glance through匆匆看一眼glance at/over 扫视;一瞥at a/the first glance一眼就;一见就give a glance at.看一看19.vary fromto.因而异;从到变化vary betweenand由到不等vary in size/color 颜色/大小不一样20.appreciate doing 感谢做. I would appreciate it if .21.persuade sb to do sth/into doing sth说服某人做.persuad

7、e sb not to do/out of doing sth说服某人不做try to persuade sb to do=advise sb to do22.guarantee to do sth保证做Guarantee that 保证Guarantee sb sth/sth to sb 向某人保证23.at a distance在稍远处 in the distance在远方at a distance of在的距离24. imagine n/(sbs) doing/that-clause想象做20.save sb from doing挽救 Save sb doing sth免得某人做21.l

8、ose sight of 看不见catch sight of看见lose ones sight失明 in/within of sight 看得见,在视野之内 out of sight看不见,在视野之外at first sight乍一看22.impress sb with sth。给某人留下印象Impress sth on sbleave /make /give aimpression on sb23.reward sb with.for sth为某事而以报答某人Give/offer a reward to sb for sth为某事而给某人报酬in reward of作为酬谢24a great

9、 diversity of 各种各样25. be home to是的栖息地;发祥地26. have a gift/talent for对有天赋重点句型:1.having done分词短语作状语Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early.He sent me an email, hoping to get further information. 他给我发了一个电子邮件,希望得到进一步的信息。I stood by the door, not daring to say a word.我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。2.句型be about to do

10、when I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day3.独立结构 This being my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.这是我第一次经历,我站在顶上看着他们。Her glasses broken, she couldnt see any words on the blackboard. 因为眼镜破了,她看不清黑板上的字。The weather being fine, we have made u

11、p our minds to go for a panic. 天气很好,我们决定去野餐。So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed. 如此多的人要帮他,他一定会成功的。4.表地点短语放句首倒装Among the rare animals are cranes, black bears, leopards and tigers.5.who引导非限制性定语从句It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of

12、 the Manchu people.选修6Unit5 单词检测: 图表;图解;示意图(指火山)爆发;突然发生灰;灰末问卷;调查表在旁边;沿着边设备;装备任命;委派数据库;资料库评价;评估;估计波浪;波涛波动;起伏;挥手绝对地;完全地潜在性;可能性;潜能可能的;潜在的实在的;实际的候选人;候补者威胁;恐吓雷暴贵重的;珍贵的小说家雾不舒服的;不舒适的射中;射伤射击;枪炮声摇晃;摇动汗;出汗忧虑的;不安的担心;焦虑惊慌;恐慌各种各样的;不同的多样性引人入胜的洗澡;游泳激发;唤起欣赏;感激信服;说服保证;担保选修六Unit 5短语检测:与.一起;除.之外委派某人做.委派某人去某地任命某人为全部烧毁烧

13、死逐步烧完烧光烧旺;烧起来向某人挥手不理会 一阵一阵;一批一批前往顺便说路上妨碍;挡道在某种水准上绝不;一点也不.迷途未觉察.;未意识到.射击担心某事为人担忧渴望去做.渴望得到某物渴望某人做.渴望.处于恐慌之中陷入恐慌使某人(因恐慌)仓促做匆匆看一眼扫视;一瞥一眼就;一见就看一看因而异;从到变化由到不等颜色/大小不一样感谢做.说服某人做.说服某人不做保证做向某人保证在稍远处在远方在的距离把和相比把比作与相比想象做心里想着改变主意下定决心挽救免得某人做发财碰运气看(不)见乍一看给某人留下印象为某事而报答某人作为酬谢各种各样。是的栖息地;发祥地对有天赋选修6Unit 5单词检测1. “I shou

14、ld have spent more time with son”, the mother murmured, with _ clearly in her voice. A. anger B. rudeness C. panic D. regret2. The _ in temperature is broadcasted twice a day in this channel.A. diversion B. variation C. variety D. diversity3. Happily _ of the severity of her illness, Mrs. Simpson sp

15、ent her remaining years in peace and joy. A. unconscious B. unnoticed C. uncertain D. uncomfortable4. Peters father urged him to spend his time on something _ researching into instead of sitting around. A. worthy B. valuable C. worth D. precious5. We dined in the restaurant he recommended, which _ f

16、ell far short of our expectations. A. absolutely B. hardly C. apparently D. unfortunately6. If you are to catch the train, it is always better to be _ early than even a minute too late. A. comfortably B. anxiously C. consciously D. spectacularly7. The mother felt herself grow cold and her hands _ wi

17、th anxiety as she read the letter from the battlefield. A. erupt B. tremble C. wave D. shoot8. I decide to take the blouse, whose style suits me and the color _ my skirt perfectly despite the high price. A. suits B. fits C. matches D. adapts9. In the competition, the judge _ each contestant in terms

18、 of pronunciation, fluency and manners. A. went through B. glanced throughC. went over D. came over10. The police lying in wait for the burglar eventually took him _ the moment he broke into the store. A. in surprise B. in amazement C. by accident D. by surprise11. Advertisements cant _ good service

19、 and the best way to avoid being cheated is to turn to reliable agencies for information about the overseas university. A. adopt B. predict C. guarantee D. assess12. I _ to newspapers and magazines and read them every day, as Im concerned about national affairs. A. subscribe B. wave C. object D. rep

20、ly13. The teacher asked the students to _ the four photos in several seconds and match them with the correct in formation. A. glance through B. leave out C. try out D. decide on14. The skilled experts _ the so-called relics brought by the young man and told him they were all fake and worthless.A. di

21、splayed B. labeled C. evaluated D. approved15. A severe drought in China is causing fears for the fall harvest and its _ effects on the global grain market. A. potential B. typical C. casual D. random16. When she learnt about her sons illness, she became very worried but she tried not to show her _

22、to him. A. anxiety B. relief C. anger D. error17. He demanded the company should take _ measures to improving the working conditions instead of just trying to deal with the media after the accident. A. precious B. concrete C. contradictory D. flexible18. The media reported on poisoned milk powder, w

23、hich spread _ among consumers. As a result, they refused to buy those products. A. violence B. panic C. excitement D. crime19. Although officials _ the dam have released water to help fight the serious drought, more support is needed. A. in place of B. in honour of C. in support of D. in charge of20

24、. I think we should focus on improving the living standard of the farmers, who make up _ two thirds, maybe more, of the population in our city. A. particularly B. logically C. absolutely D. roughly选修6 Unit 5句型检测:1 all day, I went to bed early (work) 我辛苦工作了一天,很早就上床睡觉了2 I back to sleep when suddenly m

25、y bedroom became as bright as day. (about)(我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮于白昼)3When you arrive there, you _the sight of its clear waters.(reward) (你一到那就会得到回报,你能够看到天池那清澈如镜的湖水)4 The town is saidin a fire in 1878.(burn)据说这座镇子在1878年的一场火灾中全部被烧毁5 Never a rainbow before, he looked excited. ( see)因为以前从未见过彩虹,她显得很兴奋6 The news

26、shocked the public,_a great concern about school cars safety. (lead)这条新闻震惊了公众们,引起了对校车安全的极大注重7He the importance for the work. (impress)他使我们意识到努力工作的重要性。8The young lady stood there, her naught son. (glare)这位女士站在那儿,怒视她那调皮的儿子9the collapsed coal mine for as long as 70 hours, the workers were finally saved

27、 (trap) (困在坍塌的煤矿中长达70小时后,这些工人终于获救了)10There , we had no choice but to walk home. (be)(没有公汽了,我们只好步行回家)11. The tired worker was about to go to bed _ _. (ring)这个疲惫的工人正要睡觉,这时门铃响了。12. _ in the small village, he set about looking for a job there. (settle)在一个小村庄安顿下来之后,他开始在那里寻找工作。13. The soldier looked rathe

28、r nervous and miserable, his hands _. (tie) 双手紧紧绑着,这个士兵看起来很紧张。14. It has been suggested _ as sales manager to improve the situation and no one is against the advice. (appoint)有人建议任命汤姆为销售部经理,而且没有人反对这个建议。15. I wonder, after I have read this book, _ _ that has led to so many deaths. (smoke) 读了这本术后,我想是否

29、是抽烟导致了这么多死亡。16. Under no circumstances _ _ your secret. Shell never keep it to herself. (tell) 你绝不能告诉她你的秘密。她绝不会保密的。17. It is dark in the brothers room - he _ _. (come)哥哥的房间是黑的,他不可能回来了。18. Every possible means _ by us in the last two years but the air pollution is still serious. (try)在过去的两年各种方法都试过了,但

30、空气污染仍然严重。19. The impression _ was so bad that whatever he did was wrong in the eyes of the boss. (make) 他给老板留下如此不好的印象,以至于他做什么在老板眼里都是错的。20. _ the new technique, the factory has greatly increased its production. (advantage)借助新技术,这个工厂极大地提升了生产。词汇DBACD ABCCD CAACA ABBDD1. Having worked hard 2. was about

31、to go3. are rewarded with 4. to have been burnt to the ground5. having seen 6. leading to a 7. impressed me with8. glaring at 9. Having been trapped in10. being no bus11. when the doorbell rang12. Having settled down 13. tied tightly14. that Tom be appointed15. whether it is smoking16. can you tell her17. couldnt have come18. has been tried19. that he had made on the boss20. Taking advantage of

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