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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上河南省2018 年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试语文、英语考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效一、选择题(语文 1-10 题;英语 11-60 题:词汇判断 11-20 题,选择填空 21-30 题,补充对话 31-40 题,阅读理解 41-50 题,完型填空 51-60 题。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上)语文 1-10 题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)1下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是A刮痧(sh) 奖券(jun) 佳肴(yo)B饿殍(f) 眉黛(di) 流岚(ln)C家当(dn ) 晌(shn )午

2、吮(shn)吸D积淀(din) 宁谧(b) 点缀(zhu)2下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是A搔首 缥缈 怯弱 仗义直言B敷衍 栖息 稠密 自惭形秽C寒喧 威仪 攀援 不经之谈D灌概 睿智 侍弄 锲而不舍3下列作家、作品、体裁,对应有误的一项是A关汉卿 窦娥冤 小说B舒 婷 致橡树 诗歌C曹 禺 雷 雨 话剧D海明威 老人与海 小说4下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是A李明的语言表达能力很强,总是把故事讲得绘声绘色的。B他的演讲让人触目伤怀,大家都感动得流下了眼泪。C王老师动情地说:“你们是明日黄花,是祖国的未来和希望,一定要好好学习呀!”D我和李敏是好朋友,多年来我俩一直相敬如宾。语文、英

3、语 第 2 页(共 11 页)5下列古诗词默写不正确的一项是A别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声。B人生得意须尽欢,莫使金尊空对月。C昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。D静女其姝,俟我于城隅。爱而不见,搔首踟蹰。6下列对文学常识的解说,不正确的一项是A莫泊桑是法国 19 世纪批判现实主义作家,被誉为“世界短篇小说巨匠”。羊脂球是他的第一部作品,也是他的成名作、代表作。B莎士比亚是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国伟大的戏剧家和诗人,是浪漫主义的杰出代表。他的喜剧有威尼斯商人。C苏轼是北宋杰出的文学家、书画家,“唐宋八大家”之一,与父苏洵、弟苏辙并称“三苏”,其词开豪放一派。D李白是唐代伟大的诗人,字太白,


5、券在手,希望无穷”。C“它还是条腿,不是吗!它长我身上我自己知道!”声嘶力竭,两个人都沮丧而又愤怒。D你的生日四月十八每年我总记得。一切都照着你是正式嫁过周家的人看,甚至于你因为生萍儿,受了病,总要关窗户,这些习惯我都保留着,为的是不忘你,弥补我的罪过。语文、英语 第 3 页(共 11 页)9对下列各句使用修辞手法判断有误的一项是A女人坐在小院当中,手指上缠绞着柔滑修长的苇眉子,苇眉子又薄又细,在她怀里跳跃着。(拟人)B我们的时代需要千千万万个雷锋。(比喻)C蜀道之难,难于上青天。(夸张)D他们的品质是那样的纯洁和高尚,他们的意志是那样的坚韧和刚强,他们的气质是那样的淳朴和谦逊,他们的胸怀是那

6、样的美丽和宽广。(排比)10下列每组加点词语含义相同的一项是A道之所存,师之所存也 圣人无常师B呼儿将出换美酒 将进酒C妇女无所幸故幸来告良D吾尝终日而思矣 终刚强兮不可凌词汇判断 11-20 题(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)11校园Aschool Bcampus Ccase Dcause12欣喜的,高兴的Adaily Bdairy Cdelighted Ddozen13迷,狂热者;扇子Afake Bfan Cfellow Dfield14天气,气候Aweather Bwhether Cwire Dwaste15阴天的,阴云密布的Acloudy Brainy Cwindy Dsunny16地

7、球Aera Bevent Cearn Dearth17视力,视觉Aspeak Bspend Csight Dlight18疼痛的,令人痛苦的Apremier Bpassive Cpainful Dpurpose19挑选Astep Bselect Csuburb Dstore20目标Agoal Bgateway Cgreat Dgroup语文、英语 第 4 页(共 11 页)选择填空 21-30 题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)21Youd better take good care of .Ayou Byour Cyourself Dyours22You mustnt put near th

8、e little child.Asomething hot Bhot something Chot anything Danything hot23China is one of oldest countries with long history in the world.Aa / the Bthe / a Can / a Dan / the t24Why not in bed and have a good rest?Ato stay Bstay Cstaying Dstayed25- will you stay in China?- About half a year.AHow many

9、 BHow much CHow often DHow long26Im sorry that you have missed the train. It three minutes ago.Aleave Bleaves Cis leaving Dleft27He to teach English at this college before I came here.Ainvites Binvited Cwas invited Dhad been invited28Can you tell me you are going to buy online today?Athat Bif Cwhat

10、Dwhether29The man _ beside me is my old friend.Astand Bstands Cstanding Dstood30Ill never forget the day we spent together.Awhich Bon which Cin which Dwhen补充对话 31-40 题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)31- You look so pretty in this new dress.- .AThank you BYes you are rightCSounds good DNo it isnt32- What does your l

11、ab look like?-AIt is on the forth floor. BIt is large and bright!CI dont like it. DIt is over there.语文、英语 第 5 页(共 11 页)33- ?- I feel really bad. And I want to see the doctor as soon as possible.AWho are you BWhat are youCWhats wrong with you DWhats matter with you34- Good evening Sir.- I want to boo

12、k a double room.AWhat do you want? BWhat would you like?CNice seeing you. DWhat can I do for you?35- Im afraid I will fail the exam again!- ! Youll do better next time as long as you work hard.AGood luck BCheer upCBad luck DToo bad36- This skirt is too expensive for me. _- Im sorry Ms. This is the b

13、est price that I can offer.AI dont want it. BHow much is it?CI cant bear it. DCan you give me any discount?37- Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon?- _ but I have to work on my term paper.ANo I dont have time BId love toCNo I wouldnt DI want to38- What time is your train leaving?- _

14、.AHalf an hour BSix past halfCFifty to nine DTen to nine39- Hello this is Mary. _?- Im sorry. Lily isnt at home right now.AWho are you BAre you LilyCIs that Lily speaking DIs Lily that40- Look at the cloud. Do you think it is going to rain?- . We are having the sports meeting now. I dont want it to

15、be stopped.AI hope not BI think soCYes it is DNo it isnt语文、英语 第 6 页(共 11 页)阅读理解 41-50 题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)Passage 1There is a new library in our school. It is a white building. Its large windows areshining in the sun. There are a lot of green trees around it. It looks very beautiful.Our library is a bu

16、sy place. Its open from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 inthe morning and from 2:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon.There are a great many books in the library. And there are four reading rooms in it oneis for teachers others are for students. We can read newspapers magazines and books there.After cl

17、ass we often do some reading in the library. I usually borrow books from thelibrary on Friday afternoon. A book can be kept for 20 days. If you finish reading it youmust return it on time. If you havent finished you can renew(续借)it. We all like readingbooks because there are so many interesting thin

18、gs and new ideas in them.41What color is the library building?AOrange BWhiteCBlue DYellow42About the opening hours which of the following statements is NOT correct?AIt starts from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. from Monday to Saturday.BIt starts from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday.CIt is op

19、en 5 hours a day from Monday to Saturday.DIt isnt open on Sunday.43How many reading rooms are there in the library?AOne BTwoCThree DFour44When does the writer usually borrow books from the library?AFriday morning BFriday afternoonCSaturday morning DSaturday afternoon45About the school library which

20、of the following statements is NOT correct?AIt is a new library with lots of green trees around it.BThere are a great many books for teachers and students in it.CThe books can be renewed if you havent finished reading them.DThe books you borrowed from the library can be kept as long as you want.语文、英

21、语 第 7 页(共 11 页)Passage 2American daily meals are quite different from Chinese meals. In this lecture(讲座)American meals and eating habits are mainly introduced .Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight oclockin the morning. They usually have eggs some meat bread f

22、ruit juice and coffee. Lunch isbetween twelve and one oclock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunchwith them or get it near workplace.Children in school take sandwiches fruit and cookies with them or eat in school.Supper the main meal is between six and eight in the evening. Peo

23、ple cook it carefully.They may have meat or chicken turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or ricevegetables or salad. The drink is coffee tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.46Americans usually have breakfast _.Aat eight oclock Bafter eight oclockCin the morning Dbefore eight oclock in the mor

24、ning47 _ is the most important meal in a day.ABreakfast BSupperCLunch DSandwiches48What does the underlined(划线的)word “light” mean in Chinese?A轻的 B重的C有用的 D不太重要的49When Americans have supper _ comes last.Ameat BvegetablesCdessert Ddrink50According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT

25、 correct.AAmericans usually have three meals a day.BAmericans usually have enough time to eat lunch. CAmericans usually have breakfast and supper at home.DAmerican Children usually take food with them and eat in school.完型填空 51-60 题(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)English is very important to our life and we should l

26、earn it well. Some of us think thatEnglish is too difficult to learn. 51 I think it is easy. The following is my idea about 52to learn English well.语文、英语 第 8 页(共 11 页)Firstly 53 is the most important. The more you read the 54 you get. Secondlyto improve your 55 English you should learn more dialogue

27、s (对话) recite (背诵)someinteresting passages and practice speaking with your friends as much as you can. Thirdly itsbetter to practice listening for 10 minutes and not to listen for 56 hour at one time. Dochoose easy and interesting passages and the audio clips(音频片段)on 57 the peoplespeak clearly and n

28、ot too fast. Finally do more practice 58 new words verb phrases andsentence patterns. Keeping the habit of writing diaries(日记)every day. All thesesuggestions are good for 59 your writing.In 60 making a plan to practice listening speaking reading and writing day by day.You will learn English well if

29、you wok hard on it. Good luck to you!51AAnd BOr CBut DSo52Awhat Bhow Cwhy Dwhen53Alistening Bspeaking Creading Dwriting54Amany Bmuch Cless Dmore55Aspoken Bspoke Cspeak Dspeaking56Aa Ban Cthe D/57Awhich Bthat Cwhen Dwhere58Aat Bwith Cabout Dthrough59Aimprove Bimproves Cimproving Dimproved60Ashort Bla

30、rge Clong Dlast语文(80 分)二、文言文阅读 (16 分)阅读下面的文字,完成 6163 题。于是张良至军门见樊哙。樊哙曰:“今日之事何如?”良曰:“甚急!今者项庄拔剑舞,其意常在沛公也。”哙曰: “此迫矣!臣请入,与之同命!”哙即带剑拥盾入军门樊哙从良坐。坐须臾,沛公起如厕,因召樊哙出。语文、英语 第 9 页(共 11 页)沛公已出,项王使都尉陈平召沛公。沛公曰:“今者出,未辞也,为之奈何?”樊哙曰:“大行不顾细谨,大礼不辞小让。如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为?”于是遂去。乃令张良留谢。良问曰:“大王来何操?”曰:“我持白璧一双,欲献项王,玉斗一双,欲与亚父。会其怒,不敢献

31、。公为我献之。”张良曰:“谨诺。”当是时,项王军在鸿门下,沛公军在霸上,相去四十里。沛公则置车骑,脱身独骑,与樊哙、夏侯婴、靳强、纪信等四人持剑盾步走,从郦山下,道芷阳间行。沛公谓张良曰:“从此道至吾军,不过二十里耳。度我至军中,公乃入。”沛公已去,间至军中。61史记是中国第一部 ,作者是 (朝代) (人名)。它记载了传说中的黄帝到汉武帝时期三千年左右的历史,共 篇。(4 分)62解释下列成语的含义。(6 分)(1)项庄舞剑,意在沛公:(2)人为刀俎,我为鱼肉:63把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(6 分)(1)大行不顾细谨,大礼不辞小让。(2)沛公已去,间至军中。三、现代文阅读(24 分)

32、阅读下面的文字,完成 6469 题。这世界的第三极,平均海拔 5000 米,冰峰林立,雪原 lio( )寂。不知是神灵的佑护还是大自然的疏忽,在荒漠的皱褶里,有时会不可思议地生存着一片红柳丛。它们有着铁一样锈红的枝干,凤羽般纷披的碎叶,偶尔会开出穗样细密的花,对着高原的酷寒和缺氧微笑。这高原的精灵,是离太远最近的绿树,百年才能长成小小的一蓬。到藏区巡回医疗,我骑马穿行于略带苍蓝色调的红柳丛中,曾以为它必与雪域永在。红柳通常都是长在沙丘上。一座结实的沙丘顶上,昂然立着一株红柳。它的根像一柄巨大章鱼的无数脚爪,缠附至沙丘 wi y( )的边缘。我很奇怪,红柳为什么不找个背风的地方猫着呢?生存中也好

33、少些艰辛。老兵说,你本末倒置了,不是红柳在沙丘上,是因为有了这棵红柳,固住了流沙。随着红柳的语文、英语 第 10 页(共 11 页)渐渐长大,流沙被固住的越来越多,最后便聚成了一座沙山。红柳的根有多广,那沙山就有多大。啊,红柳如同冰山。露在沙上的部分只有十分之一,伟大的力量埋在地下。红柳的枝叶算不得好柴薪。它们在灶膛里像闪电一样,转眼就释放完了,炊事员说它们一点后劲也没有。真正顽强的是红柳强大的根系。它们如盘卷的金属,坚挺而硬韧,与沙砾黏结得如同钢筋混凝土。一旦燃烧起来,持续而稳定地吐出熊熊的热量,好像把千万年来,从太阳那里索得的光芒,压缩后爆裂出来。金红的火焰中,每一块红柳根,都弥久地维持着

34、盘根错节的形状,好像一颗傲然不屈的英魂。把红柳根从沙丘中掘出,蕴涵着很可怕的工作量。红柳与土地生死相依,人们要先费几天的时间,将大半个沙山掏净。这样,红柳就枝丫 qi( )劲地腾越在旷野之上,好似一副镂空的恐龙骨架。这时需请来最有气力的男子汉,用利斧,将这活着的巨型根雕与大地最后的联系一一斩断。整个红柳丛就訇然倒下了。连年砍伐,人们先找那些比较幼细的红柳下手,因为所费力气较少。但一年年过去,易挖的红柳绝迹,只剩那些最古老的树灵了。掏挖沙山的工期越来越长,最健硕有力的小伙子,也折不断红柳苍老的手臂了。于是人们想出了高技术的法子用炸药!只需在红柳根部,挖一条深深的巷子,用架子把火药探进去,人伏得远

35、远的,将长长的药捻点燃。深远的寂静之后,只听轰的一声,再幽深的树怪,也尸骸散地了。我们餐风宿露。今年可以看到去年被掘走红柳的沙丘,好像做了眼球摘除术的伤员,依旧大睁着空洞的眼睑,怒向苍 qin ( )。但这触目惊心的景象不会持续太久,待到第三年,那沙丘已烟消云散,好像此地从来不曾生存过什么千年古木,不曾堆聚过亿万颗沙砾。听最近到过阿里的人讲,红柳林早已掘净烧光,连根须都烟消灰灭了。有时深夜,我会突然想起那些高原上的原住民,它们的魂魄,如今栖息在何处云端?会想到那些曾经被固住的黄沙,是否已飘洒到世界各处?从屋顶上扬起的尘沙,通常会飞得十分遥远。语文、英语 第 11 页(共 11 页)64以上文段

36、选自 ,是一篇 (文体),作者是 。(3 分)65读准字音,并在括号里填入相应的字。(5 分)lio( )寂 wi y( ) qi( )劲 苍 qin ( )66解释文中加点词语的含义。(4 分)(1)不可思议:(2)本末倒置:67请结合选文,用简洁的语言概括红柳的特点。(4 分)68“(红柳)对着高原的酷寒和缺氧微笑”运用的修辞手法是 ,在文中的作用是 。(4 分)69简要分析最后一段画 线处两个问句在文中的作用。(4 分)四、作文(40 分)70阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。在地狱中,众鬼魂围着大桌子吃饭,他们手上都拿着长长的筷子,夹到了食物却无法放到自己嘴里,于是人人挨饿。在天堂中,众天使也围着大桌子吃饭,他们手里的筷子同样是长长的,但是夹到食物就互相放到对方的嘴里,于是个个吃得饱,人人都开心。要求:请根据以上材料,写一篇不少于 600 字的文章。题目自拟,立意自定,文体自选;不要套作,不得抄袭。英语(20 分)五、汉译英(每小题 4 分,共 20 分)71这是我的全家福。72天气变得越来越暖和了。73下个月将建造一座新桥。74这是我读过的最好的书。75电话铃响的时候,她正在看电视。专心-专注-专业

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