高二英语外研版选修10学案:课堂导学 Module4 The Magic of Film 含解析精修版

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《高二英语外研版选修10学案:课堂导学 Module4 The Magic of Film 含解析精修版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语外研版选修10学案:课堂导学 Module4 The Magic of Film 含解析精修版(14页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、外研版英语精品资料(精修版)课堂导学文本感知.The OscarsSuperficial Spectacle?1.The ceremony known as the Academy Awards is usually called_.A.the OscarsB.the TVC.Hollywood2.Looking glamorous is most important for_.A.male film starsB.female film starsC.photographers3.The people who began the Academy Awards thought that fil

2、ms_A.were very educational B.could be improved in some waysC.had high standards 4.The Oscar was called Oscar probably because of the words of_A.a scriptwriterB.an Academy librarian C.an Oscar winner答案:1.A2.B3.B4.B.A Brief History of Cartoons1.When did animated films begin to appear?A.In 1937.B.In 19

3、40.C.In 1914.2.Who is the first man to understand the potential of cartoons?A.Walt Disney.B.Plane Crazy.C.Pinocchio.3.Why do you think the early cartoon characters were so popular?A.Because the stories were very funny.B.Because they were very successful.C.Because they were produced by Disney.答案:1.C2

4、.A3.B难句透视 1.The “glamorous people” are famous film stars,and for TV viewers all over the world,the Oscars are a fascinating opportunity to observe how stars behave as “real people” rather than as the characters they play on screen.那些“魅力十足的人”都是著名影星,对于全球的电视观众来说,奥斯卡颁奖仪式是一个观看影星们的绝佳机会,此时观众们看到的不再是电影里的角色,而

5、是明星们的“真实面目”。剖析:(1)rather than 而不是;宁可也不愿意;与其倒不如 would do.rather than do./ would rather do.than do./ would prefer.doing to doing.宁愿做也不2.Female film stars,in particular,are expected to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their evening gowns.On their arrival in their limousines,the stars walk alon

6、g a red carpet surrounded by crowds,while photographers take photos and journalists shout questions at them.特别是女影星们将会穿着价格不菲的晚礼服。明星们乘坐豪华轿车抵达后,在人群的簇拥下沿红地毯款款而行,摄影师们咔咔拍照,记者们大声地向他们提出一个又一个问题。剖析:(1)in particular 尤其,特别(2)on+n./doing 表示“一就”On arriving at the airport,I was recognized by my friend.我一到飞机场就被我朋友认

7、出来了。其他引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”的词语:as soon as/immediately/directly/instantly/the minute/the second/the moment/the instant/ hardly. when/ no sooner.than(4)surrounded by crowds 是过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个定语从句。3.It is often believed that the award is because the film producers have spent huge amounts of money on publicity,

8、in order to influence Academy members to vote for their film.人们普遍认为获奖的原因是电影制片人花巨资进行宣传并尽最大努力来影响学院成员们为其影片投票。剖析:(1)It is often believed that.人们普遍认为其他类似用法:It is said that.据说It is reported that. 据报道(2)in order to 目的是 (so as to ),to 是不定式符号,后接动词原形。否定形式:in order not to/so as not toin order that后可以跟句子。4.When

9、 we look back over what are generally agreed to be the best films of each year,these are not always the films that win the big awards.当我们回顾那些年度公认的最好影片时,它们并不总是获得大奖的影片。剖析:agree to 同意(计划、安排)agree with 同意(观点、想法);(气候、食物)适合agree on 与达成一致agree to do sth.同意做某事agree with sb.to do sth.同意某人做agree on doing sth.

10、同意做5.An actor may be given an Oscar,not because of his or her performance in a particular film,but because people think it is time he or she got an award.一个演员获奥斯卡奖,并非因为其在某一特别的电影中的表演,而可能是因为人们认为他或她拿奖的时候到了。剖析:(1)because of 介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词,表示“由于,因为”。because 引导原因状语从句。(2)It is time sb.did sth.到了某人该做某事的时候

11、了。注意此句型中动词用过去式。It is time Tom got up.该是汤姆起床的时间了。6.The first man to understand the potential of cartoons was an American called Walt Disney.第一位看到卡通潜力的人是一位叫沃尔特迪斯尼的美国人。剖析:to understand the potential 在句子中作定语。动词不定式作定语时,与被修饰的词之间有一定的逻辑关系。常见的有三种:(1)不定式与被修饰的名词或者代词有逻辑上的动宾关系。I have nothing to say on this quest

12、ion.在这个问题上我没什么说的。(2)不定式与被修饰的名词或者代词有逻辑上的主谓关系。The next train to arrive was from New York.下班抵达的火车是来自纽约的。(3)不定式与被修饰的名词或者代词有逻辑上的同位关系。不定式解释或说明其所修饰成分的内容,这时被修饰的成分常常是抽象名词(如: promise,attempt,decision, will,invitation, proposal, refusal.)He makes a firm resolution to give up smoking.他下了戒烟的决心。知识感悟一、词汇详解1.symbol

13、ic adj.象征性的;象征的【典型例句】 Though the picture is simple,the symbolic meaning it conveys is deep.尽管这幅图画简单,它所表达的象征性意义却是深刻的。This story is symbolic of a truth.这个故事象征了一个真理。【要点归纳】 (1)be symbolic of.象征(2)symbol n.象征;符号2.intention n.意图;动机;目的【典型例句】 His intention is to be a teacher.他的打算是当一名教员。He went to Paris with

14、 the intention of learning French.他去巴黎,目的是学法语。It is my intention to go for a tour.我想要去旅行。【相关链接】 (1)intended adj.故意的;预期的,后可加to do/doing/that 从句3.cut off 切掉;中断;断绝【典型例句】 I had my hair cut off and sold it.我把头发剪掉卖了。 We were completely cut off from the outside world.我们和外界完全隔绝了。 【相关链接】 cut down砍倒,胜过,削减,删节c

15、ut across走捷径;抄近路穿过;打断;跟抵触cut back 迅速返回;剪短;削减cut in插嘴(后不带宾语);干涉;插入cut out剪下;剪裁;删除cut up切碎;切成小块;使痛苦cut through 抄近路走过;迅速通过cut off/cut up/cut through 辨析:cut off表示“隔绝”“断绝”“(电路)切断”“剪下”“砍掉”;cut up表示“切割开来”“切碎”“使难过”;cut through表示“凿穿”“穿过”“穿透”。4.take place 发生【典型例句】 Pay more attention to the traffic jam or more

16、 and more traffic accidents will take place.要更加关注交通堵塞,否则会有更多的交通事故发生。【要点归纳】 take place /break out /happen/occur表示“发生”,没有被动语态。take along 带着,带在身边;take ones place 坐某人的座位,代替某人的职位;take medicine 吃药;take measures采取措施;take advice 接受建议;take a taxi坐出租车;take away拿走;take down拿下,记录下;take back 带回,收回(话);take off脱下(

17、衣、鞋、帽),(飞机)起飞;take out取出;take the place of代替,取代;take up 开始,拿起;take a deep breath深呼吸;take ones temperature量体温;take a photograph of给拍照;take sb.(a)seat 坐下,坐好;take aim at 瞄准;take charge of 负责(管理某事或照顾某人);take hold of 抓住;take it easy别紧张;take notes做笔记;take notice of 注意;take office就职;take a new look on呈现新面貌

18、;take part in参加(活动);take pride in 为而骄傲;take a day off某一天休假,不工作;take ones time从容行事,慢慢来5.award n.奖;奖品;判定vt.授予;判定【典型例句】 Father often shows us the athletic awards he has won.父亲经常给我们看他所获得的体育运动奖。She was awarded a medal for bravery.她因勇敢而获得奖章。【要点归纳】 award在此处的意思是“奖品”,作名词用。award用作动词使用时,意思为“给予,颁发,判决,裁定”,常用作awa

19、rd sth.(to sb.)和 award sb.sth.( for sth.)以及be awarded sth.( for sth.)结构。【相关链接】 medal 指“奖章,勋章,纪念章”,如金牌,银牌等;prize 指“奖品,奖金;战利品;捕获物”,如在竞争或在比赛中给予的,或力求获得的作为对胜利或优胜嘉奖的东西;reward 指“回报;报酬;报应”,为相应的行为作酬劳或为邪恶的举止作报应而授予或收到的某些东西;award 指“奖品或因优点奖励或授予的东西。” 6.consist of 由组成=be made up of=be composed of 由组成【典型例句】 A unive

20、rsity consists of teachers,administrators and students.一个大学由老师、教导员和学生组成。Carbon dioxide(CO2)consists of carbon and oxygen.二氧化碳由碳元素和氧元素组成。【要点归纳】 consist of 此短语无被动式。类似的短语有:belong to,break out,come about,take place等。7.rather than 宁可也不,宁愿【典型例句】 Xiao Wu prefer to work rather than just sit.小吴喜欢工作而不喜欢闲坐。【要点

21、归纳】 rather than/would rather(.than)rather than是连词,前后两端所连的词性是一致的,通常译为“而不是”或“与其说是不如说是”,有时可用介词短语instead of替代。例如:He was writing a letter rather than(=instead of)reading the newspaper.他正在写信而不在看报纸。John should go rather than(=instead of)Jean.应该去的是约翰,而不是简。These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.这些鞋子谈

22、不上漂亮,但穿起来倒很舒服。【相关链接】 prefer.to.;prefer to.rather than.两个动词短语均可作“喜欢而不喜欢”或“宁愿而不愿”解,其后均可接名词。例如: I prefer volleyball to basketball(I prefer to volleyball rather than basketball).我喜欢排球而不喜欢篮球。 主要区别在于:prefer.to.之后接动词时,均用-ing形式。例如: He prefers walking to cycling.他宁愿步行而不愿骑自行车。 而prefer to.rather than.之后接动词时,均要

23、用动词原形。例如: Liu Hulan preferred to die rather than surrender before the enemy.刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈。 8.expect vt.预料;预期;盼望;期待【典型例句】 I am expecting a telephone call from my student.我在等着我学生的电话。You will be expected to work on Saturdays.你们星期六要上班。I expect that we will succeed this time.我们期望这次会成功。【要点归纳】 expect vt.预料;

24、预期;盼望;打算要,其后可以跟名词、代词、不定式、不定式复合结构、从句作宾语;它的名词形式为expectation。常有如下短语: beyond all expectations 出乎意料;come to ones expectations符合某人的期望【相关链接】 want,wish,like,expect等表示“希望,愿望”这一类动词后面可接过去分词作宾补。The boss wouldnt like the problem discussed at the moment.老板不想现在讨论这个问题。I want the suit made to my own measure.我想让这套服装根

25、据我自己的尺寸做。9.at least 表示数量概念,意为“至少”。【典型例句】 You should read one book a month at least.你一个月至少应该看一本书。 We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。【要点归纳】 at least 至少at most 至多10.for example 例如【典型例句】 However,part-time jobs also have some disadvantages.For example,we may lose time for rest,s

26、tudy,and some other activities.但是,兼职工作也有很多弊端,比如,我们可能牺牲很多必要的休息、学习或者其他活动的时间。【要点归纳】 such as和for example都用来列举例证,such as(诸如)需列举两个以上例证;而for example只需一个例证,至多两个,其位置可居于例证前或例证后,并由逗号隔开。11.in particular尤其,特别是【典型例句】 You should avoid eating fat meat,in particular pork.你应该避免吃脂肪多的肉类,特别是猪肉。Among all the merchandise,

27、I was interested in the cotton piece in particular.在所有商品中,我对棉布特别感兴趣。【要点归纳】 in general 是in particular 的反义结构。In general,a grammatical clause contains a subject and a predicate.一般来说,一个合乎语法的从句应包含一个主语和一个谓语。二、句型剖析It is time(that )did.该是某人做的时候了【典型例句】 Its time for you to get up.是某人做某事的时候了。Well,its time for

28、me to go now.我该走了。【相关链接】 Its time for sth.;Its(high)time for sb.to do sth.;Its(high)time that后接从句时该用虚拟语气。It is time for us to begin the lesson now.现在我们该上课了。 Its high time for you to look after the old man.到你照料老人的时候了。 Its time that we found somewhere to eat.我们该找个地方吃饭了。 三、语法解读1.other的用法(1)两个中的另一个one.t

29、he other.the other ear 另一只耳朵(2)几个中剩下的一些His other books are still in storage.他其他的书还存放着。(3)不同于所暗示或特指的Any other person would tell the truth.换成别人一定会说出真相。(4)额外的,增加的I have no other shoes.我没有其他的鞋了。(5)相反的,反面的,相对的the other side 反面(6)间隔的,交替的,第二个的every other day 每隔一天(7)不久之前的,刚刚过去的just the other day就在几天前用比较级表示最

30、高级的句型如下:(1)比较级+than+any other+单数名词Mary is taller than any other girl in the class.玛丽比班里任何一个女孩都要高。(2)比较级+than+all the other+复数名词Mary is taller than all the other girls in the class.玛丽比班里任何一个女孩都要高。(3)比较级+than+anyone elseMary is taller than anyone else in the class.玛丽比班里任何一个女孩都要高。2.more 的用法(1)greater i

31、n number数量上更多的A hall with more seats 有较多位子的大厅(2)在尺寸、数量、范围或者程度上更大更深more land 更多的土地more support 更大的支持(3)更多的,额外的(4)更多次的The more I see you,the more I like you.我越看你就越喜欢你。She needs some more time.她需要更多的时间。more 习惯用法:(1)no more 也不,都不。例如:He cant afford a new car,and no more can I.他买不起新车,我也买不起。(2)the more.,th

32、e more.越越The more fruit and vegetables you eat,the less chance you have of getting cancer.你吃的水果蔬菜越多,得癌症的可能性就越低。(3)the more.the less.越越不The more difficult the questions are,the less likely I am able to answer them.问题越困难,我就越不可能回答上来。(4)more and more 越来越She is getting more and more worried.她越来越忧虑了。(5)mo

33、re or less 大约,差不多It holds two tons,more or less.这东西大概能承受两吨重。随堂演练翻译句子(1)The dove is symbolic of peace._(2)狮子是勇气的象征。_答案:(1)鸽子是和平的象征。(2)The lion is the symbol of courage.选择(3)Red is symbolic_ enthusiasm (热情).A.inB.forC.withD.of解析:be symbolic of.是固定短语,表示“象征”,本句意为“红色象征热情”。答案:D选择He has left his book here

34、on_,so that you can read it.A.purposeB.intentionC.aimD.meaning解析:on purpose是固定短语,意为“故意地”。如用intention,则应说by intention。答案:A选择(1)He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was_ from the outside world.A.cut outB.cut offC.cut upD.cut through解析:句意:他在医院里住了六个月的院。他感到他好像与外界隔绝了。答案:B完成句子(2)The building_

35、 our view.(3)We are going to_ the mountain to build a free way here.(4)She_ the cake and gave each of us a piece.(5)He_some flowers from the bush.答案:cut off(3)cut through(4)cut up(5)cut off选择(1)_ the manager?A.Who is in place ofB.Who is in the place ofC.Who will take the place ofD.Who will take plac

36、e of解析:take the place of 代替。答案:C翻译句子(2)Lengthy negotiations must take place before any agreement can be reached._答案:达成协议前一定要进行冗长的谈判。 填空(1)The school_ Merry a prize_ her good work.(2)He_ _ the gold medal_ being the fastest runner.(3)The judge_ a large sum of money_ those hurt in the fire.轻松一刻阅读下面的笑话,

37、了解Tom怎么得的奖。Tom:Dad,My teacher awarded me a book for my answering his question.Dad:Congratulations! What are the question and your answer?Tom:How many legs does a hawk have? I said three.Dad:My silly boy,a hawk has two legs.Tom:But the others all said four.答案:(1)awarded;for(2)was awarded;for (3)award

38、ed;to选择(1)How many nationalities_ our country_?A.is;consisted ofB.does;make upC.is made fromD.does;consist of(2)The Chinese_fifty six nationalities,each of whom has their own characteristics.A.is consisted ofB.consists inC.is made ofD.consists of解析:(1)句意:我们国家由多少个民族组成?consists of相当于is made up of。is m

39、ade from“由制成”,成品中看不出原来的材料。(2)consist of=be made up of,没有被动语态;consist in在于;be made of 由制成。答案:(1)D(2)D选择(1)(2004全国)To enjoy the scenery,Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air.A.asB.toC.thanD.while(2)On the contrary,I think it is Truman,_ you,_ to blame.A.more than;areB.less t

40、han;who are C.rather than;that isD.rather than;is(3)Rather than_ on a crowded bus,he always prefers_ a bicycle.A.ride;rideB.riding;rideC.ride;to rideD.to ride;riding解析:(1)此题考查习惯句式的搭配。句意:为了欣赏景色,伊琳宁愿在火车中度过漫长的时光,也不愿坐飞机。would rather.than.是习惯搭配,意为“宁愿不愿”(2)本题是个强调句,所以第二空必须用who或that,第一空用rather than表“不是”,主语是

41、 Truman,所以用动词单数is。(3)题干实际上是个倒装句,将其还原成正常形式:He always prefer a bicycle rather than on a crowded bus.这样我们就很清楚地看出该句考查的句型是prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.结构。答案:(1)C(2)C(3)C选择(1)She had a tense expression on her face,_she were expecting trouble.A.even thoughB.even asC.as thoughD.now that (2)The number

42、 of people present at the concert was_ than expected.There were many tickets left.A.much smallerB.much moreC.much largerD.many more(3)I arrived late;I_ the road to be so icy.A.wouldnt expectB.havent expected C.hadnt expectedD.wasnt expecting解析:(1)句意:她脸上的表情很紧张,似乎预知有麻烦。even though即使;as though=as if“好像

43、是”;now that “既然”。(2)本题考查形容词的级以及修饰数词的形容词。在英语中修饰数字习惯上用large或small,语句“There were many tickets left”说明人来得少,所以数字应当是小的。(3)考查动词的时态。主题信息给的是过去时,没预料到路面结冰应是过去的过去。答案:(1)C(2)A(3)C选择(1)I have been looking for this book for months,and_ I have found it.A.at least B.in no timeC.at lastD.at present(2)What about your

44、yearly income,Sam?At least_yours,if not more.A.as many asB.so much asC.as much asD.less than解析:(1)at last (=in the end)最终;at least至少;in no time 立即,马上;at present 目前。(2)as much as 意为“和一样多”。答案:(1)C(2)C选择(1)Many boys,_ Li Ping,like to study English.A.for exampleB.such asC.and so onD.that is(2)Children,f

45、or example,in my opinion,_ creative ability is unthinkably rich,_ is seldom taken notice of by us,should be trained in that area.A.which;thatB.which;whichC.whose;whichD.whose;that解析:(1)for example作“例如”讲,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。such as也作“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。(2)本题考查定语从句有关知识。本句中有两个定

46、语从句,它们的意思是“孩子的创造力是惊人的丰富,这一点很少为我们所重视”。第一空格的先行词是children,在从句中作为定语,用whose;第二空用which指代第一个从句的内容。答案:(1)A(2)C选择(1)Whats new?_.Which of the following is NOT the right answer?A.Nothing in particularB.Nothing muchC.Nothing specialD.Nothing serious(2)He is an artist_;he lives by selling his pictures.A.by nameB

47、.for convenienceC.by professionD.in particular解析:(1)上句的意思是“有什么新鲜事吗?”下句用Nothing in particular/ Nothing muchNothing special回答,意思是“没什么没什么特别的”,而Nothing serious意为“不严重的”,不符合题意。(2)by name凭名字;for convenience为了方便;by profession 就职业来说;in particular 特别。句意:他是一个职业画家,他以卖画为生。答案:(1)D(2)C选择(1)It is time that the gove

48、rnment_ us with enough houses after the flood.A.supplied B.will supplyC.offeredD.will offer(2)It is time_ the piano.A.that the little girl should be practisedB.that the little girl practisedC.that the little girl will practiseD.when the little girl practised翻译(3)It was time that the manager intervie

49、wed the staff members in his company._解析:(1)由It is time.可判断出考查虚拟语气,应当用一般过去时,supply的用法为 supply sb.with sth.而offer的用法为offer sb.sth.或者offer sth.to sb.。(2)句型“It+be+time+that-clause”属虚拟语气结构,不管主句中用的是 is 或 has been,that从句都须用动词的过去式或“should+动词原形”(但不如用过去式普遍),在time之前有时可加上high或about 以加强语气。答案:(1)A(2)B(3)该是经理接见公司

50、职员的时候了。选择(1)It is so nice to hear from her._,we last met more than thirty years ago.A.Whats moreB.That is to sayC.In other wordsD.Believe it or not(2)(2004北京春季高考)Do you think I should get a good guidebook?Yes,of course._ you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.A.Whats moreB.In other wordsC

51、.By the wayD.All in all(3)So far as I know,India produces more films than_ in the world.A.every countryB.any countryC.all countriesD.any other country(4)How long_ each other before they_ married?For about a year.A.have they known;getB.did they know;were going to getC.do they know;are going to getD.h

52、ad they known;got(5)The moon is much closer to us_.A.than any other starB.than any starC.as any other starD.like other stars解析:(1)“more than thirty years ago”是一段很长的时间。“believe it or not”(信不信由你)表达了惊喜(so nice)的意味。B、C两项都用于解释前文,A项表递进,不太符合题意。(2)Whats more 意为“而且”,表示还得进一步做某事或怎么做;另外三个均不合题意。in other words意为“

53、换句话说”;all in all意为“总而言之”; by the way意为“顺便提一下”。(3)A、B、C项都包括India;D项表India除外,其他国家的任何一个。(4)根据句意分析,他们结婚已是过去的事,那么,他们互相了解大约一年的时间肯定发生在结婚前,发生在过去某一动作之前的动作,应该使用过去完成时。(5)这是用比较级表示最高级的结构。又如:Xiao Li is taller than any other student in our class.=Xiao Li is the tallest student in our class.小李比我们班其他同学都高。other 后的名词应

54、用单数形式。答案:(1)D(2)A(3)D(4)D(5)A选择(2004全国高考)Mary kept weighing herself to see how much_ she was getting.A.heavierB.heavyC.the heavierD.the heaviest解析:此题考比较级的辨析。keep doing“反复做”,证明体重前后有变化,所以B、D项错;C项用作代词或用于the more.the more的结构中。答案:A课文浓缩下面的一段文章为原文的浓缩,仔细阅读,根据原文章内容将其补充完整,并尽量背诵。Once a year,on an evening in Ma

55、rch,about 500 million people from 1 the world turn on their televisions.For several hours 2,they watch the Academy Awards,more commonly known as the Oscars,and it 3 in Hollywood.Female film stars,4 particular,are expected to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their evening gowns. 5 their arri

56、val in their limousines,the stars walk 6 a red carpet surrounded 7 crowds,while photographers take photos and journalists 8 questions at them.Each year,Academy members vote for the best films of the previous year.9 is often believed 10 the award is because the film reducers have spent huge 11 money

57、on publicity, 12 influence Academy members to vote for their film.When we 13 what are generally agreed to be the best films of each year,these are not always the films that win the big awards.An actor may be given an Oscar 14 people think 15 he or she got an award.To a lot of people,the Oscars are an enjoyable spectacle.Nothing more.答案:1.all over2.at least3.takes place4.in5.On6.along7.by8.shout9.It10.that11.amounts of12.in order to13.look back over14.because15.it is time

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