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1、上海市浦东新区2021届高三下学期第二次模拟英语一、完形填空Girls are better at reading and writing than boys as early as fourth grade, according to a study, and the gap continues to widen until senior year.Scientists generally agree that boys and girls are psychologically more alike than they are different. But reading seems to

2、 be a(n) 1., with growing evidence suggesting a similar 2. in writing. The study,published in the journal American Psychologist, provided further 3. to support this view.David Reilly, lead author of the study, said the study 4. the commonly held view that boys and girls start grade school with the s

3、ame cognitive abilities. It appears that the gender gap fbr writing tasks has been greatly 5., and despite our best efforts with changes in teaching methods, that does not appear to be 6. over he said.Factors explaining the results could include learning 7. being more prevalent among boys; the press

4、ure to conform to masculine ideals and the idea of reading and language being 8.; and slightdifferences in how boys and girls use their brain hemispheres (半球),the authors believe.To investigate how 9. levels differed between boys and girls in the U.S., the team studied data collected over three deca

5、des in the National Assessment of Educational Progress. This database of test scores on over 3 million students in the fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades 1(). national and state performances in a range of subjects, and considered such variables such as disabilities or whether children were English l

6、earners. Reading and writing was 11.according to childrens understanding of a range of different passages andgenres.12. , girls were found to perform significantly better in reading and writing tests by fourth grade whencompared with boys of the same age. As children progressed to eighth and twelfth

7、 grades, girls continued to 13. boys, but the difference was more noticeable in writing than reading. But what caused this difference in abilities? Evidence suggests 14. problems, such as being disruptive in class or being aggressive could be linked to neurological conditions. What is known as later

8、alization (偏侧化)could also play a role. Boys are believed to use one hemisphere when reading or writing, while girls appear to use both. The data did not, however,52.Why Take a Gap YearWhen youve finished your studies at school and college, do you feel like a well-earned rest? If youre about to embar

9、k on a course at university, youll want to recharge your batteries, relax and have some fiin. But how long should you do that for? Now the idea of taking a year off before you move into further education seems to be the thing to do.A year off - also called a gap year 一 is not a new concept, but ther

10、es now a focus on making the most of this break from academic life. Long gone are the days of just hanging out on a beach or backpacking round the world. A gap year is now more about gaining skills that will help you in later life. A student, called Meg, said I always want to spend a year doing some

11、thing productive and something that would just be good fiin.Doing something productive is exactly what students are being encouraged to do because doing more purposeful things like work experience or charity work helps them acquire skills to use when competing for a place at university. Il looks goo

12、d on their CV and ultimately makes them more employable. Chris Rea, a Higher Education Sen ices Manager, thinks “the experience of the gap year has become actually much more practical, partly to do with university participation and employability skills development.MWhile the benefits of taking a gap

13、 year are clear to see, some students worry they cant afford it. Another student, Tom, thought a gap year was an alien concept. He said it would have been far too expensive and its not something that 1 would have been able to rely on my parents for?*For those who do have the funds, a combination of

14、working, volunteering and travelling is undoubtedly an amazing opportunity. It increases confidence and independence, gives you a chance to learn new crafts, and gives you time to contemplate whether university is right for you.参考答案1-15【解析】这是一篇说明文。主要通过研究表明相比男孩,女孩的阅读和写作能力更佳,并分析了产生这种现象可能 的原因。1. 考查名词词义

15、辨析。句意:但阅读似乎是个例外,越来越多的证据表明,写作也有类似的模式eA. distinction 差别;区别;B. exception 例外;C. objection 发对;D. limitation 限制。上文Scientists generally agree that boys and girls arc psychologically more alike than they arc different.表明,科学家们认为,男孩和女孩在心理上是 更相似的。此句与上句转折,说明此处要表达的是男孩与女孩不相似的的方面一阅读,也就是说阅读是 一个例外,故选B。2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意

16、:参见上题。A. pattern模式;B. standard标准;C. circumstance环境;D, feature 特色。结合上题分析可知,科学家认为男孩和女孩是很相似的,但是阅读是一个例外,所以此处表达的是 写作也和阅读一样,有相似的模式,也是个例外,是男孩和女孩有差异的方面,故选A。3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项发表在美国心理学家杂志上的研究为支持这一观点提供了进一步的 证据o A. strategy 策略:B. signal 信号:C. sign 迹象;标志;D. evidence 证据。根据空后to support this view” 可知,用来支持观点的,应该是证据,故

17、选D。4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这项研究的主要作者David Reilly说,这项研究质疑了人们普遍认为的男孩 和女孩在上小学时认知能力相同的观点。A. confirmed证实;B. represented代表;C. questioned质疑;D. introduced 介绍。根据第一段中“Girls are better at reading and writing than boys as early as fourth grade, according to a study, and the gap continues to widen until senior year.”可知,一

18、项研究表明早在四年级,女生的 阅读和写作能力就比男生强。再根据空后宾语,人们认为男孩和女孩在上小学时认知能力相同,可知此处 表达这项研究是质疑了这个观点,故选C。5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他说:“看上去写作任务上的性别差异被极大的低估了,尽管我们在教学方法的改进方面做出了最大的努力,但随着时间的推移,该差异似乎并未渐渐减小。A. underestimated低估; B. overemphasized过多强调:C. underrepresenled代表不足;D. justified证明正确。结合上题分析可知,人们普遍认为男孩和女孩在上小学时认知能力相同,而研究却表明男孩和女孩在读写方面是有差

19、异的,所 以此处表达是这种差异是被低估的,故选A。6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:参见上题。A. increasing增加;B. promoting促进;提升;C. accepting接受; D. reducing减少。根据此句中的介词“尽管”以及句意,可知,此处要表达尽管在教学方法改进方面做了最 大的努力,但是差异并没有减少,故选D。7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:作者认为,解释这一结果的因素可能包括学习困难在男孩中更为普遍;男孩 面临遵循男性化标准的压力,认为阅读是女性的技能:男孩和女孩使用大脑半球的方式也略有不同。A. objectives目标;B. drills培训;C. difficul

20、ties困难;D. advantages优势。结合上面小题分析可知,女孩在 读写方面能力比男孩强,此段分析了这种情况的原因,既然男孩读写方面能力相对来说弱,那么可能他们 学习的困难更普遍,故选C。8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:参见上题。A. innovative创新的;B. feminine女性的;C. challenging挑 战性的;D. fictional虚构的。结合上题分析可知,此段是分析男孩读写方面能力弱的这种结果的原因,所 以此处表达的是,男孩面临男性化标准的压力,认为阅读和语言是女性的技能,所以就不太注重阅读和语 言,是造成这种结果的原因之一,故选B。9. 考查名词/形容词词义

21、辨析。句意:为了调查美国男孩和女孩的读写水平的差异,研究小组研究了 30多 年来在国家教育进展评估中收集的数据 A. literacy读写能力;B. literary文学的;C. academic学术的; D. cognitive 认知的。根据文章第一段Girls arc better at reading and writing than boys as early as fourth grade, according to a study, and the gap continues to widen until senior year.”可知,早在四年级,女生的阅读和写作能 力就比男生强

22、,所以此处表达的是为了调查男孩和女孩的读写水平的差异,此空是名词作定语,故选A。10. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:这-数据库收集了超过300万名四、八、十二年级学生的考试成绩,将他们在国家和州的一系列科目上的表现进行了细分,并考虑了诸如残疾或儿童是否是英语学习者等变量。A. pulled down 拆毁;降低;B. settled down 安定卜来;C. turned down 调小;拒绝;D. broke down 将分成若干部分;分解。根据句意以及上题分析,可知为了调查美国男孩和女孩的读写能力的差异,研究小组 研究了一些数据,这些数据详细划分了学生在国家和州的科目上的具体表现,还考虑到一些

23、变量,就是为 了让调查结果更准确,故选D。11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:阅读和写作是根据儿童对不同文章的段落和体裁的理解来衡量的。A. granted 同意;B. measured测量;衡量;C. designed设计;D. engineered设计制造。根据句意以及选项的含义,可 知,此处表达的是根据儿童对不同文章的段落和体裁的理解,阅读和写作被衡量,故选B12. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:总的来说,与同龄男孩相比,女孩在四年级的阅读和写作测试中表现得更 好。A. Likewise同样地;B. Overall总体上;C. However但是;D. Besides此外。此空副词作状语,修饰 整

24、个句子,根据空后句意一与同龄男孩相比,女孩在四年级的阅读和写作测试中表现得更好,可知,这 是整体上的一种情况,故选B。13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着孩了们升入八年级和十二年级,女生继续超过男生,但这种差异在写 第12页,共21页作方面比阅读方面更为明显o A. overtake超过;赶上;B. discourage阻拦;使灰心;C. parallel比得上;与相似;D. distinguish区分;辨别。结合上文文意可知,早在四年级,女生的阅读和写作能力就比男生强, 而且差距还会进一步加大,可知此处表达的是随着孩了们升入八年级和十二年级,女生继续超过男生,故 选Ao14. 考查形容词词义

25、辨析。句意:有证据表明,行为问题,如课堂上的破坏性行为或攻击性行为,可能与 神经系统疾病有关o A. psychological心理的;B. emotional感情的;C. behavioral有关行为的;D. mental精 神的。根据空后的举例“such as being disruptive in class or being aggressive”可知,此处表达的是如课堂上的破 坏性行为或攻击性行为的行为问题,故选C。15. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:然而,这些数据并没有提供支持拥有不同学习风格两种性别的证据o A. in linewith 与 -致;B. a( (he mercy of

26、 完全由支配;C. on account of 因为;由于;D. in favor of 有利于;支持。结合全文可知,文章只是客观介绍了男孩和女孩在读写能力方面的差异,表明了他们不同的学习风 格,但是并没有表明支持男孩或者女孩,故选D.【答案】1. B2. A3. D4. C5. A6. D7. C8. B9. A10. D11. B12. B13. A14. C15. D 16-19【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了社交媒体影响者是如何影响人们购买产品的,从三个方面介绍了促销活 动的意图。16. 细节理解题。根据第二段中Companies often use that desire t

27、o have a similar lifestyle to a celebrity we admire to hawk or launch a product/公司经常利用这种渴望拥有与我们崇拜的名人相似的生活方式来推销或 推出一种产品)可知,公司会邀请名人来发布产品因为消费者喜欢与名人分享相似之处。故选C。17. 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中A popular celebrity can target key demographics and talk or blog about a product, which can create an instant and lasting bond

28、with the consumer一个受欢迎的名人可以针对关键人群, 谈论或博客有关产品,这可以创建一个即时和持久的与消费者的联系)”以及倒数第二段中We are more likely to respond to peer recommendation than traditional ads, meaning the fact we see an influencer as a 4friend can make us less likely (o be doubtful about whal we are seeing.(比起传统广告,我们更倾向于同伴推荐,这意味 着我们将网红视为“朋友”

29、这-顼实可以让我们更少怀疑自己所看到的东西)可推知,影响者经常利用他们的 名气作为策略。故选C。18. 词义猜测题。根据画线词后文We are more likely to respond to 4peer recommendation than traditional ads, meaning the fact we see an influencer as a 4 friend5 can make us less likely to be doubtful about what we are seeing. (比起传统广告,我们更倾向于同伴推荐,这意味着我们将网红视为“朋友这一事实可以让我

30、们更少怀疑 自己所看到的东西)”可知,此处unbiased opinions有引号,说明有影响力的人是通过看似“客观的意见改善 消费者的购买习惯。故画线词意思是客观的A. aggressive好斗的;B. objective客观的;C. subjective主 观的:D. supportive支持的。故选B。19. 主旨大意题。根据第一段Have you ever been on social media and seen your favorite celebrity talking about a product? These promotions might not be totally

31、 random, and are actually seen as a vital part of the marketing process. The question is: How do social media influencers * influence, what you buy?(你是否曾在社交媒体上看 到你最喜欢的名人谈论某个产品?这些促销活动可能不是完全随机的,实际上被视为营销过程的重要组成 部分。问题是:社交媒体影响者如何“影响你的购买?)可知,这篇文章主要是关于社会影响者如何影响我 们的购买行为。故选D。【答案】16. C17. C18. B19. D这是一篇应用文。本

32、文主要讲述了两篇文章,第一篇讲了世界水资源的分布情况,以及淡水和海水的具体 百分比情况,并详细说明了各种淡水资源所占的比例等数据。第二篇讲r 2019年美国游客排名前八的游客 最多的国家公园的相关数据。20. 细节理解题。根据文章第段第句话The Antarctic Icecap is the largest supply of fresh water, nearly 2 % of the worlds total of fresh and salt water. ”(南极冰盖是世界上最大的淡水资源,占世界淡水和咸水总量的近 2%o)可知,南极冰盖为我们提供了最大数量的淡水。故选D项。21.

33、细节理解题。根据第一段第三句The fresh water actually available fbr human use in lakes and rivers and the accessible ground water amounts to only about one third of one percent of the worlds total water supply.(实际上 可供人类使用的湖泊、河流和可获取的地下水只占世界总供水的约三分之一。)再结合图表中的数据可知, 河流占了地球上总供水的最低水平。故选C项。22. 细节理解题。根据图表2的标题“Top Eight Mo

34、st Visited National Park Sites, 2019”(2019年游览次数最 多的八个国家公园景点。)可知,第二篇讲了 2019年美国游客排名前八的游客最多的国家公园的相关数据, A 项错误。根据图表数据可知 Blue Ridge Parkway 游客数量为 19,030,550 人,George Washington Memorial Parkway游客数量为6,584,801人,明显前者多于后者,故B项错误。根据图表数据可知Lake Mead National Recreation Area 位于 Nevada - Arizona,而 Statue of Liberty

35、 National Monument, New York 位于 New Jersey, D项错误。C项正确。故选C项。【答案】20. D21. C22. C23-26【解析这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述主题公园的设计者使用一些技巧使参观者体验更好。23. 推理判断题。根据第一段首句“Theme parks? Ijusl love lhem.(主题公园吗?我就是喜欢它们。广及最后一 句中but to me there is nothing as irresistible or as thrilling as the fiill-on experience of spending a day in

36、someone elses imagination(但对我来说,没有什么比在别人的想象中度过一整天更让人无法抗拒或兴奋的了)口J知, 作者觉得主题公园迷人而刺激。故选C项。24. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中And perhaps that is why I love theme parks. Because when Im there, I want to be propcllcd(推动)by someone clses vision, and give over to the feeling.(也许这就是我喜欢主题公园的原 因。因为当我在那里,我想由其他人的想象力推动,并屈服于这种感觉。广

37、可知,作者喜欢去主题公园是因 为它们提供了一个设计的环境,作者容易被吸引。故选B项。25. 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容The next killer app isnt on your device. Its in the places that thrill us and compel us (o keep our phones in our pockets so we can truly experience them.(下 个消磨时间的应用程序不在 你的设备上。它是在这些让我们兴奋并迫使我们把手机放在口袋里的地方,这样我们才能真.正体验它们。y 可知,作者建议你放下手机,体验主题公园带给

38、你的东西。故选a项。26. 主旨大意题。根据第二段“But I call it like I see it: they use all the psychological tricks in my social psychology textbooks to get us to feel and act in the way that the people behind the scenes foretell.n (但我是这样 称呼它的:他们使用了我的社会心理学教科书里的所有心理学技巧,让我们按照幕后人物的预言去感受和行 动。)结合全文内容可知,文章主要讲述主题公园的设计者使用的一些技巧来使参

39、观者体验更好。故选D项。【答案】23. C24. B25. A26. D27. 【参考范文】Recently, a survey on extensive courses has been made to find the reasons why students choose certain courses. And below are the results.As the chart shows, about 50 percent students surveyed choose a certain course in order to develop their own interest

40、 while 40 percent are to enlarge their knowledge. Less (han 10 percent choose a course with the aim of consolidating their subject knowledge and preparing fbr exams.From my personal experience, I can see why. I once chose Robot Programming as my extensive course. That is because I have showed intere

41、st in computer and robots since in elementary school. I hold the firm belief that interest is the best teacher, and my future career is sure to be combined with programming. Therefore, Robot Programming became my extensive course.28-37【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了大多数人最害怕一周中的星期一,一年中最令人沮丧的一天是一月的第 三个星期一,心理学家在200

42、4年将这一天戏称为“忧郁星期一”。文章主要说明了星期一让人忧郁的原因以 及他人对此的看法。28. 考查表语从句。句意:一周的第一天会让我们不快乐和沮丧,这就是为什么这种感觉被称为周一抑郁。 此处为表语从句,从句中缺少原因状语,表示“为什么应用why引导。故填why。29. 考查强调句。句意:但是到底是什么让我们感到沮丧?它会影响到每个人吗?分析句子结构可知此处 为强调句结构“被强调部分+ is/ was + it + that/ who +其它+?”,此处被强调句部分为what,应用that引导。 故填thato30. 考查形容词最高级。句意:显然,-年中最令人沮丧的一天是-月的第三个星期-,

43、那时外面又冷又 黑。结合后文“day of the year”可知表示“最令人沮丧的应用形容词depressing的最高级,在前面加the most。 故填 the most depressing o31. 考查时态语态。句意:2004年,心理学家Cliff Arnall将这一天戏称为“忧郁星期一。根据后文in 2004 可知用一般过去时,主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,故应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为This day,谓语 动词用单数。故填was nicknamedo32. 考查状语从句。句意:尽管这个公式背后几乎没有什么科学依据,但很有可能,我们每一个星期一早 上的闹钟声都预示着新一周的开始

44、,也可能意味着我们周末的乐趣的结束。引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管 应用even though/if,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Even though/if33. 考查介词。句意:研究表明,我们周一的情绪可以基于与前一天的直接比较。结合句意表示“与.的 直接比较可知短语为 a direct comparison with/too 故填 with/to,34. 考查固定短语。句意:这就是心理学家所说的情感转变,一周中没有其他时间能像它一样有这样的转 变。此处修饰后文单数名词part,表示“没有其他短语为no other。故填other。35. 考查非谓语动词。句意:而痛苦的周紧随其后的是尝试的周二

45、求职最受欢迎的天。分析句子结构可知send在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处应用不定式作名词后置定语,表将来的动作,且job applicationssend 构成被动关系,应用 to be done 形式。故填 to be sent。36. 考查非谓语动词。句意:情绪低落不应该与由其他因素引起的更严重的抑郁症相混淆。分析句子结构 可知,句子缺少主语,故feel应用动名词形式作主语。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Feeling.37. 考查情态动词。句意:作家兼主持人Claudia Hammond在为英国广播公司撰写的一篇文章中指出,这 种情绪低落可能只是个神话。后文be为动词原形,可知应填情态动词,

46、表示“可能应用might/mayo故填 might/mayo【答案】28. why29. that3(). the most depressing31. was nicknamed32. Even though/if33. with/to34. other35. to be sent36. Feeling37. might/may38-47【解析这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了因为疫情影响,学校教育中断意味着更糟糕的结果和更深的不平等这一 社会现象。指出学校教育的持续中断可能会导致永久性的学习损失,对贫困学生的伤害更大。38. 考查非谓语动词。句意:在佛蒙特州的蒙彼利埃,教师们在秋季学期开始前的

47、第一次会面通常是喜庆 的 拥抱着吃早餐和喝咖啡。根据上文before the start of the autumn term is usually festive”以及句意“拥抱 可知应用动词hug,分析句子结构可知hug在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语构成主动关系,故应用 现在分词作状语。故填huggingo故选F。39. 考查动词。句意:经过春季的一场仓促行程(建立在线学习,为依赖在线学习的贫困学生打包午餐, 并将电脑运送给那些没有在线学习的学生),该学区计划在9月8日让年龄较小的学生返回学校进行面对面 学习。根据后文“computers to those without them以

48、及句意运送可知应填动词ship,此处为不定式作目的状 语,应填动词原形。故填shipo故选J。40. 考查名词。句意:能返回学校的年轻学生需要戴上I罩,保持社交距离,并在进入校车或教学楼前接 受体温检测。上文social为形容词修饰名词,表示“距离应用distancing。故填distancing。故选C。41. 考查副词。句意:在美国最大的50个学区中,有35个计划下个学期完全远程开学。修饰动词start, 表示“远程应用副词remotely0故填remotely,故选H。42. 考查名词。句意:这意味着让父母头疼的不仅仅是照看孩子。结合句意表示“头疼”可知应用名词headache, 结合后

49、文for parents可知应用复数形式。故填headacheso故选E。43. 考查副词。句意:学校教育的持续中断可能会导致永久性的学习损失,不成比例地伤害贫困学生。修 饰后文动词hurting,表示不成比例地”应用副词disproportionately,作状语。故填disproportionately故选 B。44. 考查名词。句意:“成就差距将变成巨大的成就差异,研究机构“重塑公共教育中心主任Robin Lake 警告说。根据后文“greal achievement dilferences以及句意“差距可知应填复数名词gaps,作主语。故填gaps。 故选D。45. 考查形容词。句意:

50、咨询公司麦肯锡的分析师认为,如果2021年1月之前不重新开始亲自授课(这看 第18页,共21页 起来是可能的),典型的美国学生将遭受6.8个月的学习损失。修饰后文名词短语American pupil,表示“典 型的”应用形容词typical作定语。故填typicalo故选G。46. 考查动词。句意:咨询公司麦肯锡的分析师认为,如果2021年1月之前不重新开始亲自授课(这看起 来是可能的),典型的美国学生将遭受6.8个月的学习损失。空处作谓语,结合句意表示“重新开始可知应 用动词restart,结合上文in-person instruction does not可知为否定陈述句,应填动词原形。故

51、填restartc故 选L47. 考查名词。句意:这对黑人学生的影响最大,他们将失去超过价值10个月的教育,而贫穷的学生则会 落后一年多。根据上文“ten months”,以及句意“价值”可知应填名词worth。故填worth。故选K。【答案】38. F39. J40. C41. H42. E43. B44. D45. G46. I47. K48-51 解析】这是一篇说明文。本文阐述了现代汽车的触摸屏虽然方便,但对司机可能是危险的干扰。48. 上文“But, though convenient, touchscreens can also be dangerous distractions.(

52、但是,尽管触摸屏很方便, 但它也可能是危险的干扰因素)以及下文“They recruited two groups of 20 drivers(他们招募了两组20名司 机)可知,大多数现代汽车的触摸屏尽管很方便,但也可能是危险的干扰因素,下文又提到有些人招募了两 组 20 名司机,因此,C 项To discover how badly touchscreens distract drivers, Neale Kinnear and his colleagues arranged a series of experiments(为了发现触屏在多大程度上会让司机分心,Kinnear和他的同事们安排

53、了一系 列实验)符合语境,该选项承上启下,说明是Neale Kinnear和他的同事们为了验证汽车触摸屏可能会对司 机开车造成干扰而招募了 20名司机,且选项中的Neale Kinnear and his colleagues”与下文的“They”相呼应。 故选C项。provide evidence to argue 15. the two genders having different learning styles.1.A. distinctionB. exceptionC. objectionD.limitation2.A. patternB. standardC. circumsta

54、nceD.feature3.A. strategyB. signalC. signD.evidence4.A. confirmedB. representedC. questionedD.introduced5.A. underestimatedB. overemphasizedC. underrepresentedD.justified6.A. increasingB. promotingC. acceptingD.reducing7.A. objectivesB. drillsC. difficultiesD.advantages8.A. innovativeB. feminineC. c

55、hallengingD.fictional9.A. literacyB. literaryC. academicD.cognitive10.A. pulled downB. settled downC. turned downD.broke down11.A. grantedB. measuredC. designedD.engineered12.A. LikewiseB. OverallC. HoweverD.Besides13.A. overtakeB. discourageC. parallelD.distinguish14.A. psychologicalB. emotionalC.

56、behavioralD.mental15.A. in line withB. at the mercy ofC. on account ofD.in favor of二、阅读理解Have you ever been on social media and seen your favorite celebrity talking about a product? These promotions might not be totally random, and are actually seen as a vital part of the marketing process. The ques

57、tion is: How do social media influencers influence what you buy?Human desire for status and making friends, combined with our need to belong to a group, makes us receptive to being socially influenced Companies often use that desire to have a similar lifestyle to a celebrity we admire to hawk or lau

58、nch a product. So, what do these promotions actually do?Firstly, they can be used to build brand awareness. A social media influencer should have a strong understanding of the platform they operate on, and therefore can create engaging content that not only sticks to the brand image, but sparks thei

59、r followers5 interests in a product they might never have seen before.Secondly, influencers can improve a company or products relationship with their customer base. According to InMoments 2018 US Retail CX Trends Report on customer loyalty, 77% of buyers have been brand loyal for morethan ten years.

60、 This is also true of 60% of millennials. A popular celebrity can target key demographics and talk or 第2页,共21页49. 上文“On one of these trips they had to carry out tasks using only the touchscreen, which included navigating to a restaurant, playing a particular song on Spotify (a music service), changi

61、ng radio channels, getting the system to read out a (ext message, and making a hands-free telephone call.(在其中一次旅行中,他们只能使用触摸屏完 成些任务,包括导航到家餐馆,在Spotify(-种音乐服务)上播放-首特定的歌曲,更换广播频道,让系 统读出短信,以及拨打一个“免提”电话)以及卜文The third journey was a control, with no assigned tasks.(第 三个旅程是对照组,没有指定的任务)”可知,该空上文和下文分别提到了第一次旅行和第三

62、次行驶时对司机 的操作要求,可推测该空肯能是提到第二次行驶时对司机的操作要求,因此,E项On the second trip they had to do the same, but using only the cars voicc-activatcd controls instead.(在第二次行驶中,他们也必须这样做, 但只使用了汽车的声控系统)”符合语境,该选项中的second trip”与上文中的“On one of these trips以及下文 的“The third journey相呼应。故选E项。50. 卜-文Though the difference might be le

63、ss than a second, at motorway speeds this would result in an increased stopping distance of up to 25 metres. Dr Kinncar was, however, surprised by the amount of time driversattention was diverted by the series of glances needed to operate the screen.(虽然差异可能不足一秒,但在高速公路上, 这将导致刹车距离增加到25米,但Kinncar博士惊讶地发

64、现,驾驶员的注意力被触屏操作所吸引的时间如 此之长)可推知,第二次行驶实验中使用触摸屏的对照组的司机,做同样的任务所花的时间比第一组使用声 控系统的司机用的时间长,才导致刹车距离增加到25米,因此,F项“As they expected, drivers using touchscreens look longer to respond to (he flashing bar than did those using voice controls.(正如他们所料, 与使 用声控系统的司机相比,使用触屏操作的司机需要更长的时间来响应闪烁的工具条)”符合语境,该选项中的 “longer”-与下文中的increased相呼应。故选F项。51. 上文Among the worst outcomes were a mean of 20 seconds of cumulative glances using Android Auto to play a song on Spotify

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