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1、国际商务I(双语)课程简介课程编号:A2113104 英文名称:International Business学 分:4 学 时:64授课对象:国际经济与贸易专业三年级学生课程目标:通过本课程的学习,学生将系统地了解和掌握以下内容:各国在经济和文化上的差异;国际贸易和投资中的政治经济;全球货币体制;企业战略和组织结构;企业制造、营销和研究开发等关键职能。本课程将使学生国际商务理论水平得到提升,并能够将理论与实践相结合,通过案例分析,获得分析问题和解决问题的能力以及实际动手能力。本课程采用原版英文教材和全英语授课方式,学生通过学习还将获得对英语的综合运用能力。课程内容: 经济全球化、 经济中的国家

2、差异、 文化差异、 国际贸易理论、国际贸易中的政治经济、对外直接投资、区域经济一体化、外汇市场、国际货币体系、国际企业的战略、国际商务组织、进入战略与战略联盟、出口进口与对等贸易、全球营销与研发预修课程:政治经济学、西方经济学、国际贸易、国际贸易理论与实务,国际金融教 材: International Business Charles W.L.Hill McGraw-Hill Irwin (美国) 2006 第六版国际商务I(双语)课程教学大纲(International Business)一、基本信息课程编号:A2113104 课程类别:专业必修课 适用层次:本科三年级适用专业:国际经济与贸


4、得分析问题和解决问题的能力以及从事具体国际商务业务环节的实际动手能力。本课程采用原版英文教材和全英语授课方式,学生通过学习还将获得对英语的综合运用能力,即通过英文原版报刊、书籍和网站阅读、收集和分析国际商务理论和业务信息的能力和英语的演讲与表达能力。为他们在中国与世界经济接轨的过程中成为国际商务专业人才,为他们参与未来的国际市场竞争打下良好的基础。三、教学内容与要求1.理论课教学内容Chapter One: Globalization 本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:The development and the trend of the globalization o

5、f markets and production;the global economy of the 21st century in the changing, the foreign direct investment , world output and world trade; and the debate in globalization 教学内容:I. What is globalization?II. Drivers of globalizationIII. The changing world order IV. The global economy of the 21st ce

6、nturyV. Anti-globalization protests 教学重点和难点:1. The globalization of market2. the globalization of production Chapter Two: National Differences in Political Economy本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:In different countries, why the differences exist in political systems because of the stress of whether colle

7、ctivism and individualism and democracy and totalitarianism. The three common types of economic systems as well the different legal system. 教学内容:I. Political SystemII. Economic SystemIII. Legal System IV. The Determinants of Economic Development教学重点和难点:1. Collectivism and individualism2. Democracy a

8、nd totalitarianism3market economy 4command economy5mixed economy6state-direct economy7protection of intellectual propertyChapter Three: Differences in Culture本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:The definition of culture and why and how each countrys culture influences its business and trade, as well as its

9、implication to international business. 教学内容:I. Opening case: GuanxiTies that BindII. What is Culture?III. Social StructureIV. Religious and Ethical SystemsV. Education and Cultural Change教学重点和难点:1values and norms 2. culture, society and national-state3. social stratification4. Christianity5. Islam6.

10、 Hinduism7. Buddhism8. ConfucianismChapter Four: International Trade Theory 本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:Seven international trade theories which are commonly accepted and have strong impact on international business. Understanding of the contents and how they work in its influence in making trade po

11、licies for each country. 教学内容:I. Mercantilism II. Absolute Advantage III. Comparative Advantage IV. Heckscher-Ohlin Theory V. The product Life-Cycle Theory VI. New Trade Theory VII. National Competitive Advantage教学重点和难点:1. The theories of Smith, Ricardo, and Heckscher-Ohlin2. product life-cycle3. fi

12、rst-mover advantage4. national competitive advantage5. MercentilismChapter Five: The Political Economy of International Trade本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:How governments intervene business by the several instruments of trade policies. The special functions of each of them. How the world trading syste

13、m developed and the efforts made by the GATT and the WTO. 教学内容:I. Opening Case: Trade TextilesThe Chinese Juggernaut II. Instruments of Trade Policy Tariffs Subsidies Import Quotas &Voluntary Export Restraints Local Content Requirement Administrative Policies Antidumping Policies III. Development of

14、 the World Trading System 教学重点和难点:1. Tariffs 2. Subsidies 3. Import Quotas &Voluntary Export Restraints 4. Local Content Requirement 5. Administrative Policies 6. Antidumping Policies Chapter Six: Foreign Direct Investment 本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:The different types of FDI. Why developed countri

15、es direct the world FDI, and present situation of the inflow and outflow of FDI between developed and developing countires. Chinas role as the largest recipient of FDI among developing countries. 教学内容:I. Introduction II. The Growth of FDI III. The Direction of FDI IV. Case study: Foreign Direct Inve

16、stment in China 教学重点和难点:1. foreign direct investment 2. foreign portfolio investment 3. Licensing 4. horizontal FDI 5. vertical FDI:Chapter Seven: Regional Economic Integration本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:How regional economic integration developed step by step from the least to the most integrated l

17、evel. Understanding of the examples of NAFTA, EU, ASEAN and APEC, which level is each of them at and the reasons. 教学内容:I. Levels of Economic Integration II. NAFTA and the U.S.:Textile Industry III. China and ASEANIV. Regional Economic integration in Europe V. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

18、 教学重点和难点:1. Free Trade Area 2. Customs Union 3. Common Market 4. Economic union 5. Political Union四. 作业、练习的安排与要求课内及课后习题课 (学生课后准备,课内展示)Presentation on Graph Analysis on Economy and Trade 经济与贸易图表分析主体演讲时间:第6教学周 学时:每组学生4:30分钟 内容:1. Presentation: by teams: Graph Analysis on Economy and Trade;2. PowerPoin

19、t: with graphs and words;3. Paper writing: with written materials and powerpoint content. 目的:使学生掌握经济贸易图表分析的基本技能,培养学生的团队合作意识,培养学生的英语写作和语言表达能力和分析经济现象的能力。五. 各个章节学时分配章节主 要 内 容各个教学环节学时分配备 注理论课实验课习题课讨论课小计1Globalization 7292National Differences in Political Economy729Graph Analysis Presentation 443Differen

20、ces in Culture7294International Trade Theory 885The Political Economy of International Trade886Foreign Direct Investment 7297Regional Economic Integration628合 计5041064六. 相关联的课程1.预修课程政治经济学、西方经济学、国际贸易、国际贸易理论与实务,国际金融, 英语等课程。本课程要求学生具有一定的经济理论基础知识,并较好地完成公共英语课程。2.后续课程国际营销学、外贸商务英语口语、国际经济学(双语)、发展经济学、跨国公司、跨国经

21、营战略、国际服务贸易。本课程使学生掌握了与这些课程相关的国际经贸理论知识,提高了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,为上述后续课程的学习提供了基础,使这些知识相互促进和融合,尤其是为后续的双语课程提供了语言保障。七. 教材与教学参考书1.建议教材:1)International Business Charles W.L.Hill McGraw-Hill Irwin (美国) 2006年 第五版2)Fundamental of International Business Michael R. Czinkkota 美国汤姆森学习出版集团 北京大学出版社 2004 第一版2.建议参考书目:1)Inter

22、cultural Business Communication Lillian H. Chaney 美国Pearson Education 出版社 高等教育出版社2002年第二版2)International Marketing Michael R. Czinkota Ilkka A. Ronkainen美国汤姆森学习出版集团 北京大学出版社 2004 第七版3)Principles of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Lawrence S. Ritter Pearson Edcuation 高等教育出版社2002年第1版4)Basic Marke

23、ting: A Global-Managerial Approach Willain D. Perreault.Jr McGraw Hill Education 机械工业出版社2004年第1版八.成绩评定本课程的总成绩为100分,期末考试成绩占85%,平时成绩占15%。编写人(签字): 谭会萍 编写人职称: 副教授 审阅人(签字): 审阅人职称: 审批人(签字): 审批人职务: 本大纲启用日期: 年 月 日国际商务II(双语)课程简介课程编号: A2113213 英文名称:International Business学 分:4 学 时:64授课对象:国际经济与贸易专业三年级学生课程目标:通过本

24、课程的学习,学生将系统地了解和掌握以下内容:各国在经济和文化上的差异;国际贸易和投资中的政治经济;全球货币体制;企业战略和组织结构;企业制造、营销和研究开发等关键职能。本课程将使学生国际商务理论水平得到提升,并能够将理论与实践相结合,通过案例分析,获得分析问题和解决问题的能力以及实际动手能力。本课程采用原版英文教材和全英语授课方式,学生通过学习还将获得对英语的综合运用能力。课程内容: 经济全球化、 经济中的国家差异、 文化差异、 国际贸易理论、国际贸易中的政治经济、对外直接投资、区域经济一体化、外汇市场、国际货币体系、国际企业的战略、国际商务组织、进入战略与战略联盟、出口进口与对等贸易、全球营

25、销与研发预修课程:政治经济学、西方经济学、国际贸易、国际贸易理论与实务,国际金融教 材: International Business Charles W.L.Hill McGraw-Hill Irwin (美国) 2006 第六版国际商务II(双语)课程教学大纲(International Business)一、基本信息课程编号: A2113213课程类别:专业必修课适用层次:本科三年级适用专业:国际经济与贸易开课学期:第六学期总学分:4分总学时:64学时(理论课60学时)考核方式:考试二、课程教育目标本课程为国际经济与贸易专业的特色课程,即采用英文原版教材和全英语授课方式的双语教学课程。通


27、、收集和分析国际商务理论和业务信息的能力和英语的演讲与表达能力。为他们在中国与世界经济接轨的过程中成为国际商务专业人才,为他们参与未来的国际市场竞争打下良好的基础。三、教学内容与要求理论课教学内容Chapter One:The Foreign Exchange Market本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握: The two main functions of the foreign exchange market,the methods of insuring against foreign exchange risk, the detail expressions of

28、 different types of exchange rate. 教学内容:I. Opening Case: Volkswagens Hedging Strategy II. Introduction of the foreign exchange market III. The Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market IV. The nature of the foreign exchange market V. Currency Convertibility 教学重点和难点:1the foreign exchange market 2Spot

29、Exchange Rates3Forward Exchange Rates4Currency swapsChapter Two:The International Monetary System本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:The evolution of international monetary system, how governments make the policies for exchange rates which might be the most effective in promoting trade in certain period of

30、time, and how the World Bank and International Monetary Fund make efforts in the development of international monetary system. 教学内容:I. Introduction II. The Bretton Woods System III. The Role of the IMF IV. The Role of the World Bank V. The collapse of the fixed exchange rate system 教学重点和难点:1. Floati

31、ng exchange rates2. A pegged exchange rate3. A dirty float4. Gold standard5. Bretton Woods agreement6. The functions of the IMF and the World Bank Chapter Three: The Strategy of International Business本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:How multinational enterprises enter into the world market and what strat

32、egies they adopt according to special situations. In the modern multinational enterprise, how they stress their core competencies. The strategy pursued by firms that are trying to simultaneously create value in these different ways .教学内容:I. Opening Case: Wal-Marts Global Expansion II. Introduction I

33、II. Global Expansion, Profitability, and Profit Growth IV. Cost Pressures and Pressures for Local Responsiveness V. Strategic Choices教学重点和难点:1Global standardization strategy 2. Localization strategy 3. Transnational strategy 4. International strategy Chapter Four: The Organization of International B

34、usiness本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:The way to identify the organizational architecture that international businesses use to manage and direct their global operations教学内容:I. Organizational Architecture II. Organization Structure Vertical Differentiation: Centralization and Decentralization Horizontal

35、 Differentiation: The Design of Structure III. Control System and Incentives IV. Synthesis: Strategy and Architecture 教学重点和难点:1. Vertical Differentiation: Centralization and Decentralization 2. Horizontal differentiation: the design of structure 3. Types of control systems4. Strategy and Architectur

36、e of international businessesChapter Five: Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:The basic entry decisions for international business and the entry modes. The consideration of timing and scale of the entry, the advantages of each modes and the right choice of the use. 教学内

37、容:I. Opening Case: Tesco Goes Global II. Basic Entry Decisions III. Entry Modes IV. Strategic Alliances Cases: 1. Lenovo in 2005 2. DHLs Business Strategy in China 教学重点和难点:1. First-mover advantage and disadvantage: 2. Turnkey projects 3. Licensing 4. Franchising 5. Joint ventures 6. Wholly owned sub

38、sidiaries Chapter Six: Exporting, Importing and Countertrade 本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:Import and export financing and the types of countertrade. Understanding the step in applied international business, especial in the effect of payment. The differences among the types of countertrade. 教学内容:I. Th

39、e Promise and Pitfalls of ExportingII. Improving export performance III. Import and export financing IV. Countertrade 教学重点和难点:1. Steps of an L/C cycle2. Two categories of draft: sight draft and time draft3. Bill of lading 4. Types of countertrade: barter, counterpurchase, Offset, Switch tradingChapt

40、er Seven: Global Marketing and R&D本章教学目的与要求:教学目的:通过本章的学习使学生掌握:How international business identifies market segmentation in foreign countries and identify product attributes so that the business may make its global marketing strategy and how to promote R&D.教学内容:I. Market SegmentationII. Product Attri

41、butesIII. Distribution strategyIV. Communication StrategyV. Pricing strategy: strategic pricingVI. New-product Development教学重点和难点:I. Market segmentation2. product attributes3. the means for delivering the product to the consumer4. push versus pull strategies5. predatory pricing, multipoint pricing s

42、trategy, experience curve pricing 6. Integrating R&D, marketing and production 四. 作业、练习的安排与要求课内及课后习题课 (学生课后准备,课内展示)1Headline News Report 热点经贸新闻报道时间:第2教学周起 学时:每名学生5分钟 内容:1. Presentation: News concerning international or Chinas trade and economy 2. PowerPoint with good structure and satisfactory effec

43、t3. Paper writing: written material: 4500-5000 words目的:跟踪中国和国际商务前沿动态,使学生将课本知识与实际相结合。 培养学生阅读英文原版报刊、书籍和网站相关资料的能力,制作多媒体可见的能力,英语演讲和表达能力和英语经贸文章的学术写作能力。2 Learning-based study project: Case study 研究性学习课题: 案例分析时间:第6-10教学周 学时:20分钟/案例内容:Case study of international business focusing on the corporations of the

44、global top 500 corporations .目的:使学生了解国际成功企业的经营方式,企业在国际商务环境中进行有效竞争所采取的战略和组织结构;以及为了在国际商务环境中成功的竞争企业应如何履行在制造、营销和研究开发等关键职能。培养学生的团队合作精神,提高学生的实际动手能力和英语表达能力。3Research and Analysis on the Worlds Largest Multinational Corporations跨国企业经营概况调查分析 时间:第14教学周 学时: 4学时 地点:学生实验室计算机房内容:1) Research: Searching from websit

45、e of the worlds largest multinational corporation: basic corporation information and filling the form designed; 2) SWOT analysis on the Corporation3) Commenting on the operation behaviors of the corporation 目的:提高学生利用原版英文网站搜集资料的能力,对资料进行汇总、筛选和分析的能力,进而全面提高学生的专业知识应用能力。五. 各个章节学时分配章节主 要 内 容各个教学环节学时分配备 注理论

46、课实验课习题课讨论课小计1The Foreign Exchange Market7182The International Monetary System82103The Strategy of International Business6284The Organization of International Business7185Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances82106Exporting, Importing and Countertrade7187Global Marketing and R&D718Research and Analys

47、is on the Worlds Largest Multinational Corporations44合 计504664六. 相关联的课程1.预修课程政治经济学、西方经济学、国际贸易、国际贸易理论与实务,国际金融, 英语等课程。本课程要求学生具有一定的经济理论基础知识,并较好地完成公共英语课程。2.后续课程国际营销学、外贸商务英语口语、国际经济学(双语)、发展经济学、跨国公司、跨国经营战略、国际服务贸易。本课程使学生掌握了与这些课程相关的国际经贸理论知识,提高了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,为上述后续课程的学习提供了基础,使这些知识相互促进和融合,尤其是为后续的双语课程提供了语言保障。七.

48、 教材与教学参考书1.建议教材:1)International Business Charles W.L.Hill McGraw-Hill Irwin (美国) 2006年 第五版2)Fundamental of International Business Michael R. Czinkkota 美国汤姆森学习出版集团 北京大学出版社 2004 第一版2.建议参考书目:1)Intercultural Business Communication Lillian H. Chaney 美国Pearson Education 出版社 高等教育出版社2002年第二版2)International

49、Marketing Michael R. Czinkota Ilkka A. Ronkainen美国汤姆森学习出版集团 北京大学出版社 2004 第七版3)Principles of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Lawrence S. Ritter Pearson Edcuation 高等教育出版社2002年第1版4)Basic Marketing: A Global-Managerial Approach Willain D. Perreault.Jr McGraw Hill Education 机械工业出版社2004年第1版八.成绩评定本课程的总成绩为100分,期末考试成绩占80%,平时成绩占20%。编写人(签字): 谭会萍 编写人职称: 副教授 审阅人(签字): 审阅人职称: 审批人(签字): 审批人职务: 本大纲启用日期: 年 月 日

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