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1、Unit 3 第3课时.易混模块1A.whatBthat(1)He telephoned Mary_he wanted to see her.答案:B引导从句作telephoned的直接宾语,that无词义,不充当成分。(2)This is_I want to say and that is all_I want to do.答案:AB第一空what引导表语从句,作起关系代词作用的连接代词,在从句中作say的宾语;第二空that引导一个定语从句,修饰all,that可以省略,在定语从句中作do的宾语。(3)The coffee we had today was different from_w

2、e had yesterday.答案:Awhat引导一个从句作介词from的宾语,作起关系代词作用的连接代词,在从句中作had的宾语。(4)Madame Curie discovered_she called radium.答案:Awhat引导一个从句作及物动词discovered的宾语,它作起关系代词作用的连接代词,在从句中作called的宾语。2A.ifBwhether(1)I want to know_she has gone shopping.(2)We wondered_that man was a spy or not.(3)It depends on_we will be rea

3、dy in time.(4)I dont know_he wont come to the office.(5)_he comes, Ill tell him at once.(6)Almost all people enjoy sports,_boys or girls, men or women.答案:(1)A/Bif和whether在此可以互换。(2)B宾语从句中出现了or not,只能用whether。(3)B从句作介词on的宾语,只能用whether。(4)A宾语从句为否定句。(5)Aif在此引导条件状语从句,意思是“如果”。(6)Bwhether在此引导让步状语从句,意思是“无论不

4、管”,全句意思是“几乎所有的人都喜爱体育活动,无论男女老少”。3A.whoBwhoever(1)We havent decided_will go to the sales department.(2)Teachers tend to like_works hard at school.答案:(1)Awho引导宾语从句,意思是“谁”,在从句中作主语。(2)Bwhoever引导从句作like的宾语,相当于anyone who,全句意思是“老师倾向于喜欢在学校努力学习的学生”。.单项填空1See the flags on top of the building? That was_we did t

5、his morning.AwhenBwhichCwhere Dwhat答案:D句意:看到那幢楼顶上的旗帜了吗?那就是我们今天早上所做的事情。what引导的从句在句中担任了表语。连词what除了具有连接功能以外,还在表语从句中作了动词did的宾语。2What did your parents think about your decision?They always let me do_I think I should.Awhen BthatChow Dwhat1 / 6答案:D句意:“你的父母对你的决定有什么看法?” “他们始终允许我做我认为应该做的事情。” 名词性从句what I shoul

6、d(do) 作了动词do的宾语,其中I think 为插入语。3One advantage of playing the guitar is_it can give you a great deal of pleasure.Ahow BwhyCthat Dwhen答案:C句意:吉他的一个优点就是能给你带来很多快乐。本题考查表语从句。鉴于“it can give you a great deal of pleasure”是一个完整的陈述句,所以采用that引导。连词that引导名词性从句时,只具有连接作用,不担任任何句子成分。连词how,why,when在句中担任状语,分别表示“如何”,“为什么

7、”以及“当的时候”的含义。4He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning_his teammates had done.Awhat BwhichCwhy Dwhile答案:A句意:他自豪地谈论着自己在比赛中所起的作用,丝毫没有提及队友们所付出的努力。what从句作了动词mention的宾语; what既起了连接作用,同时又在从句中担任了had done的宾语。5With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling pleas

8、ed_he was a man of action.Awhich BthatCwhat Dwhether答案:B句意:工作完成后,这位商人走回到自己的座位,感觉自己是位有活力的人。“He was a man of action.” 是一个完整的陈述句,需采用that引导。注意:a man of action “有活力的男子”。6We havent settled the question of_it is necessary for him to study abroad.Aif BwhereCwhether Dthat答案:C句意:我们还没有解决他是否有必要出国留学的问题。whether 表

9、示“是否”,引导宾语从句。7These shoes look very good. I wonder_.Ahow much cost they are Bhow much do they costChow much they cost Dhow much are they cost答案:C句意:这些鞋子看起来非常好。 我想知道它们的价格是多少。宾语从句必须采用陈述语序。8Mary wrote an article on_the team had failed to win the game.Awhy BwhatCwho Dthat答案:A句意:玛丽写了一份有关球队为何在比赛中失利的报告。通过对

10、本句句型结构的分析可以判断:介词on 后面带宾语从句,在宾语从句中why充当状语。9I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize_silly mistakes I had made.Awhat BthatChow Dwhich答案:A句意:她的言语使我颇感意外,这使我意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误。通过对本句结构的分析可以判断:动词recognize后面带宾语从句; what既起了连接句子的作用,又在宾语从句中作定语修饰了名词mistakes。10The old ladys hand shook frequently. She e

11、xplained to her doctor_this shaking had begun half a year before, and_, only because of this, she had been forced to give up her job.Awhen; how Bhow; whenChow; how Dwhy; why答案:C句意:老太太的手不停地颤抖。她对医生解释说这种症状开始于半年以前,正是这个原因,迫使她放弃了自己的工作。动词explain后接双宾语,构成explain to sb sth句式;所以本题考查两个宾语从句的连词选择。这两个宾语从句均为主谓结构,主要

12、成份完整,需要连接副词。均和方式有关,选用how. 例如:Do you remember how he arrived almost at the end of the party? 你记得他几乎是在宴会快结束时才到的吗?11(2007重庆27)It is not who is right but what is right_is of importance.Awhich BitCthat Dthis答案:C强调句,“It is.that.”结构,故选C。12(2007四川32)Little joy can equal_of a surprising ending when you read

13、stories.Athat BthoseCany Dsome答案:A考查替代词。that代替前面的不可数名词little joy.13(2007上海33)Pop music is such an important part of society_it has even influenced our language.Aas BthatCwhich Dwhere答案:B结果状语从句。句意为“流行音乐对我们起着如此重要的作用,这甚至影响了我们的语言”。14(2007江苏25)Choosing the right dictionary depends on_you want to use it f

14、or.Awhat BwhyChow Dwhether答案:Awhat作for的宾语,句意“好词典的选择取决于你用它来做什么”。15(2007天津21)He didnt make_clear when and where the meeting would be held.Athis BthatCit Dthese答案:Cit作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的“when and where”从句。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Carl Smith was a young Londoner who knew how to enjoy himse

15、lf. He had a good flat; he often went to the theatre and to parties; his car was one of the best. He had plenty of money and one day he bought a_1_. He learnt to fly, and flying became one of his_2_amusements. One day he set_3_in his small plane on a short pleasure trip over England. At first everyt

16、hing went_4_, but when he was over the eastern part of the country the _5_of the little machine_6_.Luckily he was flying at a good_7_when this misfortune happened, and he had time to look for a place to_8_. Below him he could see a number of fields which looked_9_enough to land on, and he succeeded

17、in_10_his machine down on one of them. It was not as flat as it had looked from the _11_, but he landed safely and _12_out to look round, wondering where he was.He saw a few trees and one or two cows and horses_13_eating the grass in the fields. Along one of the _14_a man was walking, and this perso

18、n stopped when he saw the plane.Carl looked at him with_15_because he could_16_tell him where he was and how he could get back to London. He had the _17_of a farmworker.To Carls_18_, the man walked towards him and asked him where they were. The man was _19_in the mountain for two days after he jumpe

19、d out of his plane. Carl asked him where his plane was, and the man_20_the crashed plane over there. At that time, Carl realized that he had been luckier than the man.文章大意:世事难以预料,一些惊人的巧合让人难以置信!1A.farmBshipChouse Dplane答案:D从后面的提示知是plane。2A.chief BbestCgood Down答案:Achief意为“主要的”。3A.down BoutCup Dto答案:B

20、set down意为“记下”;set out意为“出发”;set up意为“建立”;set to意为“精力充沛地干”。显然这里是驾驶飞行。4A.all right BbadlyCgood Dwell答案:Dgo well指一切进行顺利。5A.force BwaterCengine Dwheel答案:C显然是发动机出了问题。6A.failed BworkedCdisappeared Doperated答案:A从上题分析可知。7A.speed BheightCplace Ddepth答案:B从后面提示能找一个适当的地方降落,应该是高度适合。8A.stay BremainClive Dland答案:

21、D指飞机降落(land)。9A.wide BlargeCflat Dlevel答案:Cflat此处意为“平的”。10A.taking BgettingCcausing Dbringing答案:D构成bring down短语,意为使飞机从空中落下。11A.air BskyCground Dspace答案:A这里指从空中看。12A.walked BranCjumped Dstepped答案:C当然是跳出飞机了。13A.busily BstillCquietly Dcalmly答案:C指动物们在静静地吃草。quietly指“不出声地”;still指“不动地”;calmly指“镇静地”。14A.fie

22、lds BlandsCroads Danimals答案:C从后面的走路可知。15A.fun BinterestCcare Dglad答案:Bwith interest意为“有趣地”。16A.nearly BperhapsCmaybe Dprobably答案:DCarl认为那个人可能会帮助他。17A.appearance BlookCexpression Dclothes答案:A指从外貌上看。18A.surprise BjoyCexcitement Dfun答案:A从下文揭示知他应该是感到吃惊,因为没有想到那个人也是跳机的飞行员。19A.killed BescapedClost Dhidden答

23、案:C在山中走不出去,当然是迷路了。20A.made up Blooked forCtook in Dpointed at答案:D显然是指着失事的飞机。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。Last January, a big house at Fifth Avenue, New York was sold for $40 million! What made the deal interesting is that the buyer is Tamir Sapir, a Russian immigrant who used to drive a cab

24、! It has become one of the most incredible American Dream stories!A refugee(难民)from Russia, Tamir Sapir left with a wave of immigrants in 1973. He lived in Israel and Germany before arriving in New York in 1967. After three years as a cabdriver in New York City, he managed to open an electronics sto

25、re at Fifth Avenue where he often sold products to visiting Russian diplomats. His relationship with one customer, a Russian oil minister, enabled him to begin selling oil contracts in Europe. In the early 1990s, Mr. Sapir decided to invest in New York real estate(房地产),buying a building downtown for

26、 $2.2 million and selling it a year later for nearly three times the original price. Since then, he has bought several other buildings in Manhattan.On Fifth Avenue between 60th and 96th Street where the Duke Semans Mansion, the house Sapir bought, is located, there are just nine townhouses, and only

27、 four in private use. One of his coworkers once said that “Its not one_of_a_kind,_but it is one of nine. And when you break it down(更确切地讲),its really one of four.”文章大意:从一个名不经传的出租车司机,到一举买下第五大道豪宅的房地产商人,这也许更是美国梦最好的注解!本章介绍了Tamir Sapir在移民潮中离开俄国,辗转到纽约开出租车,后在第五大道开电子商店,通过结识俄国政要,抓住时机靠买卖石油发财,又投身房地产,成为亿万富翁。1It

28、 can be inferred that Fifth Avenue_.Ais an ordinary street in New YorkBis a new builtup street in New YorkCis the most luxuriant(繁华的)street in New YorkDis the oldest street in New York答案:C文章为了显示他的成功提及第五大道,则可以推断其为最繁华的街道。2Which of the orders of the events about Tamir Sapir is CORRECT?ainvesting real e

29、statebgetting to know a Russian oil ministercbuying a big house at Fifth Avenuedopening an electronics storeeliving in GermanyAcdbea BedbacCedabc Dcdbae答案:B3The underlined phrase“one of a kind”in Chinese means“_”A其中一种 B只此一种C万分之一 D独一无二答案:D从构词角度和上下文意思看,不难得出结论。4The best title is_.AHow to Realize the American DreamBFrom Cabdriver to Fifth Avenue MillionaireCMillionaire at Fifth Avenue, New YorkDA Millionaires Experience at Fifth Avenue答案:B文章重点是其发家史,则可以看出该答案最佳。 -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!

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