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1、Lesson44 Popular Sayings 保定第十七中学 赵然TitleLesson44 Popular Sayings Teaching aimsKnowledge 1. To know the characters about sayings.2. To learn some sayings.Ability 1. To learn about how to use sayings to make your words vividly.Emotion To realize the encouragement and energy from the sayings.Project Co

2、ntent Aims Teaching proceduresStep1: Lead-in and warm upWhich sentence is more vivid?Motivate the Ss to think about the importance of sayings.Step2: Reading 1. Read the text three times and each time finish one task.Task 1 : Finish “Lets Do It” Ex1爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.眼见为实Seeing is believing.十年河

3、东,十年河西Every dog has his day.行动重于言辞Actions speak louder than words.千里之行,始于足下A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.众人拾柴火焰高Many hands make light work.不要小事聪明,大事糊涂Dont be penny wise and pound foolish.有志者事竟成Where there is a will, there is a way.Task 2 : Finish“Lets Do It”Ex2Answers:Well

4、begun is half done.Many hands make light work.Actions speak louder than words.Where there is a will, there is a way.Task 3: Find more words to describe “sayings”. e.g. simple and easy to remember ; full of deep meanings; different walks of life; . Get to know more about the content and key informati

5、on about the sayings.Students can understand better through reading and doing the exercises.Step3:Sayings Show 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情)2. He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.(不到长城非好汉)3. Tou can not teach an old dog new tricks.(江山易改本性难移)4. A penny saved is

6、a penny earned.(财富是节约换来的)5. East, west,home is best(金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝) 6. Dont judge a book by its cover.(人不可貌相)7. Too many cooks spoil the broth.(人多坏事)8. Its not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game.(重在参与)9. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.(山中无老虎,猴子称大王)10. All is not go

7、ld that glitters.(发光的并不都是金子) Through the sayings show, the Ss can understand the sayings better. Step 4: the definition of the saying.They are short sentences that describe something people believe to be true about life.Step 5: Team work. Task 1 : Write as many sayings as possible in groups accordin

8、g to your memory.Task 2 : Choose your favourite ones to make sentences (at least 3)Task 3 : Choose the best ones in groups and read them in class. Step 6: Exercise.任务型阅读。请分别为下面五则谚语及图片找到相应的寓意,并把序号A、B、C、D、E填在答题卷相应的位置。1. Its never toolate to learn. 2. A crane standingamidst a flock of chickens. 3. The

9、early bird catches the worm.4. Play a harp before a cow. 5. A book holds a houseof gold. A. This proverb means that you do something useless. B. This proverb means that someone is the best of all. C. This proverb means that if you study hard, you will succeed. D. This proverb means that therere many

10、 things to learn no matter how old you are. E. This proverb means that if you do something early or before others, you will have more chances and be successful. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Summarizethe definition of the sayings. Through using the sayings in sentences, the Ss can understand the sayings better.Pra

11、ctice using the sayings in sentences.Home-workHomework :To find more sayings after class and show them in class.Board Design Lesson 44 Popular Sayings Teamwork: sayings Character of sayingsGroup1: Like father, like son. vividGroup2: Well begun is half done. meaningful Group3: . simpleGroup4: easyGroup5: .

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