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1、Topic1 On making mistakesThe only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything. Obsolete as it may sound, the saying is quite sensible. It indicates that to err is human, as was remarked centuries ago by Alexander Pope, the renowned British poet. Strangely enough, people exert gre

2、at efforts to avoid making mistakes, which actually are part of our life. Lets name but a few. First, we may take the wrong steps when we first learn to toddle, and fall over. However, we learn how to walk and run from it. Second, we may make friends with someone who is a hypocrite, and get hurt.Top

3、ic2 On manner of dealing with peopleConfucius once said, Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you, which is an important principle in dealing with the interpersonal relationship. It tells us that we should put ourselves in others shoes when we get along with others. However, in

4、reality, chances are good that people do things in their own way and fail to take others feelings into consideration. There may be no better example than living in the dormitory. For example, in the same dormitory some like playing video games with a loudspeaker, but others like quietness and enjoy

5、reading. Some like to stay up late with the light on, but others get used to sleep early. As a result, all may dislike each other and the dormitory life may become chaotic. In short, mutual understanding is indeed vital in dealing with others. Thats why the first thing I will do in social interactio

6、n is to be more considerate, thinking of others feelings more. Whats more, I will try to be as polite as possible and show my sincerity all the time, always treating others as Id like to be treated myself.Topic3 Dare to be differentCoco Chanel, founder of the world famous French brand Chanel, remark

7、ed: In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. The quote not only summarizes the secret of Chanel, but also reveals the jungle law of our society: it gains the competitive edge to be different. If you are different from others, you are hard to be replaced, because others dont have s

8、pecial qualities as you do. However, if you dont stand out, the situation is wholly different. China, for example, was known for its cheap labor, which made the products Made in China popular in the world. But now, China is being replaced by countries like Vietnam for their cheaper labor. After all,

9、 the Chinese model has nothing special and is easy to copy. On the contrary, the American design, for their distinction and originality, has nearly met no rivals yet. As for me, the most important thing to be different and irreplaceable is to dare to be myself. First, I will do what I like to do and

10、 what Im good at. Whats more, I will keep learning skills to keep improving myself. And I will speak out and dare to present the opposite views.Topic4 On informationThe advent of the Internet has brought us into an era of information explosion. Many people embrace the new information age, cheering i

11、nformation is king; while others are skeptical, saying Information is pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience. I tend to agree with the latter, because experience is the catalyst to make information valuable. There is no doubt that the importance of information becomes so self-evident, but wi

12、thout experience information can be futile or even fatal. Take Ma Su as an example. As a smart disciple of Zhuge Liang, the legendary figure in the Romance of Three Kingdoms, he was good at analyzing information and coming up with brilliant military tactics. But when appointed commander in a real ba

13、ttle, he met his Waterloo for the lack of hands-on experience. In order to make information more useful, we need experience to guide us how to make the best of information. Of course, we should gather useful information first. But what is more important is to apply the information to practical use a

14、nd accumulate as much valuable experience as possible, which can make information thick and work in our favor.Topic5 On obstaclesThere is a saying that goes, Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal. Simple as it sounds, the intended meaning is more than profound. It is

15、 indicated in the quote that if we stick to our goal, we will triumph over any adversity and no longer see them as obstacles. For instance, I once had to make a tough decision after my failure in the college entrance examination: to accept what life throws at me or to try it again. Since college was

16、 my dream, finally I decided to do it again despite the prospect that I had to bear more pressure than ever. Life didnt let me down again due to my determination and hard work. Adversity is a challenge for cowards but an opportunity for the brave. Therefore, every time adversity blocks my way, I alw

17、ays tell myself not to fear and keep reminding myself of where I am heading. Moreover, I will cope with obstacles by analyzing the problems and finding the solution to them. I have faith that I can overcome any obstacle and finally get to my destination.Topic6 On preparationThere goes a famous sayin

18、g, By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. It is indicated in the remark that the importance of preparation can never be underestimated. If one doesnt get well prepared before taking action, chances are good that he/she will be doomed to fail. Getting ready is the secret to success. If you

19、 dont develop adequate abilities, gather enough experience or prepare yourself mentally, you can hardly succeed. The sports world abounds in examples which demonstrate this point. Li Na, the greatest Chinese female tennis player, had practiced hard for many years and played countless matches both at

20、 home and abroad and suffered so many losses before she won the championships in the French Open and the Australian Open. James Harden, one of the NBA talents, used to be a bench player for the Thunder, but years of preparation made him the backbone of the Rockets. As a college student, in order to

21、avoid failure in the future, what I can do is to make full use of everyday. In other words, I will master as many core skills and knowledge as possible, and get myself ready for my future career.Topic7 Challenge yourselfA famous saying goes, Challenge yourself with something you know you could never

22、 do, and what youll find is that you can overcome anything, which means that by attempting something really difficult and outside of your comfort zone, you will tap into your potentials and discover how strong you really are. I find no better example than my English learning experience. Before colle

23、ge, I was quite good at English reading and writing, but my oral English is was rather disappointing. Whats worse, I was so shy that I even seldom spoke in public. I thought I could never speak fluent English. However, my fondness of English encouraged me to open my mouth. Constantly, I challenged m

24、yself to make English speeches in class and practiced speaking with foreign teachers. Two years later, I made great strides in oral English and could speak English with foreigners freely. You never know how potential you are until you challenge yourself. Therefore, I think there are many things I ca

25、n try to challenge myself daily to better myself, such as getting up early each day and learning more English words, talking to one stranger each day, ditching one bad habit in a month.Topic8 On successThere is such a saying, you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of

26、the shore. This saying not only emphasizes the importance of courage for success but also indicates that courage is the first step toward success. Indeed, having the courage to take the first step to act is quite essential for success. As we all know, human beings are great thinkers, capable of comi

27、ng up with brilliant schemes. Yet from scheme to success there is a long way to go. Without the boldness to make the first step, no scheme can translate into success. Take Bill Gates as an example. If he had not been bold enough to choose to drop out of Harvard and embark on a software business vent

28、ure, he might not be able to build up his Microsoft Empire. As a college student, I think the first step to success for me is to dedicate myself to study and to learn more useful skills, which will pave the way for my future career. I know for sure that if I dont work hard, I have no chance to savor

29、 the beautiful scenery beyond the ocean.Topic9 Doubt and FaithIn an age where faith appears to be questioned at every turn, some people hold that doubt should be smothered the very moment it arises in case it taints our faith. However, more people believe in the saying, Doubt isnt the opposite of fa

30、ith; it is an element of faith, which indicates that doubt can actually reinforce our faith. History is never short of stories which can demonstrate the point. As I see, the best case in point is Confucianism. As a doctrine held high by the Chinese dynasties and a faith highly praised by people, Con

31、fucianism has been doubted many times in Chinese history. However, doubts about Confucianism did not triumph over but gave rise to transformation which kept pace with the development of society. So in todays China, neo-Confucianism is still popular and held as a moral rule to some extent. As to how

32、I will keep my own faith, I will not fear to expose my faith to doubt and let it be challenged. Doubt about my faith will urge me to explore and to verify it. Besides, I will keep learning and expanding my knowledge to defend my faith and stay strong in it.Topic10 On imaginationLogic will get you fr

33、om A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. The quote stresses the importance of imagination by making a comparison with logic. It recognizes the power of logic on one hand, but on the other hand, it puts the accent on imagination, the engine of social development. Logic is important in certain

34、 ways, but it is imagination that is the driving force of human civilization. For example, in the past cell phones were only used for making a call. But later they became similar to the computer and had more and more functions because of great imagination. Indeed, they were produced on the basis of

35、logic, including electron or mechanistic theories, but all the innovation should be more credited to human imagination, without which logic would have no role to play. As a college student, in order to be imaginative, first I would keep learning and accumulating knowledge rather than sit idling. Sec

36、ond, I would stand upon the shoulders of giants, that is to say, I would borrow ideas from great figures all over the world to draw inspiration. With the above two steps combined, I hope I can become imaginative in many ways.Topic11 The impact of online games on college studentsAs is showed vividly

37、in the picture, a college student is drawn into a whirlpool of addiction to online games and abandons his study totally. The picture reveals a serious problem that nowadays many college students indulge themselves in playing online games and tells us how harmful playing too much online games is. Fir

38、st, online games gravely distract students attention from their study, which may lead to neglecting their study and then affect their future. Second, these games endanger the students health. Sitting in front of the computer and staring at the screen for hours on end do harm to students eyesight as

39、well as their mental condition. Third, online games are likely to deteriorate students moral values. Since many online games are about violence, students may unconsciously accept the false principles and values in the games and believe that violence is a good way to settle disagreements. As college

40、students, we should be fully aware of the harmfulness of online games. And instead of wasting time on these games, we should make full use of our valuable college years to learn as much as we can.Topic12 On Dissatisfaction with University MajorsComplaints about majors can often be heard in todays un

41、iversities and many college students are dissatisfied with their majors. Why are there so many students feeling discontent with their majors, despite the fact that they themselves made the choice before entering university? First, some universities fail to select the up-to-date textbooks for student

42、s. It is said that some textbooks are still talking about what happened 20 years ago as current affairs, which will surely disappoint the readers. Second, some majors are indeed less competitive in the job market and the graduates do have difficulty in finding a job. To address this problem, from my

43、 standpoint, universities should replace the out-of-date textbooks with up-to-date ones. Besides, it is necessary to adjust the setting of majors according to the social needs. Whats more, students should understand that it is more important to develop the ability to learn in the university and do n

44、ot look from a practical perspective at every course.Topic13 On College Students Taking Part in Social PracticeA common phenomenon in colleges today is that students are highly involved in social practice which consists of part-time jobs, internships, voluntary works, etc. There have been different

45、opinions on this issue. Some people are in favor of this phenomenon in that social practice helps students to gain experience and knowledge beyond their textbooks. More participation in social activities, therefore, does more good to college students in this regard. However, other people hold a quit

46、e different point of view. Helpful as it seems to be, social practice is likely to distract students from their study. If a student spends too much time taking part in social practice, he may not be able to concentrate on his study, which is very harmful for him. As a college student, I believe I sh

47、ould focus on my study. But if time permitted, I will definitely participate in some social practice to enhance my comprehensive abilities.Topic14 On PE Lessons in UniversitiesPE lesson, which is commonly one part of the curriculum, has long been under discussion in terms of its necessity in univers

48、ities. Students, of course, hold different views in regard to it. Some think that PE lessons are not important as they often do extracurricular activities by themselves, such as playing football and going swimming. Others maintain that they should have more PE lessons. Firstly, PE lessons are helpfu

49、l for the maintenance of their physical fitness. Secondly, PE lessons provide them more chances to do sports with classmates, which can not only help to foster a sense of team spirit but also improve their overall communication skills and the ability to get along well with others. As I see it, PE le

50、ssons are indeed of great importance as they not only help to build a healthy body, but also contribute to more vitality. Therefore, I am in favor of more PE lessons.Topic15 How to Balance Compulsory and Selective Courses?In view of students comprehensive development, most universities offer a wide

51、range of selective courses as the complement to compulsory courses. However, this well-intentioned design brings about some unexpected problems. One problem to note is that despite the freedom to choose what to learn, students are still required to complete the selective courses with credits, which

52、means they have to put in extra energy and time in order to meet the requirements. This gives rise to a problem of how to strike a balance between compulsory and selective course and many complaints are heard among college students who find it hard to struggle for excellent performance in both selec

53、tive courses and compulsory courses. From my point of view, the key to this problem lies in the time management. All that a student needs to do is to make the time distribution between the study of compulsory and selective courses more reasonable. When there is a scientifically-arranged schedule to

54、follow, I believe students will do better when facing the academic challenges, be it compulsory or selective courses.Topic16 On College Students Driving to CampusIn the picture we can see a college student drive her own car to campus, while a schoolmate next to her rides a bike and casts an admiring

55、 glance. The picture is intended to draw peoples attention to the problem of college students driving to campus. Nowadays more and more private cars appear on campus, and this phenomenon has aroused a big concern. There is no denying that college students driving to campus may have quite some bad in

56、fluences on campus. In the first place, students soaring ownership of cars may put tremendous pressure on the limited capacity of campus roads, which were originally designed mostly for walk and bicycles. Additionally, private cars may burden the campuses with unnecessary costs of possible environme

57、nt maintenance, noise control, etc. Finally, once driving private cars becomes a trend among students, those who cannot afford a car would feel inferior because of peer pressure. From what has been discussed above, I believe college students driving to campus should be forbidden. To be more specific

58、, it will be advisable for the universities to reverse this rising trend among students by setting strict regulations.Topic17 Sinology for University StudentsIn recent years, many students find that they are offered a course called Sinology, which means the study of Chinese language, literature and

59、culture. Interested but also puzzled, students present divided opinions toward this course. Some show their support to Sinology for they believe that this course can provide them an access to their splendid culture. Besides, they believe that in this globalization era when they are being greatly inf

60、luenced by the western ideology, it is high time that they also spent some time learning culture of the motherland. Nevertheless, others are not so supportive of Sinology. For these students, Sinology is kind of outdated without practical usage so there is no need to learn about it. For my part, des

61、pite the fact that Chinese culture is always there for us to cherish, a more systematic and organized course is always preferred. So I am delighted to have been offered such a course as Sinology which helps us understand our own culture better.Topic18 On University Students Taking Part in Voluntary

62、TeachingThere is a debate on whether college students should take part in voluntary teaching. Those who oppose to it argue that it hinders the students study and future career, but people who advocate it consider that it benefits the students enormously. As far as I am concerned, I think taking part

63、 in voluntary teaching contributes to university students future life and career. Firstly, it enriches their life. The poor conditions in remote areas compel college students to lead a thrifty life and become more self-reliant. Secondly, voluntary teaching promotes college students perseverance; hen

64、ce encourage them to become mature quickly. Thirdly, voluntary teaching helps university students realize that their knowledge is still very limited, which in turn will help drive them to study harder and acquire more professional knowledge. From what has been discussed above, we could safely draw t

65、he conclusion that voluntary teaching of university students is a good platform for them to improve their comprehensive capacity and make all-round preparations for their future.Topic19 My View on the Lights Out in CollegesLights-out, as a widely accepted tradition in Chinese universities, has been

66、practiced in students dormitories for many years .Students are required to go to bed at a certain time and the electricity is cut off during the sleeping hours. However, controversy about this policy arises. Many people believe that it helps to fix the students sleeping time and guarantee their adequate rest. Nevertheless

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