吸光你体内脂肪的种食物( kinds of food that absorb your body fat)

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吸光你体内脂肪的种食物( kinds of food that absorb your body fat)_第1页
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《吸光你体内脂肪的种食物( kinds of food that absorb your body fat)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吸光你体内脂肪的种食物( kinds of food that absorb your body fat)(15页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、吸光你体内脂肪的15种食物(15 kinds of food that absorb your body fat)The next onion ginger stir fragrance into the fish fry golden on both sides, add a little cooking wine, and dried bamboo shoots 2. pot of barley; add appropriate amount of boiling water, add tofu, fire stew 20-30 minutes, salt, pepper, sugar,

2、seasoning, sprinkle with some cooked a pot of lard, sprinkle with chopped green onion or garlic leaves can end. Features: frozen tofu, soft tough, flexible, clear soup, refreshing appetizers. Jiaodong food series - frozen tofu material: frozen tofu (2 cubic centimeters catty into small pieces.) Pars

3、ley 2 cut (with a small amount of leaves), fat one or two. MSG, salt, broth, scallion, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, vinegar, monosodium glutamate. Method: 1. slice the meat into the pot, add vinegar and soup, meat can not over the fire after boiling vinegar vinegar poured into a ceasefire, tofu into

4、the pot. 2. water, such as tofu is just out of about 250ML, such as water, plus about 500. 3. add onion, ginger, garlic into the pot heated to boil. 4. turn off the fire after boiling, add MSG and coriander, topped with sesame oil and serve. Broccoli tofu:Frozen tofu, broccoli, carrot oil, salt, 1 a

5、ccessories: oil production steps: 1. North tofu cut into small pieces into the box, into the freezer frozen for more than a day 2. for half a day in advance out after the thaw, the water squeezed. 3. broccoli break into small pieces, soaked with salt water, wash thoroughly. 4. a pot of boiling water

6、, add boiled broccoli for a minute, and cold water, can make broccoli crisp. 5. wash and slice carrots. 6., heat the pot, pour oil, first carrots, fry for a while, and then pour into the frozen tofu stir fry; pour a little water in the pot, cook tofu. . 7. Finally add broccoli. Stir fry. Spri

7、nkle salt before cooking and light a few drops of sesame oil. Home soup frozen tofu soup ? material: frozen tofu 1 pieces, soaked yellow mustard silk 50 grams, 15 grams, 80 grams of mushroom materials: meat broth, salt, the amount of pepper, coriander 30 grams of practice: 1. frozen tofu thawed and

8、washed with water, drain water, cut into small pieces; yellow and the mushroom stalk were washed, drained, mushroom on the cut in half; mustard washed; coriander wash, cut short. 2. set the fire pan, pour meat broth boil, add frozen tofu zhuzhiruwei, in order to yellow, mushroom, mustard and salt an

9、d boil, Sheng into the bowl, sprinkle with coriander and pepper. Grilled frozen tofu ingredients of raw materials: frozen tofu 400 grams, 30 grams of flour, lard 100 grams, starch 30 grams, 40 grams of pepper water, chicken oil 40 grams, 20 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of salt, ginger 30 grams, 2

10、grams of MSG, 30 grams of onion cooked: 1. chaoshao put cold water, frozen tofu soaked, cut 4 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, 0.5 cm thick rectangular plate to melt the ice, put back the ladle, fire boil remove and control water. In 2. tablespoons of lard, 30% hot, put the fried flour, add soup, monosodium gl

11、utamate, pepper water, onion ginger water, cooking wine and grilled tofu, with small fire as soon as possible, soup, water starch thicken, pour into the fire close juice, chicken oil, a spoon dish. Process key: grilled, must use a small fire, do not mess spoon, to maintain the shape of tofu intact.

12、Flavor features: 1., this dish is a traditional dish of Liaoning. As the saying goes, tofu, vegetables, the more you eat, the more you love. In winter, it is processed into frozen tofu, and then cooked, which has a special flavor. Method for making frozen tofu is simple, the coldest days of the year

13、, the tofu cut into large pieces placed outdoors, covered with a clean cloth, the moisture in the expansion of frozen tofu, tofu is a honeycomb, can also be placed in the refrigerator freezer, eat with the take. 2. this dish is the frozen tofu with cold water ice cut out slag, rectangular plate, add

14、 seasoning grilled, texture soft and refreshing, fragrant and thick, deeply loved.Fresh frozen tofu raw materials: frozen tofu 200 grams of onion 5 grams of fresh ginger 5 grams 25 grams of letinous edodes bamboo shoots 50 grams of soy sauce, a little ham 25 grams monosodium glutamate, salt amount o

15、f vegetable oil 50 restraint Law: 1. the frozen tofu with cold water thawing, with warm water, remove and squeeze the net water, cut into thick slices. 2. letinous edodes wash, cut into 0.5 cm thick slices, ham slices, onion cut into pieces. 3. heat the pan pan, add oil, 70% hot spring onions, ginge

16、r, slightly fry into frozen tofu, letinous edodes and other products the rest of the material, fry tasty, clean wok.Tomato frozen tofu : Materials: frozen tofu, tomatoes, dried letinous edodes, ginger, salt appropriate. Practice: 1, the tofu into the refrigerator freezer room one day when rem

17、oved early thaw and then squeezed water, torn into small pieces. 2, letinous edodes dry bubble wash shred, wash peeled and diced tomato, ginger mince. 3, heat pan cool oil, first ginger down, and then pour letinous edodes, stir fry a little later, fragrant, pour into the tomato. 4, stir fry, the tom

18、ato fried soft rotten, out of soup. 5, pour into the frozen tofu, fry until cooked, sprinkle salt can be out of the pot.Cold frozen tofu material: frozen tofu, letinous edodes, bell peppers and other practices: 1, letinous edodes dry soak in salt water boiled, remove stalks cut small pieces; 2, froz

19、en tofu first thaw, and then cut the cubes, into the pot boiled, remove and squeezed water; 3, bell pepper and pepper wash and cut the size of frozen tofu almost Ding; 4, add seasoning mix plate.Steamed frozen tofu raw materials: frozen tofu. Ginger and onion. Soy sauce, peanut oil. Sugar. Practice:

20、 1, cut into thick slices of frozen tofu after thawing, put into the dish, add ginger, placed in boiling water for 5 minutes; 2, peanut oil, soy sauce, sugar and steamed tofu soup together, then pour in the steamed tofu, onion can be decorated!Frozen tofu soup ingredients: frozen tofu, fungus, black

21、 fungus, tomato soup, seafood powder, sesame oil, water. Practice: 1, thaw frozen tofu, squeezed water and cut into small pieces, black fungus, tomato soup to wash standby; 2 pot of water to boil, put seafood seasoning powder, tomato soup to boil; 3, into the black fungus and frozen tofu cooked befo

22、re the pan, pour sesame oil.Cabbage frozen tofu raw materials: cabbage, frozen tofu, pork, onions, soy sauce, salt. Practice: 1, the cabbage cut into small pieces, frozen tofu cut into small pieces, sliced pork, onion chopped green onion; 2, wok pour oil, oil to 50% hot add green onion saute until f

23、ragrant, add the meat into the sauce, stir fry, then add cabbage, add water until the cabbage fried soft. No Chinese cabbage can be. After the water is boiled, add salt and frozen tofu until the frozen tofu is ready.The protein content of the main efficacy of 1. bean curd and bean curd products rich

24、, and tofu protein is a complete protein, not only contains eight kinds of essential amino acids, and the ratio is close to the human body needs a higher nutritional value of 2. tofu contains phytoestrogens can protect vascular endothelial cells oxidative damage is not, often feed can reduce the vas

25、cular system damage. The prevention of osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate cancer, as a protector of climacteric women 3. rich soy lecithin beneficial to nerves, blood vessels and brain growth of 4. soy protein can reduce blood lipid protection just perfect, vascular cells, prevention of cardio

26、vascular disease in 5., tofu on the after care, diet, delicate skin is also very good. 2 6. is the ideal food for the elderly, tofu in maternal and childrens growth and development is also an important food; tofu is also on menopause, aftercare, obesity, rough skin is very good; mental workers, ofte

27、n with the night is also very suitable for eating. The role of diet tofu, sweet, light, cool,In the spleen, stomach, large intestine Qi and, for abdominal distension, weak spleen and stomach caused by vomiting and vomiting The climate does not suit one.; moistening fluid, for diabetes, the disease s

28、uch as insufficient milk; detoxification, for sulfur, liquor poisoning. Edit this paragraph taboos and side effects, the general population can eat. Tofu digest, dyspepsia in children should not eat; tofu contains more purine, uric acid and blood concentration of patients with initial gout.1, fresh

29、tofu, rinse with water, soak with salt water for half an hour.2, picked up in the water, and use a crisper, such as Dongdong, tofu ice in the freezer.3, every one or two days, completely frozen tofu, dipped in water to remove completely thawed, no lumps of tofu. Youll see that the texture of tofu is

30、 obvious.4, the tofu on the board, with the palm of the hand, the feminine force to squeeze out the water, avoid rude. Squeeze as little water as possible. (take care not to squeeze the water out again.) there is only fiber from the tofu.5, (such as time problems, the following steps may be omitted)

31、, the tofu and then breathe in fresh water, put it back into the crisper, and placed in the freezer. Take it out every one or two days, repeat fourth steps, 2-3 times. After all, the more fibers, the more chewy the head, the closer to the fleshy taste.6, bean curd cut into pieces, pay attention to t

32、he one size fits all. Drain water for use-Water tofu cut into small pieces, put into storage in the bag, put into freezer, freezer frozen for more than 24 hours, is frozen tofu.When eating, with cold water slow out ice, it is soft.-I often make frozen tofu myself because the little one loves itI usu

33、ally buy old bean curd to do, first put the old bean curd, water filter dry, and then use fresh bag, put the refrigerator inside the quick-frozen, I usually put more than a day before taking out, defrost, cook to eatI like Chinese cabbage, frozen tofu and stewed meat with itFirst, stir fry the meat,

34、 then stir fry the cabbage together, then drain the water, boil the water, cook the frozen tofu with the pan. The seasoning is served with salt, and the soup is not too much. Its really deliciousAtRaw materials for seasonal frozen tofu:Dried bamboo shoots frozen tofu carrot onion ginger peanut fungu

35、sFour seasons frozen tofu practices:1, soak the dried bamboo shoots section cutting and slicing, black fungus soaked shredded carrot slices, frozen tofu squeezed water, peanut is Im just from the ground in the new wet peanut shelling bag put fresh refrigerator, eat when cleaning is good, moisture lo

36、ss2, put oil in the pot, with the exception of frozen tofu outside all raw materials, stir fry, and then add frozen tofu, salt, sugar, soy sauce and pepper powder, chicken soup, cover the pot simmered for a few minutes, the fire received juice out of the pot!-Stewed silver carp with frozen bean curd

37、Ingredients: frozen tofu, silver carp headAccessories: barley, green onions, ginger, dried bamboo shootsSpices: salt, sugar, pepper, cooking wineCooking method:1, the frozen tofu cut, cut green onions, ginger slices, wash the head, put a little oil pot, the next onion ginger stir fragrance into the

38、fish fry golden on both sides, a little cooking wine, add dried bamboo shoots and barley;2, add the amount of water in the pot, add tofu, simmer for 20-30 minutes, add salt, pepper, sugar seasoning, sprinkle with chopped green onion.Features: frozen tofu, soft tough, flexible, clear soup, refreshing

39、 appetizers.Dear sirsre!Old tofu frozen after the old tofu cut into small cubes, thawed, with boiling water boiled water, remove the beany flavor, and then dry, sealed (can be placed in the freezer), 1-2 hours in advance with blisters when to eat frozen tofu, such that sweet and chewy and almost (gl

40、uten and meat dishes do better).-2. bamboo shootsThe characteristics of bamboo shoots with low fat, low sugar, edible bamboo fiber, not only can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, to prevent indigestion and constipation,And have the effect of preventing colorectal cancer. Bamboo shoots

41、contain little fat and starch. They are naturally low fat and low calorie foods. They are the best way to lose weight for obese people.-3. pickled vegetablesVegetable fats are broken down during the production process, but edema type obese people can not eat, so as to avoid fluid retention.-4. mung

42、bean sproutsThe accumulation of cholesterol and fat in the blood vessel walls and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Often eat bean sprouts can be Qingrejiedu, diuretic dehumidification, heat detoxification. Many cigarette greasy, if often eat bean sprouts, can play a clear stomach, relievin

43、g fever, clean teeth, and can prevent subcutaneous fat in the form.-5. papayaPapaya papain can be fat into fatty acids; Papaya contains an enzyme that can digest the protein, is conducive to human digestion and absorption of food, it is the power of jianpixiaoshi. At the same time also can cure edem

44、a, beriberi, and can improve the joints.-6. pineapplePineapple fruit is rich in nutrition and contains essential vitamins C, carotene, thiamin, niacin and other vitamins. And easily absorbed by the body of calcium, iron, magnesium and other trace elements. Pineapple juice, peel and stem contains pro

45、tease, can help the digestion of protein, can decompose fish and meat, suitable for eating a big meal after eating.-7. dried tangerine peelOrange peel contains volatile oil and hesperidin, vitamin B, C and other components of the volatile oil, which contains a mild stimulation to the gastrointestina

46、l tract, can promote the secretion of digestive juice to help digestion, remove the stomach, but also can reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat.-8. squidSquid fat content is very low, high protein content, high nutritional value, is a good food to lose weight.-9. barleyMild, mild, cold, favorable

47、 water swelling, spleen and dampness, Shu tendons, in addition to rheumatism, clearing heat, drainage and other effects. So it is effective for edema obesity.Vegetables can be eaten raw as far as possible, so as to retain the nutrients in the vegetables to the greatest extent possible. The cold food

48、 more natural as possible, can not avoid Zhuo zhuo. Vitamins are water-soluble substances, a boiled vegetables is easy to cause the loss of vitamins.Experts suggest that the following six vegetables eaten raw, you can also smoke your fat!-10. cucumberCucumber contains vitamin C, vitamin B and many t

49、race minerals, it contains rich nutrients, raw, crisp and refreshing taste. From the point of view of nutrition, cucumber skin contains rich nutrients, it should be retained to eat raw. But to prevent pesticide residues on the human body damage, cucumber should be soaked in brine for 15-20 minutes,

50、and then wash raw food. Cucumber soaked in brine, do not pinch head to the root, to maintain the integrity of the cucumber, so as to avoid nutrients in the process of evaporation from the section of the drain. In addition, the salad should be done now, do not eat a long time after the placement, whi

51、ch will also lead to vitamin loss.11. tomatoesVitamin A is rich in tomatoes, vitamin A is good for eyesight protection and skin repairing. Salad tomatoes do not spread sugar better, otherwise sweet may affect appetite. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension patients should not eat is called Flaming Mountai

52、ns whiterun sugar tomato salad.12. bell pepper or pepperChili peppers are the most abundant vitamin C in all vegetables.Vitamin C improves immunity and helps fight a variety of diseases. In summer, people catch cold easily, and they often go out and have more contact with the environment. The chance

53、s of catching the virus are also increasing, so it is necessary to improve their immunity.13. celeryCelery is rich in crude fiber, potassium, vitamin B2, vitamin (also called niacin) and other ingredients. The weather is hot in summer, people easily get angry, causing dry stools. At the same time, p

54、eople lose much water when they are hot, which is likely to cause imbalance between sodium and potassium. Celery can help people relax the bowels and regulate the balance of sodium and potassium. Vitamins affect peoples skin, nervous system and appetite. If the body lacks vitamin B2, it can cause fa

55、tigue, fatigue and mouth ulcers. Celery leaves contain more nutrients than the stem, gesture, can be boiled to eat cold.14. cabbagesIn Chinese cabbage, the content of dietary fiber and vitamin A is high, and the summer sunshine eats more fresh Chinese cabbage, which is beneficial to eye care and bea

56、utifying. However, dont eat Chinese cabbage that has been stored too long and lost too much nutrients. In addition, peptic ulcer were not suitable for eating raw cabbage, crude fiber so as not to rub the wound to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.15. eggplantEggplant contains more selenium than o

57、ther vegetables. Peel the fresh round eggplant into shreds and add some salt and sesame oil to the sauce. Selenium has an antioxidant effect, can maintain the normal function of human cells, improve immunity, the body has disease prevention, anti-aging effects, metabolism through the body, but also play an anti-cancer role.

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