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1、difficult, not hating; bl ueprints,not rhetoric; words and sim ple,but fullof love, trut h, passion, entrepreneurialpassion.Take this opportunity, my inspirational quotesLi Da zha os classi c iron spe cialisein upliftingblend with the articl e gave everyone, with a view on how todo wel l underthe ne

2、wsituation of townshipand v illage leaders inspireand help, and also share with you. A good play to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume the burden be passed; only specificqualitie s, will itbe possibl e in specific areas t o create a world.In my view, village chiefs in thenew situation,we m

3、ust first have fivebasic quality. One ambition is topionee r. Who ishandsome. Peopleonly high-minded can stimulate the flowof momentum to become brave and persistent,become quiet and powerful.ownship and v illage party leaders, within their re spective juri sdi ctions, political stability andeconomi

4、c and socialdevel opment issues, decisions and orientation depends tbecauseof your. Every body in villagechiefs a nd the positions,both t he trustof the masses, theOrganizations trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the moral and other qualities.Therefore, we must always maintain thehistorical

5、mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in thehard work of the soil, with indomitable spirit , indomitablecourage to openup anew sit uation of villages and towns. T o have a feeling ofcloseness to thesecond. Thepeople a nd country. Our business foundation in thepe ople s blood i

6、n the people powerpeople. A dvanced decisions of the party cadres to t he feelingsof the peopl e is an eternal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, called first, and enjoy comfort about others, ZhengBanqia os also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the rustlingof bamboo, thesuspe ct is suffering. CaoCounty officials

7、, little my, a total turn off.Old of feudal official even has so feelings, alone we is to serving for purposes of peopl e servant does? we more should alwayholdwith on peopl e of deep feelings, heart Department masses of leading visited tea, care masses of emotions thoughts complaine d, always insis

8、ted put massesof interests put in first, consciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and m ost dire ctly, and most reality of interests problem grabbed, realdo l ove for peopl e by Department, and right for people by with, and Le e for peopleby conspiracy to. Threewith th

9、e fame of mind. Non-indifferentnot insist your dream, withoutserenitynot go far. Ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the soul. AsTownshipand village, be sure to maintain anormal state of mind, establish acorrect view point onpower, positi on and values and Outlook, as fame is light

10、like water, dependi ng . 50 km, also red and like hundredsof thousands of the KMT military combat, but he went on to collect a varietyof newspapers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. As long as t he study of mind, it is not necessary tocome to the library, workshops, into the vi

11、llage s, peopl e learned farming techniques,problem-solving methods, participati on in劳务派遣合同劳务用工单位(甲方) :地址:电话:劳务派遣单位(乙方) :地址:电话:开户行:帐号:甲乙双方经过平等协商, 建立劳务派遣合作关系, 乙方根据甲方要求向甲方派遣劳务人员, 甲方根据工作需要安排劳务人员的工作。 现就有关问题签订本协议:第一条劳务人员的条件和提供劳务的方式(一)乙方按照甲方要求年月日起派遣劳务人员到甲方工作,甲方安排劳务人员的具体工作,并向乙方支付相关费用。(二)提供劳务的方式:按照甲方的生产需要(

12、用工需求作为本协议的附件),乙方向甲方派遣符合条件的劳务人员。劳务人员的数量和提供劳务的期限由甲方确定。第二条 劳务人员的招录与变更劳务人员由甲方负责组织招录,与乙方签订劳动合同。第三条协议的期限本协议自甲乙双方签字并盖章之日起生效,到年月日终止。onferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn todeal withproblems, art, just wanted to learn, to le arn at any time.Tocontinuously expand thescopeof the study.

13、 Thecomplexity andcomprehensive ness of our work, deded tonotonly do we want to be professional s, or if generalists, todabble indifferent areas of knowledge. Masteryof knowledgenot only tohave knowledge to rationalanalysis. T his on requirementswe, not only to learning national of route, and approa

14、ch, and poli cy, al so to learni ng national of legal, and reg ulations;notonly to w ith political theory armed mind, also to with economic theoryguide work;not only to read history, also to read hi story;not only to absorption SM of mirror, also t o gets is of road; not only to from local learn, al

15、so to tooutside learn; not only to to books learn, also tlearn other peoples development approach, a nd then come back to g uideour w ork. Second, we must think. Learning without thoug ht to oversha dow, thinking wit hout learning is perilous. We want to foster the character of advancing with the ti

16、mes, forge ahead, ofte n reflect themselves in ada pting to the newsituation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether i n terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keeppromising State of mind.In or der to do investigations, investigations

17、is the road to heaven,God disposes of the base. To wa nts to realheard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, a ndoutreach, a nd i n-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion everyone careof problem,

18、 listeningtheyof calls,understand theyof mood, feel they of suffering,summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, espe cially on masses mosthope, and mosturgent, and most worries, and most complainedof hot, and difficultiesand focus problem, more to active research, caughtnot put. Dare

19、to innovate, inour work, often remain theold waydoesnt work , thenew approach w oul d not situation, the reason, the key is that manypeoplenow t hat copyingother peoples i deas, mechanically, using someone elses oldways. To change thispredi cament, requiresus tobreak thesha ckles of traditional conc

20、epts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at findingnew problems and to acce pt new things, summarize new experi ence, new i deas,devel opi ng newprogrammes and Maverick, anew a pproa ch to solve problems,speed up development. Especially in im plement superior policyspiritof process i n the, b

21、oth implementation,and cannot me cha nically, to t o extraordinary of courage and develop enterprising of spir it, put flexibility abreakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots wel comes of精品文档第四条费用标准及支付方式(一)劳务费用的核算与支付由甲方负责。甲方于每月日将上月的派遣

22、人员考勤汇总表及工资金额发给乙方,并通知乙方开具合法的劳务费收据或发票,甲方收到乙方提供的正式税务收据后的日之内以支票或电子汇款的方式支付乙方相关费用。(二)甲方向乙方支付的相关费用包括:1. 派遣人员的报酬(甲方确定乙方派遣员工的工资每月元,其他补贴每月元,甲方根据派遣人员的每月出勤情况计算并支付。2. 派遣服务管理费用。3. 派遣人员的社会保险费用 (按本市的最低标准计算支付, 个人支付部分由乙方从其工资中代扣, 单位缴纳部分由甲方支付给乙方代缴。)4派遣员工工伤、病假医疗期内的基本生活费。5、派遣员工的福利费。(三)管理费用的标准:甲方按照每人每月元的标准向乙方支付 派遣服务管理费。(四

23、)乙方应于每日发放上月日至上月日的人员报酬,派遣人员的银行卡、工资条由乙方负责办理、发放。(社保个人缴费部分、个税由乙方代扣) 。乙方确保按照劳动法的要求及乙方与劳务工的劳动合同的约定,按时向劳务工支付工资,缴纳法律规定的各项社会保险。第五条甲方的权利.精品文档(一)根据需要安排劳务人员在甲方的具体工作岗位工作,监督、检查、考核劳务人员完成工作的情况, 并根据甲方各项规章制度对劳务人员进行日常管理。(二)对劳务人员进行面试、培训、试用、不合格的有权退回乙方。(三)劳务人员有以下情形之一的,甲方提前 7 日通知乙方,并于 7 日后退回乙方。1、在试用期内证明不能胜任甲方工作要求;2、不服从甲方工

24、作安排,多次警告不改正的;3、严重违反甲方劳动纪律、规章制度的;4、工作失职、渎职给甲方造成经济及名誉损失的;5、派遣期未满,派遣人员提出停止派遣或擅自离岗的;(四)甲方有权要求乙方在收到通知的 7 日内重新派遣符合条件的劳务人员,甲方不需要为此承担任何费用:(五)根据工作需要调整劳务人员的工作岗位。(六)甲方有权对乙方派遣的劳务人员进行身份审核, 证件不齐全的劳务人员不得进入甲方的工作现场。(七)甲方出资对劳务人员进行业务、技能培训的,甲方有权与劳务人员签订培训服务协议,约定服务期及违约责任,并书面通知乙方。(八)对劳务人员给甲方造成的经济损失, 甲方有权按有关规定向劳务人员索赔。乙方应配合

25、甲方的工作。(九)对乙方不履行协议的,甲方有权追究违约责任。甲方有权根据自身需要决定乙方派出的劳务人员在甲方的工作期限。(十)法律、法规规定的其他情行。.精品文档第六条甲方义务和责任(一)对劳务人员的职业道德规范、工作任务、技能培训、应达到的工作要求、应注意的安全事项、 应遵守的各项纪律等履行告知、 教育、管理督查的义务;(二)为劳务人员提供必需的劳动条件、劳动工具和用品,以及符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生设施和必要的劳动防护用品;(三)劳务人员在为甲方工作期间发生工伤时甲方应积极进行救治,并承担救治过程中所发生的救治费; 需住院治疗的,应垫付住院治疗押金和按规定标准支付该劳务人员工伤治疗期间的工

26、资、 奖金及涉及治疗的相关费用。 上述医疗费用仅是甲方垫付的, 因此,取得工伤保险费后应归甲方所有。 劳务人员发生工伤按 工伤保险条例 及省市相关法规执行且工伤保险条例 规定应当由用人单位支付的费用则由甲方承担。第七条乙方的义务和责任(一)与劳务人员建立劳动关系, 确保派遣劳务人员严格执行甲方的各项规章制度及作息安排, 负责劳动合同的管理工作, 签订劳动合同并进行鉴证。(二)对于甲方按本协议的规定停止派遣并退回乙方的劳务人员, 乙方应予接收并负责处理与劳务人员之间的劳动关系。(三)负责劳务人员档案管理,负责建立、接转劳务人员档案。(四)负责为被派遣劳务人员缴纳法律规定的各项社会保险。(五)按照

27、甲方标准及时转付派谴员工的工作及福利第八条 协议的变更、解除、终止和续订.精品文档(一)甲乙双方应共同遵守本协议的各项条款。在协议履行期间,未经对方同意, 任何一方不得变更或解除; 若一方因国家重大政策改变或不可抗力及用工实际需要等因素不能履行协议,应及时通知对方,双方通过协商,对协议进行变更或解除。(二)本协议期满前30 天,甲乙双方应就本协议是否终止或续订进行协商,并按协商结果办理终止和续订协议手续。(三)派遣员工有下列情形之一的,甲方不得解除劳动合同:1从事接触职业病危害作业未进行离岗前职业健康检查或者疑似职业病人在诊断或者医学观察期间的。2患职业病或因工负伤达到国家规定不得终止、解除劳

28、动合同等级的。3患病或非因公负伤,在规定的医疗期内的。4女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期内的。5在甲方连续工作满十五年,且距法定退休年龄不足五年的。6符合法律法规、规定其他情况的。第九条违约责任出现一方单方违约, 违约方应赔偿对方的经济损失,赔偿数额标准按中华人民共和国合同法有关规定执行。第十条其他(一)未尽事宜,法律、法规有规定的,按照相关规定办理;无规定的,由双方协商解决。经双方协商一致对本协议进行修改、补充达成的补充协议与本协议具有同等效力。(二)双方在履行本协议时发生争议,应本着实事求是的精神友好协.精品文档商解决。协商不成,可向甲方属地人民法院提起诉讼。(三)本协议正本一式贰份,甲乙双方各执壹份。(四)本合同有效期限为一年,合同期满前一个月,如双方均未提出解除合同,本合同有效期自动延长一年,以此类推。甲 方(盖章):乙 方(盖章):授权代表签字:授权代表签字:日期:日期:.

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