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1、Unit 1 Women of achievement 第一课时 学习目标:通过本节课的学习,同学们能够:了解并掌握本单元词汇的词性,汉语意思以及常用的搭配。1. I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.2. The invention of the computer is a great achievement.发明电脑是一大成就。3. My principal concern is my familys welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。4. We have concer

2、ned about the welfare of the staff.我们一贯很关心职工的福利。5. This project is of great benefit to everyone.这项工程对每个人都大有好处。6. The project is far from perfect. 这项企划很不完美。7. The campaign lasted from June to October.这次战役从6月进行到10月。8. The advertising campaign is still in preparation.广告宣传攻势仍在准备中。9. The city hall is pla

3、nning to start a campaign against smoking.市政府计划发起禁烟运动。10. Men, women and children are all human beings.男人、女人和孩子都是人。11. He was the only human being on the island.他是那个岛上唯一的人。12. Behave yourself or Ill give you a thick ear!你放规矩一些,不然我就揍你!13. Children must learn to behave at table.小孩吃饭时必须有规矩。14. There ar

4、e no trees or bushes to give shade.没有树木或灌木丛可以遮荫。15. She was sitting in the shade of a big tree.她正坐在一棵大树的树荫下。16. He tried to shade his house with thick trees.他想让这些大树把房子遮住。17. The troops moved off at dawn.部队在黎明时出发了。18. Seeing that we had noticed him, he moved off quickly.看到我们已注意到他,他赶快走掉了。19. Common in

5、terests formed a bond between us.共同的利益把我们联系在一起。20. This day was a bond between her and her children.这个日子是她和孩子们之间的一条纽带。21.Then she observed a curious phenomenon.这时她看到一个奇怪的现象。22.You can keep beetles and observe them.你可以捉些甲壳虫来饲养并观察它们。23.Everyone should observe the law.谁都应该守法。24.They didnt observe her c

6、ome in and go up-stairs.他们没看到她进屋上楼。25.I respect you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。26.Children should show respect for their teachers.学生要尊敬老师。27.She did it out of respect for her teacher.她这么做是出于对老师的尊敬。28. She found it useless to argue with them.她发现和他们的争论没用。29.They argue over or about the price. 他们

7、对价格进行争论。30.Why do you always argue against me? 你为什么老说我的不是?31.His argument does not make sense.他的争论没有意义。32.We accepted the agreement without argument.我们毫无异议地接受了这一协议。1 / 1933. I do this Just for entertainment.我这么做只是为了消遣一下。34.Smoking is just a personal hobby and entertainment.抽烟只是个人爱好和娱乐。35.This hotel

8、is famous for its entertainment.这家旅馆以殷勤待客著称。36.A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire.许多人聚集在火灾现场。37.He made his way through the crowd to greet us.他穿过人群向我们打招呼。38.History and culture inspire his works.他的作品得益于历史和文化的启示。39.They inspire students to work hard. 他们激励学生努力用功。40.We all support his scientific

9、 research. 我们都支持他的科学研究。41.He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents.他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还有妻子和父母了。42.We are deeply grateful for your support.我们深深感谢你的支持。43.Dont refer to this matter again, please.请不要再提这件事了。44.For further details, please refer to page 426.详情请看四百二十六页。45.We

10、 often refer to these books in our work.我们工作中经常参考这些书。46.The performance truly excited the audience.演出确使观众情绪高昂。47.His speech won the applause of the audience.他的讲话赢得了听众的掌声。48. The car is going at the rate of 60 miles an hour.汽车以每小时六十英里速度行驶49.One of the major banks has lowered its interest rate.有一家大银行已

11、降低了利率。50. It is possible to be outspoken without being rude.既直言不讳又不显得粗鲁是可能做到的。51. Uncle Frank is an outspoken man.弗朗克叔叔是个坦率的人。52. Mary is a cold turkey. She looks down upon all her classmates.玛丽是个冷漠孤高的人,她瞧不起所有她的同学们。53. Dont look down on such activities.不要小看这些活动。54. She has the ability to keep calm i

12、n an emergency.她有处变不惊的本事。55. In case of emergency, break the glass and press the button.遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。56. There is a generation gap between my parents and me.父母和我之间有代沟。57. Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.民间音乐是一代一代地流传下来的。58. It is considerate of you to call on your

13、 relatives from time to time.你时时拜望亲戚很周到啊。59. He was considerate to everyone.他对大家都很体贴。60. Time is an important consideration in this case.在这种情况下,时间是一个要考虑的重要因素。61. The question is now under consideration.这个问题正在考虑之中。62. I bought the house at a modest price.我以适中的价格买下了这所房子。63. She is very modest about he

14、r success.她对自己的成就很谦虚。Unit 1 Women of achievement 第一课时 学习目标:通过本节课的学习,同学们能够了解并掌握本单元词汇的词性,汉语意思以及常用的搭配。1 I felt a great a_(成就感)when I reached the top of the hill.2. The invention of the computer is a great_.发明电脑是一大成就。3. My principal concern is my familys_.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。4. We have concerned about the _of

15、 the staff.我们一贯很关心职工的福利。5. This_ is of great benefit to everyone.这项工程对每个人都大有好处。6. The_ is far from perfect. 这项企划很不完美。7. The_ lasted from June to October.这次战役从6月进行到10月。8. The advertising _is still in preparation.广告宣传攻势仍在准备中。9. The city hall is planning to start _smoking.市政府计划发起禁烟运动。10. Men, women and

16、 children are all_.男人、女人和孩子都是人。11. He was _on the island.他是那个岛上唯一的人。12. _or Ill give you a thick ear!你放规矩一些,不然我就揍你!13. Children must learn to_ at table.小孩吃饭时必须有规矩。14. There are no trees or bushes to give_.没有树木或灌木丛可以遮荫。15. She was sitting_ a big tree.她正坐在一棵大树的树荫下。16. He tried to _his house with thick

17、 trees.他想让这些大树把房子遮住。17. The troops _at dawn.部队在黎明时出发了。18. Seeing that we had noticed him, he_ quickly.看到我们已注意到他,他赶快走掉了。19. Common interests formed a_ between us.共同的利益把我们联系在一起。20. This day was _between her and her children.这个日子是她和孩子们之间的一条纽带。21.Then she _a curious phenomenon.这时她看到一个奇怪的现象。22.You can ke

18、ep beetles and _them.你可以捉些甲壳虫来饲养并观察它们。23.Everyone should_.谁都应该守法。24.They didnt _her _in and_ up-stairs.他们没看到她进屋上楼。25.I_ you_ your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。26.Children should show_ their teachers.学生要尊敬老师。27.She did it_ her teacher.她这么做是出于对老师的尊敬。28. She found it useless to _them.她发现和他们的争论没用。29.They _or

19、 about the price. 他们对价格进行争论。30.Why do you always_ me? 你为什么老说我的不是?31.His _does not make sense.他的争论没有意义。32.We accepted the agreement_.我们毫无异议地接受了这一协议。33. I do this Just_.我这么做只是为了消遣一下。34.Smoking is just a personal hobby and_.抽烟只是个人爱好和娱乐。35.This hotel is famous for its_.这家旅馆以殷勤待客著称。36.A _gathered at the

20、scene of the fire.许多人聚集在火灾现场。37.He made his way through _to greet us.他穿过人群向我们打招呼。38.History and culture _his works.他的作品得益于历史和文化的启示。39.They _students_. 他们激励学生努力用功。40.We all _his scientific research. 我们都支持他的科学研究。41.He had to _his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents.他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还

21、有妻子和父母了。42.We are deeply grateful for your_.我们深深感谢你的支持。43.Dont_ this matter again, please.请不要再提这件事了。44.For further details, please _page 426.详情请看四百二十六页。45.We often_ in our work.我们工作中经常参考这些书。46.The performance truly excited the_.演出确使观众情绪高昂。47.His speech won the applause of_.他的讲话赢得了听众的掌声。48. The car i

22、s going _60 miles an hour.汽车以每小时六十英里速度行驶49.One of the major banks has lowered its interest_.有一家大银行已降低了利率。50. It is possible to be_ without being rude.既直言不讳又不显得粗鲁是可能做到的。51. Uncle Frank is an _man.弗朗克叔叔是个坦率的人。52. Mary is a cold turkey. She_ all her classmates.玛丽是个冷漠孤高的人,她瞧不起所有她的同学们。53. Dont _such acti

23、vities.不要小看这些活动。54. She has the ability to keep calm_.她有处变不惊的本事。55. In case of_, break the glass and press the button.遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。56. There is a _between my parents and me.父母和我之间有代沟。57. Folk music has been passed down_.民间音乐是一代一代地流传下来的。58. It is _of you to call on your relatives from time to t

24、ime.你时时拜望亲戚很周到啊。59. He was _of everyone.他对大家都很体贴。60. Time is an important _in this case.在这种情况下,时间是一个要考虑的重要因素。61. The question is now_.这个问题正在考虑之中。62. I bought the house at a _price.我以适中的价格买下了这所房子。63. She _her success.她对自己的成就很谦虚。Unit 1 Women of achievement第二课时 Reading-A student of African Wildlife学习目标

25、:通过本节课的学习,同学们能够1. 找出每一段的主题句,概括每一段的段意并总结文章的大意。2.了解文章的意思,完成填空和选择练习。Step1. Look at the title and pictures of the passage and predict the content. _Step2. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.1. Who is the student? _2. What animals are observed?_3. When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gom

26、be?_4. What do chimps eat? _Step 3. Task 1: Find the topic sentence of each paragraph and write them down.Paragraph1 :_ Paragraph 2 : _Paragraph3 :_Paragraph 4:_ Task 2: 完成课本第三页 练习二。 Task 3: General ideaThe passage is mainly about how Jane Goodall worked with _ and help people _ _ of these animals.S

27、tep 4: Careful readingTask 1: Read paragraph 1 and try to answer the following questions.1).What is our first activity of the day in the forest? _.2). How do you think chimps show love in their family?Task 2: Fill in the blanks according to paragraph 2. Jane spent years _ their daily activities. Her

28、 work _ people think about chimps.For example, she discovered that chimps hunt and eat_.She also discovered how chimps_and worked out their_.Task 3: According to paragraph 3, what was the purpose of her study of the chimps?Task 4: Fill in the blanks according to paragraph 4. She has achieved everyth

29、ing she wanted to do: _animals in their own_, gaining a _degree and showing that women can live _as men can.Task 5: Choose the correct answers after reading the passage.1. What did the group do first in the morning? They _.A. went into the forest slowlyB. left the chimp family sleeping in a treeC. o

30、bserved the family of chimps wake upD. helped people understand the behavior of the chimps2. Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in the wild? Because she wanted _. A. to work with them in their own environment B. to prove the way people think about chimps was wrong C. to discover what chimps e

31、at D. to observe a chimp family3. Jane was permitted to begin her work after _.A. the chimp family woke up B. she lived in the forestC. her mother came to support her D. she arrived at Gombe4. The purpose of her study was to _. A. watch the wild chimps in cages B. gain a doctors degree C. understand

32、 and respect the lives of chimps D. live in the forest as men can5. The chimps show love in their family by _ each other. A. touching B. feeding C. feeding or cleaning D. feeding or touching6. Where did Jane Goodall suggest the chimps be left? A. In the wild B. In the zoo. C. In cages D. In Africa7.

33、 What can we infer from the text? A. Jane Goodalls mother lives with her. B. Jane Goodall loves animals and tries to protect them. C. Jane Goodall looks down upon men. D. Jane Goodall doesnt like to work with other women of her age.Unit 1 Women of achievement第三课时 language points学习目标:通过本节课的学习,同学们能够1.

34、根据所给例句总结归纳重点词汇和句型的用法。2. 用重点词汇和句型完成填空和选择练习。Step 1. Translate the following phrases into Chinese.1).behave like_ 2).wake up _3).in the shade of _ 4).move off_5).go to sleep_ 6).communicate with _7).set up_ 8).lead a life_9).crowd in_ 10).gain a doctors degree_Step 2: language points1. Jane has studied

35、 these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans.Nobody before Jane fully understand chimp behavior.Read the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined words.1).How would you behave in the future if you met a person with AIDS?2).The

36、children do not know how to behave.3).I want you to behave yourself while Im away.4). His behavior towards others is rather impolite.归纳: behave vi_ vt. behave oneself_ behavior n. _练一练:1).Tom,_ yourself. Did you forget the school rules?(2001上海春季) A. behave B. believe C. perform D. conduct2). Parents

37、 should educate their children_(守规矩).3)._( 规矩点). You should set a good example for your sister.2. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before.Read the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined words.1).Dont be too hard on him; he didn

38、t mean to do it.2).This new order will mean working overtime.3).Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year.4).I didnt mean to take a taxi but I had to, as I was late.归纳: mean to do sth. _mean doing sth. _联想: stop_ 停止、中断做某事后去做另一件事 ;stop_停止做某事 forget_忘记要去做某事; forget_ 忘记做过某事 regret _对

39、将要做的事遗憾;regret_对做过的事后悔 try_努力做某事; try _试着做某事 go on _ 做完一件事后,接着做另一件事;go on_继续做原来做的事 练一练:1). - Ididntmean_ her. - Buttalkinglikethatmeans_ her. A. tohurt;tohurt B. hurting; hurting C. tohurt;hurting D. hurting;tohurt2). Complete each sentence in the correct form of the given word.1. The light in the o

40、ffice is still on. I forgot _ (turn) it off. 2. Ill never forget _(see) the musical comedy in New York. 3. Remember _ ( meet) me tonight. 4. I remember _ (take) to Beijing when I was a child. 5. I regret _ (inform) you that you are dismissed. 6. I regret _ ( not take ) his advice. 7. What do you mea

41、n _ (do ) with it? 8. _ (miss) the train means _ (wait) for another two hours. 9. Hes been trying _ (get) you on the phone. 10. Lets try _ (knock) at the back door. 11. He paused and went on _ (explain) the text to us. 12. Go on _(do) the other exercise after you have finished this one. 3. Jane warn

42、s that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by 1).The doctor warned him against smoking / not to smoke. 2).The people were warned of the danger of an earthquake.3).He was warned that he would die from cancer.归纳: warn sb._警告/告诫某人不要做某事warn sb._警告/告诫某人不要做某事warn sb. of (doing) sth. 警告/告诫某人某事war

43、n sb. + that clause 警告/告诫某人某事4. She spent years observing ad recording their daily activities.Read the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined words.1).I observed how the bird fed its young.2). The police observed a young man enter the bank.3). They observed a young man entering the

44、bank.4).We observed that it had turned cloudy.5). No matter where you are, you must observe the law.6).Do you observe Christmas in your country?归纳:1).observe vt.观察 如:句_; 2).察觉到,注意到 如:句_3).遵守 如:句_; 4).庆祝(节日) 如:句_;常用结构: observe sb. do sth. / observe sb. doing sth. /observe that练一练: 1). Though having l

45、ived abroad for years, many Chinese still_ the traditional customs. (08 湖北)A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support2). There are two safe ways_(观测太阳).5. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.1).Only then did I realize that I was wrong

46、.2).Only in this way can you learn English well.3).Only when the war was over did he return to work. 4).Only Tom knows my secret.only在句首修饰做状语的_时,句子要部分倒装,但only修饰主语时不用倒装。练一练:1).只有通过实践,才能提高你的口语水平。Only_2). Only when he reached the tea-house _it was the same place hed been in last year. (2011全国I) A. he r

47、ealized B. he did realize C. realized he D. did he realize3). Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours _a decision (2011湖南) A. they reached B. did they reach C. they reach D. do they reach 6. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment o

48、r advertisements. 1).Come on, we are not going to argue over that, are we? 2). Do you ever argue with your family about which program to watch? 3).Columbus argued that he could reach India by going west.4).My younger sister thinks she can argue Father into increasing her monthly pocket money.5).We t

49、ried to argue him out of his opinions.6).We had an argument with the waiter about the bill.7).After some heated argument, a decision was finally made.(辩论)8).This paragraph gives the arguments against cars.(论据)归纳: argue (with sb.) over/ about sth._ argue that 主张,认为 argue sb. into doing sth. _argue sb

50、. out of (doing) sth._have an argument with sb. about sth._练一练:1).Gun control is a subject _Americans have argued for a long time. A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which7. She is leading a busy life but she says: 1).They are leading a happy life in the small village.归纳: lead a life _

51、 lead a quiet / miserable / simple / life 过着_的/ 生活8. Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.1).The door opened and all the people crowded in.2).Suddenly memories of the school life crowded in on her.3).Thousands of people have crowded into the small town.4).H

52、olidaymakers crowded the beaches.5).He pushed his way through the crowd.6).He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journalists.7).A crowd of us are going to the ball.8).The square is always crowded with people.归纳: 1).crowd in_ 2).crowd in (on sb.)_ 3).crowd into_ 4). crowd _5). the crowd _ 6). cro

53、wds of _7). a crowd of_ 8). be crowded with_测一测:用所给的词完成下列句子。1. 那个调皮男孩的父母告诉他在客人面前要好好表现。( behave)The naughty boy was told by his parents_. 2. 你曾经因为钱和你的父母亲发生过争执吗?(argue with)Did you ever_? 3. 他不在乎给自己花钱或者过舒服的生活。(care about; lead a . life)He cares little about spending money on himself or_. 4. 在我生日那天,我的家人涌进我的房间给我唱生日快乐歌。(crowd into)_, the rest of my family members _to sing Happy Birthday. 5. 他告诉我们要当心小偷。(warn)He_. Unit 1 Women of achievement 第三课时 Grammar学习目标:通过本节课的学习,同学们能够1.根据所给例句总结归纳主谓一致的用法。2. 用本节课所学的内容完成

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