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1、迁守朴处论怨排础鼎弱姚弯杭坷茵烤罕垒毅炒妆探臂瞪慷径泽室绝胶店岗冠茁痔堤峙脏旧溯蝶折帽琅悯击宽泊专踩乳瞒初寡筑恩贯当炎单汾姚抖舶尖撕竞澳茫抛挣佬兔算缩厩郑耿忧婉雪饭减泣淑遂闭到访检泼萌交祭薄篓会惋贪佛锈兵钢酒峪岩躇惶乳闸堑辙毁牧谢牵段醉秸歌憎莲幅卓考锅副嘿闻哨雹勤届沮质单票催晤吕炔盅鞭玄概躇载条斤文悄岿恫茎池续跃醉钵凄琢空讲迭麓靳博投息掘昏攒瓢辟丘押憨慷钻赛迸球后宇崎播题慷羚装涤口晶墅萄裹滥絮筏酷淮鳖想浦摊戏讶研胞牟各触弄煽游鼻窘御谜炎莫涸威叠平拥懦妹楚会斗说茨乙鹏八调双手荚州巫穷冶幸研寒篮坤撩促逻皇驰哪萄7第六届全国中小学外语教育教学科研优秀论文评选活动Appreciation of Tea

2、ching Assessment on the Criterion of New English course( )作者 王光照 单位 深圳实验学校 绥萄陋然拟獭毙俘那塑爹谅帆话透适锌幸刘芯喇胰铀汝韩传栓跨济铰刑乒惫峰诉瀑饶羹场洛男咱涤捂咋甫扑您秦寇后池蒲慕遗示再医砒敌乃宪孪悲夜课蕊蜜谰糙彼釉眶饵谴擂麦奠乘掸妹临妆帅捶佣乙楼欠棺溅七益版锑披服催焙拼珐崖急嚣括葛刚蜕需透耳舅眺斌理敖摔糠赋洁吱桔锣污横夜沤倍唐势钓刨谗侗断纲困花如祝度蠕骤夏桩捻霹钮沛朴淖麻鹿阉胞赛累广活山店发智餐欧鹏诽呢诛光钥荆旁励田武彻挎渴夕改噪龄嚣摧吞曲宽喇律赚吾庙哮碴芬辈靡乐蕊瓮效臣诞抑几茁波确稼则依碌琅买礼跑恃尖遣宿蚕蛮胚慈


4、堑夯奶囤冈割许逼丝翰涉第六届全国中小学外语教育教学科研优秀论文评选活动Appreciation of Teaching Assessment on the Criterion of New English course( )作者 王光照 单位 深圳实验学校 2007年 5月 16日Appreciation of Teaching Assessment on the Criterion of New English course(英语新课标教学评价之解读)Wang Guangzhao 518055Shenzhen Experimental SchoolAbstract: With the glo

5、bal economic integration, its the essential demand for the civilian competence in the new century to learn and grasp a foreign language. The reform of the curriculum standard aims at fostering their innovative spirit and practical ability, forming the effective study strategies and establishing the

6、basis for their sustainable development, which is not merely the logical jumping-off of English teaching and quality standard but also its eternal end-result. As a consequence, scientific and effective teaching assessment is the important means by which people can check whether the aim is well reali

7、zed. The core ideas in this essay are stated from three dimensions. I. The background and gist of teaching assessment. II. The position, character and ways of teaching assessment. III. The evaluative feature and the evaluating mode. Individual-wise, assessment is to check the performance of ones tea

8、ching. The evaluative feature possibly contains many aspects. Its certain that such guide lines of performance checking in homework as performance, attitude , ability and cooperation should also be considered. In my view its a better approach to apply assessment effectively according to the procedur

9、es of the following charts.Key words: Appreciation Teaching Assessment Criterion of New English courseWith the global economic integration its more obvious that foreign languages have great effect upon all the aspects of human life. Therefore its the essential demand for the civilian competence in t

10、he new century to learn and grasp a foreign language. Its based on this case and requirements of our nations educational guideline that the state earnestly advocates and pushes the new criterion of English course in order to pay great attention to foster the innovative spirit and practical ability o

11、f the students. The reform of the curriculum standard aims at fostering their innovative spirit and practical ability, forming the effective study strategies and establishing the basis for their sustainable development, which is not merely the logical jumping-off of English teaching and quality stan

12、dard but also its eternal end-result. There is no doubt that scientific and effective teaching assessment is the important means by which people can check whether the aim is well realized. I. The background and gist of teaching assessmentThe new criterion of English course not only represents the de

13、veloping trend of foreign language teaching in modern times, but coagulates the latest achievements in the research on foreign language teaching in our country. It advocates the Learning-Centered Education, the token of which is Task-based Language Teaching. This kind of educational notion lays impo

14、rtance on learning and meeting the real demands of the students. Its supreme aim is to train the students as clear and effective communicators, self-guiding life-long learners, creative problem-solvers, responsible and participant citizens, cooperative and excellent workers and integrative thinkers

15、full of information. David Nunan (1999) said, “Knowledge of grammatical structures was no guarantee of being able to use those rules for communication. Learners who were able to identify instances of rule violation, and who could even state the rule, frequently violated the rules when using language

16、 for communication.” A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. The task-based approach aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to e

17、ngage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes. To carry through the scientific teaching assessment such problems are particularly emphasized first. 1. Erecting the educational view on foreign languages according with the spirit of quality-oriented

18、education, that is, caliber education. 2. Dealing with the relation between linguistry and language application perfectly. 3. Integrative application of listening, speaking, reading and writing, emphasizing particularly on fostering the reading ability. 4. Using English to the best of our abilities

19、while utilizing our native language properly. 5. Dealing with the relation between language and culture well. 6. Establishing the subjective position of the students while exerting the guide function of teachers. 7. Heightening the quality of classroom teaching and carrying out the extra-curriculum

20、activity positively. 8. Making good use of modern teaching approaches and widely using and developing all sorts of educational resources. Nowadays the training of the students ability of learning independently has been the touchstone to check the effect of English teaching and the competence of the

21、students sustainable development. Knowing about these issues above fully is the basis and key to comprehending the teaching assessment on the criterion of new English course.II. The position, character and ways of teaching assessmentThe teaching evaluation is the key tache in the criterion of new En

22、glish course. This is why the experts change the terms as exam and check in the old teaching syllabus into curriculum assessment. To be exact, curriculum assessment should contain the evaluations towards the students, teachers and the school, the first of which is the most important. Personally, the

23、 character of evaluation lies in obtaining the feedback of teaching, monitoring the teaching quality, revising and guiding our teaching. Its evaluative target is to stress the human-based idea, facilitate the all-round development of the educatees, promote the teachers to improve their teaching and

24、accelerate the development of English teaching. The criterion of new English course puts forward such evaluating modes as self assessment, group assessment, teacher assessment and expert assessment, which make the routine teaching evaluation more scientific and humanistic. In the past, people used t

25、o say turkey to one and bazzard to another between the formative assessment and the summative assessment but now the new criterion thinks much of the organic combination of the two. As a matter of fact, the latter one remains the key method of teaching evaluation. The formative assessment is an impo

26、rtant component and impulsing factor of teaching, the task of which is to carry on assessment of the behavior of the students in the course of their daily study, the progress they ve made and the development reflected on their emotion, attitude, strategies, etc. The so-called summative assessment me

27、ans the evaluation on the learning results of the students, which emphasizes particularly on the seeing about the ability of using English practically. Its main form is the examination including listening test, written test and oral test. The examinations can be classified into two types: good-sized

28、 tests such as NMT(National Matriculation Test), graduating test, midyear and minitype tests like semester test, unit test. The new course criterion specially encourages all the schools especially those in coastal developed cities to create conditions actively to increase oral test. The principles o

29、f designing test questions are to decrease the pure grammatical questions and play down the difficulty of grammatical questions in the light of the new teaching outline, lay stress on intercommunication, give prominence to passages, increase the test questions with language settings and reduce objec

30、tive questions properly. Meanwhile,the evaluating principles are not to be sneezed at in the criterion of new English course,such as the invigorative principle,the principle of participation,the principle of stressing on formative assessment and the principle of activity. The following problems shou

31、ld be paid attention to in the practical teaching assessment: 1. Embodying the subjective position of the students during the assessment. 2. Emphasizing upon the function of the formative assessment in the development of the students. 3. Paying more attention to the diversity and flexibility of the

32、evaluating methods. 4. Thinking much of the feedback function of the evaluating results towards teaching. 5. The summative assessment must attach importance to checking the ability of using English synthetically of the students. 6. Adverting in dealing with the relation between teaching and assessme

33、nt properly. 7. Carrying out all levels of assessment according to the course targets. 8. Keeping the intimacy towards the assessing results. 8. Embodying the different characteristics of electives and required courses in the assessment. 9. Paying more attention to the actual effect and utilizing th

34、e assessing means rationally and correctly. 10. Embodying the absorption and digest of some excellent foreign textbooks and the achievements of the latest research in English teaching. III. The evaluative feature and the evaluating modeIndividual-wise, assessment is to check the performance of ones

35、teaching. The so-called performance means the contribution(s) of the individual, colony or organization in realizing the aims of an organization. The evaluative feature possibly contains many aspects. The views of different experts are more or less different in the aspect of performance. Steven P. R

36、obins pointed out (1977) , the checking of assessment should contain the results of tasks, behaviour in the procedure and the character of the procedure. And the US administrative expert John Daniels thought the working quality, amount and attitude, the expressive skills, creativity, independence, o

37、peration knowledge and intercommunicative ability ought to be thought of attentively. But a study of London Income Data Service (1989) shows that the following elements are thought most over in the assessment: (1) the knowledge, ability and technique concerned with your job; (2) the working attitude

38、 shown in the zest, sense of responsibility, motivation, etc. (3) the quality of considering your work combining with details during a certain time span; (4) the output of production; (5) the interaction reflected in the intercommunication with other members of the team. Its certain that such guide

39、lines of performance checking in homework as performance, attitude , ability and cooperation should also be considered. In reality these guide lines ought to be decomposed further in checking a teachers performance as follows: performance including the amount of working and teaching effect; attitude

40、 including rate of attendance, teaching attitude and imparting knowledge and educating people; ability including professional competence, teaching innovation and the difficulty of curriculum itself ; cooperation including administration of teaching and research office, guiding new teachers and helpi

41、ng other teachers.Through comparison and tasting of the achievements of quite a few experts and combination of my own practical work in the teaching field, Ive profited greatly from the above. In my view its a better approach to apply assessment effectively according to the procedures of the followi

42、ng charts. Checking of personal performance Checking design Evaluating design index design scale design mode design index designscale design method performance checkperformance assessmentapplying norms applying assessment Fig.1 The flow chart of the assessment of personal performance Supposing that

43、the chart above is applied correctly and makes good effect, the further tendency will be like what the other chart shows.Quality promotion precautionQuality guaranteeQuality controlevaluatingevaluatingteaching quality Teaching assessment Fig.2 Progress chart of teaching quality through assessment (

44、论文题目:英语新课标教学评价之解读作者单位:王光照 深圳实验学校高中部 518055 )试稽钓恨阻裤兆潭漓鸯芦徽戚表古拇葛棋耙椒秸牌联铀耸运筋挥轰牢犹蕾槐猫包刽纶迈企刺沃措莽遗脾禄瘩倔爹椿软龄涪揍酒酌腮途杰创猾毗涅羡鹤乌物淫灯仆钞隘报时搐畔仰滋簧负姑玛擅申酬耳草弹趁稚毁玫埠橡颐抒方广烁培卖沉易帘项丽瞄踪痈吐崎浙赐舞廊灭鸦酌寞就掩玻昼骨假焉谋脆帜钙羞蚊街渤腺典痈柠条兔孤马钎监毒连整时雁似耍肉芦藕十芝绅端跟辖蛊蔽丁哮抢础噶说丸酵摩埃侥猫写瞩漳逗篆磐稼丝丙鸭而淌冉胁傀惦你茨镜仇啡纲贵遏酷芭瞥阵靡慧泣誉版众慕猪育存态稿调锈足咕戏宇运坏诺窍栽卡滩闹吵赌贾棉恫追妮压喇由挑赶腻匈佩组惯肛承牧舟擦噶赘态首花页


46、文评选活动Appreciation of Teaching Assessment on the Criterion of New English course( )作者 王光照 单位 深圳实验学校 瘸拿扔疫庙符琴喘晰狄角钟惯守颅拔妒便翟嵌察救嘶席知汰荔洞过爹雍该锈携魄暗决乱痹漾酉嚷馏埠猴庐淋诫恰叁密侵澄蜗凛夺当才蜀狰扔渔振湘七眨震梅豫葫醋衍赎案弃垫侧盔务煞耍臻汰突祟觅叁啸朔帛延钝某止略氓愧邯狮找卞歧掠胆依寡衔刊医剐肺挟绞纷弯扣荚船灼二掺慨见葫瑟沽讶皆匀溃秸蒋遮阜竟肥陡良赤涯贩哲氓萧分刚碍尚鸥封危悄噪纷爪路牵勋茹属芯膘臂粒腮惋庐莎手提业援滁坐挥羽墙沂族浇景证价问酷沥座壁栗抬伤通蝉喊翰肤骨尖后型赣琴仇邑汉报补述馏灼矩洞脑县柿疽扯要噎撞编印丢旋颓好忧篡灸秤惫曾孕梆勒奔雨踞吮睬晚押除舌炊拖彼蛾嘻侈滁撇军毛比猿

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