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1、高一英语阅读理解之回答问题型专练(有答案)Passage 1A father and son went to the kite flying festival. The young son became very happy when seeing the sky filled with colorful kites. He asked his father to get him a kite and a thread 线)so he can fly a kite too. So, the father went to the shop at the park where the festiv

2、al was being held. He bought a kite and a roll 卷)of thread for his son.His son started to fly a kite. Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “ Father, it seems that the thread is stopping a kite from flying higher, if we break it, it will be free and will go flying e

3、ven higher. Can we break it? So, the father cut the thread. The kite started to go a little higher. That made the son very happy.But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And, soon it fell down on thebuilding. The young son was surprised to see this. He had cut the thread of the kite soit can

4、 fly higher, but in stead, it fell dow n. He asked his father,“ Faafter cutting off the thread, the kite can freely fly higher. But why did it fall down?The Father explained, Son, at the height of life, we often think that some thingswe are tied with are preventing us from going far higher. The thre

5、ad was not holdingthe kite from going higher, but it was helping it stay higher when the wind sloweddow n and whe n the wind picked up, you helped the kite go up higher in a properdirecti on through the thread. And whe n we cut the thread, it fell dow n without yoursupport through the thread. The so

6、n realized his mistake.1. Where was the kite flying festival held?.2. What did the boy ask his father for? .3. Why did the boy want to cut the thread?.4. What happened to the kite at last?.5. How did the father expla in to his son?.Passage 2Ever si nee I was little, my favorite seas on was win ter.

7、I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate. Unfortunately, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my gran dmother why it did nt snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me that I asked too many questions. But one day, she promised that she would m

8、ake it snow on my n ext birthday.That year, before my birthday, my gran dmother died. I was sad but angry because she had promised to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the win dow, hop ing to see just one sno wflake.But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother.

9、She had broken her promise. By my sixteenth birthday, I had lost all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for it. During my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I had the best time ever! Then I saw the white snow falling down all around. I was so excited tha

10、t I ran around scream ing and laughi ng.My friends all laughed at me, but I did nt care. Whe n I got home, my gran dpa said he had a gift for me. I was con fused because he had give n me a gift. It was a small white box, which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snowflake ( 水晶雪花) with a car

11、d that expla in ed,“ Happy Birthday.How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmothers final wish on my sweet sixtee nth. I cried. I was certa in that my smiling gran dmother an gel had bee n watchi ng over me.1. Which season was the authors favorite?.2. What did the authors gran dmother prom

12、ise her?3. What happe ned to the authors gra ndmother before her birthday?4. What did the author see duri ng her sixtee nth birthday?5. What did the authors gran dfather give her?.Passage 3Jade n Hayes is a si-year-old boy. Whe n he was four, he lost his dad. And the n last mon th, his mom died un e

13、xpectedly in her sleep. It is every childs worst ni ghtmare 噩 梦).Sadly, he has experie need twice. Jade n is very heartbroke n. But theres ano ther side to his sorrow. A few weeks ago, he told his aunt, Barbara DiCola, that he was tired of see ing every one sad all the time. And he had a pla n to ch

14、a nge it.4 / 24高一英语阅读理解之回答问题型专练(有答案)the beg inning of it, said Barbara.“ Thats where the adve nture bega n. Jade n asaunt Barbara to buy some toys and bring them to dow ntow n. He gave them away there happily. Im trying to make people smile, said Jade n. Jade n only gave the toys to the pers ons wit

15、hout smiles on the faces. He wan ted to try his best to turn their un happy day into happy day. Hes gone to the four different occasions now and he is always successful. Eve n if sometimes he does nt exactly get the reactio反(S) he was hop ing for.It is difficult for some people to refuse a toy from

16、a six-year-old boy. The boy onlywants to have a smile in retur n.“I want to cha nge 33, 000 pers on s, said Jade n. Wasked if he thi nks he can make that goal, he an swered,“I thi nk I can.1. What happe ned to Jade n Hayes whe n he was four years old?.2. What was another side to his sorrow?.3. What

17、did Jaden ask his aunt to do?.4. Which kind of pers on did Jade n give the toys to?.5. How many occasi ons has he gone to now?.Passage 4One summer eve ning as I was cook ing dinner, there was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw a really bad-looking man. But his voice was pleasant as he said, “

18、Good eve nin g. I come to see if you have a room for just one ni ght. I came for a treatme nt this morni ng from easter n shore, but theres no bus till n ext mornin g. Hetold me he had been hunting 寻找)but with no success. I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch (门廊).I went in si

19、de and prepared dinn er. Whe n we were ready, I asked him if he would like to join us.“ No, tha nk you. I had pAfter fini shed hav ing the dinn er, I went out to talk with him. It did nt take a long time to see this old man had an oversized heart crowded that tiny body. He told me he fished for a li

20、ving to help his daughter, her five children and her husband who was ill and too weak to do any thi ng. At bedtime, we put a bed in the childre ns room for him. On his n ext trip, he brought a big fish and some fresh oysters 牡蛎)as a gift. And for years, there was n ever a time he came without some f

21、ish or vegetables from his garde n. I know it was thankful for our family to know him. From him we learned to accept the bad without complaint and the good with thanks.1. What happe ned to the writer one summer evening?.2. What did the old man ask the author for?.3. Did the old man joi n the authors

22、 dinner?.4. Where did the author prepare the old man for a rest at bedtime?5. What can wen learn from the old man?.Passage 5A wife came to her husba nd with a proposal,“1 read a passage in a magazirhow we can stre ngthe n our marriage, she offered.“ Each of us will write a list( things that we find

23、a bit annoying with the other person. Then, we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our life happier than before.The husba nd agreed. So each of them went to a separate room in the house and thought the things that anno yed them about the other. The n ext morning, at the breakfast ta

24、ble, they decided that they would go over their list.“Ill sShe took out her list. It had many items on it, eno ugh to fill 3 pages. In fact, as she started read ing the list of the little an ger, she no ticed that tears appeared in her husba nds eyes.“ Whatwr on g? she asked. Noth in g, the husba nd

25、 replied, keep readi ng your lit. The wife continued to read un til she had read all three pages to her husba nd. you read your list and the n well talk about the things on both of our lists, she said happily. The husba nd stated quietly,“1 have no thi ng on my list. I think that you aiperfect the w

26、ay that you are. You are lovely and wonderful and I dont want you to cha nge any thi ng for me. The wife was touched by his hon esty and deep love for her. Maybe, the true love is accepta nce to each other.1. What did the wife come to her husba nd with?.2. Did the husba nd agree to his wifes proposa

27、l?.3. How many pages did the wife list?.4. What did the husband write on his list?.5. What can we learn from this passage?.Passage 6A long time ago, there was a garden. Many vegetables grew in the garden. And there was a big tree n ear the vegetables.The vegetables and the big tree did nt like each

28、other. The vegetables drank a lot of water, so the tree could nt dri nk eno ugh water. The big tree looked at the vegetables an grily, and he decided to teach the vegetables a less on. On a summer day, the sun was shining in the sky, the big tree decided not to share its shadow(阴影)with the vegetable

29、s. It made the vegetables very hot. There was not eno ugh water to drink, so they soon became very dry and ugly. At that time, the gardener came to see these vegetables. He was very sad, becausealmost all the vegetables were dry. Then he decided to build a new garde n.It took the gardener too much t

30、ime to build the new garden. He was so busy that he could nt take care of the old garde n. Both the big tree and the vegetables felt very thirsty. The big tree felt very regretful (后悔的),becausehe chose a wrong way to teach the vegetables a less on.1. Why did the big tree not like the vegetables?.2.

31、How did the big tree do to teach the vegetables a less on?3. What did the gardener do when he saw almost all the vegetables were dry?4. What happe ned whe n the garde ner could nt take care of the old garde n?5. What can we lear n from the story?Passage 7Chin ese pape-cutt ing is one of the oldest h

32、an dicrafts (手工艺品)in Chi na. It varies from ani mals and pla nts to the sce nes of our everyday lives. Guan gli ng pape-cutt ing is one of the coun trys most famous craftsma nship (技艺).Thanks to the efforts ofutting has now developed into aZhang Duota ng, a desce ndant of its foun der, pap-c in dust

33、ry.The Guan gli ng papei-cutt ing has bee n listed in the list of n ati on ally protected intangible (非物质的)cultural heritage. With bright colors, vivid (生动的)models and skillful engraving (雕刻), it is regarded as a“ Unique Chinese Folk Art and was addto the list of World In ta ngible Cultural Heritage

34、 by UNESCO in 2009.There are 38 procedures about making paper cuts. Its a pure han dicraft that cannot be replaced by moder n machi nes. But as more and more young people are leav ing Guangling to find work, its an art that is slowly dying. However, Zhang has decided to do somethi ng about it. He or

35、ga ni zed his family members, brothers and sisters, trying to explore new ways to revive this traditi onal skill.In 2007, Zhang began to build the Guangling paper-cutting cultural industry park, inv esti ng over 45 millio n yua n in to the project. He also built Chin as first Guan gli ngpaper-cutt i

36、ng art museum and a training school, sett ing up a papeFcutt ing in dustry chain in the process. Zhang regards papecutting as his life. He also thinks that it is a duty for him to pass on the skill. He and his team research how to make better paper-cutting from morning to night. It is their efforts

37、that make the world know about Chin ese pape-cutt ing. We believe that Chin ese pape-cutt ing art will be well han ded dow n.1. What does the Chi nese papecutt ing vary from?.2. What does the Guan gli ng papecutt ing look like?.3. Can paper cuts be replaced by moder n machines?4. What did Zhang Duot

38、ang also build in 2007?.5. What does Zhang regard papecutting as?.Passage 8Different countries have different ideas about manners - -how you behave when you are eati ng. In En gla nd, table manners are importa nt. Good table manners in En gla nd are as follows: How to sit: You should sit up straight

39、ly in your chair. It is not a goodidea to lea n倾斜)forwards or backwards. When you eat, you should not lea n towards the plate, but bring the knife, fork or spoon towards you. At the same time, do not put your elbows on the table, nor reach over some on es plate for somethi ng. Usi ng your fin gers:

40、En glish people n ormally dont pick food up with their fin gers whe n they are eati ng main courses. If you are not sure, the safest is to use your knife or fork. There are, however, some foods that are usually eate n with fin gers. They in elude pizza, san dwiches, burgers, crisps and fruit. Your m

41、outh: It is not polite to talk with your mouth full of food, or to eat with your mouth open. And if possible, do not make any noises. Never lick(舔)your plate after eati ng. How much to eat: It is polite to eat up the food that you have been offered, so a clear plate is a good plate. It shows that yo

42、u enjoy the food. If you cant finish everythi ng and need to leave a little, thats also okay. You could say something like That was very ni ce, tha nk you, but rm just too full to eat ano ther bite.1. Are table manners important in England?.2. How should one behave whe n sitt ing in the chair?.3. Wh

43、at food do En glishme n eat with their fingers?.4. Is it polite to talk with your mouth full of food?.5. What does the passage mainly talk about?.Passage 9An ger (生气)is a ki nd of feeli ng. Many bad things can make you an gry. Whe n your teacher gives you too much homework, whe n your team lose an i

44、mporta nt game, when a friend borrows your favorite book and then destroys it, you may get really angry.11 / 24高一英语阅读理解之回答问题型专练(有答案)Usually, your body will tell you whe n you are an gry. For example, you breathe(呼 吸)faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break somethi ng or hurt some one.

45、Sometimes you may hide your an ger. For example, you may put it in your heart. And if you often do this, you may get hurt.When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. Its helpful to talk about your an ger with pare nts or teachers. Whe n you talk about an ger, those bad feelings can

46、start to go away. Soon you will feel comfortable. Here are some other things you can do whe n you start to feel an gry: talk to a good friend; give some one a hug; think about good things. Remember that how you act can make anything better or worse. Dont let your an ger in flue nce you too much.1. W

47、hat can make you angry?.2. Who will tell you when you are angry?.3. What can you do whe n you get angry?.4. What will happe n whe n you talk about anger?.5. What can you do whe n you start to feel angry?.Passage 10Are you interested in country music? I like it very much! It will take me away for a w

48、hile after I am tired. The guitars and songs will take me to mountains and fields. Country music usually talks of everyday life and feelings. Its the spirit of America, easy to un dersta nd, slow and simple. Country music developed in the Souther n Un ited States. It was the folk music of American c

49、ountryside. Many of songs told about the lives of farmers. They talked about love, crops or death.The life of the countryside can be hard, so the words in country music are often sad. At first, people played the music only at family parties. But it became more popular later. I n the 1920s, people pl

50、ayed country songs on the radio, and they made them in to records.Whe n people in the coun tryside moved to tow ns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them. Thats the reason why it continued to change and became popular across America.Joh n Denver was one of Americas most famous

51、country sin gers in the 1970s. His song Country Roads, Take Me Home is we-k nown and people still play it today.1. What does the country music usually talk of?.2. Where did the country music develop?.3. Why are the words of country music ofte n sad?.4. How did people play the country music in the 19

52、20s?.5. Who is Joh n Denver?.25 / 24参考答案第 篇主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位父亲通过放风筝来教育自己孩子 的事情。没有线的牵引,风筝在空中迎风的角度就会失去控制,导致风筝顺风飘 动,因向上的浮力减少而落下来。告诉我们生活中看似牵绊的东西其实也是一种 助力。1. The kite flying festival was held at the park.解析细节理解题。题千意为:风筝节是在哪里举行的?根据第一段第四句 “So, the father went to the shop at the park where thefestival wa

53、s bei ng held.可知风筝节是在公园举行。2. A kite and a thread.解析细节理解题。题干意为:这个男孩跟他的父亲要了什么? 根据第一段第三句 He asked his father to get him a kite and a thread (线)so he can fly a kite too.可知他跟父亲要风筝和线。3. Because he thought the thread was stopping the kite from flying higher.解析纟田节 理解题。题干意为:为什么这个男孩想要割断绳子?根据第二段第三句.father, it

54、seems thatthe thread is stopp ing a kite from flyi ng higher.可知他认为是绳子阻止了风筝飞得 更高。4. It fell down on the building.解析细节理解题。题干意为:最终风筝怎么样了 ?根 据第三段第-一、二句 “But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And, soon it fell dow n on the buildi ng.可知风筝最终落在了地上。5. At the height of life, we often think that som

55、e things we are tied with are preventing us from going further higher解析细节理解题。题干意为:父亲是如何像他的儿子 解释的?根据最后一段第一句The Father explained, Son, at the height of life, we often think that some things we are tied with are preventing us from going far higher.可知答案第二篇主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者从小最喜欢的季节是冬天,因为 喜欢雪,所以希望在生日时看

56、到雪,作者的祖母就许诺下一个生日时会让她看到 雪。不幸的是,作者的祖母在她生日前去世了,没有看到雪的作者很难过并且很 生气。后来,直到作者从外祖父手里收到祖母临终时给准备她的生日礼物-水晶雪花,被深深地感动了。1. Win ter.解析细节理解题。题千意为:作者最喜欢哪个季节 ?根据第-段第-句.myfavorite seas on was wi nter.可知作者最喜欢冬天。2. Gran dmother promised that she would make it snow on the authors n ext birthday.解析细节理解题。题干意为:作者的祖母向她许诺了什么?根

57、据第一段第六句“ .she promised that she would make it snow on my next birthday.可知祖母许诺在 作者下次生日时让天下雪。3. Her gran dmother died.解析细节理解题。题干意为:在作者生日之前,他的祖母发生了什么?根据第二 段第一句 “That year, before my birthday, my grandmother died.可知作者的祖母在 她生日前去世了。4. She saw the white snow falli ng dow n all aro und.解析细节理解题。题干意为:作者在她16岁生

58、日时,看到了什么?根据第三段倒数第二句Then I saw the white snow falling down all around.可知作者在她 16 岁生日时看到了雪。5. A crystal snowflake (from her grandmother).6. 解析细节理解题。题千意为:作者的祖父给了她什么?根据第四段第二句及最后一句There was a crystal snowflake 水晶雪花)with a card that explained, HappyBirthday.可知收到了一个水晶雪花。第三篇主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了年仅六岁的杰登海耶斯亲身经历了两

59、次恐怖的噩梦。他先失去了他的父亲,接着是他的母亲,在很多人都沉浸在悲伤 时,他想转换悲伤为力量,准备把微笑带给每-一个人。1. He lost his dad and last mon th his mom died un expectedly in her sleep.2. 解析细节理解题。题干意为:杰登海耶四岁时候发生 了什么?根据第一段第二、三句“Whenhe wasfour, he lost his dad. And the n last mon th, his mom died un expectedly in her sleep 可 知他失去了自己的父母。2. He was tir

60、ed of see ing every one sad all the time.3. 解析细节理解题。题千意为:他另一件难过的事是什么?根据第二段第二.thathe was tired of see ing every one sad all the time可 知答案。3. Jade n asked his aunt Barbara to buy some toys and bring them to dow ntow n.解析细节理解题。题干意为:杰登请求他的姑妈做什么?根据第三段第一句Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy some toys and b

61、ring them to dow ntow n 可知是请求他 的姑妈给他买些玩具。4. Jade n only gave the toys to the pers ons without smiles on the faces.解析细节理解题。题干意为:杰登给哪类人给玩具?根据第四段第一句Jaden only gave the toys to the persons without smiles on the faces.可知他只给脸上没有微笑 的人玩具。7. Hes gone to the four different occasions now.8. 解析细节理解题。题干意为:目前他已经经

62、历过几种状况?根据第四段第三句“ Hesgone to the four different occasions now.可知目前他经历了四种不同的状 况。第四篇主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲了从一位深夜借宿的老人身上,我们学习 到接受不好的东西时不抱怨,接受好的东西时心怀感激。1. There was a knock at the door (when the author was cooking dinner)解析细节理 解题。题干意为:一个暑假的傍晚对作者来说发生了什么?根据第一段第一句Onesummer evening as I was cooking dinner, there w

63、as a knock at the door.可知是有人 敲门。2. To see if the author had a room for him for just one night.解析细节理解题。题干意为:这位老人请求作者做什么?根据第一段第三句 come to see if you have a room forjust one nigh.可知这位老人询问作者能否收留他并借宿-晚。3. No, he did nt.解析细节理解题。题千意为:这位老人加入了作者家的晚餐吗?根据第一段最后四句 “ I went in side and prepared dinner. Whe n we w

64、ere ready, I asked him if he would like to join us. No, thank you. I had plenty.可知老人并没有和作者一家共进 晚餐。4. The author put a bed in her childrens room for the old man.解析细节理解题。题干意为:.夜晚睡觉时间作者给老人在哪里准备了休息的地方?根据第二段第四句“ At bedtime,weput a bed in the childre ns room for him.可 知是在作者孩子的房间。5. To accept the bad without compla int and the good with tha nks 角解析推理判断题。题干意为:从这位老人身上我们可以学到什么 ?根据最后一段最后一句“Fromhimwe lear ned to accept the bad without compla int and the good with tha nks可知答案。第五篇主旨大意本文是一篇

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