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1、七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷注意事项:1、本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。 2、本堂考试 120 分钟,满分 150 分;3、答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、学号填写在答卷上,并使用2B铅笔填涂。 4、考试结束后,将答题卷交回。 Section A . Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.(5%) 1. A.English B.spring C.pink D.ten 2. A.always B.walk C.chalk D.talk 3. A.sa

2、ndwich B.watch C.torch D.match 4. A.south B.month C.with D.think 5. A.sometimes B.windows C.socks D.doors 6. A.meat B.peach C.east D.ready 7 .A.dry B.busy C.city D.fifty 8 .A.month B.London C.some D.welcome 9. A.foot B.food C.school D.tooth 10. A.cupboard B.map C.people D.pair . Multiple choice. (35

3、%) 11. Im terribly sorry ! I forget to bring you that magazine! A. Thats right. B.O.K. C. It doesnt matter. D.Youre welcome. 12. Goodbye boys and girls! Have a nice weekend! A. The same to you ! B.Its good. C. Thats all right. D. Never mind. 13. You look so beautiful today ! A. Where. B. No, I dont.

4、 C.Thanks. D. Youre beautiful. 14. There _ a glass and some bowls on the shelf. A. is B. are C. be D.has 15. _ milk do you want ? Im not sure. _ is it ? A. How many, How much B. How much, How much C. How much, How many D. How many, How many 16. Whats the time now ? Its two to two. A. 2:22 B. 2:02 C.

5、 1:58 D. 22:02 17. _ there _ chalk in the box ? No, I only find _. A. Are, any, very little B. Is, much, very little C. Is, much, very few B. Are, many, very few 18. I have _ interesting story to tell you. _ interesting story happened last week. A. a, The B. an, An C.an, The D. the, An 19. Which pen

6、cil-box do you like best ? A. The red small one. B. The blue pretty one. C. The large yellow ones. D. The big white one. 20. _ is the weather ? It often _. A. What, snows B. Whats, snowy C. How, snows D.How, snow 21. _ the new desk ? Its _. A. Whose, Toms and Simons B. Whose is, Toms and Simons C. W

7、hos, Tom and Siomons D. Whoses , Tom and Simons 22. The children often play _ piano on Monday and often play _ volleyball on Friday. A. /, / B. /, the C. the, / D. the, the 23. Sandy! Clean your bedroom quickly _ you cant go out to play ! A. and B. or C. then D. but 24. Whats the capital city of Ita

8、ly ? Its _. A. Berlin B. Washington C. London D. Rome 25. _ is that man ? Hes Mr. Green. _ is Mr. Green ? Hes a teacher at this school. A. Who, Who B. What, Who C. What, How D. Who, What 26. Whats happening there ? A. The cat is swiming in the lake. B. There is a man siting in front of the door. C.

9、The boy is eatting a hamburger in class. D. A girl is jumping off the chair. 27. Who _ in the playgroud now ? The boys _. A. is fighting, are B. fights, are C. is fighting, do D. fight, is 28. Which city _ your father work _? A. does, / B. is, in C. is, / D. does, in 29. Hey ! Boys! You should _ tha

10、t new boy _ with you ! A. let, to play B. let, play C. lets, play D. let, plays 30. _ do you visit your old friends? Once a week. A. How long B. When C. How often D. What time 31. What can you see ? I can see _ beans. A. a lot B. a little C. much D. a few 32. My father usually arrives _ home _ 4 ocl

11、ock in the afternoon. A. at , at B. to, at C. /, at D. /, in 33. _ do you usually go to school ? By bus. A. What B. How C. How often D. When 34. September is _ month of the year. A. the ninth B. the nineth C. ninth D. nineth 35. _ three glasses of apple juice on the table . _ for you. A. There is ,

12、Its B. There are, Its C. There are, Theyre D. There have, Theyre . There is only one mistake in each sentence. Choose the wrong part. (15%)36.It always snow here in Winter. A B C 37.I dont have many money but I can see a lot in the locker. A B C38.Susan could see some students cleanning the classroo

13、m. A B C39.Simons hands always clean but Sandys are not. A B C40.Who like this pretty blue dress in the shop ? A B C41.Tim cant talk now because his mouth is filled of a lot of food. A B C42.Which lump of sugar do you want ? A large one. A B C43.Where does your brother live in ? A B C44.Do you want

14、read any books ? A B C 45.Who does the housework everyday ? Mother does. A B C46.Simon and Henry are all coming into the classroom very quickly. A B C47.What is he listening ? A very beautiful song. A B C48.Which cup do you like best ? The green cup or the blue one ? A B C49.What about Liz and he ?

15、Lizs clever but hes a little silly. A B C50.Its 12:00 now. The class is going to ends 10 minutes later. A B C. Cloze test. ( 10%) Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program( 节目 ).Most of the girls_51_ boys like the program. They _52_like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and t

16、hank him _53_ his work. There are lots of _54_ to him every day,too. Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning.He has bread and a glass of milk _55_ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and _56_ his office at 7:15. The program _57_ at 7:30.He plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music fo

17、r his listeners. At 8:00 its time _58_ the news. Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home _59_ car.He _60_ newspaper and listens to music after supper. He thinks his life is very interesting. 51.A and B with C but D about 52.A too B to C also D so 53.A to B for C fo D and 54.A letter B letters C fri

18、ends D words 55.A at B with C for D to 56.A goes B gets C gets to D gets up 57.A begins B finishes C over D start 58.A to B for C of D in 59.A by B in C on D takes 60.A looks B reads C sees D watches . Reading comprehension. (15%) A Read this passage and choose the right answers to the questions.(5%

19、) Peter was a clever boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words: I, you and she. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words. The teacher said,I, I am your teacher;(then pointing to a girl) She, she is your classmate; You, you are my student. When Peter went home, his

20、father asked him what he had learned at school. Peter said at once,I, I am your teacher;(then pointing to his mother) She, she is your classmate; You, you are my student. His father got angry and said:I, I am your father;(then pointing to his wife) She, She is your mother. You, you are my son. The n

21、ext morning at school, the teacher asked Peter if he had learned the three words by heart(用心学习). Yes, he said proudly(骄傲地), I, I am your father; (then pointing to a girl) She, she is your mother; You, you are my son.61.What did Peter learn on his first day at school?A.He learned a sentence. B. He le

22、arned three words. C. He learned three sentences. D.He didnt learn anything. 62. How many sentences did the teacher teach him?A.One. B. Six. C. Three. D. Nine.63. Who asked him a question when Peter went home?A.Peters mother. B. Peters father. C.Peters teacher. D.A girl in Peters class.64. How did h

23、is father feel when he heard Peters sentences?A.Very unhappy. B. A little happy. C.Worried. D.Surprised.65. Which statement is NOT right?A. Peters teacher gave him three sentences as examples.B. Peters father became angry because his son made wrong sentences.C. Maybe the teacher was very angry when

24、he heard Peters sentences.D. Peters teacher was very stupid. B Read this passage and judge the following statements true or false. If its true, choose A. If its false, choose B. (10%) Bob was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor. One

25、 night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen. He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning . There was no water tap in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He

26、shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.66. Bob lived with his

27、 sisters and parents.67.One night he found that the table beside the stove was burning.68.He couldnt put out the fire because there was no water.69.Bob knocked on the doors because he wanted to get some water.70.There was no one who got burnt in the fire. Section B. Fill in the blanks with the porpe

28、r form of the words given. (15%)1. I really cant keep working. Im nearly fall _1_(sleep).2. Look ! Miss Underwood _2_( drive ) along the street. 3. What a large room ! There are so many _3_(piano) in it. 4. Last week all the _4_(lady) in the company celebrated(庆祝) their own festival- _5_(woman)Day.

29、5. What food do you like? I Like _6_(Italy)food .6. The quiet boy _7_(enjoy) _8_(write) at home. 7. The Greens _9_(have ) a long holiday next week. 8. Its too hot. _10_(play, not ) basketball outside.9. My friend wants me _11_ (drink) coffee with her, but I _12_ (cut) the bread for the kids now .So

30、I cant go. 10. It often _13_(rain) in this city. It _14_(rain) today and maybe it _15_(rain) tomorrow. . Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. (15%)1. We always have English classes _1_ the morning. But we dont have any _2_ Tuesday morning. 2. There is something wrong _3_ the computer. What c

31、an we do _4_ it ?3. We are doing the housework now. Please turn the TV_5_.4. A car stops behind me and a beautiful lady gets out _6_ it. Oh, shes my old friend. 5. Its 6:00. Father comes back _7_ work.6. You are good today.So you can play computer games _8_ half an hour. 7. Mr. Li is _9_ the South.

32、But now he works _10_ the North of China. 8. We need a map _11_ Beijing because we are new here. 9. Get up! Its time_12_ class !10. Have you watched the weather forecast _13_ next week ?11. I get up late. So I cant arrive _14_ school _15_ time. . Pattern shift. (10%)1. Its often windy in winter. =_

33、_ _ _ in winter.2. My bedrooms always clean.= My bedroom _ _ _.3. There are some lovely kids. The lovely kids are playing Hide-and-Seek happily. (Combine the two sentences into one.)_.4. Billy and Sandy both come from England.= Billy and Sandy _ _ _ _.5. I dont want very many pens. = I _ _ _ pens. 6

34、. We usually go back home at the weekend. _?7. Tina buys a bottle of milk for her sister._?8. The little girl can speak English very well. _? 9. We are going to go to Beijing next week. _?10. Mr. Clark lives in London this year. _?. Fill in the blanks according to the first letters and the texts wev

35、e learnt. (30%)1. Sue h_1_ mother make her shopping list. There are very few t_2_ in the r_3_and theres a lot of flour in that tin. But Sue isnt c_4_ .The tin falls down to the groud. Theres a lot of flout on the floor. 2. Its late. But Sandy and Sue dont want to go to b_5_. They want to watch t_6_.

36、Mother permits(允许) them to watch it for ten m_7_. But they are b_8_ fast a_9_ while watching it. 3. There are a lot of m_10_ in Billys e_11_. Because Billys often c_12_. Sandy l_13_ at Billy. But he f_14_ to put his name on the c_15_. But Simons w_16_ is n_17_ and t_18_. Hes a w_19_ boy. 4. There ar

37、e four t _20_ in the school year. The s_21_ one is in winter. It b_22_ in J_23_ and e_24_ in April.5. One day, Miss Williams d_25_ her car to school.S_26_, she finds theres something wrong. She s_27_ the car. Then she sees the t_28_ is f_29_. Shes going to be l_30_. But at that time Mr. Crisp comes

38、and takes her to school .初一英语2010-2011学期(下)期末笔试答案 A卷. 1-5 DAACC 6-10 DADAA. 11-15 CACAB 16-20 CBCDC 21-25 DCBDD 26-30 DADBC 31-35 DCBAC . 36-40 BACAA 41-45 BBCBB 46-50 ABBAB . 51-55 ACBBC 56-60 CABAB . 61-65 BCBAD 66-70 BBABA B卷. 1.asleep 2.is driving 3.pianos 4.ladies 5.Womens 6.Italian 7.enjoys 8.

39、writing9.are going to have 10.Dont play 11.to drink 12.am cutting 13.rains 14.is raining/rainy 15.is going to rain . 1.in 2.on 3.with 4.with 5.off/down 6.of 7.from 8.for 9.from 10.in 11.of 12.for 13.for 14.at 15.on . 1. The wind often blows2. is never dirty 3. There are some lovely kids playing Hide

40、-and-Seek happily.4. are both from England5. want very few 6. Who usually goes back home at the weekend?7. How many bottles of milk does Tina buy for her sister?8. What language can the little girl speak very well?9. When are you going to go to Beijing?10.Where does Mr.Clark live this year? . 1.help

41、s 2.tomatoes 3.refrigerator 4.careful 5.bed 6.television 7.minutes 8.both 9.asleep 10.mistakes 11.exercise-book 12.careless 13.laughs 14.forgets 15.cover 16.work 17.neat 18.tidy 19.well-behaved 20.terms 21.second 22.begins 23.January 24.ends 25.drives 26.Suddenly 27.stops 28.tyre/tire 29.flat 30.late

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