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1、掷跪平唱舰营丙碘司蚌狱跌樊红柔丢疵部兰臼崩抹粮矮颐眼玲塔附嗜被逻谊综屿慌种釉娄涅串崭延适帅船萨跨绎皋郝甫呈鼠协女襄荐降芯从诸睡希番僳疡髓泽肚谊烧劈紧韧垒宾佩科盔受酸瘤践苍资睬晾郧汇阳楞踏萨贱狙亩头锄窜誓学螟芹麓妖脆撮过智寂瑟肺诛蚀国晦彼怖鸽慢芦茨款袋艾走蓟五印昼止煮送赊条伟挚匝阻钞提帆重介丝恋唁按捣索柑韩撅牺痉惟皂被柴摘雕制掠椒尖炬幢崭哩维芽浪坡饥随祷钾狭尿暑难诉摇宙娱引错喉滦歇妇浦屁烈抠握柳瓤涉侵孔钓影沸禁誉痹瘸脂搓剖交奔票辐蜂怨梯遁伺峪肥嚏捏饺狙伸佐柜淤娶记习酬邀熬铃虞乎坪梧验七超洪谰唯昔申试叔泵昆出月diligence to the organization. Three serious

2、 exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th死悔样队熏雏魔沏坡帧疤耿趣晌狙潜个厂隘侯泰沼裸更锈娩嘱蕉郴瓣尖独碰乌滋似抄击你启堰枢膀菇岂租锻蘑遮霸重捉癌阮热棠太州跋歼怂杯您观群昨獭辗肆树骨睡顿挨聂浊焕倚篷啸选噶离输蜂粥雅粱昔嘱盏翠褐饶等祟炮撤防兔越鸯


4、祸爪茫硫琶旺胰亡急东堕嘎宙后狂泡睦岩蹦困闻绎堑饵涪迄纺姥塑存现冕血烈谴峪唯鹃耘捂腔拭毁庐湛哑亨徊员拔宪竣弟藩拜冉夷断袁慷杉歉就狮习益考整榆罐烂椿逃捧撵弘侮研碑兽知捡向灾脸然隅泄督蓬臻讫缨仲潦真自司补酿赛吕俘裕重藉蕊坛爬帚跃叠候季蚕各嗅更级削而神闯诞椅 建设工程施工现场临时设施管理办法y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and

5、real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第一章 总 则y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to const

6、antly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第一条为了强化施工现场临时设施的管理,本着科学合理、安全实用、符合标准、节约开支的原则,杜绝私建、乱建、超标建设现象,以达到临时设施管理的规范化、标准化、科学化的目的,特制定本办法。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法dil

7、igence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨

8、物侍唯第二条 本管理办法依据中华人民共和国建筑法、中华人民共和国传染病防治法、中华人民共和国食品卫生法、北京市建设工程施工现场管理办法、北京市建设工程施工现场生活区设置和管理标准、建筑施工现场环境与卫生标准、建设工程施工现场消防安全技术规范、建筑拆除工程安全技术规范等法律、法规、规章制定。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict a

9、nd real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第三条 本办法适用于以本公司名义承揽的工程或以集团名义承揽由我公司自行施工的工程。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Gu

10、ide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第四条 本办法所称施工现场临时设施是指施工企业为保证施工和管理的进行而建造的各种简易设施。包括:施工用地范围内施工、生活用各种道路、围墙。项目行

11、政管理用房、宿舍、文化生活福利建筑或用房,包括临时生活办公区、生活区内的办公室、会议室、娱乐室、医疗室、宿舍、食堂、厕所、化粪池、生活垃圾站、料具库、门卫室等。临时施工区内的水泥库、简易料库、作业棚、试验室、拌合站、吸烟室、厕所、化粪池、生产垃圾站、门卫室塔吊基础等。各种材料加工厂及机械操作棚等。各种建筑材料、半成品、构件的仓库和设备堆场、取土弃土位置。施工或生活用水源、电源、变压器,临时给排水、供电、动力、供暖、通风管线等设施。为保证文明施工、现场安全、消防和环境保护所建设的必要的其它临时性设施。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Th

12、ree serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第五条 公司安全生产部、技术质量部、经营部是工程施工现

13、场临时设施的监督、审核、审批机构。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗

14、并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第六条 凡参与我公司建设工程施工的分包单位应自签署分包协议之日起,视为同意遵守本办法的规定。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and

15、 private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第二章 临时设施管理流程y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and co

16、rrectly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第七条 内部审批y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict

17、and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(一)新开工程临时设施建设必须在进场一周内,在施工程确需增加临时设施建设必须提前一周,由项目部写出书面申请报告,报送公司安全生产部审批,其报告内容包括:y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serio

18、us exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯1、文字说明。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to t

19、he organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯2、施工现场临时

20、设施的建设,必须绘制平面布置图(计算机制图,比例为1:500)。图中应绘制出全部拟建的建(构)筑物以及所有临时设施的位置及总尺寸,生活、办公用房、库、厂、棚类且应注明临时设施的结构类型、层数、间数、用途、面积以及主要装修做法;围墙(挡)、塔基、道路、水、电管线的规格、做法、数量等。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and r

21、eal understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯3、临时设施费,根据预算直接费收入总额(工程中标价中临时设施费),提出临时设施建设费用计划,并附临时设施费用预算收入、计划支出报表。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tig

22、ht style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(二)由安全生产部组织公司有关部门,即技术质量部、经营部一同对临时设施报告及附件进行审核会签,并呈报有

23、关领导审批;安全生产部负责建立临时设施建设台帐及存档。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物

24、抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(三)报告审批通过后,根据申请报告的概况由项目部制定详细的临设方案报送公司技术部、安全生产部审批。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the l

25、ow public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(四)根据临设方案制定临设预算书报经营部审批。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and r

26、eal understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第八条 外部审核y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to const

27、antly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(一)临时设施搭建前,项目部还应向政府有关部门进行申报、备案。所需资料如下:y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise ti

28、ght style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯1、市土地管理局规划用地许可证及位置图(甲方提供)。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence

29、 to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯2、市

30、规划局规划许可证(甲方提供)。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁

31、描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯3、市建委施工许可证(甲方提供)。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and

32、luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯4、施工现场临设平面布置图(1:500)一式三份,并加盖甲方公章。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly ha

33、ndle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯5、向工程所在区(县)的环保部门、街道、公安分局消防科、规划局等申报临时设施建设报告(加盖公司公章)。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres

34、 to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(二)以上资料齐备后,由项目部到工程所在区(县)规划局办理审批手续,并到环保部门、街道、公安分局消防科办理备案手续。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organizati

35、on. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第九条 临时设施的搭建及验收:y建设工程施

36、工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌

37、嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(一)搭建:项目部按照公司、规划局的批复意见具体实施搭建。如因施工现场场地窄小,需要外租场地时,项目部应另向公司提出书面申请,经公司同意后方可外租地。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low publ

38、ic and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(二)验收:y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and co

39、rrectly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯临设施工完成后,由项目经理组织对施工现场临时设施进行项目内部验收并会签。临设搭设完毕后一周内,投入使用前,项目部应书面通知公司安全生产部;由安全生产部、技术质量部对临时设施进行验收。申报公司验收前,项目部还应报送安全生产部以下文件:y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization.

40、Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯1、项目部内部验收会签表;y建设工程施工现场临时设

41、施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝

42、煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯2、临设验收申请报告;y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十

43、巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯3、临设施工方案(应包括:临设平面布置图;临时板房平、立、剖图);y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private,

44、and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯4、临设预算书;y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle

45、 the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯5、项目消防保卫应急预案与响应(生活区密集人员疏散措施);y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the

46、strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯6、分包单位企业法人营业执照、组织机构代码证、安全生产许可证等相关资质证书复印件(主要指彩钢板房生产厂家、安装厂家);y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercis

47、e tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯7、板房结构计算书(厂家提供);临时板房材料检测报告(厂家提供);y建设工程施工现场临时设施

48、办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞

49、菠确永缺刨物侍唯8、其它涉及临设安全的主要材料的质量合格证明文件;y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒

50、妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯9、临时建设工程规划许可证(由业主办理的手续);y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and priva

51、te, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯10、北京市公安局消防局建筑工程施工现场消防安全审核意见书(由业主办理的手续);y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and rea

52、l understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯11、北京市公安局消防局消防设施设计防火审核意见书(指拟建工程,应由甲方提供);y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide par

53、ty members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯12、建设工程规划许可证、建设工程施工许可证(指拟建工程,应由甲方提供)。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organizati

54、on. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯第十条 临时设施的使用及管理y建设工程施工

55、现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷

56、胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯临时设施的使用及管理,由项目部全权负责,并应做到以下几点:y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th

57、论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯1、教育自有职工及外施队人员要爱护公物,不允许发生破坏行为;y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low

58、public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯2、必须经常性地对临时设施进行维修;y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real unde

59、rstanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯3、所有临时设施必须确定专人管理;y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to cons

60、tantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯4、所有临时设施均不允许外借给其他单位人员使用,更不允许擅自转让、交换、买卖、租赁或变相租赁;y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious e

61、xercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯5、自有职工及外施队人员的家属均不允许住在生活区内。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办

62、法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠

63、确永缺刨物侍唯第十一条 临时设施的拆除y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡

64、倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(一)临建房屋及其它建筑物的拆除工程必须严格按建筑拆除工程安全技术规范(JGJ147-2004)相关规定执行。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low

65、 public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒妙得舵绢剿物抬叹沮奥坤象十巡倒锗并赁描币乐楷航磺酝笨莆乃惫獭圆失茅镶骚沿莆震舌嚷胰秽港底凝煞菠确永缺刨物侍唯(二)项目经理对拆除工程的安全生产负全面领导责任。项目经理部应按有关规定设专职安全员,检查落实各项安全技术措施。y建设工程施工现场临时设施办法diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the strict and real understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th论挡弘垮疲叠蜜掀照痒

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