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1、第二学期大班班务总结第二学期大班班务总结第二学期大班班务总结 “老师,老师,再见吧!幼儿园,幼儿园,再见吧!”在小朋友的歌声中,我们即将与一起生活了一年半的孩子们分别。来到这个班级,不知不觉,伴着这群淘气又得意的孩子已经整整一年半了,如今他们即将分开我们,分开他们生活了三年的幼儿园,要去小学学习更多的本领了。看着他们三年来一步一个脚印地向前迈进,获得不同程度的进步,我们真的感到很欣慰。回忆这学年的教育历程,我们更是记忆犹新。在过去的一学年里,我们班级几位老师以最大的热情和干劲投入到各项工作,团结协作、配合默契,平安、有效地完成了保教任务。整顿班级常规、按照指南要求,完善幼儿一日活动各个环节,丰

2、富幼儿的活动环境,度过了愉快的“六一”儿童节。使孩子们在幼儿园的最后一年过得充实而愉快!现将这学年的班级工作作如下总结: 一、把握重点,积极做好幼小衔接工作。1帮助幼儿养成良好的学习习惯。本学期我们重点在进步幼儿学习兴趣的根底上帮助幼儿养成良好的学习习惯。由于我们班的孩子比拟活,各方面的才能都比拟强,伴随而来的就是上课坐不住,注意力常常会被好奇心所驱使。对于个别个性极强的孩子如王昱皓、张浩然、烁烁等,那么为他们安排离我们较近的位置,多提问多催促,以集中他们的注意力。另外,我们在每一个活动中都更加注意请幼儿完好地表述自己的意图,并逐渐养成完好明晰转述别人意思的才能,养成认真倾听的习惯。为了让幼儿










12、了开展,我们也和孩子们一起进步了。在今后的工作中,我们还将不断地总结反思,寻找最适宜于每个年龄段每个幼儿的最正确的教育契机与方法。使我们的班级管理工作能更上新台阶。回想和孩子们在一起的光阴,喜、怒、哀、乐伴随我们一路走来。当日历渐渐翻完今年六月时,真心祝愿在这片沃土下伴随着我一同成长的孩子们,天天快乐,学习进步!government decrees.(a) on the center of focus on supervision.In accordance with the “grasp the overall situation, focused, practical, quantitat

13、ive refinement” principle, conscientiously fulfill the supervision function, focusing on the important deployment, major decisions of the party will, secretaryapos;s office, department heads meeting agreed matters assigned by the leadership group, the book down and do the important matters and the r

14、egiment the key work to focus on supervision, to ensure that the inspection item piece is an echo, everything in the bag, to promote the work carried out smoothly.(two) grasp the key special supervision.According to different periods of work needs, focus on leadership, social concern, hot and diffic

15、ult problem of youth reflects the implementation of regular and dynamic supervision of special work assigned by the leadership of the special work of tracking supervision, regularly held the Department responsible for the regular inspection work carried out inspection stage.Check or the implementati

16、on of the work, to the work of the special supervision and implementation.(three) innovative ways to promote the supervision.To further improve the effectiveness of supervision and inspection work, really play a role in promoting the implementation work.To further improve and perfect the supervision

17、 report system, inspection notification system, regularly carry out random checks of the supervision matters, to highlight the effectiveness of the inspection work, to effectively promote the work carried out.Five, pay close attention to daily management, efforts to improve logistical support capaci

18、tyAccording to “do great things, do small things, start from the details; General requirements from the overall situation”, pay close attention to daily management, enhance the foresight and initiative work, do the work of early preparation, program cost fine plan, artful arrangement, high quality s

19、ervices.(a) further strengthen the authority of hardware construction.bined with the “three hit” work, to further promote the party organ culture construction, and actively carry out party building advanced units, units of civilization, to create the homes of the workers, further standardize interna

20、l office conditions, perfect decoration authorities canteen, strengthening the Office building management, further improve the authority office environment.(two) to further strengthen the organization system construction.The implementation of the municipal Party mittee of various rules and regulatio

21、ns, in accordance with the norms of management, efficient principle, perfect all kinds of meetings, document processing, logistics system, perfect a set of scientific and reasonable prehensive coverage, the rules of the system.To strengthen the day-to-day management work, continuously enhance the ri

22、gor and the scientific management, according to the requirements of task deposition, refinement of quantitative indicators, realize the work determination, work process standardization, work system, to promote the daily work efficient and orderly operation.(three) to further strengthen the fine fina

23、ncial management authority.Hold on to open source, to further increase funding for efforts, multi-channel for funding, strengthen the overall financial institutions.The authorities adhere to grasp the throttle, vehicle maintenance, major conference activities, work maintenance and other major e_pend

24、iture to implement the budget control at the beginning of the year, authorities to strictly implement the financial management system, do a good job the pre final accounts, financial institutions, financial analysis and financial statements related.Adhere to the financial reporting system, improve t

25、he efficiency in the use of assets, and the munist Youth League work continued to develop.(four) to further strengthen security work earnestly.Confidentiality of confidential confidential documents, strict implementation of the management system, security system, focus on the secret of the puter and

26、 work security management, strict management measures.Actively carry out regular security education, provided security awareness high cadres of workers, to prevent the loss occurred leak phenomenon.To strengthen the archives management work, conscientiously implement the archives, seal management sy

27、stem, actively carry out the relevant documents, materials, letters and pictures materials collection, registration and filing.The strict safety responsibility system, strictly holidays and night security duty system, strengthen the major work Moving safety work, to ensure safe and orderly.(five) to

28、 further strengthen the daily service work.To firmly establish the “rules as standard” point of view, whether do the te_t, do, act, or on duty, reception, security in strict accordance with the rules, according to the procedures, to ensure standardized operation.Take care of cadres of workers life,

29、seriously deal with the party to do things for the project for the masses and actively improve the cadres of workers welfare.Strict management of vehicles, official vehicles.To ensure the implementation of office smile service system and first asked the first joint service system, the implementation

30、 of service plaints system, ensure the quality of service continues to increase.Si_, pay close attention to team building, focus on improving the ability to open up innovationIn accordance with the “build a first-class team, with first-class team, a first-class performance, tree class image,” the ov

31、erall requirements, and vigorously strengthen the construction of cadres and workers, and promote the healthy growth of cadres and workers and all-round development.(a) establish the right work ethic.Firmly establish the concept of office work, have a brilliant future, strengthen the sense of innova

32、tion, enhance innovation and courage, to free from old ideas, actively respond to the development requirements of the new situation, actively adapt to the new leadership strictly from the high requirements, innovation and breakthrough, promote office work the steps in innovation.(two) to strengthen

33、the ideological and political construction.Continue to consolidate munist education on Party membersapos;advancement activities and enhance awareness of the munist Youth League education achievements, serious ideological and political work of office staff, carry out the “dedication in the post work,

34、 first-class theme contest activities, and guide the cadres and workers to firmly establish a correct outlook on life.And values, the firm high political consciousness, firm political position, strict political discipline, strengthen the cadres and workers of political awareness, overall awareness,

35、sense of service, efforts to form a diligent, efficient, innovative,Rigorous working atmosphere.(three) to carry out the policy theory of learning.To improve the office of cadres and workers pay close attention to the quality of training and learning, strengthen business knowledge and prehensive kno

36、wledge, constantly optimize the knowledge structure, improve the overall quality of the level of proficiency and more than one post to the ”Office of the cadres and workers to deal with specific issues.Adhere to the new period of the focus group the overall work, in-depth analysis and e_ploration of

37、 the functions of the office development and the direction of development, and strive to improve the overall awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers.There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the e_change of learning and testing e_ercise, and strengthen the

38、 office of the munist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business e_changes, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building.Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate

39、 the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, gu

40、ide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the e_traordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragm

41、atic and incorruptible e_le.Attachment 2:_ municipal Party mittee of the munist Youth League work points,With Deng _iaoping theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” as guidance, prehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the partyapos;s eight pl

42、enary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central mittee, municipal Party mittee, the Central mittee of munist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central mittee, _ two session of the five mittee in accordance with the spirit of “leapfrog de

43、velopment, requirements of first-class” people-oriented and service innovation.Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the munist Youth Leagu

44、e, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop _, “11th Five-Year” youth career development planning, to further deepen the munist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the “Knowledge Youth Information Digital _ League” construction proj

45、ect in _ city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the 20_6 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the _ chapters of theoretical research and the level of info

46、rmatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop _ City, “11th Five-Year” youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects.To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information _ city project, and st

47、rive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the “digital _ League” construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the munist Youth League.The construction of three platforms.To improve the efficiency, rich content, give f

48、ull play to the munist Youth League _ magazine, the construction of the munist Youth League work guidance and munication platform; e_pand the function, enhance interaction, give full play to the _ youth electronic munity website, the construction of information work and participate in the youth serv

49、ice platform; integration of resources, focus on services, the establishment of _ city informatization of young talents Association, give full play to the _ Youth Research Institute and _ Information Association of young talents, and Research on construction of information talent and cohesion platfo

50、rm.,(a) scientific planning, meticulous organization, earnestly _ youth development “11th Five-Year” planning work.In accordance with the scientific, effective, open and operational principles, bined with the actual development of adolescent _, _ junior career scientific judgment of future developme

51、nt trend, focusing on Ideological Education for youth, youth employment and entrepreneurship, Youth Science and technology innovation, adolescentsapos; learning, youth culture and entertainment, e_changes and cooperation, the adolescent youth participation, and safeguarding the rights and interests

52、of crime prevention, 9 key areas of youth organization construction, develop _ youth career development planning “in 11th Five-Year” _, actively into the national economy and social development “11th Five-Year” plan system, and on behalf of the municipal government issued Implementation.In the formu

53、lation, implementation of the _ foundation, “11th Five-Year” youth career development planning “, through the investigation and scientific analysis, to develop annual work plans for youth development, actively play with.Planning on implementation effect.(two) to grasp the overall situation, in-depth

54、 research, give full play to role of staff E_plorer chamber.An in-depth study and practice of Deng _iaoping theory and the important thought of ”Three Represents“, prehensively and accurately grasp the profound杨勇 20_/8/3 16:44:01responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan.(7) at height and the openin

55、g and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 20_Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan.(8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan.7.5.3 accident penal

56、ties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million.Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the pany or the relevant Department.(2) personal injury accident occurred, the d

57、irect punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the pany.(3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1

58、000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them.(4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the p

59、ursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis.Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, standar

60、d specification for serial number name 1 GB3323-20_5 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual ultrasonic testing method and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-20_2 industrial pipe welding engineering code for constructio

61、n and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 SH3525-20_4 petrochemical low temperature steel welding procedure 6 JB/T4708-20_0 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-20_0 8 JB4730-20_5 pressure vess

62、el welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-20_0 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-20_5 steel pressure vessel construction vertical cylindrical steel welded tanks and acce

63、ptance 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2022 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 pressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 6 HG20221-20_0 constru

64、ction installation engineering code for construction of lifting .Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal 杨勇 20_/8/3 16:44:01responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan.(7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the re

65、sponsible unit fined 20_Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan.(8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan.7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million.Dir

66、ect responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the pany or the relevant Department.(2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the resp

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