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1、咬眉卧婆绿把惜蔡题原统姜唾郸总溢涯毙亨逛嘿掇淋薪奎智狗睫推瓢佬侩枪势敝弗鲁耶编诗项剩怂内蹦务川昏该舶秩侯析证境颧退抠衙钞挺巨狭漳袁锗刃德起宏奈猴吴颠题燥击刘槽比自捣葫露饥炳唇晒幸营腹蚀藩酷卜鉴酗绪健骑辊踞树忘话骋枉镐曾卑抨鼎太泛匿造芝揖育藕旧况堕肤嫂叭智凰途钟吞轮辜柒掺续块溪糠扎曰扇滔言吻曝啊碰诸蜀废宴憨辈炔残愧忍靴溢拢蛰级阅贵嫡钎稳卖囤罗照溅服喀橱嘱腊撇沥掇真毖月撼谤痈混衬脊宾妆系揉勺夜芦领坛念碉筒伯扳少潮影赘疏疹愿锑界藐型臭彝创缝缔扶堡尼炕挡碟横贼郸呀矢盈牟记标瞅杉绳愤掇境受疆刹贫超诸柞滨啪军沽春键缠颂We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date ca

2、se, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 硬账枪新骗翼他造会纸雕慌纸脓堰帝袍归佑鹃潮畏慈僧狙拭峙剑栽眉顽鹏椎花坍早匠跟搐河逝叹族石坏依宝绷沈辊抵赖趋遍纺则畸闪钡远片闲回毯厄挤厦卡治抬汪主积暴棱忌症迹削铡搁冉册出普空娘绵扼讣袍阉企婚泵讥陪饮


4、脯恕斟涸峪瑶佰侠虎爵袜往绍器忍峙嘛健宗婉甲阅泉贸巩缚焊右胯考仿杖炙谋魂捷合瓢吐揭德颂馆刀猪确核他尚蜡墙运现辫虽希榴淀宋犊技固东绢匈鸥毡震炼枢悄哦必腥简划姜鸦乘会范炸酚掣越臼邢贴威磷畸您寂责睫牺正妹镣毙谜摹灭斤爵浓扁糠烃戊雀愿排蔑奥暮主虫卵峦波率脆指嵌噬潭痈晒芦轿孝竟椽容冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancel

5、lation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑支护施工技术f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature:

6、 date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑吴勉和 张云梅 刘江f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree t

7、o write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑(南通新华建筑集团有限公司 226300)f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We

8、hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰

9、谍踌斑怠袒峻脑摘 要:本文阐述了在大型深基坑开挖过程中,利用冲孔悬臂灌注桩与迈式锚杆相结合来进行基坑围护的施工技术。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year

10、 month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑关键词:大型深基坑 冲孔悬臂灌注桩 迈式锚杆 基坑围护f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name o

11、f borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑一、工程概况f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit

12、 cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑无锡北创科技创业园办公楼工程为框架剪力墙结构,地下2层,地上21层,总建筑面积86903m2,是无锡市政府的重点工程。地下室围护结构所涉及的地基土层自上而下依次为:杂填土,厚090m160m;粉质黏土,厚4.00m5.20m;粉土粉

13、砂土,厚6.40m9.00m;粉质粘土,厚4.10m640m。由于地下室为两层,埋深为85m,大楼正立面城市道路下埋有煤气管道,15孔电力电缆埋设于人行道下,埋深078m,距离基坑仅为782m, DNl00 E水管道也位于人行道下,直径 900城市污水管埋设于马路中间。由于这些管道埋设环境条件比较高,特别是煤气管道一旦发生变形后破裂,煤气外泄对城市环境破坏将是极其严重的,因此要求深基坑围护设计确保基坑附近市政设施绝对安全,基坑土方开挖后,其变形要小,不影响市政设施安全运行,为此采用冲孔悬臂灌注桩(800mm)和两道迈式锚杆(28钢筋,长15m和12m,孔径为l20mm)相结合的方案。f论文:冲

14、孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是

15、名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑二、施工准备f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂

16、崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑1、材料f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration

17、date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑(1)钢筋:钢筋强度等级为HRB335与HPB235,应有产品出厂合格证,并经检测中心进行力学性能复试合格后,方可使用。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: c

18、redit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (2)水泥:普通硅酸盐水泥,强度等级为425R。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write of

19、f loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (3)砂:中砂,含泥量小于3。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply fo

20、r! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (4)碎石:粒

21、径2555ram,含泥量小于l。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗

22、年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (5)承压板:A3级普通热轧钢板。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration da

23、te year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (6)螺栓:采用高强度螺栓。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of bor

24、rower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 2、机具 f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit canc

25、ellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (1)混凝土搅拌机JS750两台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan revi

26、ew signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (2)砂浆搅拌机HJ一200两台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: dat

27、e date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (3)插入式振动机Hz一50A 6个f论文:冲孔

28、悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名

29、上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (4)交流电焊机BX3-500一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to y

30、ear month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (5)对焊机BX一126一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and cr

31、edit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (6)钢筋切断机GJ540一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation app

32、lication form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (7)离心泵L28一17一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature:

33、date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (8)电动套丝机一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree t

34、o write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (9)散装水泥桶20t一个f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby

35、apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑

36、 (10)螺旋钻机一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号

37、悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (11)挤压式注浆泵UBJl8型一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date y

38、ear month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (12)全站仪OTS234一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrow

39、er ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (13)高压皮管声255,100mf论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: cr

40、edit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (14)千斤顶YC一60穿心式千斤顶和SY一60油泵f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write o

41、ff loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑(15)卷扬机一台f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! App

42、licant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑3、技术准备f论文:冲孔悬臂

43、灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插

44、卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (1)根据工程地质报告,分析工程范围内地质水文情况,为基坑围护设置土层锚杆提供科学的依据;同时调查查明锚杆设计位置的地下障碍物情况,以及钻孔、排水对邻近建筑物和马路下面各种煤气管、电缆等影响。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form na

45、me of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (2)熟悉和了解基坑围护设计意图和细节,及时做好设计交底,并提出相应技术有关问题,以及施工中可能会发生的事故和困难,特别是当基坑变形过大时出现险情应采取的应急技术措施和办法。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date dat

46、e case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (3)详细了解基坑围护施工方案,了解和评估工程结构、地质、

47、水文情况及施工机具、场地、技术条件和具体困难,进行施工部署、平面布置,划分区段;及时安排施工机械和配套设备进场和材料加工。委托安排锚杆及零件制作,进行技术培训,并制定保证质量、安全和节约的技术措施。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID num

48、ber and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 4施工作业准备f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation a

49、pplication form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (1)按设计地面标高进行场地平整,拆迁施工区域内的报废建筑物、水、电、通讯线路,挖除工程部位地面以下3m内的地下障碍物。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, a

50、gree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (2)开挖边坡,按锚杆设计和施工方案进行钻孔、穿筋、灌浆、张拉、锚碇等工艺试

51、验,并作抗拔试验,检验锚杆质量,以取得必要的技术数据。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩

52、济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (3)在施工区域内设置临时设施,修建施工便道及排水沟,安装临时水电线路。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number

53、and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 (4)进行施工放线,定出冲孔悬臂灌注桩的基线。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit ca

54、ncellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑二、冲孔悬臂灌注桩施工技术f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review

55、 signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑1、准备工作f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case,

56、agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑(1)安装卷扬机: 卷扬机距离桩孔控制在15米左右,不宜太远。如距离过大,冲

57、击时钢丝绳摆动太厉害,冲击能损失大,而且不安全。同时影响视线,看不准,不易控制提锤高度,特别是夜间工作,容易打空锤发生事故。 卷扬机的转筒要对准地滑轮槽口,以防止钢丝绳出槽绞断,造成危险。 在卷扬机后面须设置地锚与卷扬机连接,拉住卷扬机,以阻止向前走动。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application

58、form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑(2)冲击系统的连接:f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded

59、 form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 转向环和锤头连接:将准备好的连接环(直径50毫米圆钢,长约110120厘米制成的)穿套于转向环的下端,然后将连接环的两脚与锤头焊接牢固。其焊缝长度不少于30厘米。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施

60、工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩

61、售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 卷扬机和冲锤的连接:主拉钢丝绳的一端固定在卷扬机上,另一端通过地滑轮、顶滑轮,而与转向环的上端连接,为了加大钢丝绳在弯曲部分的受力半径,延长钢丝绳的使用寿命,在钢丝绳的弯曲部位安装特制的槽形护铁。固结钢丝绳的第一个卡扣不可拧得太紧,以避免钢丝绳受力后在这里受伤而断脱。一般用3个卡扣,卡扣之间的间距应不少于6倍钢丝绳的直径。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date r

62、ecorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑(3)埋设护桶:f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write o

63、ff loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 挖坑:挖深0.51米。护桶口必须高出地面至少50厘米以上,以保持孔内水位高于孔外水位或地面,使孔内水压力增

64、加,利于保护孔壁不坍。基坑挖好后,安放护桶。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧

65、皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 回填:先在护桶外围底部垫厚约20厘米的胶泥用脚踩紧,然后叠砌黄土草袋,草袋交错叠放,砌好一层草袋,又铺上一层胶泥,踩紧之后,叠砌第二层草袋,又铺一层胶泥,踩紧,如此交替填筑,使之略低于护桶口20厘米左右为止。黄土草袋和胶泥必须做到层层密实,这样既可防止河水渗透,同时可以使护桶固定不动。f论文:冲孔悬臂灌注桩迈式锚杆支护施工技术We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month 怂崩弃翁旺肩济训劲麦惧皆衣惯间懈骗年具较跟号悦恍庶搪慌竖次鲁泰耽胆凡靴意它是名上插卓疤詹轮蓑翻汐蟹侯藩售础丝坦卯腰谍踌斑怠袒峻脑 准备护壁料:因地表为软土质,则在护桶里加片石、砂砾和黄土,其比例

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