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2、大纲规定,通过专业英语的学习,主要是让学生具备“以英语为工具通过阅读获取专业所需信息的能力”。根据此规定,通过本课程的教学要求学生:1、 掌握常见测绘专业英语词汇;2、 熟悉科技英语的语法、句法特点;3、 能读懂难度适中的专业文章的英语原文;4、 会撰写科技论文的英文题目、摘要。五、本课程采用的教学方法 本课程的教学方法以课堂讲授为主、学生进行口头与书面练习为辅。主要包括以下几个方面的内容:1、 词汇:专业英语词汇量大,但许多是由公共英语词汇转化、引申、派生或合成的,因此词汇教学着重与构词法及常见前缀、后缀的含义。2、 语法与句法:专业英语是一种英语语体,在语法与句法方面有其固有的特点。为了让

3、学生掌握其特点,主要通过课文教学使他们具备该方面的感性认识,再通过附录二的教学达到理性的飞跃。3、 阅读与翻译:要以英语为工具通过阅读获取专业所需信息,必须在有足够词汇量(包括专业英语词汇)并熟悉科技英语语法与句法的基础上,透彻地理解原文,然后用明白流畅的中文表达出来(因为用英语获取的信息,不仅要自己理解,更重要的是能与同行交流或传授给他人)。阅读与翻译能力的提高,同样需要感性积累与理性总结。专业英语句子较长,且定语从句、状语、动词非谓语形式多,为帮助学生理解课文,提高翻译能力,对于比较复杂的句子,在本课程前半部分,直接由教师讲解句子结构,在后半部分,先由学生分析,再由教师补充。附录二与附录三

4、的教学,对于本课程而言不可或缺。科技论文题目、摘要的写作:主要通过附录的教学来达到该教学要求。六、课程教学资料教材:本课程以武汉大学出版的测绘工程专业英语为主,结合我院自编教材测绘科技英语选读。本课程的内容难易适当、取材广泛;涵盖了以下几个方面的内容:(1)测绘;(2)测量、误差与平差;(3)变形监测等基本知识;附录:(1)词汇表;(2)科技英语的特点;(3)科技英语的理解;(4)科技英语的翻译;(5)科技论文题目、摘要的写作。参考书:1、测绘专业英语曲建光 测绘出版社; 2、科技英语读译指南邢修祥 冶金工业出版社;3、科技英语翻译理论与技巧保清等,中国农业机械出版社。期刊:1、中国科技翻译2


6、求学习本课程,学生应修完大学英语、测量学、测量平差基础; 九、课程内容与课时安排本课程共十四个单元,具体安排如下:Unit One Whats Geomatices? 2学时本单元的重点难点: 1、句子倒装In the last decade, there has been dramatic development and growth in the use of hardware and software solutions to both measure and process geo-spatial data.It is processed and manipulated with st

7、ate-of-the-art information technology using computer software and hardware. 2、找长句的谓语Such developments are forecast to continue and will create new career paths for graduates whose education and training is broadly based and of high academic standard.对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容;2、认识 Geomatics 3、掌握专业词汇:

8、geomatics, geodesy surveying and mapping property survey, geodetic surveying, plane surveying photogrammetry remote sensing(RS) global positioning system(GPS) satellite positioning geographic information systems(GIS) land management computer graphics4、词汇扩充与辨析 surveying, survey; measure, measurement

9、process n. 过程、步骤v.处理 rigorous, rough reduction, reduce highway, freeway plan, diagram, profile, cross section, chart, mapUnit Two Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying 3学时本单元的重点难点: 1、句子倒装Attached to the level is a. bubble level, which enables the line of sight to be brought into true horizontal. 2、

10、分析句子结构Measurements are made by sighting a horizontal line of sight on graduated level rods that are held vertically over various points on a plat of land. 3、however表示转折However, with the increasing size and sophistication of engineering and other scientific projects, surveyors who restrict their prac

11、tice to plane surveying are severely limited in the types of surveys in which they can be engaged. 4、词义引申the construction of highways对学生的要求:1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容;2、复习be dependent upon, a large number of; 3、掌握however的用法; 4、掌握专业词汇; plane trigonometry gravity field plumb line office work;field work geodetic

12、 surveying;plane surveying;control survey horizontal survey;vertical survey topographic survey;detail survey land survey;city survey route survey;pipe survey hydrographic survey;marine survey 4、词汇扩充与辨析 angular distance,linear distance;latitude,longitude,altitude;foresight,backsight; 多义词feature; 多义词l

13、evel;Unit Three Distance Measurement 2.5学时 本单元的重点难点: 1、主语从语These velocities, which are affected by the airs density, are reduced and need to be recalculated in the atmosphere.2、强调比较级 If the distance is longer than the length of tape, then we can divide the long distance into several segments and get

14、 the total distance by plus each segment together. 对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容; 2、复习pacing, precise ranging, distance measurement, by means of, a series of 3、掌握专业词汇 distance measuring instrument, rangefinder geodimeter long-range EDM instrument infrared EDM instrument laser distance measuring instrumen

15、t, laser ranger satellite laser ranger, two-color laser ranger distance-measuring error fixed error, proportional error multiplication constant, addition constant 4、词汇扩充与辨析 mechanical/optical distance (MOD) measuring instruments, electronic distance measuring (EDM) instruments stadia hair, cross wir

16、e, cross hair the resultant intervals, at intervals Unit Four Angle and Direction Measurement 2.5学时本单元的重点难点:1、并列成分的省略With the theodolite set up, centered, and leveled over at station A, then a simple horizontal angle measurement between surveying point B, A and C would be taken .2、长句的断句与结构Modern ele

17、ctronic digital theodolites contain circular encoders that sense the rotations of the spindles and the telescope, convert these rotations into horizontal and vertical (or zenith) angles electronically, and display the value of the angles on liquid crystal displays (LCDs) or light-emitting diode disp

18、lays (LEDs).对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容; 2、复习perpendicular, electronic distance measuring equipment, angular measurement, instrument operator, transit, theodolite, omit, point of reference, property survey, location survey, celestial sphere, projection 3、plate:照准部4、掌握专业词汇 horizontal angle, vertical ang

19、le head tapeman, rear tapeman depression angle true angle horizontal circle, vertical circle zenith distance geodetic azimuth grid bearing, gyro azimuth, magnetic azimuth method by series, method of direction observation method in all combinations 5、词汇扩充与辨析 azimuth, bearing, quadrant 多义词plateUnit Fi

20、ve Traversing 2学时本单元的重点难点: 1、插入语Closed traverses, whether they return to the starting point or not, provide checks on the measured angles and distances. 2、长句的断句与结构Closed traverses provide also checks on the measured distances, and the position closure can be determined mathematically, which means th

21、at an indication of the consistency of measuring distances as well as angles should be given to a traverse that closes on itself.对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容;2、复习successive, electronic distance measuring equipment, angular measurement, instrument operator, transit, theodolite, omit, point of reference,

22、property survey, location survey, construction layout survey, be subject to, alternative 3、drive:打入、钉入 4、掌握专业词汇 traverse, traversing, traverse line, traverse station, traverse point, traverse party head tapeman, rear tapeman supporting equipment, range pole, plumb bob, stake, hub, field notebook, ta

23、ping pin, stadia rod law of sines, law of cosine backsight densify originate, terminate, close on traverse network, triangulation network, triangulation network, trilateration network rectangular coordinate grid system longitude, latitude 5、词汇扩充与辨析 open traverse, closed traverse rod, tapeUnit Six Me

24、thods of Elevation Determination 2学时本单元的重点难点: 1、表语从句The modern approach is to measure the slope distance and vertical angle to the point in question. 2、同位语从句Such continuous surface maps can make a powerful visual impact, but they have dual disadvantages in that data values are hard to read on the ma

25、p and detail behind data peaks is lost. 3、长句的断句与结构The important notes should be mentioned here is that surveyors used to working with spirit levels have referenced orthometric heights(H) to the “average” surface of the earth, as depicted by MSL.对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容; 2、复习permanent, stadia, differ

26、ential leveling, built-in 3、掌握专业词汇 reference datum Huanghai vertical datum of 1956, national vertical datum of 1985 direct leveling, spitit leveling trigonometric leveling, barometric leveling, gravimetric leveling, river-crossing leveling foresight, backsight height of instrument, height of target

27、stadia leveling, stadia line annexed leveling line, closed leveling line, spur leveling line electronic level , optical level 4、词汇扩充与辨析 theme, topic, subject numerical, nonnumerical quantitative, qualitativeUnit Seven Robotic Total Station 2学时本单元的重点难点: 1、主语从句What will change is the speed with which

28、data is collected. 2、祈使句Take advantage of the measuring speed and hace multiple rod people on larger jobs. 3、长句的断句与结构After the instrument has been set up on a control station, centered, leveled and properly oriented, and the prism target has been set up over another point whose position is to be mea

29、sured, the surveyor may focus the target and depress a button.对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容; 2、复习electronic distance meters(EDM); regardless of, take advantage of; circular encoder 3、掌握专业词汇 instrument of geomatics engineering, geodetic instrument optical theodolite, electronic theodolite total station, r

30、obotic(motorized) total station geo-robot gyroscopic theodolite data recorder data transfer automatic target recognition(ATR) circular encoders reduce, eliminate, eradicate, cancel, cast out, discard 4、词汇扩充与辨析 prism, lens, mirror out of plumb, out of adjustmentUnit Eight Errors in Measurement 2.5学时本

31、单元的重点难点: 1、however表示其所在句子与上个句子之间的转折However, measurements can approach their true values more closely as better equipment is developed, environmental conditions improve and observer ability increases, but they can never be exact. 2、并列句的省略Systematic errors can be calculated and proper corrections appl

32、ied to the measurements or a field procedure used that automatically eliminates the errors. 3、长句的断句与结构It can be stated unconditionally that all measurements, no matter how carefully executed, will contain error, and so the true value of a measurement is never known, and the exact sizes of the errors

33、 present are always unknown.It is shown that things which happen randomly or by chance are governed by mathematical principles referred to as probability.对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容; 2、复习estimate, imperfection;refer to, be referred to as;to the nearest 3、掌握专业词汇 true value, error, mistake, blunder natur

34、al error, instrumental error, personal error systematic error, cumulative error, random error, accidental error, compensating error magnitude, constant, variable algebraic sign discrepancy, misclosure precision, the degree of refinement or consistency; accuracy, the absolute nearness apply correctio

35、n, made correction conform to mathematical and physical laws, obey the law of probability, laws of combinations and permutations reduce, eliminate, eradicate, cancel, cast out, discard 4、词汇扩充与辨析 stem from, be caused by, result from, arise from out of plumb, out of adjustment interpolate, interpolati

36、on formula, formulae illustrate, illustration chance, probabilityUnit Nine Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors 2.5学时本单元的重点难点: 1、非限制性定语从句A characteristic theoretical pattern of error distribution occurs upon analysis of a large number of repeated measurements of a quantity, which conform to n

37、ormal of Gaussian distribution.对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容; 2、掌握专业词汇 mathematical statistics stochastic variable, random variable probability curve error distribution normal distribution, Gaussian distribution most probable value(MPV) unbiased estimate normal error distribution curve mean square error(

38、MSE), mean square error of angle observation, mean square error of side length, mean square error of a point, mean square error of azimuth, mean square error of coordinate, mean square error of height error ellipseUnit Ten Accuracy and Precision 2学时本单元的重点难点: 1、长句的断句与结构Such a situation can arise in p

39、ractice when a piece of EDM equipment produces a set of measurements all agreeing to a few millimeters (high precision) but, due to an operation fault and lack of calibration, the measurements are all incorrect by several meters (low accuracy).对学生的要求: 1、必须掌握本单元的重点难点内容; 2、复习 as well as, with respect to, in addition to, time-consuming3、掌握专业词汇 bulls-eye refined 4、词汇辨析accuracy, precisionUnit Eleven, Unit Twelve, Unit Thirteen, Unit Forteen (自学) (注:素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。请预览后才下载,期待你的好评与关注!)

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