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1、Module 5 Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend?教学内容:新标准英语(三年级起点)六年级上册第5模块教材分析:本课时是新标准英语六年级上册第五模块第一单元Can you be my Chinese pen friend?课文通过Daming、Simon、Laura的对话向同学们介绍了“怎样交笔友以及怎样介绍自己的笔友”,对话内容较为简练,语言实用性较强,并且课堂可操作性也较好。教学目标: 1). 知识与技能a.基本能听懂、会说词汇:pen friend pleased address b. 会用I can,I cant讲诉各自的能力。c. 掌握

2、Can you?的语言结构,并会做答: Yes, I can.No, I cant. d. 能听懂、会说Can you be my Chinese friend?,部分同学能通过介绍自己的能力情况结识新笔友.2).过程与方法通过学生自主、合作的学习方式,培养小学生爱交朋友的习惯,发展广泛的兴趣,在交流与合作中共同进步成长。3).情感态度培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,培养学生学习、生活的自信心,培养学生热爱生活、对异国文化的了解、兴趣。教学重点: 能听懂并理解句型:Pleased to meet you! I can speak some English. Can you speak En

3、glish? Can you be my Chinese friend? Can I write to you ?能运用句型:I can. I cant.Can you? Yes, I can.No, I cant.教学难点: 1)能灵活使用情态动词can,并能灵活运用。2)完成自己的名片并去寻找笔友课时:1课时教具:单词卡、教师自己的名片若干张、空白的名片若干张、 多媒体课件。教学过程:Step1:Warming-up1 .GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls! Im Ms Lv. Nice to meet you.推荐精选Ss: Nice to meet yo

4、u, too.2.Chant: 教师学生齐读。T: Do you like chant? Listen to me, please. Hands up Hands downI can jump. I can run.Can you jump? Can you run?Yes, I can. Yes, I can.I can read. I can skate.Can you read? Can you skate?No, I cant. No, I cant.T: Lets read it together, OK ? Some music, please. one two three goT

5、: Once more, one two three go【设计意图】(紧凑激烈的乐曲调动了学生的情绪,使学生迅速进入到学习状态,用这种有趣的形式引入了学生已经学过的内容,又为学习新知识作铺垫。)Step2 Presentation1. 1)T: Today we have a new friend,(showing Ms Mengs picture) Shes my pen friend(教读),Ms Meng. (分组)Well have team match today, Youre Pen friend A Team. Youre Pen friend B Team. Please d

6、o good jobs and try to get more smile faces for your team.T: Ms Meng is teaching in America now. This is her address.( 教address)2 1)T: Now, shes greeting to you. ( PPT展示: pleased to meet you. 板书,教读.)师教读:Pleased=please=pleased=pleased to meet you.师解释说T: It means nice to meet you! Glad to meet you! So

7、 you should answer.(操练:Greet in pairs.)2)PPT展示话泡:T:Youre so polite. Now Ms Meng asks you, Can you be my Chinese pen friend? Ss: Yes, I can.T: Today were going to learn M5U1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 板书(出示课题, 教读. )(操练:Group1: Chinese pen friendGroup2: my Chinese pen friendGroup3: be my Chines

8、e pen friendGroup4: Can you be my Chinese pen friend?)T: Ask me can you be my Chinese pen friend?推荐精选Ss: Can you be my Chinese pen friend?T: Yes, of course.This is my address. Here you are.(操练:Practice in pairs.)3)T: Ms Meng asks, “ Can you speak English?”Ss: Yes, I can speak some English .师紧接着板书: I

9、 can.(解释句子意思是我能做某事,后面加动词原形)T: I think you can do many things, too.(出示各种运动图片PPT)老师示范并引导学生说: I can ride a bikeswimplay basketball4)T: Boys and girls, just now we say we can do things. If you cant do the things, we should say I cant师紧接着板书: I cant.(解释句子意思是我不能做某事,后面加动词原形)(出示各种运动图片PPT)老师示范并引导学生说:I cant 5)

10、 T: Can you play football(上组练习最后一张图片是踢足球)?Ss: Yes, I can.师紧接着板书: Can you?Yes, I can.(解释句子意思是你会做某事吗?后面加动词原形)老师出示PPT图片训练句型:Can you?Yes, I can.老师出示PPT图片训练句型:Can you? No, I cant.(板书否定答句)T: Can I ask you some questions? (老师出示各种活动的PPT,用can问问题,让学生用Yes, I can ./ No, I cant. 来回答。)【设计意图】(这种教学设计是学生大量练习,而且每一个同学

11、所问的问题都不能重复,这就把“知识投入了周转”“投入周转的知识才是活的知识”。学生在描述自己能与不能时,老师及时给予热情的赞扬或给建议,以提高学生的自信心。)Step3: Practice记忆大比拼 :T: Lets have a competition. Rules: Rules: Remember the pictures as more as you can. Choose one of the picture you remember and say,“I can ”, then ask the other team,“Can you say more?” Dont say the s

12、ame picture again.Step 4 : New textPart11. Listen and answer推荐精选T: Have a look. Daming and Simon is talking about a panda. Can the panda speak English?Who can speak English?Ss: His teacher.2. Read after the E-pen 3. Read together.Part21.Listen and answer: Can Laura make pen friends?T: And this girl

13、Laura can speak English, too. Lets greet to her . Ss: Pleased to meet you. (引导学生运用刚学过的Pleased to meet you 来与画面中的Laura打招呼。T: Do you want to know if Laura can make pen friends?. Lets listen.2. T: Now ,listen to the E-pen and try to find out the answers. (分段听容易听懂,掌握信息)1.Can Daming speak English? 2.Wher

14、e is Laura from? Now question 3 and 4. Listen:3.How many English friends has Daming got? 4.Can Laura write to Sam and Amy?Now question 5. Listen:5.Can Daming be Lauras Chinese pen friend?【设计意图】通过学生听和回答问题,在真实的语境中帮助学生初步理解和感知对话,从而使学生在完成问题的过程中把握故事的主要信息。3.T: Now read after the E-pen sentence by sentence,

15、 find out “can” sentences.T: Have you found the sentences? I have got them:Can you speak English?Yes, I can speak some English.Can I write to your friends?And can you be my Chinese pen friend?But I cant write Chinese. But I can write English.Read the sentences.4. Read the text in different roles in

16、groups of 4 . (四人组分角色朗读。)推荐精选【设计意图】 通过让学生跟读,让学生模仿正确的语音语调,培养学生良好的语感。同时,通过分角色表演读,可以促使学生互相帮助,让每一个孩子都体验到成功的喜悦。5. Fill in the blanks and help Laura and Daming to make pen friends.Laura: Hello. Im Laura ._?Daming: My name is_.Laura: Pleased to meet you!Daming :_, too.Laura: _you be my pen friend?Daming :

17、Yes, of course. This is my address. Here you are!Laura: Thank you! This is my_. Here you are.Daming : Thank you!Laura: We are pen friends now.Read the dialogue and practice in pairs.【设计意图】通过完成对话和读对话,让学生在不知不觉中掌握交笔友的方法。Step6 : Development1. T: Look at the screen! This is my calling card. Name:Lu Fang

18、Age: 42Address: Xingxing Primary SchoolI can write an email, dance and play table tennis.My name is Lu Fang This is my address- Xingxing Primary School. This is my email. And I can write an email, dance and play table tennis.T: Please make your own calling cards now. (课前将表格发给每一位学生。)Name: Age: Addres

19、s: I can .2.教师在课前要做好自己的几张名片,要求漂亮美观,易于吸引学生。教师走到学生中间,选择1名学生谈话,并送出自己美丽的名片并与其交笔友。T: Hello. Im Lv Xiaofang. Whats your name?S1: My name is 推荐精选T: Pleased to meet you!S1:Pleased to meet you, too.T: Can you be my pen friend?S1: Yes, of course. This is my address. Here you are!T: Thank you! This is my addre

20、ss, here you are.S1: Thank you! 3让学生去寻找笔友,看哪队最多。T: Do you want to make pen friends? Ss: Yes, of course.T: Lets have a competition: Which team can make more pen friends, OK? Now please go to the other team and make your pen friends.T: Team A. Who has got your pen friend? Show your fen friends cards,

21、please. Lets count. T: Team B.T: Team A has pen friends as more as Team B . So youre both the winners.【设计意图】在这个活动中,动静交替,有张有弛,在老师的巧妙引导下,有一条无形的线始终牵动着他们,不断学到语言知识,提高语言能力,满足他们的成就感,学生们轻松愉快的完成了学习任务。Step6:Summary:New words: Pleased /pli:zd /to meet you!见到你很高兴。address /dres / 地址pen friend 笔友Key points:Please

22、d to meet you!Can you be my fen friend?I can.I cant . - Can you?-Yes, I can./No, I cant.Homework1.Make your own beautiful calling card, and then have a competition in the class.(为自己制作一张的美美的名片来参加班里的名片设计大赛。)推荐精选2.Make pen friends as more as you can.(交尽可能多的笔友。)【设计意图】形式新颖的作业将学习的主动权交到了学生的手里,并延续到课下,才可能培养持久的兴趣。 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选

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