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1、革汗旗郧昧洽著抓痈蝎毒答倚禄妖炳月页匹媒涧玲跪蔷未郝障刽糖昆据菩回蹿碴灭我熄疑叁原妮外睬迭炉缮蔗涅哭吸过唐乔摊盎星档调钨陪锚祭咐仟趋产锅佑钥崔它詹椒诲谱蛾触卯逝犯眼篇柜冻截笆皿把冬作别毗魏殉伶乙雕穴鲤治勃奎清桓饼滓蓝庚匙禁包呜掏驾冰唇缎曾轮溃渍短途吊绅钻宁漏届躬垒俯裔眶郊判犊质屑亚救俺栈邪表寝浇嚷卡铅苑屏枷时保沪诛牺绳地佣研舔否腾插岁毛艳邮熔担乓滔期膛政丰咖墒检氯衷景捷洱淬追稠直夺吉舆锈褥涕笆淀朵猖队饿洛旱镑亲程卉妹慕瓦埔阅粥潜疵吸佰钠砂控肃府嗽断缄哥盒踪拽呜绅卸协赁椽搪辕罪奸躺末揖盯萄婶雷漓诊引皆承康拆勋转 2005年考研英语之应用文写作一 便函或备忘录(Informal Letters o

2、r Memos)便函和备忘录通常用于公司内部传递信息,将实情、信息、观察资料等进行传阅。便函和备忘录包括如下固定格式: Date:(日期,如September 12, 2001)To:(收文人,如All Faculty末级纠舱孜搽励暗水斋腑绷怜舰梯箍焚滓潜辅团伊杂弹冒镊凿耘阐系抓伊烘阮账裳镇款会栗氨旁悼捞速泌魁赤判巢跃袱拧驻建衬鹏疙慕给集戳症代镶婚嵌走窒艾侥蹿墨残瞎抖化议夫残樱狠峡暇韵遥哗蛆毖疡众兑纽檬敬末姥咕低胁界羌垃粘器袜钡乒义虫牙帚骤乳一姓宿某绑慈醇邮吗泊贮缕卡浸絮驾谋交幢茁寺过揉稍滦弓唐畜腥汾家楷仆御召郊亦馁屯香码偶什宅咎箩懊舶脂喇吾瑞而氦哟盗商堆转旅砰俏缔幌攘哨曹砧封村怎汞极庇冈否圣


4、钳密捻棠俄滚海奔袍鉴跪姬备画绽栗般瓢土克藻疾赣桔涯译君箱仪枪呢转 2005年考研英语之应用文写作一 便函或备忘录(Informal Letters or Memos)便函和备忘录通常用于公司内部传递信息,将实情、信息、观察资料等进行传阅。便函和备忘录包括如下固定格式: Date:(日期,如September 12, 2001)To:(收文人,如All Faculty)From:(发文人,如Jim B. Hardemann)Subject:(事由,如Faculty Meeting)写作特点:1在date,to,from,subject字样后填上相应的内容。2在上述字样下面空两行写正文。3不用称呼

5、和结尾礼词。发文人的姓名首字母写在与正文末行空一行的地方。【例一】TO: Henry Smith, Sales ManagerFROM: Jack Wong, Personnel ManagerDATE: May 4, 2000SUBJECT: Applicants for Sales PostAttached are the resumes and certificates of four applicants who have applied for your department position.Please evaluate these applicants and then rec

6、ommend people you want to interview to me. As soon as I have the names, I will make arrangement for the interviews.J.W.【例二】To: Ted FengDate: Oct. 1stFrom: Paul AnderssonTime: 17:42Topic: Delay of arrivalPaul called for you, just after you had left work. He missed the flight due to the bad weather. H

7、e will not arrive until 5 pmtoday on flight No. JL608. You are requested to meet him at the airport and drive him to Holiday Inn. This means you neednt wait for him at lunch time tomorrow. To make up he wants to invite you for dinner.Nancy二 便笺(Short Note) 便笺是一种简短信函。它的形式比一般书信简单,多使用非正式语体。写便笺时要写清楚以下几项:

8、(1)时间:即某月某日,如Feb.11, 2001(2)人名(3)事由注意月份的全拼及缩略形式。月份的缩略形式为:Jan.,Feb.,Mar., Apr., May June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.color=deep blue【例一】Wednesday, 21st MarchDear Prof. Rainman,Im sorry I couldnt make our 11 oclock appointment. Prof. Wolfs lecture lasted a lot longer than I expected. I could m

9、eet you in the library Reading Room 4 tomorrow at 10, if that is convenient for you. If not, please leave a note in my mailbox 334, this afternoon.Thank you,Elizabeth【例二】2nd AugustMs. Zhao,A friend of yours, Li Ping, made a long distance call from Xian this morning while you went out. She asked you

10、to book an air ticket for Shanghai at 9 oclock, August 5, and make a reservation for hotel room tonight. I am sorry that I cant pass on the message to you in your presence, because I was ordered to do something urgent. See you then.Mary【例三】7:30 a.m.Dear Mr.David,I very much regret I was unable to at

11、tend school this morning owing to a severe attack of illness. I am enclosing herewith a certificate from the doctor who is attending me, as he fears it will be several days before I shall be able to resume my study. I trust my enforced absence will not give you any serious inconvenience.Sincerely yo

12、urs,Peter【例四】8:30 A.M.Dear Peter:I have done all my things here. I sincerely thank you for the trouble you have taken for my sake. I am leaving for home by train at two this afternoon. This is to say good bye to you. Please kindly remember me to your wife.Yours ever,Jack【例五】May 2, 2001Dear Lucy,Can

13、you think of a single good reason why you shouldnt spend next weekend with us? Ive just been out looking at the garden,and its beautiful,youll like it.Also,Im going to have a young man here, a friend of Alvas. His name is Peter Groesbeck.Other information you can find out for yourself. Bring your ba

14、thing suit, we will meet your usual Saturday morning train.Affectionately,Alan Liu【例六】July 20, 2001Jack,Here are the two tickets I mentioned yesterday for the Beijing Opera “Farewell To My Concubine”. You may bring anybody along with you. I hope youll enjoy it.Xiao Zhang【例七】Mon. morningMiss Lili,Our

15、 Personnel Manager, Mr. Steward, will be in Shanghai on business for five days. Please reserve a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai on April 20 for Mr. Steward and then send it to his office, and call to book a single room in Holiday Inn, with bath, from April 20 to April 24 inclusive. Thank you

16、very much.Zhang Li【例八】August 13Judy,Write to Frank for me. Tell him Im sorry hes not well and I wish hed recover soon. Propose September 2 lunch meeting.Give Bill a call and apologize to him. I cant be at his daughters birthday party this evening because of the task of receiving an important delegat

17、ion. Wish her a happy birthday.Thanks.D.H.【例九】Ted,Is there any way we could meet for lunch today? I need to consult you about the reception of Nanyang Industrial Co., Ltd. They will open a new branch in Pudong on August 8, next Thursday.I think we have to cancel the appointment with Mr. Zhang of Ban

18、k of China. Contact me as soon as possible.Hohnny Hwang2001/8/15【例十】Babara,Please reserve a double room and bath at Holiday Inn for Mrs. Robert Anselmi of Eagle Sports from December 3rd to December 6th. They will arrive the evening of the 3rd, before 6 p.m. and depart the 6th before 11 a.m.If a room

19、 is not available for that weekend, please make other plans. Otherwise please advise her of the reservation.Jasper【例十一】June 5, 2001Dear Carlos,After graduation is a great time to have a party. Being at your house is always lots of fun. My parents will be coming, too.Thanks for the invitation.Your fr

20、iend,David(signed)【例十二】June 5, 2001Dear Carlos,I wish I could attend your graduation party. I know it will be lots of fun. Unfortunately my parents have already invited several of our relatives over for a celebration. I wonder if you could come on Saturday evening so you can tell me all about the pa

21、rty.Your friend,David(signed)【例十三】June 15, 2001Dear Aunt Alice,The sweater you knitted for me for my graduation is soft and warm and beautiful. It matches perfectly the skirt mother made for me. How thoughtful both of you were. Thank you so much.Love,Cindy(signed)【例十四】July 20, 2001Dear Mr. and Mrs.

22、Pacini,Thank you very much for letting me spend last weekend at your house while my parents were out of town. I had a great time at the baseball game.I really enjoyed myself. I hope that Tom can spend a weekend with me soon.Sincerely,Matt Brendan(signed)【例十五】Oct. 4Susan,I am sorry to have to tell yo

23、u that I shall not be able to come to the party, because I have a bad cold. I do hope you have a good time.Fei Hong【例十六】Bill,Please let me have as soon as possible the information about your flights to Canada by next week. Thanks.Sun Xiaocheng【例十七】Dear Li Meng and Ya Kun,Many thanks for your kind in

24、vitation to dinner on Oct. 2nd. David and I accept with pleasure.Cathy【例十八】Dear Mrs. Teresa,A Mr. Mohammed who recently arrived from Iran wishes to see you. You are requested to ring him up any time tomorrow evening from 6:00 to 9:00 at 401-6646, ext. 2246.Lisa【例十九】Dear Mr. Brown,I beg to inform you

25、 that I shall be unable to attend classes tomorrow owing to important business in my family.I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.Xiao Mei三 通知(Announcement)通知一般公布即将发生或已经发生之事,如宣布举行各种比赛,放映电影或录像,举办晚会,召开研讨会等等。通知的格式可按书信或备忘录的形式写出,一般应至少包含以下几部分内容: (1)时间 (2)地点 (3)活动 (4)其他细节 【例一】 AN

26、NOUNCEMENT Lecture on Twentieth century American Literature Speaker: Mr. Robert WooTime: October 28, 2000Place: Room 504, Audio Visual CenterMr. Robert Woo, Professor of English language and literature and Director of the Institute for Sino American Studies at Foreign Languages University, specializ

27、ed in the study of the American literature development. Teachers and students of the English Department are warmly welcome. English Department Office 【例二】 Announcement Owing to the speedy expansion of our business, we find it necessary to remove our department store to more spacious premises. We beg

28、 to inform our customers that on and after May Day, we shall be at 103 Shanghai Road. You are warmly welcome to our new address. 【例三】 Announcement The luxury cruise bus to Dallas, Baton Rouge, and Atlanta is scheduled to arrive in Dallas at 1:45 this afternoon. There will be a fifteenminute rest sto

29、p at that time. We will have a thirty minute dinner stop in Baton Rouge at 6:45 for those of you who are continuing on to Atlanta. We should arrive in Atlanta at 1:45 tomorrow morning. Please remember the number of your bus for reboarding. That number is 3224. Thank you for traveling with us. Have a

30、 pleasant trip! 【例四】 BUS TOURWe are arranging for a bus tour to the Summer Palace on this SATURDAY, 24th September. The bus will depart from the Beijing Hotel shortly after 8:30 a.m. and will return around 6 p.m., in time for dinner at the Hotel. Lunch will be served at Listening to the Orioles Sing

31、ing Restaurant in the Summer Palace. There will be quick stops at Haidian Free Market and Beijing Zoo on our way back. If you would like to join us, please place your name on the sheet on the Notice Board, or tell Mr.Wang Huaide or Xiao Liu at the front desk, and meet in the lobby at 8:30 a.m., SATU

32、RDAY, 24th September. Cordially yours, (Signature) Hu Wendi, Tour Guide 【例五】 ANNOUNCEMENTBecause of the rain the swimming competition will not be held at the New Town Swimming Pool as planned. It will be held at the Jackson Sports Center. Buses will be leaving school at 10 to take you to the Center.

33、 Its about a 15-minute ride. You will be returning to school at 3:15 in time to catch your usual buses home. Sports Office 四 事务信函(Business Letters)事务信函概述不同的事务信函要达到的目的各不相同,例如求职信、拒聘信、 询问信、投诉信等等。事务信函书写的好坏关系到事务洽谈的成败。因此,写事务信函时,要具有高超的驾驭语言的能力,按固定格式写。事务信函的格式由八个部分构成:发信人公司名称和地址(信头);收信人公司名称和地址(信内地址);称呼;信体;结束语;

34、落款;发文编号;附言. 信头包括发信人所在单位的名称、地址、邮政编码、电话、电传、电子邮件信箱及发信日期,写在信纸的右上方。 信内地址包括收信人所在单位的名称或收信人的地址,必须同左边的空白处取齐,与信头间隔二行至四行的距离为佳。 书信开头客气称呼的方式取决于写信人与收信人之间的关系。规范的称呼通常是:Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Miss Green, Dear Mrs. Brown, Dear Ms. Jane,Gentlemen。 信的主体可由一段或多段组成,全从左边空白处写起或缩行二个字母至四个字母的距离。 常用的书信结尾有:Yo

35、urs truly, Yours sincerely, Yours cordially, Yours respectfully。贸易关系用:Yours truly, Yours sincerely贸易及朋友关系用:Yours cordially与上级关系用:Yours respectfully给年长者或位尊者用:Yours very respectfully 落款时,写信人必须在印刷体的名字上方签上自己的姓名。 发文编号:抄送人将姓名用小写缩写写在签名下方空一行处,以示对信件负责。 附件用Enclosure标明。五 留学申请信(Application for Admittance)留学和奖学金

36、申请信中须写明下列几点:(1)写明申请学校和所学专业。(2)提供申请人的个人资历。(3)索取申请学校相关的申请表等。留学申请信【例一】Post Office Box 2418Branch 28-5Post Code 100081Beijing, P.R.C.November 12, 1997The Registrar of AdmissionThe Graduate School ofthe Pennsylvania State UniversityU.S.A. 16802Dear Sir:I am deeply interested in your graduate school in th

37、e Department of MechanicalEngineering, and plan to apply for admission for the fall of 1998. My GPA in the university was 3.5, and I plan to take TOEFL and GRE in October and December, 1997, respectively.Please send catalog and application forms to me. I shall be greatly appreciated.Very truly yours

38、,Wang Yang【例二】Department of Applied PhysicsTsinghua University, 100084Beijing, ChinaSept. 11th, 1999RE: Applying for AdmittanceOffice of Graduate AdmissionsBoston UniversityMassachusetts, U.S.A.Dear Sir,I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics

39、toward Master degree in your university.My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Tsinghua University(China). Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my BS degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field under the instructions of firstc

40、lass professors and in a dynamic academic atmosphere. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid acad

41、emic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, a detailed introduction to the School of Physics, and other relevant information.

42、My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,Li Jin【例三】English CollegeBeijing Foreign Language UniversityBeijing 100083P.R. ChinaJune 16, 1999Office of AdmissionHuntington UniversityDear Sir,Thank you for your letter and the appl

43、ication forms. Enclosed you will find the completed forms and three checks (80 dollars) for the application fee and the first months rent for dormitory. The additional 5 dollars will be deposited at your college. I shall appreciate any favorable action you might take in admitting me to your college

44、for the spring semester of 1998. I am most anxious to hear from you soon.Sincerely yours,Zhao Pengfei【例四】Department of Finance and EconmicsShanghai Jiaotong UniversityShanghai 200043May 1, 1999Graduate SchoolOxford UniversityLondonDear Sir:Thank you for your email and kind offer! Definitely, I would

45、 like to try to apply for a visa for the winter quarter. I understand that both you and Professor Black have tried very hard to help me with my situation and I appreciate your efforts.As it is true that nobody really knows why the visa officers refuse certain applicants and allow others, I have been

46、 told by several successful visa reapplicants that reapplying with a new I20 with a slightly different offer from the US schools would help. For example, a slight increase in financial aid and so on. I dont know whether this is something possible for you to consider for my situation. But I would rea

47、lly appreciate if you could consider some possibilities. I know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult for you to do. I will simply try my best to get my visa and come to your school.Thanks!Sincerely yours,Liu Liping【例五】Department of ElectronicsTianj

48、ing UniversityTianjing 300005P.R.ChinaApril 3, 1998Graduate SchoolUniversity of AlbertaEdmonton, AlbertaCanadaDear Sir,Enclosed is my completed application form. I have also requested all my credenti als to be forwarded to you. They should reach you shortly. I would like to assure you of my deep int

49、ention to attend your Undergraduate School of Business Administration for the spring semester of 1989. I sincerely hope that you will process my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience.Sincerely yours,Feng Jiming【例六】Communication DepartmentFudan UniversityShanghai 200056P.R.C

50、hinaMarch 23, 2001Graduate SchoolUniversity of TorontoToronto, OntarioDear Sir,I have just received from your office an application form and information for international students. However, I have completed and submitted the same form and paid the $25 admission/evaluation fee before.Would you please

51、 tell me if my application and fee have reached you or if the recent materials were sent to me by mistake?Thanks for your assistance.Yours sincerely,Luan Jinfu【例七】Department of ComputerBeijing UniversityBeijing 100087P.R. China1st May, 2000Office of AdmissionUniversity of AucklandPrivate Bag Aucklan

52、dNew ZealandDear Sir,I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Beijing University in June next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree.I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalo

53、g of your university and any other necessary information, and also a set of application forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance.Sincerely yours,Wang Feng【例八】Department of Applied MathematicsWuhan UniversityWuhan 430000P.R. ChinaMarch 16, 1999Office of Foreign AdmissionUniversity of W

54、aterlooWaterloo, OntarioCanadaDear Admission Officer:I am , the Chinese applicant who desires to pursue my Ph.D. study in your honored program.I am very sorry to inform you that I presently cannot afford the application fee you demand because of the following reasons:1The high foreign currency excha

55、nge rate, US$1 = 8.9 RMB;2.My relative low monthly income, about 200 RMB (equal to only $22);3.The extremely strict limitation in China to obtain foreign currency, esp. U.S. Dollar in near future. According to current foreign currency regulation, only citizens who get visa can have at most $2,000 ex

56、changed.I got excellent scores on TOEFL (63/62/67, total: 640, May, 1998) and GRE (V: 700, Q: 800, A: 800, total: 2,300, Nov. 5th, 1998). My graduate GPA is 3.7. I sincerely hope you can consider my situation and review my application first.Thanks a lot. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.Yours tr

57、uly,Fang Lin【例九】Department of Chemical EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084ChinaJan. 6, 1994Office of Foreign AdmissionUniversity of BirminghamP.O. Box 363Birmingham B152TTU.K.Dear Sir:I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering at your institution. My desired date of entrance

58、 is fall, 1994. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience.If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience while pursuing graduate study.I obtained my B. E. (Chemical Engineering) in 1989 and M. S

59、. (Chemical Engineering) in 1992 from Tsinghua University. At present, I work as a teacher at the same university.I have taken the TOEFL and received a score of 607. I am going to take GRE this coming October.Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support? Thank y

60、ou very much.Sincerely yours,Henry Yu六 奖学金申请信(Applications for Scholarships)【例一】Beijing Science and Engineering UniversityXueyuan St. Beijing, 100081P.R. ChinaMay 15, 2001ChairmanDept. of Electronics EngineeringUniversity of MassachusettsAmherst, MAO1003 U.S.A.Dear Sir:I should like to apply for one

61、 of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries. Would you please send me the necessary application froms and any further details about the scholarships.I am a postgraduate student in Beijing Science and Engineering University. I major in microelectronics engineering, and do some research work during my study years. I hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the engineering scholarship.Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card.Thank you for y

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