高中英语人教版 必修5教师用书:Unit 3 SectionⅣ GrammarWriting Word版含答案

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1、 精品资料Section_Grammar_&_Writing过去分词(短语)作状语一、概述过去分词(短语)作状语,修饰谓语动词,进一步说明动作发生的背景或情况,在意义上相当于状语从句,可以跟状语从句转换,表示时间、让步、结果、方式等。其逻辑主语为句子的主语,两者之间为动宾关系。二、用法1时间状语过去分词(短语)作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句,可以在其前加上 when, while, until 等,使其时间意义更明确;该状语可置于句首、句尾或主语与谓语之间。从时间意义上看,该动作常表示先于谓语动作发生,也可与谓语动作同时发生。Told that his mother was serious

2、ly ill, Li Ping hurried home quickly.(先于谓语动作发生)得知妈妈病得很严重,李平迅速赶回家。Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful. When (it is) seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful.从山顶上看,城市显得更美丽。(与谓语动作同时发生)1 (安徽高考改编)Founded (found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on i

3、nspiring childrens love of art. (天津高考改编)Translated (translate) into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.(四川高考改编)Offered (offer) an important role in a new movie, Andy has got a chance to become famous. (陕西高考改编) Seen (see) from the top of the tower, the south foot

4、 of the mountain is a sea of trees.2原因状语过去分词(短语)作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句,多位于句首,偶尔也出现在句尾或句中。Moved by the heroic deeds, the children couldnt help crying.孩子们被英雄事迹所感动,情不自禁地哭了起来。Lost in thought, he almost knocked into a tree.由于陷入了沉思,他差点撞到树上。The child well brought up by his parents behaves very well.由于受到父母很好的教育,

5、这个孩子举止规矩有礼。2(天津高考改编) Clearly and thoughtfully written(write), the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.(北京高考改编)Bitten (bite) twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.3条件状语过去分词(短语)作条件状语,相当于一个条件状语从句,可以在其前加上 if, unless, once 等,多位于句首,

6、该状语可能是对过去被动动作的假设,也可能没有具体的时间性,表示一种客观情况。Given more time, we could do it better. If (we were) given more time, we could do it better.多给我们点时间的话,我们会做得更好。(对过去被动动作的假设)Heated, water will turn into steam. If (it is) heated, water will turn into steam.如果受热,水会变成水蒸气。3(北京高考改编)Used (use) with care, one tin will l

7、ast for six weeks.(江西高考改编)Given (give) the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars.4让步状语过去分词(短语)作让步状语,相当于一个让步状语从句,有时可用在 although, though, even if, even though, whether .or 等连词后。多位于句首,偶尔也出现在句尾。Beaten by the opposite team, they didnt lose heart an

8、d encouraged each other. Though (they were) beaten by the opposite team, they didnt lose heart and encouraged each other.虽然被对方打败了,但是他们没有灰心丧气,而是相互鼓励。Wounded, the brave soldiers continued to fight to search for the trapped in the ruins. Though (they were) wounded, the brave soldiers continued to fight

9、 to search for the trapped in the ruins.虽然受伤了,但是勇敢的战士们仍然继续作战,寻找被困在废墟中的人们。5方式或伴随状语作方式或伴随状语的过去分词(短语),相当于由 and 引导的并列结构。该状语可置于句首、句尾或句中。The president entered the hall, accompanied by a group of leaders. The president entered the hall, and he was accompanied by a group of leaders.总统由一群领导陪着进了大厅。Supported b

10、y a girl, the old man got off the bus. The old man was supported by a girl, and he got off the bus.在一位姑娘的搀扶下,老人下了公共汽车。三、过去分词(短语)作状语应注意的问题1作状语的过去分词(短语)其逻辑主语通常就是句子的主语,且主语是过去分词(短语)动作的承受者,即过去分词(短语)表示的动作与主语之间是动宾关系。Given another hour, I can also work out this problem. (give 和 I 之间是动宾关系)再给我一小时,我也能解出这道题。2值得

11、注意的是,有些过去分词(短语)因来源于系表结构,作状语时不强调被动而重在描述主语的状态。这样的过去分词(短语)常见的有:lost (迷路),seated (坐),hidden (躲),lost/absorbed in (沉溺于),dressed in (穿着),tired of (厌烦)。Lost in thought, he didnt hear the bell.由于陷入沉思之中,他没有听到铃声。3过去分词(短语)常跟 when, while, after, if, unless, although/though, as if 等连词一起用,修饰谓语动词。Metals expand whe

12、n heated.金属加热后会膨胀。4(湖南高考改编)Children, when accompanied (accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.(江西高考改编)If asked (ask) to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.(安徽高考改编)When asked (ask) for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very in

13、teresting and rewarding. (全国卷改编)Film has a much shorter history, especially when compared (compare) to such art forms as music and painting.四、过去分词(短语)与现在分词(短语)作状语的区别过去分词(短语)与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,即表示被动;现在分词(短语)与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即表示主动。Asked why he was late, he cried. 被问到为什么迟到时,他哭了。Looking out of the win

14、dow, I saw some students playing there.我朝窗外望去,看见几个学生正在那边玩耍。助记分词作状语记忆口诀分词作状语,主语是问题。逗号前后两动作,共用一主语。主语找出后,再来判关系。主动用 ing, 被动用 ed,having done 表先后,千万要牢记。.用所给动词的适当形式填空1Devoted (devote) to his work, the professor cares little about any other things.2Dressed (dress) in a white uniform, he looks more like a co

15、ok than a doctor.3Worn (wear) out after a long walk, Kate called and said she couldnt come to the party.4Freed (free) of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted away.5Once considered (consider) a difficult and even dangerous place, Vietnam is now a friendly destination that welcomes vi

16、sitors from all over the world.6Though told (tell) to stop, the two girls kept on talking at the meeting.7Once lost (lose), such a chance might never come again.8Written (write) carelessly, your composition is full of mistakes.完成句子1由于天天被打扫,这个办公室看上去很整洁。Cleaned_every_day,_the office looks very tidy.2参

17、观了几次之后,这座城市给他留下了深刻印象。Visited_several_times,_the city has impressed him much. 3多给点时间,我就能按时完成工作。Given_more_time,_I can finish the work on time.4受到他的话的鼓励,这个学生更加勤奋地学习。Inspired_by_his_words,_the student works harder.5由于这首美妙音乐的吸引,大街上的所有人都停了下来。Attracted_by_the_beautiful_music,_all people on the street stop

18、ped.6遇上了大雨,他不得不等到雨停。Caught_in_heavy_rain,_he had to wait until it stopped.7一旦看见就不会忘记。Once_seen,_it will not be forgotten.8给予更多的关注,这棵树会长得更好。Given_more_attention,_the tree can grow better. 9加热的时候,冰会变成水。When_heated,_ice will change into water.10尽管被警告了危险,但是他仍然不怎么在意。Warned_of_the_danger,_he still paid li

19、ttle attention.想象性作文昨天,你们班召开了有关“未来生活的变化”的主题班会。请根据下列提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍讨论的情况。1多数同学认为,未来的交通和通信更加便利,人们可以在家里工作和学习,机器人将会被广泛地应用于各个领域,而且很多当前无法治愈的疾病到了将来都能治愈。2也有同学认为,随着世界经济的发展,人们的生活水平将会逐渐提高,但是地球的环境问题也会日益严重,比如污染、气候变暖等。在他们看来,地球将不适合人类居住,人们得找到一个适合人类居住的星球才能继续生存。Yesterday our class held a discussion about changes in the

20、 future life.Most students think that in the future the transportation and communication are sure to become more convenient. It will come true that people work or study at home. They also hold the opinion that robots will be widely applied to many fields. Moreover, scientists will find solutions to

21、many diseases which are incurable at present.However, some other students hold the opposite view. As far as they are concerned, although peoples living standards are to be improved with the development of the world economy, environmental problems, such as pollution and global warming, will increasin

22、gly become worse. Therefore, man will have to find another planet to live on, considering that the earth will be unfit for human habitation.第一段开门见山地点明写作主题。第二段和第三段分别从正、反两方面详细描述了未来生活的变化。亮点一:准确使用多种复杂结构,如句中的宾语从句;句中的 it 作形式主语, that 引导主语从句;句中同位语从句;句中的定语从句等。另外句中的还运用了让步状语从句;句中运用了现在分词短语作状语,复杂多变的句式结构使得短文整体层次提

23、高。亮点二:巧妙运用了各种连接成分,如 moreover, however, therefore 等,使文章要点间衔接自然流畅,极富逻辑性。想象性作文(imaginative writing) 要求学生在头脑中创造出从未接触过的,甚至根本不存在的新的形象。它是作者超越时间、空间或者生活常规限制的种种奇思异想的记录。想象性写作允许自由想象、自主发挥的空间较大,因此需要灵活的思维能力和丰富的想象能力。要写好此类文章,应注意以下几点:1首先要确定写作主题。确定主题,明确写作中心,是写好文章的前提,想象性写作也不例外。因为想象虽然可以海阔天空,但总要围绕一个中心进行,这个中心就是主题。2想象美好,立意

24、深刻。想象性作文必须有一个“美好”的中心思想。如果只是瞎编一个热闹离奇的故事,就失去了想象的意义。3构思要巧妙,想象要合理。构思和想象是写好此类文章的关键,既要合乎逻辑,又要匠心独运,或启迪思维,或引人入胜。4列出写作提纲,合理安排顺序。通过合理想象列出写作素材,然后筛选确定;而后再根据写作对象的特点合理安排顺序。5前后一致,自圆其说。不管允许想象的空间有多大,都要做到符合逻辑,顺理成章,这一点对于写好此类文章尤其重要。1开头常用句式:(1)Sometimes I dream about life in the future.(2)I imagine life in the future fr

25、om time to time.(3)I am curious about future life.2表达预测时常用句式:(1)Maybe in the future we can .(2)There is a possibility that human beings will .(3)We will be living . in the future.3结尾常用句式:(1)I believe the dream will come true some day.(2)In my opinion, the dream will become a reality one day.随着科学技术的发

26、展,人们的生活发生了很大的变化,请根据下列提示,以 “Life in the future” 为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。提示:1.穿着的变化;2食物的变化;3住房的变化;4交通工具的变化Life in the future_参考范文:Life in the futureWith the development of science and technology, peoples life has changed greatly. What will life be like in the future?In the future, we will wear a kind of speci

27、al clothes, which can change the colour as we like. It doesnt need washing every day.In the future, there are more and more kinds of food we can choose. They will be much more delicious and healthier than now. Besides, every home will have a robot to do housework.In the future, all of us will live in beautiful houses. It can move anywhere. When we want to change the place we live, it will take us quickly without any trouble.In the future, we will have a small but useful plane, which is environmentally friendly to go to school or work.Life in the future will be much better than now.

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