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1、充电器规格书Specification of Battery Charger型号:ES2406S6A锂电池充电器(全铝外壳)/ 6A Li Iron/Li PolymerBATTER Y CHARGER1概述Gen eral此型号2406S 155 X 90 X 50mnt勺铝质外壳充电器能在输出6A的情况下工作,具有反接保护功能。Battery Charger 2406S 155 X 90 X 50mm can work normally under6A and with reverse polarityprotect ion.2. 主要参数Main product specificati

2、on取大输出功率输入电压最高输出电压误差范围输出电流误差范围powerIn putOutput voltageCombi nedOutput curre ntCombi nedvoltageregulati onregulati on180W220Vac+/+/6A+/-0.2A3. 环境条件En viro nmen tai con diti on序号No.项目Item技术参数Tech ni cal specificatio n备注Remark1湿度 Humidity595%带包装 With package2海拔 Altitudew 3000m正常工作Work normally4. 技术特征E

3、lectrical characteristics输入特征:In put characteristic序号No.项目Item技术参数Technical specificati on备注Remark1额定输入电压Rated in put voltage220Vac220Vac2电压输入范围In put voltage range180-240Vac3频率AC in put voltage freque ncy50 60 Hz输出特征和充电模式:Output characteristic or charge stages序号No.项目Item技术参数Tech ni cal specificatio

4、 n备注Remark1恒流CC(co nsta nt curre nt)w , 6A2恒压CV(co nsta nt voltage),6A J3浮充 Float stage无20%CC4效率Power efficie ncy 90%输入电压=220Vac,额定负 载Vin=110/220Vac,ratedload保护特征:Protecti on characteristics序号No.项目Item技术参数Technical specification备注Remark1过压保护Over voltage protectio n是Yes2限压保护Software over voltage prot

5、ectio n充电器设置的最大输出电压不会超过电池的最大充电电压。The charger software limits the maximumoutput voltage to a level suitable forthe conn ected battery system.3过热保护Thermal protectio n否No4限流保护Curre nt limit ing protectio n是Yes恒流At CC mode5短路保护Short circuitprotectio n当输出短路时充电器不能正常工作,输出恢复正常,充电器可自行恢复。Short circuitprotect

6、ionshould be automaticallyrecovery after remove the con diti on.6反接保护Reverse polarity protectio n当输出线接反后充电器不会工作,直到使用者接正确后方可 启动。When output wires are reverselyconn ected to thebattery the charger will not operate and will work no rmally whe n DC wires are correctly conn ected.充电指示Charg ing in dicator

7、序号No.项目Item状态Status备注Remark1电源 Power onLED1:红灯 Red2充电 ChargingLED2:红灯 Red3充满 Fully chargedLED2:绿灯 Green4输出电压显示Charging Voltage Display否 No5输出电流显示Charging Current Display否 No5. 安全性Safety & EMC序号No.项目Item标准(或测试条件)Stan dard (or test con diti on)备注Remark1耐压测试 Electric stre ngth test输入-输出In put-output150

8、0Vac/10mA/1min无故障No breakdow n2绝缘电阻Isolati on输入-接地In put-gro und 10Mohm500Vdcresista nee输出-接地Output-gro und 10Mohm500Vdc3泄漏电流 Leakage currentVVin=264Vac4低电压测试LVDEN60335-1:2002+EN60335-2-29:2002备注:辨识A:在技术要求范围内,充电器功能正常;Remark: Discrim in ati on A- Function OK un der tech ni cal requireme nt ran ge;辨识R

9、:只有由外部干扰信号引起的保护装置(保险丝)损坏,整个设备在更换保护装置和重设运行参数后才能正常工作,因机械性损坏和设备故障的设备却不能。Discrimination R- Physical damage or failure of equipment are not allowed, but damage of protectiondevice (fuse) caused by interferenee signal of outside is allowed, andthe whole equipme nt can work no rmally after replaceme nt of

10、protect iondevice and resetof running parameter6. 环境测试要求En viro nmen tal test ing requireme nts序号No.项目Item技术参数Tech ni calspecificati on备注Remark1最咼工作温度High temperature ambie nt operat ing+40C性能正常Features OK2最低工作温度Low temperature ambie nt operat ing-10C性能正常Features OK3最咼存储温度High temperature storage+70

11、C在恢复正常温度2小时后,充电器 能正常工作。Work normally after recovery un der no rmal temperature for 2 hours4最低存储温度Low temperature storage-40C在恢复正常温度2小时后,充电器 能正常工作。Work normally after recovery un der no rmal temperature for 2 hours5随机振动Ran dom vibrati on20Hz to 2000Hz 3Grms 20hoursper axis6重复震动Repetitive shock40g pea

12、k 3 orthog onal axes, 3+ and 3- in each axis, 11ms pulse width7热冲击Thermal shock-35Cto75C,V 3mintran siti on, dwell, 200cycle8跌落测试Drop testBS EN60068-2-32:1993 TEST ED: free fall appe ndix B7. 机械特征Mechanical characteristic:外壳材质:铝Shell material: Aluminum外壳尺寸:长*宽*高=155 X 90 X 50毫米Outline dimension: L*W

13、*H=155 X 90 X 50mm输入接口 : 通过 IEC 标准Input socket: meets IEC standard电源线 : 1.5 米长AC wires: 1.5m length输出线 : 米长DC wire: 1.0m length净重 : 千克Net Weight: 0.9 Kg8. 包装,运输方式和存储方式 Package, transportation & storage包装 Package:包装盒内有产品名称,型号,生产厂家名称,安全标准,序号,使用说明书以及装箱单。There is product name, model, name of manufacture

14、r, safety approval, serial number, User Manual and packinglist in the package box.运输方式 Transportation :适用于货车装运,产品需放在阴处,装卸时请小心。Suit for transportation by truck, the products should be shielded by tent from sunshine, and loaded and unloaded carefully.存储方式 Storage :当产品不使用时,应放在包装盒内。仓库温度应在-4070 C,相对湿度为59

15、5%并且仓库内不能有有害气体,易燃品,爆炸品,腐蚀性等化学物品及强有力的机械震动、冲击和磁场影响。包装盒需放在距离地面 至少20cm高,距离墙,热源,和通风口50cm远。充电器在此种存储条件下可以放两年,超过两年须重新检测。充电器必须每三个月通电一次,通电时间应不少于小时。Products should be stored in package box when it is not used. And warehouse temperature should be -4070 C , and relative humidity is 595%. In the warehouse, there

16、should not be harmful gas, inflammable, explosive products, and corrosive chemical products, and strong mechanical vibration, shock and strong magnetic field affection. The package box should be above ground at least 20cm height, and 50cm away from wall, thermal source, and vent. Under this requirem

17、ent, product has 2 years of storage period, and should be rechecked when over 2 years.9. 可靠度需求 Reliability requirementsMTBF(标准,环境温度,负载要求)50K小时;MTBF (sta ndard, environmen tal temperature, load requireme nt) 50K hours;测试条件 :25 C , 满载,测试通过值。testing condition: 25 C ,full load, testing proved value.10. 充电曲线Charging Curve

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