高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 4 Writing课件 新人教版必修3

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1、SECTION WRITING写作指导常用表达写作结构针对训练如何写对比型电子邮件如何写对比型电子邮件邮件的写作格式与信件的写作格式相同,应以“Dear .”开头,“Yours,”加署名结尾,署名应另起一行。在写法上邮件不同于信件,邮件应简明扼要,不能像信件那样可长可短。针对训练中要求介绍有关两个节日的异同,这就要求我们用简练的语言把要点写清楚。可以用对比的写法,恰当使用however,but,on the one hand .on the other hand等具有对比功能的连接词,这样能使所写文章层次分明,段落清晰。写作指导常用表达写作结构针对训练1.Im glad to know tha

2、t you are interested in .2.You want to know the similarities and differences between .3.are similar in two ways.4.However,.are quite different (in .).5.As far as I know,Easter is an important religious festival for Christians.6.I hope my explanations will satisfy your curiosity.写作指导常用表达写作结构针对训练第一段:开

3、门见山,直接点题(.you want to know the similarities and differences between .)。第二段:介绍两者的相同点(.are similar in two ways)。第三段:介绍两者的不同点(用however引出本段内容)结束语:I hope .写作指导常用表达写作结构针对训练假设你是李华。你的外国笔友杰克(Jack)对中国文化很感兴趣。他发现西方的复活节和中国的清明节有相似之处,特地发来邮件,询问你这两个节日之间的差异。请你根据下表给杰克回一封邮件,介绍清明节与复活节之间的异同。写作指导常用表达写作结构针对训练注意:1.可以适当增加细节,

4、以使行文连贯。2.参考词汇:清明节Tomb Sweeping Day祭品sacrificeDear Jack, Yours,Li Hua写作指导常用表达写作结构针对训练参考范文:Dear Jack,I am glad to know you are interested in Chinese culture and that you want to know the similarities and differences between Tomb Sweeping Day and Easter.Tomb Sweeping Day and Easter are similar in two w

5、ays:they are both celebrated in spring and they are both held in memory of the dead.However,their ways of celebrating are quite different.On Tomb Sweeping Day,the Chinese usually go to clean the graves of their ancestors and relatives,offering sacrifices and lighting incense.As far as I know,Easter is an important religious festival for Christians.It is a festival to celebrate the return of Jesus from the dead,and a religious parade and the egg rolling activities are held during the day.I hope my explanations will satisfy your curiosity.Yours,Li Hua

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