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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1 会计的英文定义(跨考的同学是本科专业的英文定义)Accounting is an information system that measures, records economic activities, and processes the information of these activities into financial report, and communicates these findings to decision-making.(会计是一个信息系统,它对经济活动进行确认,记录,并把这些信息做成财务报表,并用于决策。)1. 财务会计和财务管理

2、的区别Financial management is an management activity that includes raising ,using and allocating capital by the skills and methods of management. It stresses advance management. (财务管理是指运用管理知识、技能、方法,对企业资金的筹集、使用以及分配进行管理的活动。主要在事前管理。)Accounting is to continuously reflect and supervise the enterprise busine

3、ss activities in the form of money and participate in decision making.( 会计是指以资金形式,对企业经营活动进行连续地反映、监督和参与决策的工作。)2. 描述面试的面试室(楼主就是这个问题,听到后完全慌了,说得非常不理想)3. 英文自我介绍见给你发的自我介绍文档4. 为什么选择这个学校,为什么选择会计见给你发的自我介绍文档5. 最喜欢的英文歌曲1.会计学科发展动态的了解情况和在本专业领域发展的潜力。(中英中英版版)会计发展动态和前景(或者包括就业前景)会计专业目前的就业现状是低端人才泛滥,高端人才紧俏。如果你的学历低,而且专

4、业水平不高的话,就只能去一些小的公司工作,工资很低。而如果你专业水平高,英语水平好,则可以去到比较好的企业。所以,在本专业要努力学好真本领。The current employment situation of accounting profession is that too much people lacking enough professional skills find it difficult to hunt for a job and those talented people can get a good job. If your degree is low, then you

5、 must study hard. Or you have to get a poor job and gain small salary. So, its very important for you to learn professional skills well.2 喜欢的英语歌曲和原因我最喜欢的英文歌曲是迈克尔杰克逊的heal the world.我喜欢这首歌不仅因为他是我最喜欢的歌手的歌曲,还因为这首歌是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲。它的歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,维护世界和平,让我们营造一个到处充满了温暖和关怀的世界,让孩子们可以自由的欢笑,。而且他的声音纯洁而又充满

6、童真。听了“Heal the world”之后,你会感到周围是充满爱心的,生活是充满希望的。My favorite English song is “heal the world” sung by Michael Jackson. I like this song because it is a song calling for world peace. It advocates people to protect and cherish our environment, avoid the war and maintain world peace so that the world can

7、be filled with love. And his voice is pure and full of innocence. After listening to Heal the world, you will feel life is full of love and hope.3.介绍万州(英文),可以介绍美食和旅游景点,只介绍美食也行,地处东北部,库区腹心。Wanzhou district is located in the northeast of Chongqing. Its the center of the three-gorges area of yangtze riv

8、er. Unlike the plain, it has many mountains and rivers. So it has many scenic spots. For example, Qinglong waterfall is called “the first waterfall of Asia”. Its famous for the magnificent momentum mmentm and unique landscapes. And it is an important scenic spot in Chongqing. Wanzhou district also h

9、as many delicious feature food. The most famous food must be Wanzhou grill fish. Its made by a unique approach of stewing after baking. It combines the essence of the two kinds of cooking process. Its fresh, sweet, hemp and spicy, which is popular among lots of people.1.万州烤鱼: 其 烤 鱼 鲜、香、麻、辣 各 种口味俱全,肉

10、质鲜嫩,风味独特,自推出后一直门庭若市,深受消费者的好评。据说川式烤鱼的由来是从非洲传来的,一名捕到鱼的非洲土著,烤了很久鱼还未熟,便把那条鱼 加入汤汁调味料边吃烤,发现比以往任何时候都鲜美,从此就有了这道美味,烤鱼相传已有千余年历史。2.青龙瀑布青龙瀑布风景区即青龙瀑布。青龙瀑布位于重庆市万州区甘宁镇甘宁河段,名闻遐迩、享誉中外的“亚洲第一瀑”青龙瀑布,以它 惊 天地、泣鬼神的磅礴气势和众星拱月般的奇特景观与脍炙人口的民间传说,受到世人瞩目。4.三峡跟我们这的关系,或者三峡的一些风景(青龙瀑布)关系:由于三峡工程的建设,万州变成了三峡库区腹心。三峡学院是由几所学校合并而成的,后来才更名为三峡

11、学院。万州离三峡大坝也只有4个多小时的车程。Due to the construction of the three gorges project, Wanzhou becomes the center of the three gorges area. The three gorges college is composed of several colleges and is renamed the Chongqing three gorges university. It only takes you 4 hours if you want to go to the three gorges dam from Wanzhou.专心-专注-专业

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