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1、会议邀请函英文模板【篇一:英语会议邀请函模板】dear xx,on behalf of the xxxxx, i would be very pleased to invite you to attend a conference of the forthcoming 1st opportunity and challenge xxxxx to be held in xxxuniversity, china, from december 19 to december 30, 2011.as we all know, google is one of the top corporations a

2、round the world in computer science, and the biggest internet searchservice provider. at the same time, google s products are also famous and popular in music, society network, andsmartphone operating system et al. you are an internationally acclaimed scholar and businessman assuredly. your research

3、 on distributed software service and parallel computation is widely used in computer science. your participation will be among the highlights of the conference.we sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. as you know, this is the 1st held of occsg and we plan to make it a truly internatio

4、nal meeting. we have accepted many papers from several disciplines.if you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since wehave to prepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance.sincerely yours,xxxxxxxxxxx【篇二:会议邀请函模板】* 研讨会邀请函尊敬的 * :您好!* 研讨会定于 20* 年 *月* 日*日在 * 召开,诚

5、挚邀请您参会。会议的有关事宜如下:一、会议主题*二、主要论题1.* 面临的形势与任务2.* 建设与 * 的完善3.* 的经验总结4.* 队伍建设的主要措施与途径5.* 定位6.* 等 *问题7. 当前 *的热点问题8.* 相关 * 问题三、投稿要求本届 *研讨会,接收与上述专题相关的、未公开发表的论文与研究报告。1. 投稿内容与格式论文格式包括标题、作者基本信息、摘要、关键词、正文、注释、参考文献几个部分。摘要字数在 200-300 字之间,且关键词最多不能超过 4 个。论文正文总字数应不少于5000 字,中文使用宋体、小四号字、 1.5 倍行距排版;含页眉和脚注在内,页边距设为 2.5 厘米

6、。提交的文章中凡采用他人原文或观点,务必加注说明。在引文后加括号注明作者、出版年份及页码,或者直接将引用以脚注方式标识清楚。详细文献出处作为参考文献列于文后,以作者、出版年份、书(或文章)名、出版单位(或期刊名)、出版地点排序。文献按作者姓氏的第一个字母依 az 顺序分中、英文两部分排列,中文文献在前,英文文献在后。引文中的英文部分,专著名用斜体,论文题目写入 “ 号”内。作者自己的说明放在当页脚注。2. 投稿电子邮箱email :* (请在邮件主题标明:* 研讨会)3. 论文收录研讨会筹备委员会将会收录您的投稿,并将制作论文集,文件,请一并发送至投稿电子邮箱并注明:*研讨会4. 投稿截止日期

7、ppt如有。ppt本次会议投稿截止日期为四、研讨会时间及地点20* 年*月*日。会议时间: 20* 年 *月*日报到, *月*日会议, *日考察。住宿地点: *大酒店( *高速公路 *出口 *行 *米路 *)会议地点: *五、会议回执为统计参会人数、预先做出相应安排以保证本届 * 研讨会顺利举行,如果您 “确定 ”参会,收到此邀请函后,请务必在 20* 年 *月 *日以前填写好参会回执并以 e-mail 发送到会务组投稿邮箱 * ,以便于我们为您提前预定酒店房间,以及其他工作的开展,谢谢合作。六、联系我们地址: * 邮编: *电话:张 * :13*;王*:13*e-mail :*此致敬礼!*

8、研讨会*大学 *学院20* 年 *月* 日【篇三:学术会议邀请函an invitation letter】dear ms wang:i have the great pleasure, on behalf of the international conference on medical biometrics organization, of inviting you to contribute to the symposium on medical device technologies, medical data processing and management, medical pattern recognition, medical biometric systems and applications to be held in shenzhen, between 30th may and 1th june 2014.i will be looking forward to your favorable reply.sincerely yours,guangming lu2014-01-02

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