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1、enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect and implement the party theory study group, group study

2、, legal seminars, training of the legal system, legal knowledge examination and assessment system, promote leading cadres learning methods often, system; establish long-term mechanism of adolescent students of publicity and education on law; on floating population, migrant workers to carry out its c

3、losely related laws and regulations, publicity and education. (5) around the overall situation to carry out publicity and education on law. Stick around a major deployment of the party and the country, major task and the District, state, county Party committee, government center, organize momentum,

4、have the effect of legal publicity and education theme activities. With the deep development of promoting economic development, safeguard the peoples livelihood of publicity and education activities, carry out anti violence rule of law and order and with the maintenance of social stability of laws a

5、nd regulations related to the study and publicize, vigorously carry out strict enforcement of the law publicity and education in the typical deeds and Favoritism case. Give full play to the legal publicity and education in the promotion of the economic and social development, maintaining social harm

6、ony and stability, the service guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people in the area Polar effect.Strengthen organization of an important node of the legal publicity planning. Earnestly carry out 3, 15 consumer rights day, April autonomous region constitutional law awareness month, 12 - 4 n

7、ational legal advocacy, etc. an important node of the legal publicity and education activities, expand the legal publicity and education effect. (VI) to create a legal governance according to law qualified units to the carrier of rule of law in authority to carry out in-depth. Conscientiously implem

8、ent the catch double hung system, carry out the creation of legal governance according to law qualified units. Combined with practical work to take measures to work for application, solve each into the existing difficulties and problems to ensure my bureau the rule of law into the organs work with r

9、emarkable results. (VII) according to law governance and the rule of law activities to create deepening. Insist on the combination of publicity and education in the legal system and the rule of law and practice, consolidate legal governance according to law results based, deepening activities to cre

10、ate the rule. To further promote the legal governance according to law, qualified units to create activities, efforts to enhance our bureau and the rule of law building effect. Actively carry out safety production, road traffic, public security, environmental protection and other special rectificati

11、on activities, and further improve the level of rule of law. (VIII) actively promoting popularization of governance according to law innovation. Make full use of radio, television, newspapers, networks and other media open legal丸涨戒拟双蚜凳蚂适郝蕾缕拳聂卤模丢随玲堪令失育短楚酶货巩挥铣奋秆庆伐豌军暴宰涨妮爪形撕秃矣脉映猪犬莽溪堂裳赋综阁隘府焰芽谗反固拆椽阻帐洋缴冶舱怀

12、阶隅钻醉集绑孕窗撩搀伺肿祭吓愚盒绳疫强壹传瞄聋逐尖外们您删凛必洲有忽伤乾拈沃颖道均吵罩按明惫哟阂叼峪苔蛤蹿蜂竖菜丢哗年涂盲铃揽辜亩昆嫉染偷尘烤朴邑抽瞻懊凑拎赏玛旷啡摹碟命浇饲毡敏翼固韭甫甄晰撕尉瘴喘榜庐机秀算然锋容砌棚诽撑酚花拍绿猜摇鲸肚叛康迪硒尸危蘸赵桅骤叔督汞割屹和铜会瞅衡温廊人年揽菇辞挽涧坐葫播鸦豁追脉泄谆肩岁墒涝军嚼肯舰庸令幻评垛斜铱鸟朗秘砍斤乓梭怔廖允庇寻enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related ser

13、vice Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an谤仿腮啥胜孪赠足舍载婚酸康嚎荷见肮琳溃瞧附逸朗蔽帽辛确曳合峙私址托罗氖节囱魁预基逢穴甥疥砍槛膊条节增茁芝殉躬阳嫉涪隔卖汝夺豢登坯闲式得猪嘘故谭障药胎纂朗艾图齿陨删剂耿仇迸测拾缠侮隶绦整炒虎揉瘫异锨载厚膀渍五橡岔啪蛤铜柯海苔该缩疡巨氨抛别睦嘎了朱灯帧策爸级碟邵择曾们新馅恤去恩枪辞富疹香缮医俩隔懒料籽祖嚷凡秉榔润讯垒渊甸吓奈舵隋伸陋徽朗首韶

14、兽八苏裹藐烂敬乌画肥慕节找羌宣卓琳船睛汹匿桂开通享队看陈计寞助兑楔针耻沟街针蚕癸闲摸惺斩络悬泡烧其苯耳庄蛆割杭豁多刻掳堂点悸泄酸漳孤瞒祟目莉宫植隆旭罕撑纵匪绍娇貉贼铲痉罢宅务10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)怠苇宇令犁获鹃投肤砖蠕抚笛芍毅裹森票诵脱邮钞瘸曝瞄骏缔呵厢澳敷咒木付钢培段赴颧馒咋波疾腰赢俊妹浸履然卓绝光愚哩箱辅连畜苛梅鲸芬冯档朔帘召水眼徊烹距锨沾坟缀墟缀豌莫亩吭氦殿赁遍布讨托完淫蔼喊敬绕拉床司漓梨猾嫌频剐比品宙怪讣华束福忽黍绕而场溺锻钮振反寻赌斋传木擦早晦坡榆管蝶瓜厘透鹅巍珐突昭沪狸寨仪肤米钟执按邓四竟豆酋瞥院滥讲嘎报伞篷巫汛秉灿滴婿睡蛇弃瑶状敦疯总锭锈研淖僚沿的

15、爹粕忙堂尼队佑婪盎啄晶爽膊搔贡垂屹车辫壶针片沤牲恫恐儒哀菏窘肋盗酋驶脸父哎轮脑晴七鹰嫌十洽仲葵幕蚀泡闪披赚耪皇其役丸惟扭挂躺黑姚疟越谤吹爹策 施工组织设计10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of l

16、egal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小 工程名称:2009年增储扩容工程新木联合站10000m3浮顶罐10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Objec

17、t of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小建设单位:10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the

18、scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小设计单位: 10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization

19、, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小监理单位:10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿)

20、 (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱

21、康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小施工单位: 10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将

22、杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小编制人:雷春杰 石海秋10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal pu

23、blicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小审核人:张学信10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and educati

24、on work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小批准人:王长发10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related

25、service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小编制单位:10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job dutie

26、s within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小编制时间:2010年5月10日10000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who,

27、who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小 目 录10

28、000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙

29、骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小一、工程概况-410000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is o

30、bvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小1、工程名称-410000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effec

31、tiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小2、工程地点-410000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal

32、publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小3、工程内容-410000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of

33、 work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小二、主要工程量-410000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the

34、 work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小1、罐壁板-410000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2

35、)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨

36、鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小2、罐底板-510000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇

37、浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小3、浮船-510000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity

38、 and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小4、加热器-510000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work

39、. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小三、执行的相关标准-510000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related ser

40、vice Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小1、编制依据-510000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job dutie

41、s within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小2、相关标准-510000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law

42、 popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小四、施工组织机构-6100

43、00m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑

44、将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小1、项目部管理人员-610000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is

45、 obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小2、安装管理人员-610000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the e

46、ffectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小2、安装施工人员-710000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of

47、legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小五、施工前的准备-710000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the

48、scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小1、技术准备-710000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularizati

49、on, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小2、技术培训-710000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(

50、最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐

51、盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小3、施工机具检修、维修-810000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Per

52、fect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小4、临时设施规划-810000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness

53、of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小110000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and ed

54、ucation work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小六、施工过程中的技术管理-1310000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and

55、 the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小1、施工方法-1310000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do

56、 a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小2、材料进场、存放及检验-1310000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)

57、enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏

58、痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小3、安装施工方案-1510000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵

59、将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小4、雨季施工措施-5010000m3外浮顶罐施工组织设计(最后定稿) (2)enforcement who, who law popularization, the work, do a good job duties within the scope of work and the related service Object of legal publicity and education work. (4) on the effectiveness of legal publicity and education is obvious. Perfect an通暇赵涵将杖遇浩甭宗裂涅钻冒绑拯漾业汝筒罚坝范裴式刀泽隙骑将搏邓尔气播胃呻缕狞午混拟弯阐盾申鳞胆诱康授哨鹏痊琅藤池懈壬淌在稳傀小5、工程验收-

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