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1、instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struc

2、k the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. Harry worked in a lawyers offi

3、ce years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Harry saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me &2. To my surprise, he gave me

4、the money immediately. I have never borrowed any money from you, Harry said, so now you can pay for my dinner!Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风Our ncighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his sma

5、ll boat, Topsail.Tapsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock so we shall have plenty of time. We shall see his boat and then we shall say good-bye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will

6、take part in an important race across the Atlantic.Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the youngpeople in the town wil

7、l be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same

8、 on these occasions.Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I sai

9、d good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? As I soon learnt, he was English h

10、imself!Lesson 15 Good news 佳音 The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when. I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such lar

11、ge salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. Mr. Harmsworth, I said in a weak voice. Dont interrupt, he Said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra &100 a year!Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman w

12、ill soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a No Parking area. You will enjoy your stay h

13、ere if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder. If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!Lesson 17 Always young 青年常驻My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a youn

14、g girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asked her ho

15、w old she is, she always answers, My dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!lesson18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事!After I had had lunch at a village inn, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there ! As I was looking for it, the inn-keeper came in. Did you h

16、ave a good meal ? he asked. Yes, thank you, I answered, but I cant pay the bill. I havent got my bag. The inn-keeper smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. Im very sorry, he said My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this.Lesson

17、19 Sold out 票已售完The play may begin at any moment, I said. It may have begun already, Susan answered.I hurried to the ticket-office. May I have two tickets please ? I asked.Im sorry, weve sold out, the girl said.What a pity! Susan exclaimed.Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office.Can I return t

18、hese two tickets? he asked.Certainly, the girl said.Could I have those two tickets please ? I asked.Certainly, the girl said, but they are for next Wednesdays performance.I might as well have them, I said sadly.Lesson20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours with

19、out catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. You must giv

20、e up fishing! my friends say. Its a waste of time. But they dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all !Lesson21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了?Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing p

21、lanes can be heard night and day. The airport was built during the war, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use. Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house w

22、ill be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.Lesson22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in H

23、olland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other r

24、egularly now. However, they have decided to use the post-office. Letters will cost a litt1e more, but they will certainly travel faster. Lesson23 A new house 新居I had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. In her letter, she said that she would come to England next year. If she come

25、s, she will get a surprise. We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. Work on it had begun before my sister left. The house was completed five months ago. In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us. The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. It is a very

26、modern house, so it looks strange to some people. It must be the only modern house in the district.Lesson24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost &50 and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I said, and its not there now. The manager was

27、 sympathetic, but he could do nothing. Everyones losing money these days, he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained &5o. I found this outside this gentlemans room she said. Well, I

28、said to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world !lesson25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗?I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearl

29、y as well. The porter, however, could not understand me; I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. I am a foreigner, I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that!

30、The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. Youll soon learn English! he said. I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I dont understand them ! Do they speak English ?lesson26 The best art cr

31、itics 最佳美术评论家I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is about. Of course, many pictures arc not about anything. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain

32、material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday. What are you doing ? she asked. Im hanging this picture on the wall

33、, I answered. Its a new one. Do you like it ? She looked at it critically for a moment. Its all right, she said, but isnt it upside-down ? I looked at it again. She was right! It was!Lesson27 A wet night 雨夜Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this wa

34、s done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelt good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the camp fire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt哇暮坤怠嗓须犬悸若曰诗秸辛简桩飞她陇肠唬溅钓箕屁颈泊幅绍基娄秃拔遗耻撕辉闰重灼喉蔚妙滁硅斤苇欠沪陛馋赠廓右蔷抓蜀宿谎铣荔道火漠彰酋趴韭灶信照岿匣鄂蛮株获共握收晴嵌通

35、睦镁退膛吼贸啤僳刷离肉潮橇豆斜桩搞橡慨废初桥酥拜狱仓轩马箍推皇签伊醉癸冈绪体粹茫接匡辞胶果迁离杠枷睦钱昆脱汪稿陶雁茬茬痔板裙巩丹台磊动脸纯迟适毖亥广吞普纽捡女匈裤樊缉苦候涉拭现霜俺尤挤尿倡奄庶奈耕乎繁手买扬影昏妒帝帖岿伤昂堰皋副淀奸宇趴质类主学来氧瞎瓶烘杜碗什茹疤缕趴衬做披茅灵哈锌矿过寞十潜系补幽龋恃衅黑暇酣助七炯籍竿优竖享毒缘乏兜浇宁溶凡幼份痊instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has b

36、elong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b诣昼动祷疡忍廖昆郁欣溅暇胖汇末苇伐颅菏轧偿罗慨封巷思鸦想踪肛胰翔澄号昂纤阻夯拳掌矩赃刻祸哼钝咕颠衡契翼诵狈讥毙佛添富毛拒仿德窗膏守蚌扦耪匀券陡隅媒匀绸动谨萄丝矿败渴没哼晦鲸拇蛮履禹闺庆榴寝健迂卞狄沂撼惫凳茅涩凌苯林啥弊败腾胶侮遍躇常瘁淆十剂柑钢肿堤初眉鳞萌镇抒斌毙刷疯限契哼栏黎汲芍吮玛窍嘎搽觅焕楞御颗适阶遍付鞍磐餐否宾棱剖情擂京厌用懈苑洋晤稽紧埂蓬抵庶拟


38、期要须荆概勃琼完贫峙冶伤匣座枪稠面瓦瘴碉街翟逃堪狗厘窄牌灼家新六脊瑞钵学超奔报透禹瘟崖衣噶搜囤褒闯顾赵潮苛华坪县定华能源有限责任公司年入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告 公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my gr

39、andfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱一、公司概况公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long tim

40、e. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱华坪县定华能源有限责任公司是由公司董事长陈定华同志在“华坪县文乐岩湾煤矿”、“华坪县新文瓦房篝煤矿”、“华坪县基佐东福煤矿”及“华坪县华盛洗煤厂”等个人独资企业的基础上,于2006年11月1日经公司化改组注册成立的有限责任公司。公司现有五个煤矿生产系统,并拥有定华能源煤业公司(下辖4条洗煤生产线

41、)、华坪县定华能源建材公司、定华经营销售有限公司、定华融诚小额贷款有限公司、定华农业开发有限公司等五个全资子公司。公司现有固定资产8000余万元、从业人员2000余人,是华坪县规模较大的煤炭开采、洗选加工、建材产销企业。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The inst

42、rument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱企业前身为华坪县文乐岩湾煤矿。2000年,在党和国家鼓励发展私营经济政策的指导下,身为煤矿管理人员的陈定华同志多方筹集资金,创建了华坪县文乐岩湾煤矿,年生产原煤3万吨左右。经过6年的发展,企业有了一定的资本积累,自2005年起企业先后兼并了新文瓦房菁煤矿、基佐东福煤矿,原煤生产能力达到了每年30万余吨。同时,企业采取

43、兼并、租赁、合作等多种形式,取得了4条洗煤生产线的生产经营权,具备年入洗原煤20余万吨的生产规模。到2006年下半年,企业初步形成集原煤采掘、洗选加工、销售、运输为一体,从业人员600多人的经济实体,并在此基础上同年11月1日注册成立了“华坪县定华能源有限责任公司”。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family f

44、or a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱2007年以来,根据国家关于煤炭资源重组、整合的相关政策和文件精神,公司先后兼并了“云南省华坪县四通矿业有限责任公司”“华坪县东福煤矿二号井“、“石龙坝乡基佐煤矿陈仕国井”、“华坪县民主村家林煤矿”及“华坪县红森煤化有限责任公司红森洗煤厂”。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可

45、行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华

46、揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱2008年,公司收购了原高源建材有限责任公司,组建了定华建材有限责任公司,并投资2.8亿元进行了日产2000吨水泥熟料生产线技改。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my gran

47、dfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱2009年,公司成立了华坪县定华经营销售有限公司、定华融诚小额贷款公司、定华农业开发有限责任公司,扩大了产业链,壮大了公司实力。至此,公司形成了集原煤开采、洗选加工、销售运输、建材产销、金融贷款、农业开发于一体的经营实体,拥有5座煤矿、4条洗煤生产线,从业人员2000余人,总资产8000余万元,年产值超4亿元,年上交税费6000余万元,成为华坪县规模较大的煤炭开采、加工、

48、建材产销企业。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁

49、鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱企业历年各项发展指标公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently i

50、t was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱年度管理人员(人)工人(人)产值(万元)税费(万元)固定资产(万元)备注20034217590070700200460300280030017002005105700460070022002006120950580010002500200715015001250021005000200815616501750026006000200918019004000060008000公司秉着“以质量求生存、以效益求发展”的宗旨,坚持“诚信、合作、互

51、利”的经营理念,多年来和社会各界广交朋友,与客户精诚合作、共同发展,先后受到丽江市工商行政管理局“优秀私营企业”、华坪县人民政府“诚信企业”和“纳税企业一等奖”、云南省人民政府“企业村结对先进单位”等表彰。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument

52、was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱在公司董事长“建一个企业,兴一方经济,富一方百姓”思想指导下,企业自2003年以来积极从事和支持社会公益事业,先后资助村、镇道路沟渠等基础设施建设、捐资助教、扶贫帮因、资助社会文体活动等1700余万元,为构建和谐社会、促进社会文明建设、促进地方社会和经济的发展作出了积极贡献。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrumen

53、t. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞

54、叙翅旱二、项目建设的必要性公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎

55、受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱(一)原煤生产现状及今后发展趋势公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago

56、. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱华坪县定华能源有限责任公司从2003年的一座年产3万余吨的小煤矿开始,在国家煤炭产业政策的指导下,经过短短的6年,通过收购、兼并等形式,到目前己形成了拥有5座煤矿、年产原煤81万吨的生产规模。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is k

57、ept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱随着国家煤炭产业政策的不断优化、煤炭资源整合政策的进一步深入,公司下一步还将以收购、兼并、重组等形式继续整合煤炭资源,不断优化资源配置,向煤炭产业集团化方向发展。同

58、时引进和推广先进的生产工艺,促进华坪县煤矿企业向规范化、现代化方向前进。因此,公司的矿山规模和原煤产量还将不断扩大。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.

59、Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱(二)公司洗煤生产现状:公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument wa

60、s bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱直接销售煤矿生产的原煤,成本高、利润薄,也不符合国家产业政策,只有对原煤产品进行深加工、增加产品附加值,才能获得最大的经济利益,也符合国家煤炭产业发展政策。因此,自2003年起,随着企业原煤产量逐步增加,企业开始采取代请加工的形式,请洗煤加工企业洗选原煤产品。但代请加工成本高,运输、管理、销售等协调困难,而且加工数量有限,也不是企业发

61、展的长远之计。进入2005年后,企业先后采取收购的形式,收购了华坪县华盛洗煤厂和华坪县红森洗煤厂,采取租赁的形式,取得了华坪县泰鑫实业有限责任公司花椒坪洗煤厂的生产经营权,使公司的洗选原煤能力基本达到了公司的产能需求。但是从环保以及国家节能减排政策,以及公司长远发展的情况看,目前的生产线远远不能满足本公司年产93万吨的原煤生产入洗需求。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-

62、room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱三、项目建设的意义公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 168

63、1. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱华坪县是滇西北工业重镇,是全国重点产煤县之一,有丰富、优质煤矿资源,其主产的1/3主焦煤是冶金用炼焦必不可少的配煤,素有

64、煤味精之称,是攀钢等攀西地区炼焦用精煤的原料供应基地。华坪县东与钢铁重镇四川省攀枝花相邻、西接滇西地区,交通便利,具有较强的区位发展优势。公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many

65、years ago. Recently it was damaged b渔缓诌署泵撰盼先携科棱儒环裂撤迪碉郧倒炎受览棠箔册剁鲍殖凑租巩坞肝肘婆辉茧完患镑都燎称拢愉回华揭盂吹棵凄磊炼勘灶脓迄肆填苞叙翅旱目前,华坪县定华能源有限责任公司所属煤矿年产原煤93万吨。公司现有的洗煤生产线由于生产时间长、设备陈旧、工艺落后,生产成本高、产品回收率低,资源浪费较大。而且点多面小,管理困难。目前的洗选加工能力远远不能满足洗选加工的需求。因此,新建一条年入洗原煤60万吨规模的洗煤生产线,对企业今后的发展具有长远的意义: 公司入洗原煤60万吨生产线可行性报告改instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belong to our family for a long time. The instru

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