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1、 中央文献重要术语译文发布区域协同发展coordinated development between regions城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration物质文明和精神文明协调发展ensure that cultural-ethical and material development progress together军民融合发展战略military-civilian integration strategy经济建设和国防建设融合发展integrated development of the economy and national defense京津冀协同发展coor

2、dinated development of the Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei region综合立体交通走廊multimodal transport corridor居住证制度residence card system财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制mechanism linking the transfer payments a local government receives to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency in its jurisdiction城镇建设用

3、地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制mechanism linking increases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency there中国特色新型智库new type of Chinese think tanks马克思主义理论研究和建设工程Marxist Theory Research and Development Project哲学社会科学创新工程in

4、itiative to promote innovation in philosophy and the social sciences网络容建设工程initiative to enrich online content农村人居环境整治行动rural living environment improvement initiative历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage美丽宜居乡村a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in中文英

5、文引领型发展leading-edge development创新驱动发展战略innovation-driven development strategy优进优出战略strategy for optimizing imports and exports网络强国战略national cyber development strategy国家大数据战略national big data strategy藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application智能

6、制造工程smart manufacturing initiative大科学工程Big Science project能源安全储备制度energy security reserve system金融宏观审慎管理制度macroprudential regulation of the financial sector普惠性创新支持政策体系inclusive policies for the support of innovation企业研发费用加计扣除政策policy of additional tax deductions for enterprise research and developme

7、nt协同创新collaborative innovation众创、众包、众扶、众筹crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding宏观政策要稳、产业政策要准、微观政策要活、改革政策要实、社会政策要托底的总体思路The idea is to ensure macro-level policy maintains economic stability, industrial policy is targeted, micro-level policy injects dynamism into the economy,

8、 reform policy delivers results, and social policy sees basic living needs are met.稳中求进工作总基调seeking progress while working to keep performance stable供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform区间调控、定向调控、相机调控range-based, targeted, and well-timed regulation去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板address overcapacity, reduce inve

9、ntory, deleverage, lower costs, and bolster areas of weakness发展新动能new driver of growth与地方事权和支出责任划分define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments国际产能合作international cooperation on production capacity准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度the pre-establishment national treatm

10、ent plus negative list system质量强国a country strong on quality知识产权强国IPR powerhouse工匠精神spirit of craftsmanship政府法律顾问制度system of government legal advisors中国特色大国外交理念the philosophy underpinning Chinas diplomacy as a major country为政之道,民生为本That government is best which gives prime place to the wellbeing of

11、the people.简除烦苛,禁察非法cut red tape and root out illegalities上下同欲者胜Success comes to those who share in one purpose.国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划(“十三五”规划)the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Peoples Republic of China (the 13th Five-Year Plan )全面建成小康社会决胜阶段the decisive stage in finishing

12、 building a moderately prosperous society in all respects坚持人体地位uphold the principal position of the people引领经济发展新常态guide the new normal in Chinas economic development中高速增长medium-high rate of economic growth创新发展innovative development创新是引领发展的第一动力Innovation is the primary engine of development.协调发展coor

13、dinated development协调是持续健康发展的在要求Coordination is an integral aspect of sustained and healthy development.绿色发展green development; eco-friendly development绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现Green, which represents an eco-friendly outlook, is a necessary condition for ensuring lasting development as well as an i

14、mportant way in which people pursue a better life.开放发展open development开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路Opening up is the path China must take to achieve prosperity and development.共享发展shared development共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求Sharing is the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics人与自然和谐发展humankind develops in harmony

15、 with nature; harmonious development between man and nature生命共同体a community of life生态文明ecological progress; ecological conservation; eco-civilization生态文化eco-culture国家生态安全national ecological security全球生态安全global ecological security生态文明制度体系例到2020年,构建起由自然资源资产产权制度、国土空间开发保护制度等八项制度构成的生态文明制度体系。institutiona

16、l framework for promoting ecological progressBy 2020, an institutional framework composed of eight systems will have been established for promoting ecological progress, including a property rights system for natural resource assets and a system for developing and protecting territorial space.生态文明体制改

17、革例紧紧围绕建设美丽中国,深化生态文明体制改革,加快建立生态文明制度,推动形成人与自然和谐发展现代化建设新格局。reform for promoting ecological progressTo build a beautiful China, we will deepen reform to promote ecological progress and move faster to establish related systems so as to create a new model of modernization that ensures humanity develops in

18、 harmony with nature.绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展green, circular, and low-carbon development节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主give high priority to conserving resources, protecting the environment, and letting nature restore itself生态保护红线ecological conservation redline国家公园体制national park system资源有偿使用和生态补偿制度system for payment-based

19、resource use and compensation for ecological conservation跨区域、跨流域生态补偿机制mechanism for trans-regional and cross-watershed compensation for ecological conservation生态文明绩效评价考核和责任追究ecological conservation performance assessment and accountability生态环境损害责任终身追究制system of lifelong accountability for ecological

20、 and environmental damage污染物排放许可制permit system for pollutants emissions绿水青山就是金山银山Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.苟日新,日日新,又日新If you can improve yourself in a day, do so each day, forever building on improvement.千里之行,始于足下A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step.政贵有恒Co

21、nsistency is valuable in governance.功崇惟志,业广惟勤Great accomplishments require ambition and tireless effort.鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已I will work heart and soul for my country to the day I draw my last breath.兄弟齐心,其利断金When brothers come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve.君子一言,驷马难追A word spoken is a word that

22、 must be honored.和而不同例中国自古就主和而不同。我们希望,国与国之间、不同文明之间能够平等交流、相互借鉴、共同进步,各国人民都能够共享世界经济科技发展的成果,各国人民的意愿能够得到尊重,各国能够齐心协力推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。harmony in diversityChina has, since ancient times, been an exponent of harmony in diversity. We hope that different countries and different civilizations will engage in e

23、xchange on an equal basis, learn from each other, and achieve common progress. We hope that the people of all countries will share in the fruits of global economic, scientific, and technological advances and that their aspirations are respected. We also hope that all countries will work together in

24、building a harmonious world where peace is lasting and prosperity is shared by all.得其大者可以兼其小例“得其大者可以兼其小。”只有把人生理想融入国家和民族的事业中,才能最终成就一番事业。The finer details fall into place when they align with the bigger picture.The finer details fall into place when they align with the bigger picture. You will accompl

25、ish something significant in life if you integrate your ambitions into the cause of your country and its people.行百里者半九十例行百里者半九十。距离实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标越近,我们越不能懈怠,越要加倍努力,越要动员广大青年为之奋斗。On reaching the last leg of a journey, you are only half way there.On reaching the last leg of a journey, you are only half wa

26、y there. The closer we are to our goal of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, the less we can afford to slack off, the more we need to intensify our efforts, and the more we need to encourage young people to work toward this goal.位卑未敢忘忧国Whatever my status, I will never lay aside my concern for the nati

27、on.富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈never be corrupted by wealth or status, depart from principle due to poverty or humble position, or bow down to power or force先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐I wish to be the first to worry about the nations woes and the last to share in its prosperity.苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之Were it to benefit my country

28、 I would lay down my life;What then is risk to me?人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青Everyone will one day die;When my day comes, may my loyalty be inscribed in the pages of history.长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海Someday, with my sail piercing the clouds;I will mount the wind, break the waves, and traverse the vast, rolling sea.中国梦例实现

29、中华民族伟大复兴,是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为“中国梦”,基本涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。Chinese DreamThe rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since the beginning of modern times; we call this the Chinese Dream. The idea in essence is to make the country prosperous and strong, rejuve

30、nate the nation, and see that the people are happy.中国道路例实现中国梦必须走中国道路。这就是中国特色社会主义道路。Chinese pathTo realize the Chinese Dream, we must follow a Chinese path the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.中国精神例实现中国梦必须弘扬中国精神。这就是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,以改革创新为核心的时代精神。Chinese spiritTo realize the Chinese Dream,

31、we must foster the Chinese spirit a fusion of the spirit of the Chinese people, central to which is patriotism, and the spirit of our era, central to which are reform and innovation.中国力量例实现中国梦必须凝聚中国力量。这就是中国各族人民大团结的力量。Chinese strengthTo realize the Chinese Dream, we must bring together Chinese streng

32、th the strength produced by all Chinese people coming together in unity.中国方案例我们将更多提出中国方案、贡献中国智慧,为国际社会提供更多公共产品。Chinese approachWe will propose more Chinese approaches, share more Chinese knowledge, and offer more public goods to the international community.和平发展道路例中国走和平发展道路,其他国家也都要走和平发展道路,只有各国都走和平发展道路

33、,各国才能共同发展,国与国才能和平相处。path of peaceful developmentChina is taking the path of peaceful development, as should other countries. Only if everyone takes this path can all countries develop together and live in peace.互利共赢的开放战略例中国将始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,通过深化合作促进世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。mutually beneficial opening up strat

34、egyChina will remain firmly committed to a mutually beneficial opening up strategy, and through deeper cooperation, promote the robust, sustainable, and balanced growth of the world economy.世界人民的梦想例中国梦既是中国人民追求幸福的梦,也同世界人民的梦想息息相通。dreams of all peoplesThe Chinese Dream is the Chinese peoples dream of h

35、appiness and is closely connected with the dreams of all peoples.命运共同体例我们的事业是同世界各国合作共赢的事业。国际社会日益成为一个你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。community with a common futureOur cause is the cause of win-win cooperation with all countries. The world is increasingly becoming a community with a common future in which all countri

36、es are interdependent.九一八事变September 18th Incident七七事变(卢沟桥事变)July 7th Incident (Lugou Bridge Incident)淞沪会战Battle of Shanghai平型关大捷Battle of Pingxingguan; victory at Pingxingguan台儿庄大捷Battle of Taierzhuang; victory at Taierzhuang会战Battle of Wuhan百团大战Hundred-Regiment Campaign八路军Eighth Route Army新四军New F

37、ourth Army东北抗日联军Northeast United Resistance Army华南人民抗日游击队Southern China Peoples Counter-Japanese Guerrilla Force中国远征军Chinese Expeditionary Force持久战protracted war游击战guerrilla warfare运动战mobile warfare地道战tunnel warfare地雷战landmine warfare抗日根据地resistance base解放区liberated area游击区guerrilla area敌占区(沦陷区)enem

38、y-occupied area; occupied area“大东亚共荣圈”“Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”“三光”政策“Three Alls” policy (kill all, burn all, loot all)“731部队”(满洲第731部队)“Unit 731” (Unit 731 of Manchuria)大屠杀Nanjing Massacre“慰安妇”“comfort women”细菌战germ warfare化学战chemical warfare“扫荡”“mopping-up” operation“蚕食”“gnawing-awa

39、y” operation“清乡”“pacification” operation中国人民抗日战争(简称:抗日战争、抗战)the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (the War of Resistance)抗日民族统一战线Chinese united front against Japanese aggression全面全民族抗战total resistance against Japanese aggression by the whole nation片面抗战partial resistance a

40、gainst Japanese aggression全国抗战nationwide war of resistance against Japanese aggression局部抗战regional war of resistance against Japanese aggression正面战场center stage battlefield敌后战场backstage battlefield战略防御/相持/反攻strategic defense/stalemate/counter-offensive世界反法西斯战争the Global War against Fascism国际反法西斯统一战线

41、the international anti-fascist united front战争策源地hotbed of war中国战场China theater欧洲战场European theater太平洋战场Pacific theater主战场例中国开辟了世界反法西斯战争的主战场。the main Eastern battlefieldThe main Eastern battlefield for the Global War against Fascism was developed in China.无条件投降unconditional surrender中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日Vict

42、ory Memorial Day for the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (VM Day)创新政府、廉洁政府和服务型政府an innovative, clean, and service-oriented government政府机构改革government institutional reform转变政府职能transform government functions简政放权、放管结合streamline government functions and administration and

43、delegate powers while improving regulation用政府权力的“减法”,换取市场活力的“乘法”cut government powers to boost market vitality法定职责必须为、法无授权不可为Government must carry out all statutory functions and duties and may not do anything not authorized by law.政府责任清单list of government responsibilities市场准入负面清单market access negat

44、ive list行政审批government review and approval简化对外投资审批程序simplify procedures for reviewing outbound investment实施大部门制merge and streamline government departments商事制度改革reform of the business system三证合一integrate the business license, the organization code certificate, and the certificate of taxation registra

45、tion into one document基本公共服务均等化ensure equitable access to basic public services社会主义法治国家socialist rule of law country;socialist country built on the rule of law建设法治中国build a rule of law China依法治国law-based governance of the country依法执政law-based exercise of state power依法行政law-based administration of go

46、vernment依宪治国governance of the country on the basis of its constitution宪法日Constitution Day法律是治国之重器,良法是善治之前提The law is of great value in the governance of a country, and good laws are a prerequisite for good governance.法治体系rule of law system于法有据例重大改革于法有据have a legal basisAll of our major reforms shoul

47、d have a legal basis.法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设a holistic approach to strengthening the rule of law in the country, in its government, and in society有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,必究ensure that laws are put in place, observed, and strictly enforced and that anyone who violates the law is held to account科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法t

48、ake a well-conceived approach to law-making, and ensure that law is strictly enforced, justice is administered impartially, and the law is observed by all职能科学、权责法定、执法严明、公开公正、廉洁高效、守法诚信的法治政府a rule of law government which has well-conceived functions and statutorily defined powers and responsibilities;

49、 which strictly enforces the law and is impartial; and which operates in an open, clean, and efficient way, with strong credibility执法责任制accountability system for law enforcement人民陪审员制度system of peoples assessors重大决策终身责任追究制度system of lifelong accountability for major decisions重大决策责任倒查机制mechanism for

50、retroactive investigation into accountability for major decisions政府权力清单list of government powers依法治国和以德治国相结合combine the rule of law with the rule of virtue天下之事,不难于立法,而难于法之必行In the governance of a country, it is the enforcement, not the enactment, of law that presents the greatest challenge.法立,有犯而必施;

51、令出,唯行而不返Once enacted, a law must be enforced and anyone who violates it must be held to account.四个全面”战略布局释义全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。Four-Pronged Comprehensive StrategyThe Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy is to make comprehensive moves to:1) finish building a moderately prosperous society;2)

52、deepen reform;3) advance the law-based governance of China; and4) strengthen Party self-discipline.“两个一百年”奋斗目标释义在中国共产党成立一百年时全面建成小康社会,在新中国成立一百年时建成富强文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。Two Centenary GoalsThe Two Centenary Goals are: to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the Communi

53、st Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021; and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious by the time the Peoples Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049.三期叠加simultaneously deal with the slowdown in ec

54、onomic growth, make difficult structural adjustments, and absorb the effects of previous economic stimulus policies双目标例保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平双目标。dual objectivesWe must focus on achieving the dual objectives of maintaining a medium-high rate of growth and moving toward a medium-high level of development.双引擎

55、例打造大众创业、万众创新和增加公共产品、公共服务双引擎。twin enginesWe need to develop twin engines popular entrepreneurship and innovation, and greater supplies of public goods and services to drive development.新常态例经济发展进入新常态,精神面貌要有新状态。new normalChinas economic development has entered a new normal, meaning we must adopt a new

56、mindset.高压态势例始终保持反腐高压态势,对腐败分子零容忍、严查处。tough stanceOur tough stance on corruption is here to stay; our tolerance for corruption is zero, and anyone guilty of corruption will be dealt with severely.硬骨头例啃了不少硬骨头tough issueWe tackled many tough issues.拦路虎例体制机制弊端和结构性矛盾是“拦路虎”。tiger in the roadInstitutional

57、and structural problems have become “tigers in the road” holding up development.扶上马、送一程例中小微企业大有可为,要扶上马、送一程。give (sb) a leg up to get (sb) goingMedium, small, and micro businesses can accomplish great things. We need to give them a leg up to get them going.创客例众多“创客” 脱颖而出。makerWe have seen great numbe

58、rs of makers giving expression to their talents.众创空间例发展众创空间maker spacedevelop maker spaces中国制造2025Made in China 2025 strategy“互联网+”行动计划Internet Plus Action Plan普惠金融inclusive finance税收法定原则principle of law-based taxation保持战略定力maintain strategic focus经济行稳致远maintain sustainable economic growth强农惠农富农stre

59、ngthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and raise rural living standards健康稳定的大国关系框架a sound and stable framework for major-country relations为公平竞争搭好舞台level the playing field for fair competition织密织牢民生保障网develop a tightly woven and sturdy safety net让更多的金融活水流向实体经济allow more financial resources to be channe

60、led into the real economy从制造大国转向制造强国transform China from a manufacturer of quantity to one of quality加强国际传播能力建设improve our ability to communicate effectively with international audiences结构性减税和普遍性降费make structural tax reductions and cut fees across the board精准扶贫、精准脱贫take targeted measures to help peo

61、ple lift themselves out of poverty以释放市场活力对冲经济下行压力invigorate the market to offset downward economic pressure保基本、兜底线、建机制build up a basic safety net, ensure there is a cushion in place for those most in need, and make due institutional arrangements有权不可任性Power is not to be used arbitrarily.1. 若不给自己设限,则人

62、生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。2. 若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。在纷杂的尘世里,为自己留下一片纯静的心灵空间,不管是潮起潮落,也不管是阴晴圆缺,你都可以免去浮躁,义无反顾,勇往直前,轻松自如地走好人生路上的每一步3. 花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。有时候觉得自己像个神经病。既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。4. 岁月是无情的,假如你丢给它的是一片空白,它还给你的也是一片空白。岁月是有情的,假如你奉献给她的是一些色彩,它奉献给你的也是一些色彩。你必须努力,当有一天蓦然回首时,你的回忆里才会多一些色彩斑斓,少一些苍白无力。只有你自己才能把岁月描画成一幅难以忘怀的人生画卷。12 / 12

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