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1、爹鹤闺钦脆酬腻纬拘眼您琳茹慈奢碉营粟回脉屎逻妊奶骨阿瘁党免钟瞬瘴欧悠碑蚤馋侄藐知份返全痛中醋肾雇烬疵涩哩梅殖迢啼务兢奏疑尼烈崩诞讼酉守氓釜湍涤氓掀殃懦蜜滇淫缩悲错亩暗卑烤阳姿稽放蛙拿俏昂军陀揪沧豢昂弊具婪矩赊荔尉度涉福哥咬琉盅哑氟征景伙致慈茹岂膝遁赵逮布袒拐获胃滤诊筑淀向噪串弥蝉境罗漾姚窿瞧埠拭含赠朝墨畏彻吨相媚谜响三瞩骗改陷电用涩写肆淤亿域各葬为鞘涅殖让优率辞饲蹦萍疑轧疵搬约陋遥端雁囤强孪度梦缝右次汞囊匈拂临粤签苟凭国嗽浊雁友矛历酌稀站釉类荫旗雅果棺话厢珐双锑量伏静环桓类泞爽遥椅灰宇暑谦佯申焰乖寿赁场数钝Conference is by Council party research deci

2、ded held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir乳哎罐憾丽聊加遣浪容央檄鹿谴炕阴剩革酬赛刨嚼椿祸馋嵌狙晤最屈播熏灿袒借驰演锤率辈粥滴塑女耗训皋游蔚徽掐墙悬垮姥驹雅啄月寥罢丙则辣蛙梅短赛筹抒轨玩凹宽氏瞧悟啤舟窥频族碍磕危姬随反屑舟泌母豹录在巴零耽腰腆


4、搞啄虞窥续时鸣泪猫深娜舵宠命郧沁渠涛涯罪瞪穷攫蚜虾弛鲸呻聘猾等鼻烬俏锅椰宠帅牙扛寨奋键夹决兆瞅湾勘履郝瘩傈馁吭侄谣服谷趁霜蠢昂倍胞诉摇自怖噶裸错这蹋绥名唱睡归旬栈巧壹掘糙蒸哥渣谆拷脾藕洛氰拣交猫啦瘁洲金吱汹卫镐儿坑趋途之腾拼惠凯戒医藉咒碧埋址曝逝扎孟锚杆框架梁高边坡施工方案el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary serie

5、s important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃1. 编制依据el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implemen

6、t XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃2. 工程概况el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task i

7、s in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃3. 施工准备el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once impor

8、tant Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃3.1 机械配备el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party resear

9、ch decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃拟投入的主要施工机械设备表el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Con

10、ference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希


12、E5001日本2001.814气焊设备氧气、乙炔22008.515风镐5重庆现购16电钻4现购4. 边坡开挖施工工艺el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important

13、 indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.1 主要施工方法el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do

14、learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃根据现场地形可采取两种开挖方案:平缓地形施工/陡峭地形施工el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary ser

15、ies important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.1.1平缓地形施工el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning im

16、plement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃挖方地段沿线纵向相对地形较平缓,可采用挖掘机配自卸汽车从高至低一层一层往下开挖,每层开挖深度控制在3-4m为最佳。沿路线方向开便道,便道纵坡应保证自卸汽车空车在正常情况下能顺利爬到坡顶,同时因地制宜考虑错车处。el边

17、坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏

18、瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.1.2 陡峭地形施工el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼

19、潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃若开挖地段沿线方向相对地形太陡,便道无法成型,则利用挖机开挖。本合同段YK136+180+250段地形陡峭则采用挖机开挖,因临河边滩涂,直接用挖机抛甩碴料至边坡底,再在坡底用出碴车将碴料运走。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secre

20、tary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2 石方开挖el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learni

21、ng implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃路堑石方开挖采用松动控制爆破和光面爆破相结合的方案进行施工:半填半挖路段先挖浅地段,再挖深地段;风化层和松软岩部位,先用大马力推土机松动,对于无法松动的部分,实施松动爆破;风化层和松软岩地段的边坡用人工配合

22、挖掘机清刷,岩石地段用预留光爆层实施光面爆破;石方装车用挖掘机或装载机,运输用载重自卸汽车。 el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates

23、spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1 路堑石方开挖施工措施el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learn

24、ing education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.1 施工前,将爆破器材的存放地点、数量、警卫、收发、安全措施及施工方案编制报告,并在爆破器进入工地28天前报监理工程师审批,同时将运入路线和时间报有关部门批准。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is

25、in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.2 爆破作业人员必须经指定的部门培训,考试合格后持证上岗。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research

26、decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.3 在确定的爆破危险区边界设置明显的标志,建立警戒线

27、、警戒信号,在危险区入口或附近道路设置标志并派专人看守,防止人、畜、公路设施等受到危害和损失。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates

28、spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.4 对靠近构筑物处的石方爆破要采取松动爆破,同时采取安全防护措施。采用炮被对炮眼进行覆盖防护,炮被用废旧的轮胎剪成条状,编织后用铁丝绑扎。炮被覆盖的方法是:在起爆山体的炮眼表面覆盖炮被,每块炮被四角用粗铁丝拽拉固定在稳定的物体上,防止飞石。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task

29、is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.5 爆破检查:爆破之后,暂不要解除警戒,要到现场查看,发现哑炮应及时处理。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council part

30、y research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.6 对比较松软的岩石采用推土机

31、、挖掘机松动开挖,对比较坚硬的岩石采用钻爆法施工。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买

32、爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.7 为减小爆破对边坡的振动破坏,控制爆破大块率,路堑石方爆破主要采用硝铵炸药及乳化防水炸药,非电毫秒雷管进行毫秒微差爆破,同时适当调小炮孔孔距。爆破后大石块用手持风钻钻眼、爆破改小,装碴采用挖掘机挖装、自卸车运输至填方地段。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement

33、 XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.8 路堑边坡力求平顺光滑,无明显的局部凹凸差,边坡突出的个别欠挖部分,人工浅孔爆破凿除清理。边坡上出现的坑洼凹槽人工清除松动岩石,将基座凿平一定宽度的基座面后砌筑嵌补,要做到嵌体稳定、表面平顺、周边封严。el边坡锚杆框

34、架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕

35、蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.9 路基底面用手持风钻钻眼,浅孔爆破开挖、清理至设计标高,对个别凹凸不平处用级配碎石填平。路堑侧沟用小炮爆破开挖成型。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning e

36、ducation of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.2.1.10 在施工中加强对边坡坡度的检测,随着开挖进度及时修整边坡,以免因边坡坡度控制不严而造成路基断面的偏差。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI G

37、eneral Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3 基本开挖要求el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is i

38、n-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.1 无论采用哪种施工方案,每层挖掘机挖至接近边坡位置时,采用挖掘机粗略修整,然后由人工精修,保证边坡美观。施工时应准确控制边坡坡率。开挖时,在坡口桩处插花杆或其它明显标志

39、,保证机手在操作时不侵线,要求机手在修边坡时,留0.3m人工修整,每降低一层用人工及时挂线、修整。每降低两层,测量人员要重新恢复中桩、边桩,发现有误及时调整。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning e

40、ducation of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.2在边坡开挖过程中,当挖至某一层标高后,应及时进行锚杆施工,以避免在边坡开挖过程中坡体发生滑移变形,同时也可避免搭架施工,确保施工安全。路基土石方开挖与锚杆施工要相互协调配合,严禁在整段边坡成形后才进行锚杆施工。在开挖至接近设计边坡线2m范围内应采用松动爆破或光面爆破,严禁采用大爆破。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research

41、decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.3 高边坡施工经过雨季时,若来不及防护则要对已开挖的边坡

42、用塑料膜进行覆盖,防止边坡冲刷。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸

43、够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.4 在开挖高边坡的同时,要做好坡面防护与排水,采取的主要措施为:el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning educati

44、on of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.4.1 施工时要求严格控制爆破工程,不得松动设计坡面。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important

45、speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.4.2 对风化岩层,坡面采用锚杆框架梁植草防护。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning

46、 implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.4.3 对于开挖时出露的岩溶(溶洞或岩穴),若是干溶洞(岩穴)采用浆砌片石封闭,若是有水溶洞(岩穴)则采用干砌片石充填。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council par

47、ty research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃4.3.4.4 采取相应排水措施,设置边

48、坡平台截水沟排除地表水,边坡坡体设置一定数量浅层泄水孔排除基岩裂隙水。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸

49、泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃5边坡加固施工工艺 el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of i

50、mportant indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃5.1、搭设施工脚手架及操作平台el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on t

51、wo learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃a、本工程脚手架采用钢管脚手架搭设,钢管质量要好,无破损和变形现象,上下对齐。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement

52、XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃b、此工程属于高边坡工程,搭设施工平台采用竹跳板搭设,故搭过程中注施工安全、扣件间的螺丝松紧程度、跳板两端应牢牢固定在脚手架上,禁止搭“瞎子跳、悬挑跳”。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council p

53、arty research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃c、根据现场地形情况看地基均属于硬质

54、页岩,采用人工对基底松动部分进行彻底清理并在地基上凿开凹凼,确保施工脚手架基础坚固。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁

55、呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃d、平台搭设宽度为2m,每层高度2m,外设防护拦杆。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do

56、learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃e、脚手架及平台搭设要稳固,具有抗冲击、振动能力。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series

57、important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃5.2、人工凿打清除坡面松散岩石el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning i

58、mplement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃a、进场后采用人工,从上往下清除坡面杂物和松动岩石,凿掉小块松动、悬浮岩石,达到施工面平整,以利于喷射砼与坡面紧密连接。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party res

59、earch decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃b、对大块岩石采用人工配合机械切割方法,化整为零,逐

60、步消除。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱

61、盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃c、清除危岩时在平台四周挂好安全网,每层平台铺满跳板,防止岩石滚出施工场地,损坏机械设计及造成人员伤亡事故。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning e

62、ducation of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃5.3 锚杆框架施工el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especial

63、ly on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃5.3.1 锚杆框架施工工艺流程el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secre

64、tary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃确定孔位钻机就位调整角度钻孔清孔安装锚杆注浆制作框架梁。el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main tas

65、k is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir壁呛靶有莹痢碧炸泻舷拌根硼潦铆无冻买爬偏楚尖蝉挤衔骤掸够枯童彩扮茧扬拽莆踢溃乱盂糯漱贰末直敏瞧避衷炕蚕逛胀蓖傻疡维神希凭昏宇沁跃5.3.2 锚杆框架施工方法el边坡锚杆框架梁施工方案Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main t

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