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1、2022年外研版五年级下学期英语语法填空考前专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 写出下列动词的ing形式。1have 2read3dance 4draw5talk2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Do you often take a_(dance)class in the evening?Yes, I do.2I am reading a book. What about you?I_(eat)breakfast.3In the morning, there are three classes. The_(three)class is English.4This book is his._(I)

2、is on the desk.5Please keep_(you)desk clean in the room.3. 根据首字母提示或用所给词的适当形式填空。1My mother is sitting in front of_(they).2There arent_(some) sofas in the living room.3Yang Ling_(have) a new house.4There is a boy between the_(car).5There_(be) any juice in the glass.6The house is in f_of the forest.7-I

3、 am very h_. -You can have some rice.8H_! There are three bears behind me.4. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1David,_(get) on the bus at the bus stop.2Turn right at the_(three) traffic lights.3The boy is standing next to_(they).4Lets go_(swim), Mary.5Tom_(not like) playing football.6I dont know how_(get) to the

4、 zoo.7The bag is full of_(mango).8He rides very_(good).9There_(not be) any fruit in the basketball.10_he_(do) his homework every day?5. 根据句意,用给单词的正确形式填空。1It_(be) in March.2My mum will_(make) zongzi then.3She_(have) a few fun things in spring.4We have_(an/a) Easter party.5What about you and_(you) par

5、tner?6. 填空题。1_2_? We eat breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.3I always_(上舞蹈课)with my friends on Sundays.4I often_with my mother on Sundays.5I often_my room at home.7. 写出下列节日所在的月份。1Childrens Day is in_.2New Years Day is in_.3Tree Planting Day is in_.4Summer vocation is in_and_.5April Fools Day is in_.6M

6、id-Autumn Day is in_or_.8. 看图完成下列句子。1Look! The pandas are_bamboo.2Please talk_in the library.3The robot is_a picture.4Can you teach me to_Chinese kung fu?5Keep your desk_9. 根据图片完成下列句子。1I like_best because I can make a snowman.2Weoften_withmyparents.3Weusually_inspringneartheriver.4Ialwayshelpmymum_o

7、nSundays.5A: Whendoyou_? B: Atsixinthemorning.10. 按要求写单词。city(复数) get on(反义词组)they(宾格) before(反义词)bus(复数)11. 根据实际情况回答问题。1What are you going to do this weekend?2How does your mother usually go to work?3When is your birthday?4Where will you go travelling during the summer holiday?5How long do you need

8、 to go to school?12. 用适当形式填空。1She_(come) to school on foot.2Do you have any toy_(bus)?3Lets_(take) a bus.4There are many_(city) in China.5Where_your parents_(work)?6Dont_(run) in the classroom.7What about_(sit) here?8A train_(go) through the tunnel.9The boy_(try) on the shoes. They_(fit) well.10Bobb

9、y cant_(find) his new bike.11Tom wants_(pick) the flowers.12_(who) are these books?13. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The Great Wall is about 2000 _ (year) old.2The light is yellow. Please _ (wait). _ (Do) go!3Dont _ (be) afraid. Ill help you.4There _ (be) some boys and girls.5How does Tom _ (feel) on the way back t

10、o the hotel?He _ (feel) tired.14. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1There_(be) a pen in the box, but there_(be not) any books.2How many_( library) are there in your school? There_(be) two.3_(do) the parrot_(have) a long tail?4The rabbit_(have)a short tail._(it)ears are long.5My brother_(like)_( listen ) to music

11、.6Can Kate_( dance)? Yes. She likes_(dance) very much.7Can you show_(we) around_(you) new house?8We_(have) black eyes, but Tom_(have) big blue eyes.9There are_(three) floors in my house. My bedroom is on the_(three) floor.10I_(be) thirsty. But there_(be not) any water in the glass.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1N

12、ew Years Day is on the_(one) of January.2They knock on_(people) doors and shout “Trick or treat?” for_(sweet).3What about_(go) fishing this afternoon?4We can put these presents in different_(place).16. 看图,用“be going to”补全句子。1Mike_next winter.2Janet_in the park.3They_in the sports meeting.4I_this eve

13、ning.5We_on Tree Planting Day.17. 选择方框中正确的短语填空,将序号填在横线上。A. showaround B. so heavy C. One the otherD. Thats great. E. a factory1Shes a worker. She works in _.(_)2-He helps sick people. -_(_)3Sam is_. Bobby is tired.(_)4I have two pets. _ is a fish _is a dog.(_)5Shes new here. Lets _ her_.(_)18. 按要求写单

14、词。1up(反义词)_2have(第三人称单数形式)_3him(主格)_4where(同音词))_5go(第三人称单数形式)_19. 看图选择合适的单词或短语完成句子,将序号填入括号内。A. playing B. Whos C. play D. talk E. Whose1I will _ the pipa for my mum on Mothers Day.(_)2_ storybooks are these?(_)Theyre Sarahs.3When were in the library, we should _ quietly.(_)4_ your music teacher ?(_)Mr Wang.5Look! The dogs are _ with each other.(_)7 / 7

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