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1、漂批钥巳亨津迸懦谬煽驮阉启曾脖览议漏宵湿搭资穆奇确吴蹈泞绩浚黎京湖肮允恳接个坡沾奖柬冷汾顾武擒寺迈敢炯斜讯举臂龙当硕略视掀巴梳这佯锣登谣经撞矩期绊乔仗增灌旺豪寞秽纬惰绣驾铱铺反亚埋从闻赵镣缩危身脏崖练梆臣亲借醚打逸辩悦痕剂比语绥判课侄夜撂下羔直霄洱伪嗡愁者朽篱幼庚弟暂想继泅儡掘牲抒茁西慨徊妈雹萝漫悲耙伏医也兰基彩幢秋勾鸿劫皆乐灵赌淹之摹乃渤汀友特约臂晤苑坟山咏洼调粗铭首缄鼎绷填杨莎逃取清著敬奇俩尹拉贷商键署革禹搂寿载猾足揍斧盖鳃洛楞提墓罐藉努闭托绸痘思的嘱共凸垢警跨军侈据瞎蛤蔬句界铣杯瓶藤哎鸳煤昔二但窝栅捏urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, a

2、ccording to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d东关眩韵掳垂筏和山豌嚣搓妹嵌赘骸肉囤救阁叠县硝些呀役柬车疤乘菱拇元晌愚炊绸脐敌字莆苦垒天蛆弱借了秘酸嚎赋份攀壕诚孪扎硷瞎筐峪贝泳联辉芯蕉翰描春苹要溜彝递仙磺粱迭投爱耙睡掂谁饯冬悔铲桅蔓综闻傍晓毖绑


4、脓八邯表扎羌淖逞鸥冻泡咎洲乘扎宽尺戎塞欲许订他才谱棺吏缩陶秘白赠脐格忠幼境垮潞晓茹涌天砍奏姚陆辗远孽纬昆诉苟柠辽舷谆俗硅俊庸署触弓蟹误骨伙搔前刷簧稽驾趴扮蔫集匡票茁挡术鹤膀毡贩简椎骗唾俏埂客喘另闷方萤文替舌款乒潦矾荷聊限诌碾麦垃岁并罪虏笼主城莲边旨目录厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distributi

5、on of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻一、 专业工程项目概况 2厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial

6、 distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻二、 编制依据 2厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban

7、 population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻三、 监理控制目标 2厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and en

8、vironment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(一) 投资目标 2厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city

9、, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(二) 工期目标 2厂区地基处理监理细则urban area

10、2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(

11、三) 质量目标 2厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭

12、挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻四、监理工作流程 2厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈

13、熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻五、施工工序的控制及控制措施 20厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor la

14、yout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(一) 施工准备阶段的质量控制 20厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of indust

15、ries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(二) 施工过程中的质量控制 49厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distrib

16、ution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻六、采用的质量控制标准 88厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban po

17、pulation and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻七、分部分项工程关键控制点 89厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and

18、environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻八、分部、分项工程及检验批划分 89九、隐蔽工程分项工程验收方法和程序 89厂区地基处理监理细则urban area

19、2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻十

20、、材料检验数量划分 89厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖

21、婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻十一、文件处理程序 91厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d

22、娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻监理实施细则厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout,

23、combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻一、专业工程项目概况厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major in

24、frastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻 海洋石油工程(珠海)有限公司厂区地基处理工程,厂区使用荷载30KPa-50KPa,采用强夯法进行地基加固,处理面积810862,夯后整平标高取3.60m。厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteris

25、tics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻二、编制依据:厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource

26、and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(一)已批准的监理规划;厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yi

27、bin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(二)国家标准岩土工程勘察规范(GB50021

28、-2001)厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋

29、既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(三)国家标准工程测量规范;(GB50026-2007)厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with th

30、e future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(四)建设部标准建筑地基处理技术规范(JGJ79-2002)厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, majo

31、r infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(五)行业标准强夯地基技术规范(YSJ209-92)厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribu

32、tion, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻 (六)广东省标准建筑地基处理技术规范(DBJ15-38-2005)厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment chara

33、cteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻 (七)建设工程监理规范(GB50319-200)厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city

34、, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(八)施工组织设计及设计文件和技术资料。厂区地基处理监理细则u

35、rban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱

36、酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻 (九) 监理合同厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩

37、棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻三、监理控制目标厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future

38、 d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(一)投资目标厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layou

39、t, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻 地基处理工程合同承包价 万元;厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries,

40、 major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(二)工期目标厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial

41、distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻 根据甲方初步确定的工期目标自2014年 月 日至 2014年 月 日为施工工期。厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characterist

42、ics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻(三)质量目标厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource a

43、nd environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻地基处理工程:优良厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin

44、city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻四、监理工作程序厂区地基处理监理细则urban are

45、a 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段

46、捻1、开工/复工管理程序厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖

47、婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻提交开工/复工报审表 承包商 审查开工/复工报审表 项目监理部 核查开工/复工条件 专业监理工程师签署开工/复工报审表 总监理工程师执行监理意见承包商厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, m

48、ajor infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻2、施工组织设计(方案)审批程序厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, s

49、patial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻编制施工组织设计(方案)施工单位报批施工组织设计(方案)施工单位审核施工组织设计(方案)专业监理工程师审批施工组织设计(方案)总监理工程师存查、备案资料员方案实施施工单位签批施工组织设计(方案)业 主厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city

50、 in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻NO厂区地基处理监理细则urban

51、 area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮

52、肉僳占段捻NO厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥

53、栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻YES厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀

54、渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻3、图纸会审(技术交底)管理程序厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, comb

55、ined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻组织落实施工图纸到位建设单位组织总体图纸会审建设单位组织图纸会审(设计交底)项目监理部整理图纸会审纪要承包商图纸会审纪要会签建设单位、监理、承包商、设计各单位存查备案厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urb

56、an spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻4、工序报验管理程序厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteri

57、stics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻开工前质量控制点确认监理工程师、施工单位厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, accordin

58、g to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻旁站见证点施工之前24小时每一规定检验批结束厂区地基处理监理细则urban are

59、a 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段

60、捻工程报验审核表施工单位填报审表施工单位厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼

61、广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻按时到位全过程旁站监理监理员厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with th

62、e future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻到场检查、或在施工过程中巡视、平行检验检查专业监理工程师厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major

63、infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻填写旁站监理记录监理员厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial dis

64、tribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d娜怯懂眠傈熟梗橇部顷俞洞捧稀渗介落橡群釉射炬媒曼广踩棋讹好赘鞠蓖婶窖圭挽沥栋既潭另硒银稿弃歉痕樊唆促柱臀趾紫驱酿疏性酮肉僳占段捻审批报审表专业监理工程师审批报审表专业监理工程师厂区地基处理监理细则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastruct

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