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1、46 LINDEN STREETACT IGRAMMARRichard wants to take a photography of Mrs. Vann and Gerald. He asks, “May I take a picture of you and your little boy?” “Can I” and “May I” can both be used to ask for permission. But the latter is more polite. Examples:A student is talking to a teacher during a test:1.

2、- May I use a pencil instead of a pen?- Yes, you may.2. May I use a dictionary?- No, you may not. This is a vocabulary test.Now make a short conversation according to the following situation:Situation one: A child is talking to a parent.Situation two: A worker is talking to a boss.Situation three: Y

3、ou are talking to a friend.USEFUL LANGUAGE*introduce yourself:My name isI m *ask for permission : May I take a picture of you and your little boy?*introduce a conversation: By the way *thank someone :I appreciate your help.Thank you .Thanks again.*respond to someone thanking you :My pleasure.You re

4、welcome.*start talking to a stranger: Excuse me .*say good-bye after meeting someone for the first time:It was nice meeting you .It was a pleasure meeting you .CULTURE NOTESThe population of the United States is over 250 million people. American family names-Adams, Barbarino, Gomez, Kim, Kessler, Ya

5、mada一show that its people, ort heir parents or grandparents, come from countries all over the world. Many people say that America is like a “vegetable soup., Each national group is important and adds to the “flavor of America. Alexandra is living with an Hispanic family. Hispanic Americans come from

6、 places such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central America, and South America. Hispanics, Greek-Americans, Chinese-Americans, and other people from around the world are proud to remember their cultures and traditions. They often speak their native languages and follow many of their old customs at ho

7、me. At school or at work, and on national holidays like Thanksgiving, however, everyone is an American.ACT IIFOCUS INThank you (for your help).I appreciate your help.Thanks a lot/ very much.I want to thank you for your help.Its very nice of you.Youre welcome. Dont mention it.Glad that I could help.M

8、y pleasure,Its nothing.Any time.I sorry. I couldnt help.Im sorry. They dont have it.Thank you anyway.It was nice of you to try.Thank you just the same.GRAMMAROrder of adjectives:Size color material objectlarge green woolen shirtmedium-sized red canvas tablesmall yellow cotton skirtlittle brown paper

9、 house purple metal desk pink glass cup black silk vase white nylon gray plastic orange leather tan rubberUSEFUL LANGUAGE*describe something :A small canvas bag .*compliment someone : I think it looks terrific on you .*make suggestions: Try this sweater.How about green ?*apologize: .Im sorry Im so l

10、ate . Im really sorry . *ask for help:Can you help me ?*reassure someone:Don t worry .*ask if someone found something : Did anyone find a small canvas bag ?ACT IIIFOCUS INMy name is Richard Stewart. Im a photographer.Im Martha Vann.Im Richard. Whats your name?Gerald.By the way, Im Richard. Whats you

11、r name?Alexandra.We live in California.Are you from New York?No, Im from Greece.Im Robbie, Robbie Stewart.Im Alexandra Pappas. How do you do?Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife, Marilyn.Richard showed me your photo. How do you do?Oh yes. Richard told us all of you. Its nice to meet you.

12、And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.How do you do?And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart.Nice to meet you, Alexandra.And youve met Robbie.Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi.Hi.It was nice meeting you all.USEFUL LANGUAGE*introduce someone : Let me introduce you . This is*respond to an introduction :How do yo

13、u do ?Its nice to meet you.*correct yourself : Its Richards film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas ,*offer:Would you like something to eat?Would you like to call home?Can I drive you home?*thank someone: Im so glad you took the time and trouble to return the bag.*respond to thanks : It was no trouble.*accep

14、t an offer: I d appreciate that.*refuse an offer: No, thanks,CULTURE NOTESWhen Richard Stewart introduced his family to Alexandra Pappas, he said, “This is my wife Marilyn.And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.and my father, Dr. Philip Stewart. Americans usually make introductions with first names an

15、d last names. They usually dont use Mr. Mrs. or Miss in an introduction because they feel that these titles are very formal. In fact, if someone calls an American Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss, he or she usually says, “Please call me Dave (or Jane or Sandra).Americans usually call you by your first name r

16、ight away, too. When they use first names, they are being friendly, not impolite. But if you are not comfortable with calling someone by his or her first name, especially an older person, dont! Alexandra says, Thanks, Mrs. Stewart. Medical doctors, judges, college officials, military officers, and c

17、lergy are usually addressed with an occupational title, however. Examples of occupational tides are Dr. Stewart, Judge Brown, Dean Rate, Captain Snyder, and Father Hara. 0f course you can always be very polite and call a man Sir or a woman Maam if you are not sure of his or her name.EPISODE 2THE BLI

18、ND DATEACT IFOCUS INExcuse me, can you help? what do you want?Wheres 83 Wooster Street?Thats easy , walk to the corner and make a left turn, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to Wooster.Thank you .Excuse me, Maam.I am looking for 83 Wooster Street.Yes. Wooster Street is tw

19、o blocks and 83 is to the right.Go to the traffic light at the corner of Prince Street and make a right turn. Go one block and make a left at Queen Street. Go to 290 Queen Street.GRAMMARApologizing: People usually apologize when they cause trouble, pain or inconvenience to others. When Harry arrives

20、 late at Susans apartment, He apologizes by saying, “ Sorry Im late.” Susan apologizes because her apartment is not in order. She says, “ Excuse the mess.”Making excuses: People usually make excuses or give some explanations after apologizing. Harry makes excuses for being late. To make excuses, he

21、says, “ The traffic. The parking. I was lost” Susan makes an excuse for her messy apartment. She says, “ I just moved here.”Accepting an apology: Susan accepts Harrys apology by saying, “ dont worry about being late. Its fine.” Because Harry was nervous, he didnt say anything to accept Susans apolog

22、y. In this situation, someone might say, “It looks like a nice place” or “ My place is much more messy.”USEFUL LANGUAGE *Ask for help:Excuse me. Can you help me?*Say goodbye to someone you just met:Hope to see you again.*Apologize:Where is?Im looking for*Give directness:Make a left turn.Then walk tw

23、o blocks to the traffic light.*Make excuses:I was lost.I just moved here.*Accept an apology:Dont worry aboutIts fine.*Say a telephone number so that someone can reach you:Ill be at 555-1720.*Accept a gift:What pretty flowers!CULTURE NOTESAmericans are happy to give directions on the street. When Har

24、ry asked for directions, he started with, “Excuse me. This is the usual way to begin a conversation with or to ask for information.When asking for directions, it often helps to add a little explanation, such as “Im new here” or “Im afraid Im lost.” You can also start with a question, such as “Do you

25、 know?” “Can you tell me how to get to.?” Always repeat the directions after you hear them. Repeating will help you remember, and it shows the person helping you that you understand. ACT IIFOCUS INSomsak is offering.Would you like something to drink?How about a California chablis?May I bring you a s

26、alad?Would you like a cup of coffee?May I bring you some dessert?Susan and Harry are ordering.Id like a glass of ginger-ale with ice.Do you have a dry with wine?Ill have the mee krob also.Do you have some herbal tea?Ill have some dessert.Ill try your special salad.Ill take the soup of the day.Ill be

27、gin with a glass of white wine.Id like to begin with a salad.May I recommend?What do you recommend?What would you like to eat?USEFUL LANGUAGE *Order something to eat or drink:Id like the mee krob.Ill have the mee krob.*Make a suggestion:How about?I recommend*Greet someone:Welcome!*Ask about someones

28、 job:What do you do?*Excuse yourself:Please forgive me.*Ask about a problem:Whats the matter?Is it serious?*Express concern:I hope nothing is wrong.I hope your daughter is all right.FOCUS INHes an accountant.He works with numbers.He manages your money.He plans your taxes.Shes in business.Shes the vi

29、ce-president in a toy company.Shes in business. Shes the boss. Shes a sales clerk.She works in a store.She designs clothing too.Shes a teacher.Shes a nurse.Hes a pilot.Thats her/his job.Hes a vendor.He sells hotdogs.She sells ice ream.USEFUL LANGUAGE *Ask about a problem:Whats wrong?*Express surpris

30、e:You wont believe it!*Leave someone after a date:I had a nice evening.*Excuse yourself for making a surprise visit at a late hour:I hope its not too late.*Accept an excuse:Not at all.*Invite someone to enter:Come in. Join us. *Make a promise:I promise I wont leave early.*Leave a group of people:Im

31、going to excuse myself.CULTURE NOTESHarry and Susan went on a blind date. They didnt know each other before. Blind dates are common in the United States. A family member or friend may know a man and a woman who have a lot in common-who share the same interests or background. So the friend or family

32、member will arrange a blind date for the man and woman to meet. Some people enjoy blind dates very much. They like meeting and finding out about someone new. Other people get very nervous at the idea of meeting and spending time with someone they dont know. Single people can also meet each other thr

33、ough clubs and organizations, such as church or political groups, or through dating services. EPISODE 3GRANDPAS TRUNKACT IFOCUS INHe doesnt want anybody picking him up. He likes to be independent.I think thats good. Hes got his own way of doing things. He likes to take care of himself.Hes so funny.

34、He always makes me laugh.I guess hes a good sense of humor.Grandpa always tells us hell get here by himself. Hes something.In my opinion, hes very special man. What do you think?Well. I believe Im going to like him. Wont he miss being in Florida?What do you think?I think hell like being here with hi

35、s family.I suppose youre right. But what about you?What do you think?What kind of man is Grandpa?What do you imagine hes like?Why is he moving away from Florida? And how does he feel about moving to Riverdale?USEFUL LANGUAGE *Express excitement:I am so excited!Im very excited about his arrival!*Talk

36、 about a future event at a specific point in time:At this time tomorrow morning, Grandpa will be sitting with us at the kitchen .*Talk about future schedules:When does he arrive?*Express approval or agreement:Thats for sure.Thats a neat idea.*Express admiration:Hes something!*Express an opinion or b

37、elief:I thinkI believeI guessIn my opinionI betI suppose*Say two people are alike:She always reminds him of Grandpa.*Ask indirectly about something:We were just wondering about this trunk. (= Whats inside this trunk?)CULTURE NOTESMost Americans retire after the age of sixty. The usual age of retirem

38、ent is 65, although some people retire at 55 or younger. Other Americans do not retire until they are in their seventies. This type of late retirement is more frequent now as population growth in the United States slows down, and the average age of the citizens increases. Most senior citizens want t

39、o remain active after they retire. For many, retirement is an opportunity to pursue life-long hobbies or interests. Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance. Their income after retirement may include interest on bank savings and a company pension. Americans also receive Soci

40、al Security payments from the federal government. Many retirees move to warm parts of the country. The sunbelt (the southern states)has many retirement communities. In some towns in Florida, for example, most of the citizens are retired personsACT IIFOCUS INWhats your name?My name is StewartMalcolm

41、Stewart.Pleased to met you. Whats your name?Im Elsa Tobin. How do you do?How do you do? Where do you live?Small world. Im from Tituville, too.Its a small, small world. How do you do?Are you married?John and I celebrate our 40th anniversary next month.Congratulations. What do you do? Are you a doctor

42、, a mailman, a lawyer, an artist, a salesman, or a preacher?I just retired.Do you have family in New York?Yes, indeed.Im pleased to meet you. How do you do?USEFUL LANGUAGE*Offer help:Lets help you with this.*Ask for help:Would you kindly hold these keys?*Tell someone not to hurry:Take your time.*Exp

43、ress similarities:I am, too.*Respond to good news:Congratulations!*Express excitement about a future event:I cant wait to see them.*Say something doesnt bother someone:Some people dont mind being alone.ACT IIIFOCUS INMalcolm Stewart is not alone any more.Thats not for sure. In fact, hell have his fa

44、mily around him every day of his life now.But my father wont be lonely anymore.He has me, Philip Stewart and the rest of his family.He has Ellen, his daughter-in-law.You know I met Ellen when I was a student of the University of Michigan.Later she became my wife.We have three children now.Richard is

45、 very talented, like his grandfather.Marilyn is talented too. She designs clothing.Marilyn is Richards wife and shes also a sister-in-law to Susan.Susan is my daughter, she reminds me of her grandfather, Bernice Cassidy Stewart, my mother She was kind, intelligent, and lovable, like Susan.Susan has

46、two brothers, Richard and Robbie.We call him Robbie. Hes our other son.He loves his grandfather very much.USEFUL LANGUAGE*Wish someone a happy visit.Have a good stay.*Invite someone to visit you:Please look us up.*Accept an invitation:You look the day.*Talk about a memory after seeing something or s

47、omeone.This really brings back memories.*Express regret:Im sorry Susan isnt here.*Say you are pleased to see someone.Im sure glad you are here.Im so happy to see you!*Wish someone a good nights sleep:Pleasant dreams.*Express similarities:You look just like Grandma.CULTURE NOTESIn the U.S., senior ci

48、tizens often have to make decisions similar to those that Grandpa must make. For example, will they live permanently with their family? Or are they too independent? Will they prefer to live alone? Many older Americans must face these choices after the death of a lifelong mate, or if they have health

49、 problems of their own. Senior citizens in the U.S. usually like to be active. Retired workers sometimes join service organizations. For example, retired business people may become members of a group that gives advice to new businesses. Other retired persons may volunteer to work at libraries, schoo

50、l, museums, or hospitals.EPISODE 4A PIECE OF CAKEACT IFOCUS INI think aerobics is easy.Its easy. No problem. Its a piece of cake. No sweat. Its easy. No problem. Its a piece of cake. No sweat. Its a snap. its easy. No problem.Its a piece of cakeWhy are exercise classes so hard?Its not easy. Its roug

51、h. Its difficult. Its tough. Its not easy. Really difficult. Its hard and its tough. Its not easy. Its difficult. Its rough. Its very hard. Its difficult. Its hard and its tough. USEFUL LANGUAGE *express a possibility:I could work out in your class.*say something is easy:No problem.Its a snap.No swe

52、at.Its a piece of cake.*say something is difficult:Its rough.Its tough.*express certainty:without a doubt.I bet l can*say to telephone someone:Give him a call.*say youre leaving for a place:Im on my way over.*remind someone about something:And that includes Susan.Dont you forget.*say something is ar

53、ranged:Its all set.CULTURE NOTESThese days, Americans are paying attention to their health. They are eating right and exercising to stay in shape. Aerobics is a popular form of exercise in the United States. This type of exercise helps breathing and builds a strong heart, jogging, swimming, and bicy

54、cle riding are just three kinds of aerobic exercise. Americans are also watching their diet. Many people in the U.S. are eating food with less fat, salt, and sugar. Products without cholesterol, such as oat bran, are becoming very popular with Americans.ACT IIUSEFUL LANGUAGE*ask about someones job:W

55、hat do you do for a living?*make a suggestion:Did you ever think of photographing an aero-bics class?How about today?*propose a deal:Maybe you can photograph a class, and I could give you and Mrs.Stewart a month of classes一free.*persuade someone:Dont you think itd be a good subject?FOCUS INPronuncia

56、tion man. Pronunciation man. Pronunciation man.Listen.What you do?Excuse me. What you do?You are not speaking clearly.I asked what you do.What you do?You mean what do you do.Yes, what you do?Well, I speak English slowly and clearly. I dont understand your pronunciation. But a lot of people speak Eng

57、lish the way I speak English.Listen.What you do for a living, Mr.Stewart? What you photograph? What you mean?I dont believe this.What you mean?I mean they are pushing the sounds together.Thats right. Did you like listening to them? What? Did you hear me?Yes, I did. Did you really say didja. Did you

58、ever think of photographing an aerobics class? He said it too.Dont you love it?Dont cha. More pushing together. But dont you like this pronunciation?Its very common. Very frequent.Very interesting. I suppose. But dont you think it would be a goo subject? Maybe we can change the subject.0.K.Maybe we

59、can change the subject.We can talk about something else.Maybe you can photograph a class and.0hhh,what can I say?ACT III FOCUS INWell cook dinner together.Theyre going to cook dinner. Cook dinner together tonightFor how many people? Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me. “Thats six”, Dont forge

60、t Susan. “Thats seven. You can count them so you ask how many. How many? you can count them so you ask how many. “How many people?” Whats for dinner? Steak and potatoes.Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people? how much broccoli? You cant count it. So you ask how much.You cant count it so you ask, how much broccoli?Whats for dinner? A salad. We need tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and onions.Tomatoes, hmmmmm.you have tomatoes. You can co

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