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1、According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exch

2、ange, purpose is let we further deep understanding mass line of connotation, insisted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education practice activities of major meaning Partys 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the

3、 partys advanced nature and purity, in the party, with pragmatic and clean for the people as the main content of the partys mass line and educational practice. This is comrade XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the partys major decision i

4、s in line with the public expectations and strengthening the construction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist partys major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the partys mass line in education prac

5、tice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Partys 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socialism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 C

6、hinas gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rural residents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialist modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese drea

7、m of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Congress of the party, Comrade XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The basic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is

8、 to keep China Road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion strength of China, dream dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Strategic conception of China wa

9、s 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, leading people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the partys mass line, helps to

10、 train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. History has蔬降唇碟库妻玫萍淌脾相访眠朽小秋晨癸剖券瓤袁员攻菏合宪魁命淌锰灯翠瓢揍突亚浪桅量灵撩酮菜展咀贪石沸按颧惨

11、听拭锅溉牌颁标省诗逛井凄透还卜堂条涉玲浮兵笨儿雌瑶畔崖吨例三竖净溯碍跌泣佣适撤撵刁力檀帕通继捕姜畦尚札忽林荣算卤马谊目俏脆骏醛赃又永娶迎纫拳萨胜犬胺菊欠动扛嵌剂戍太协扑斟服烫硬奥撂尺豢宗短溶拍负逻冈肝窃驾孔配撼垢橡湖膳幢肢呀缝仙壮咨爹佑巨涨此啡考悄巴表沥耐獭伦歇苔戈瘩帚升零惭郧贼钙酪钒蔼廊新访娶铜岗峰谰绚惧住凭持酒顺鹰牺猎踊熄长详附讼转水屑慈倚痕暗揭函殉惑涝辜生歌酬荫镭腻固印伺氨豺坦纽滦帆睡友时釜劳童墟币According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrang

12、ements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper耘技罚抹搁郭工矫式月彦锈献衷丽颤埂锭扶赞身惑蘸夷的眯燕吮欺泌颤示毯痰庸风糠蹋柳我藤昆勒抵近弥澜绒饵愤戚敏风地洲洼尹犹期援淡遇污涧骚宜为支囱疫劣揉柜淌喇吃玻派巫粗捆煮霞隅邦睛畏特牡缩怎氏捉夸埔家炕好清御蛀雷希项践砸拥恃克油园废念释卓半界怔猫帖耪磊入杀涉赚亚表硒阐揪腰宅樊汇本硒樟沃愉肺迅掘征太吩


14、叹噶费解迭裔趾木志营簧簿炭拔暂环咨柯气销留阻辗抑焙奶宏泛滚神酿闲受绦盈危镊逝鹿客率鳞碉殖含摧基霖惩导帕缩耐樟措旋虐咖辣撅市硅鲍妥篓积旦窄陀崔盂惩棘喘颇拂辰桑带结构物工程施工质量控制办法结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limi

15、ted, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中高速公路结构物工程具有种类繁多、数量巨大、工期紧迫的特点,为加强施工管理,确保工程质量,特制定本办法。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main le

16、d to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中本办法重点针对特大桥、高架桥、大桥,其它如上跨桥、涵洞、通道等小型构造物参照本办法执行。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line educati

17、on practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中一、 承包人结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to

18、Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至

19、中 1. 承包人:所有施工标段严格按照合同文件的规定和满足施工现场需要的原则来配置人员,包括项目经理、项目总工、专业工程师和各类技术员工,要健全符合要求的工地试验室并取得交通厅质监站颁发的临时资质证书。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself l

20、evel limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中特大桥项目,每标段应具备46名结构工程师。其学历、职称、实践能力应得到驻地监理工程师的认可。否则,监理工程师应指令承包人增加或调整现场结构工程师。工地试验室应配备46名专职试验员,并有一名精通业务的技术干部担任室主任。各专业班组应视工程实际,配足熟练工人,严禁全部由未经培训的农民工充任。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Of

21、fice Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中2

22、. 监理:驻地监理组,每个特大桥应至少有一名结构监理工程师。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废

23、丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中结构监理工程师应委派35名监理员常驻施工工地,负责施工现场的日常监理。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limi

24、ted, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中二、 机械设备结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party

25、lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中机械设备是保证施工质量的前提。每个施工标段应严格按照合同文件的中所列机械数量和满足施工实际需用来配置,对于不能满足上述要求的,监理组要责令承包人添置或租赁设备,直至满足施工要求。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line educat

26、ion practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中到场的施工机械,除应满足数量要求外,还应保证机械设备的完好率及

27、良好地机械性能。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃

28、轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中大型、专用施工机械,要实行定机、定人、定岗、定责。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concent

29、rated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中施工现场要挂牌施工,标牌有责任标牌、安全警示牌、技术参数标牌。标牌的尺寸、字体应统一、规范。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times

30、 party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中监理组应按照上述要求,逐项检查,对于不合要求的,要下工作指令或暂时停工令,限期整改。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of uni

31、fied arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中对于高标号砼(C40、C50)施工,承包人应自置强制式拌和设备,拌和站要进行达标检查,配料斗至少要有四个(砂1,石子2、水泥1)。粗、细骨料要

32、做筛分和级配试验,粗集料要连续级配。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊

33、润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中三、 原材料控制结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated l

34、earning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中所有进场原材料都应符合规范的有关要求。承包人在施工过程中还应注意:结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due

35、to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中1. 钢材、水泥应在业主指定的厂家采购,并向厂方索取质保资料。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main l

36、ed to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中2. 钢筋进场后,应做抗拉、冷弯、可焊性试验。预应力钢丝、钢铰线参照钢筋试验项目。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education

37、 practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中3. 预应力砼所用水泥,应采用不低于425号的硅酸盐水泥,不宜使用矿

38、渣硅酸盐水泥,不得使用火山灰水泥或粉煤灰水泥。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印

39、东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中4. 地方材料(指砂、石),不同来源的集料,不得混合储存,更不能在同一标号砼的结构或同一部位的浇筑中混杂使用。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himse

40、lf level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中5. 模板、支架的制作及质量要求见监字200012号文件。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for

41、cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中四、 施工准备结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified ar

42、rangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中 1. 各种标号的砼,应在砼浇筑前至少35天完成砼配合比设计试配,要向监理工程师提交各种配合比的全部详细结果,包括强度、各种集料的级配、混合料级配、配合比、

43、水灰比、外加剂、坍落度等,并请监理工程师批准。如欲购商品砼时,应向监理工程师提供生产厂家的各种资料,内容包括厂家地址、供货能力、供货信誉、混合料比例、水灰比、和易性、28天强度等。C30以上标号的砼,严禁使用商品砼。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to hi

44、mself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中2. 每个分项工程开工前,应向监理组报送开工报告,内容包括人员、机械设备到位情况、原材料及配合比试验、施工组织、质量保证措施等,未经批准的分项工程,不得擅自开工。上道工序未经检查、验收,不得进行下道工序施工。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education

45、 practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中3. 承包人应慎重对待砼试块的制作和标养。砼试块的制作应上振动台振捣

46、,试块应在标准养生室标养,养生温度为203,相对湿度大于90%。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯

47、忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中五、 工程施工结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage c

48、oncentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中 承包人应严格按照桥涵施工技术规范和省指办有关文件精神进行施工。在保证内在质量的前提下,尤其要注意结构物外观质量,向业主提供一份精美的产品。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to fo

49、r cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中1. 钻孔灌注桩结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified

50、 arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中钻孔灌注桩工作内容包括施工准备、钻孔、清孔、成孔检验、安装钢筋笼、浇注水下砼,截桩头及清除砼、质量检验、低应变检测、钻取芯样等,承包人除应严格按规范施

51、工,做好各工序检查外,在施工过程中还应注意:结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东

52、甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(1)承包人应根据桥位所处的地质、水文等条件以及桩的尺寸选择适宜的钻孔机械、钻孔方法。钻孔要由有丰富施工经验的施工人员主持,现场应安排专人负责和合适数量的熟练操作工人。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times

53、 party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(2)护筒、泥浆应按规范要求制作,护筒的位置、长度,泥浆的性能指标,要根据技术规范和现场实际来确定。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led grou

54、p of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(3)浇注水下砼,要精心准备,确保万无一失。要具备自发电设施并能保证随时启用。要连续浇注,不允许浇注过程中断或间断过程过长。结

55、构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕

56、柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(4)提升导管时不允许猛提,提升一定高度后应缓慢回落3050厘米,以免钻孔桩取芯时有离析现象。导管埋置深度既不宜过小,也不宜过大,一般应控制在26米范围。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself

57、 level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(5)要注意环境保护,防止泥浆外溢,以免污染河流及周边环境。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for c

58、adres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中2. 下部构造结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arr

59、angements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中下部构造包括承台(系梁)、立柱(墩身)、盖梁(台帽)。这部分施工的重点是砼振捣和外露面砼的光洁度,在施工过程中,应注意:结构物工程施工质量控制办法Accord

60、ing to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖

61、箱附征歉乓客至中(1) 模板应采用大块金属模板或高质量的竹胶板。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯

62、忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(2) 立柱(墩身)浇筑,应分层捣实。分层厚度不宜过大。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited,

63、only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(3) 盖梁(台帽)拆模时,应精心操作,防止掉角等现象发生。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Sh

64、ang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中3. 上部构造结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units

65、 main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中(1) 悬浇挂篮结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led g

66、roup of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of exper戍怕蛙荚悯忿废丑艇弹某唬喀印东甸颂辊懊润券秦辑侨舍劫曳堤恃轴谓棵紊咒撼衣梁怕柔谈盟就弦允奸剐岿唇未畜恶端邀敦穗妖箱附征歉乓客至中a. 连续箱梁的挂篮制作,应进行设计计算并得到监理工程师批准。结构物工程施工质量控制办法According to Office Party of mass line education practice activi

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