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1、10条1 日常用语中英文对照1、哪(n )一(y )天(ti n)都(d u)可(k )以(y )? Any day will do?2、有(yu)我(w)的(de) 留(li )言(y n)吗(m) ? Any messages for me?3、你(n)一(y)个()人(r n)来(l i) 吗(m) ? Are you by yourself?4、你(n ) 没(mi) 有(y u)问(wn) 题(t ) 吧(b) ?All right with you?5、明(mn) 天(ti n)有(y u)空(k n) 吗(m) ? Are you free tomorrow?6、你(n)在(z

2、i) 跟(n)我(w)开(k i) 玩(wn)笑(xi o)吧(b)? Are you kidding me?7、不见不散。Be there or be square.8、马(m)上(sh n)回(hu ) 来(l i) !Back in a moment As soon as possible!9、信(x n)不(bu) 信(x n)由(y u)你(n ) ! Believe it or not!10 、下(xi ) 次(c ) 会(hu )更( n)好(h o) ! Better luck next time!11、本(b n) 性(x n) 难(nn)移(y )!Boy will be

3、boys12、有(y u)话(hu )直(zh ) 说(shu ) !Come to the point!13、收(shu)不(bu) 收(sh u)信(x n)用(y n)卡(k ) ? Do you accept plastic?14、可(k )以(y )保(b o)存(c n)吗(m) ? Does it keep long?15、别(bi ) 挑(ti o)剔(ti) 了(le) !Dont be so fussy!16、别(bi ) 指(zh ) 望(wn)我(w) ! Don t count to me!17 、不(b )要(y o)上(sh n)当(d n) ! Don t fa

4、ll for it!18 、你(n ) 搞( o)错(cu ) 了(le) ! Don t get me wrong!19、少(sh o)来(l i) 这(zh )套(t o)! Don t give me that!20、别(bi ) 让(r n) 我(w) 失(sh ) 望(wn) ! Don t let me down!21、别(bi ) 乐(l ) 昏(h n)了(le) 头(t u)! Don t lose your head!22、别(bi ) 做(zu )过( u) 头(t u)了(le) ! Don t over do it!23、别(bi )闲(xi n)着(zhe) 做(z

5、u )白(b i) 日(r )梦(mn) ! Don t sit there daydreaming!24、别(bi ) 太(t i) 拘(j )束(sh ) ! Don t stand on ceremony!25、要(y o)写(xi )信(x n)给( i) 我(w)! Drop me a line!26、来(l i) 得(d )容(r n)易(y )去(q )得(d )也(y )快(ku i) ! Easy come easy go!27、先(xi n)到(d o)先(xi n)得(d ) ! First come first served!28、快(ku i) 点(di n) 吧(b

6、)!Get a move on!29 、不(b )要(y o)嘲(ch o)笑(xi o)我(w)! Get off my back!30 、给( i) 他(t )点(di n)教(ji o)训(x n)! Give him the works!31、饶(r o)了(le) 我(w) 吧(b)! Give me a break!32 、帮(b n)我(w)一(y )个( )忙(mn) ! Give me a hand!33 、英(y n) 雄(xi n)所(su )见(ji n) 略(lu )同(t n) ! Great minds think alike!34、午(w)餐(c n)我(w)请

7、(q n)你(n ) ! Ill treat you to lunch.35、一(y )耳( r) 进(j n) ,一(y )耳( r) 出(ch ) ! In one ear, out the other ear.36、我(w)开(k i) 小(xi o)差(ch )了(le) ! Im spaced-out!37 、请(q n) 你(n) 再(z i) 说(shu )一(y ) 遍(bi n)!I beg your pardon!38、我(w) 付(f ) 不(b ) 起(q) !I can t afford that!40、我(w) 情(q n)不(b )自(z ) 禁(j n)!I c

8、an t help it!41、我(w) 联(li n)络(lu ) 不(b )上(sh n) 他(t ) ! I couldn t reach him!42、我(w)发(f )誓(sh )是(sh )真(zh n)的(de) !I cross my heart!43 、我(w)不(b )是(sh )故( )意(y )的(de) !I don t mean it!44、我(w) 好(h o) 沮(j ) 丧(s n) !I feel very miserable!45、我(w) 好(h o) 沮(j ) 丧(s n) !I have no choice!46 、视(sh ) 财(c i) 如(

9、r )命(mn) ! I watch my money!47 、保(b o)持(ch )联(li n)络(lu ) ! Ill be in touch!48 、我(w)去(q )看(k n)看(k n) !Ill check it out!49 、我(w) 带(d i) 你(n )四(s )处(ch ) 逛( un) 逛( un) ! Ill show you around!50、我(w) 会(hu ) 留(li )意(y ) 的(de) !Ill see to it!51、我(w) 为(wi) 你(n )疯(f n)狂(ku n)! Im crazy for you!52 、你(n )下(x

10、i )了(le) 我(w)一(y )跳(ti o)!You make me jump!53、作(zu ) 个( ) 决(ju )定(dn)吧(b)!Make up your mind.54、就(ji )当(d n)在(z i) 家(ji )一(y ) 样(y n)! Make yourself at home!55、我(w)要(y o)流(li )口(k u)水(shu )了(le) ! My mouth is watering!56、没(mi) 听(t n) 说(shu ) 过( u)! Never heard of it!57 、很(h n)高( o)兴(x n)和(h )你(n ) 聊(

11、li o)天(ti n) ! Nice talking to you!58、勿(w)庸(y n)置(zh )疑(y ) ! No doubt about it!59 、不(b )经(j n)一(y )事(sh ) ,不(b )长(ch n)一(y )智(zh ) ! No pain no gain!60、要(y o)你(n)管(un)?None of your business!61 、这(zh ) 没(mi) 你(n) 的(de) 事(sh )! There is nothing on your business!62、说(shu )得(d )对(du ) ! Now you are rea

12、lly talking!63 、请(q n)不(b )要(y o)吹(chu ) 促(c )我(w) ! Please don t rush me!64 、请(q n)一(y )定(d n)要(y o)通(t n)知(zh ) 我(w) ! Please keep me informed!65、她(t )今(j n)天(ti n)很(h n)忧(y u)郁(y)! She looks blue today.66、她(t )心(x n)情(q n)不(b )好(h o) ! She is under the weather.67、过( u) 得(d) 去(q) So far, so good.6

13、8、一(y ) 说(shu )曹(c o)操(c o) ,曹(c o)操(c o)就(ji ) 到(d o) Speaking of the devil!!69、离(l ) 我(w) 远(yu n)一(y ) 点(di n)Stay away from me!!70、集(j ) 中(zh n) 注(zh )意(y )力(l )Stay on the ball!!71 、不(b ) 都(d u) 一(y ) 样(y n)吗(m) ? That makes no difference.72 、这(zh )是(sh )个( )棘(j )手(sh u)的(de)问(wn)题(t ) That s a

14、touchy issue!!73、习(x )以(y )为(wi) 常(ch n) That s always the case!!74、这(zh ) 太(t i) 离(l )谱(p) 了(le) ! That s going too far!75、这(zh ) 才(c i) 象(xin)话(hu ) 嘛(m) !That s more like that!76 、白(b i) 忙(mn) 了(le) !The answer is zero!77、已(y )成(ch n)定(d n)局(j )了(le) ! The dice is cast!78、一(y )如(r )既(j )往(wn) ! T

15、he same as usual!79 、隔( )墙(qi n)有(y u)耳( r) ! The walls have ears!80 、你(n )又(y u)来(l i) 了(le) ! There you go again!81、没(mi) 有(y u)时(sh ) 间(ji n)了(le) ! Time is running out!82、最(zu ) 好(h o)马(m)上(sh n) 就(ji ) 走(z u) ! We better get going!83 、回(hu ) 头(t u)再(z i) 说(shu ) 吧(b ) ! Well discuss it later!84

16、、我(w) 们(men)很(h n)快(ku i) 就(ji ) 知(zh )道(d o)了(le) ! Well find out shortly!85 、我(w) 们(men)全(qun)都(du)赞(zn)成(chn) ! We are all for it!86、我(w)们(men)正(zhn)等(dn)着(zhe) 你(n )呢(ne) ! Weve been expecting you!87、真(zh n)便(pi n) 宜(yi) ! What a good deal!88 、真(zh n)令(l n) 人(r n)失(sh )望(wn) ! What a let down!89

17、 、你(n )有(y u)什(sh n)么(me)想(xi n)法(f )? What do you figure?90 、你(n )怎(z n)么(me)了(le) ?What happened to you?91、我(w)应(y n)该( i) 怎(z n)样(y n)做(zu ) ? What should I do?92 、你(n )有(y u)何(h )意(y )见(ji n)? What s would you recommend?93 、你(n )怎(z n)么(me)了(le) ? what s come over you?94、这(zh ) 跟( n)你(n )有(y u)关( un)吗(m) ? What s it to you?95 、你(n )在(z i) 想(xi n)什(sh n)么(me) ? What s on your mind?96 、你(n )要(y o)选(xu n)哪(n )个( ) ? Which would you prefer?97 、你(n ) 说(shu )不(b )是(sh )这(zh )样(y n) 吗(m) ? Wouldn t you say so?98 、你(n ) 真(zh n)体(t )贴(ti ) ! You are most understanding!You cant miss it!

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