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1、七年级下册英语第三次月考试卷七年级下册第三次月考试卷一、听力理解。(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。每段对话读两遍。()I.How is the weather in Boston today?A. Snowy. B. Rainy C. Cloudy()2. What are Pete rs parents doing now?A. Cleaning the house B. Washing the dishes C. Making soup.()3.Whats on Bridge S

2、treet?A. There is a hospital. B. There is a bookstore. C. There is a restaurant.()4. What does Tony think of the supermarket?A. Big .B. Dirty. C. Clean.()5. What does Tonys mother look like?A. Tall and heavy. B. Short and thin. C. Tall and thin.听下面几段段话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入

3、提前括号内。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。() 6. Who are talking on the phone?A. Bob and Tina. B. Tina and Sarah. C. Bob and Sarah.()7. What does Sarah want Tina to do?A. Call her back later. B. Take a message for him.C. Take her English dictionary to school.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。()8. Where does the girl want

4、to go ?A. To the post office. B. To the police station.C. To the bank.()9. Where is the post office?A. Next the hotel. B. Across from a bank.C. Behind the police station.听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题。()10. How old is Mr. Smith?A. 30 years old. B. 35 years old. C. 40 years old.()11. Where is Mr. Smith from?A

5、. Africa. B. America. C. Australia.()12. What does Mr. Smith like doing?A. Drawing. B. Singing. C.Running.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。()13. Who is that boy?A. John s brother. B. JohH s classmate. C. Bobs brother.()14. What does Mike look like?A. He is tall. B. He is heavy. C. He has straight blond hair.()

6、15. What does Mike always wear?A. A T-shirt and jeans. B. A T-shirt and sports shoes.C. Jeans and sports shoes.第三节 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,将人物和其所喜欢的动物匹配,并将其标号填写在题号后的横线上。短文读两遍A B C D EBillBills fatherBill s motherDickNancy1617.18.:19.20._、单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)()21. Jane has

7、 short hair and a round face.A. A B. an C. / D. the()22. Im a football match on TV now.A. looking at B. watching C. seeing D. looking()23.Its cold . You must wear your clothes.A. clean B. beautiful C. cool D.warm()24. The pay phone is Center Street.A. on B. between C. next D. in()25. There two shops

8、 and a bank near the school.A. isB. are C. has D. have()26.The boy spends much time the guitar.A. play B. to play C. playing D.plays( )27. -the weather in Shenzhen? Its hot.A. Whats B. HowsC. When sD.Where()28. - Is there a hospital in your neighborhood?A. Yes, there is. B. Yes , it is. C. No, it is

9、nt. D. No, there is.()29. You must tell the little girl on the wall.A. dont draw B. not draw C. not to draw D. not drawing()30.- Is your uncle tall or short? -A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnit. C. He is thin. D. He is tall.()31. Han Hong is a famous 智名 的)singer. She is good atA. singing B. to sing C. s

10、ings D. is sing()32. This person Jcak. I think is Jacks brother.A. likes B. like C. looks like D. look like()33. - Do you know Susan?-Yea, she is beautiful girl but she is quiet and shy.A. a kind B. kind of C. kinds of D. a kind of()34.- Nice to meet you ,Mike.?-Everything is OK. Thanks.A. What are

11、you doing? B. Where are you doing?C. How is it going? D. Why are you sad?()35. - What your new friend?-He is really quiet and doesnt like taking.A. would , likeC. does, likeB. does , looks likeD. is like()36. - Where is your friend?-Beijing.A. with B. go to C. from D. on()37.- What animals do you li

12、ke best?Oh,.()38. Dont talk. We for the math test.A. study B. are studying C. is studying D. to study()39. There is a river my school and my home.A. at B. on C. in D. between()40. Mom wants soup for me this afternoon.A. make B. to make C.do D. to do三、完形填空。(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项

13、出一个可以填入空 处的最佳答案,并并将其标号填入提前括号内。John is a schoolboy. He is 13 41_ old. He goes to school from Monday to Friday. He doesngo to school on _42一. He has many things to do at home. It is Sunday today .Now it is six o clock in the evening. John and his friends are all 43 home.What are they doing? John 44 on

14、 the phone Dave and Mary 45 eating dinner.Jenny is watching TV. She_46_ watching TV very much. Tom is 47 a book. He likes reading. He 48 he can learn much knowledgep识)from the books. Jim is 49 his room. What is Jack doing? Oh, he is doing 50 homework. He is a good student and he works hard.( )41. A.

15、 year B. years C. month D. months()42. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. FridayD. weekends()43. A at B. on C. with D.for()44. talks B. talk C.is talking D. are talking()45. A. amB. isC.are D. be()46. A. likeB. likesC. dont like D. doesnt like()47. A. look B. looking C. read D. reading()48. A. thinks B. doesnt

16、hink C. likes D. doesnt like( )49. A. do B. doing C. clean D. cleaning()50. A. her B. his C. my D. he四、阅读理解。(20小题,每小题2分,共40分) 阅读下面四篇材料,按文后要要求做题。APaul: Where is your school, Nancy?Nancy : On New Street, across from the bank.Paul: Is there a shopping center in the neighborhood?Nancy : Yes. There is a

17、shopping center on Bridge Street.Paul: Is it between a hospital and a museum?Nancy: Thats right. I usually go shopping with my mother there on Sunday morning. Paul: Is there a park near your school?Nancy: Yes. It is next to my school. I can see the view(l 景)of the park in my classroom.Paul: Is there

18、 a library in the neighborhood?Nancy: No, there isn t. But there is one on Center Street.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。()51. Where is Nancy s school?A. On Bridge Street. B. Across from the bank.C. Next to the bank. D. In front of the bank.()52. Is there a library in the neighborhood?A. Yes, there is.B.

19、Wedon know.C. No, there is one. D. No, there is n. ()53. Where is the shopping center?A. Between a park and a museum. B. Across from the bank.C. Next to a hospital. D. Across from the park.()54. Nancy usually goes shopping with her mother onA. Sunday morningB. Saturday afternoonC. Sunday afternoon D

20、. Saturday morning ()55. In Nancys classroom, she can see the view of theA. hospital B. museum C. park D. libraryBThere is a shy girl in our class. She is twelve years old. She is not tall and she is not short. She is a little fat. Her face is round, like an apple. She has two big black eyes and a s

21、mall nose. Her mouth is big, but her ears are small. Her hair is short and black. She likes the color red. But today she is wearing a yellow sweater, blue jeans and white shoes. She dislikes getting up early, so she is late for school. She doe snke to talk to others. She likes little animals. She ha

22、s a little black dog. She and the dog are good friends.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。()56. The girl is ofA. tallB. medium build(身材).C. shortD. medium height()57. She like the colorA. blue B. yellow C. red D. white()58. She hasA. small eyes and small nose. B. black eyes and black hair.C. big mouth and lo

23、ng hair. D. big nose and small ears.()59. The girl usuallyA. goes to school late. B. likes going to school late.C. talks to others.D. gets up late for school.()60. She has aA. big cat B. little cat C. little dog D. big dogCNameCityWeatherTemperatureJeffNew YorkHot3035 cHelenMoscowCloudy16-19CBobSydn

24、eyCool5-8CMaryHarbinSunny2023 c根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内()61. Who is in Moscow?A. JeffB. HelenC. BobD. Mary()62. How is the weather in New York?A. HotB. CloudyC. CoolD. Sunny()63. The word temperature, means in Chinese.A.距离 B.海拔 C.温度 D.高度()64. The city with the temperature of 5c 8 C isA. New York B.

25、 Moscow C. Harbin D. Sydney()65. Which of the following is Not true (下列哪项说法不实正确的)?A. Jeff is in Now York. B. The weather in Moscow is cloudy.C. Bob and Jeff feel hot. D. Mary has a sunny day in Harbin.D配对阅读。左栏是五个人的情况和向对方提问的内容,右栏是对方的六个回答。请为左栏的问题选择适合应答,并将答案写在题前括号内()66. I like searching the Internetand

26、 doing some homework on weekends. What about you ? What doA. I go to bed early every day. I think sleep is very important for our health. B. I m busy from Monday to Friday. So I usually stay at home and watch TV onyou usually do on weekends?()67. I like sports. I usually play tennis Saturdays and Su

27、ndays.after work. What about you ?()68. I have lots of vegetables andfruit every day. How about you?( )69. I sleep 9 hours every night. How about you?( )70. I like reading. I read many kinds of books. Books are my best friends.C. Tom often does some reading ,too. Because he thinks he can learn a lot

28、 from books.D. I play basketball every day. m in our school basketball team.E. I like vegetables very much. And I drink milk every day.F. I like going shopping with my friends at night.五、词语运用。阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词语并用其正确形式填空,使 意思完整,并将答案写在下面题号后的横线上,每空限填一词,每次限用一次,方框有两个词是多余的。(10小题,每题1分,共10分)watch clean for at

29、 read music brother her where dish morning whatIts in the 71 , Julias family are all _72_ home. Her father, Mr.Black, is sittingon a chair and 73_ a boo. Julia is in her room. She is listening to 74. Tim and Tom are her 75 ,they are 76 their bedroom.Because their motherthinks it isnt tidy. Where is

30、Mrs. Black? She is doing 77 now. Julia s sister Emma is helping 78 mother. 79 is Julias grandparents? They are 80_TV and talking on the sofa.71. 72.73. 79.80.六、根据句意或汉语意思用单词的适当形式填空(5小题,每小题1分,共5分)1. He s now 伊习)in the United States.2. The boy is very(年轻的).3. I want to 肝访)my teacher tod

31、ay.4. The library is on the(&边).5. My mother is(做饭).七、书面表达。(15分)假如彳叫Mike,你的朋友Larry明天要到你所在的城市,但你没有时间去机场接他。请给他发一封电子邮件,告诉他怎样从机场到你家。要求不少于50个词。要点提示:1 .先乘出租从机场到和平路。2 .沿着和平路走,经过一家超市向右拐。3 .穿过第八大街,当你看到一家邮局是,向右拐。你能看见一座红色的房子,那就是我的家。Dear Larry,I know you are arriving tomorrow. But I am sorrythatI hope you have a good trip.Yours, Mike

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